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The River Nile is one of the world’s major rivers. Its’ catchment in Egypt has a population of 75,000,000. River flow is highly regulated and there are known discharges of pollutants. 1035 km of the river downstream of the Aswan high dam was studied to test the hypothesis that representative qualitative samples can be used to estimate macroinvertebrate biodiversity. Benthic macroinvertebrates are difficult to sample in large rivers and a reliable sampling strategy is required to evaluate their ecological status. Three methods for sampling have been investigated. Ekman Grab, macrophyte sweep netting and Artificial Substrate Samplers (ASS) were used to sample 15 sites from Aswan to Cairo between September 2001 and June 2002. Organisms were identified to species level where possible. Taxon accretion curves indicated that the all taxa present at a site should be collected using either 15 grab samples, 10 macrophyte samples or 5 ASS. The best time to sample was May–June. The biodiversity of macroinvertebrates in the Nile was recorded as 50 taxa with values of 7–31 at individual bank-side sites. Mid-stream biodiversity was much lower (0–19). Lowest biodiversity occurred at sites with known pollution inputs whilst highest occurred at sites with high levels of sedimentation. A regular programme for biomonitoring is recommended which will allow current status to be confirmed and future changes detected.  相似文献   

Two indices, P1 and I, employing ranked data and following the beta distribution, are described. These indices, which are true statistical measures of water quality, can be used with any set of parameters. Further, these indices correlate highly with biological and subjective-engineering assessments of water quality. Three indices, employing raw data and based on the chi-square distribution, are described. Two of these, B1 and B2, do not have sufficient discrimination to serve as general measures of water quality, although they have use in specific circumstances. The index C has been found to be a measure of excessive variability (at a station), and can be used to quantitatively compare the (data) variability among stations. The five indices described here are evaluated against a set of operational criteria which a mathematically sound index should meet.  相似文献   

An ED-based Protocol for Optimal Sampling of Biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While conservation planning requires good biodiversity data, our knowledge of most living groups is scarce and patchy even in well-sampled regions. Therefore, we need methodologies for rapid assessments for particular groups and regions. Maps of any biodiversity surrogate can be interpolated from even a few well-known sites, but such places are usually lacking. We therefore propose a protocol for designing field surveys to obtain good coverage of pattern variations of biodiversity in a given region. To represent biodiversity patterns comprehensively, we use a rule step site-allocation procedure, partially based on Faith and Walker's ED criterion that takes environmental and spatial variation into account, together with other criteria such as survey costs. A preliminary assessment of the adequacy of this site sampling strategy is made. Then a set of complementary sites is selected for further sampling. Using the ED criterion, during the stepwise process a p-median analysis is applied both to an environmental distance matrix and to a spatial distance matrix, to maximize the amount of variation covered by our survey planning. This rule-set allocation procedure is integrated into a continuous sampling design protocol directed to ensure we can sample all biodiversity of a region. This protocol requires the gathering of both biological and environmental information, an assessment of previously available information, the choice of sampling methods and dates, and a continuous assessment of the success of the survey being carried out. An example of the application of this protocol to the survey design of dung beetle (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) diversity in the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) is included.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping is a sampling technique extensively used to sample surface foraging invertebrates for biological diversity studies and ecological monitoring. To date, very few invertebrate studies have considered what trap size is optimal for sampling spiders. This study presents preliminary findings from a single short sampling period on the role of trap size in sampling spiders in a Western Australian Jarrah forest. Four different trap diameters (4.3, 7.0, 11.1 and 17.4 cm) were examined (4 trap sizes × 15 replicates = 60 traps). Two-way ANOVAs revealed no significant interaction effects between trap size or the spatial positioning of transects within the study site along which the pitfall traps were arranged. Post-hoc tests revealed abundance, family richness and species richness increased with increasing trap sizes for traps 7.0 cm. No significant differences in these dependent variables occurred between 4.3 and 7.0 cm traps, or for species richness between 11.1 and 17.4 cm traps. Determination of an optimal trap size was undertaken by bootstrapping and calculating species accumulation curves for increasing numbers of traps used. Three different criteria were considered: equivalent number of traps (15), standardized sampling intensity (cumulative trap circumference, approximately 207 cm) and standardized cumulative handling time (approximately 1 hour 17 minutes). The largest trap size (17.4 cm) was most efficient in terms of number of traps and trap circumference. For the same number of traps, it caught 19 species whereas all other trap sizes caught ten species. At the standardized circumference, it caught seven species whereas all other trap sizes caught five. For handling time, however, the two largest trap sizes (17.4 and 11.1 cm) were optimal. Both caught nine species whereas all other traps caught 相似文献   

Although termites are ecosystem engineers in tropical and sub‐tropical environments, the study of termite ecology is often constrained by sampling difficulties and a lack of established sampling protocols, particularly for savannas. The efficiency and relevance of different methods along climatic gradients, even within a single biome, is largely unknown. Here, we compare the relative contribution of two commonly used sampling methods, cellulose baits and active searching transects, in quantifying savanna termite diversity along a rainfall gradient in South Africa; sampling was conducted during the wet season across four markedly different savanna types. We also assessed the usefulness of different forms of baiting techniques. The relative efficiency of sampling method varied with annual rainfall. In arid savannas, baiting was as effective as active searching transects at sampling termite diversity and we recommend the use of baiting rather due to it being less labor intensive. In savannas of moderately low to intermediate rainfall, baiting and transects sampled different termite species and so both are deemed necessary for an accurate assessment of termite diversity. In contrast, in wetter savannas transects gave a better assessment of diversity, with cellulose baits not contributing much to diversity assessment. The efficiency of baiting techniques differed across the rainfall gradient, with baits needing to be left in the field for a longer period in more arid savannas. We conclude that habitat type, even within a single biome, will determine the sampling method or methods necessary to quantify termite diversity accurately.  相似文献   

In an attempt to estimate a finite population mean under the predictive approach described in Basu (1971) through the product method of estimation, we created a new product-type estimator for a two-stage sampling procedure. We also report a simulation study that is made in order to understand better the performance of the new estimator compared to the classical product estimator.  相似文献   

Rice fields host a large diversity of arthropods, but investigating their population dynamics and interactions is challenging. Here we describe the modification and application of a leaf blower-vac for suction sampling of arthropod populations in rice. When used in combination with an enclosure, application of this sampling device provides absolute estimates of the populations of arthropods as numbers per standardized sampling area. The sampling efficiency depends critically on the sampling duration. In a mature rice crop, a two-minute sampling in an enclosure of 0.13 m2 yields more than 90% of the arthropod population. The device also allows sampling of arthropods dwelling on the water surface or the soil in rice paddies, but it is not suitable for sampling fast flying insects, such as predatory Odonata or larger hymenopterous parasitoids. The modified blower-vac is simple to construct, and cheaper and easier to handle than traditional suction sampling devices, such as D-vac. The low cost makes the modified blower-vac also accessible to researchers in developing countries.  相似文献   

Prudent management of lotic systems requires information on their ecological status that can be estimated by monitoring water quality and biodiversity attributes. To understand environmental conditions in Gatharaini drainage basin in Central Kenya, a study was carried out to establish the relationship between water quality and macroinvertebrate assemblages between the months of March and September 1996. Six sampling sites, each 25 m long were selected along a 24‐km stretch of the stream, which drained land under agricultural, residential and industrial use. Water physico‐chemical data was explored using multivariate analysis of Principal Component Analysis to detect environmental trends downstream. Both macroinvertebrates and water physico‐chemical data of suggested trends were analysed for variations and correlations. Temperatures and invertebrate densities changed significantly between the dry and wet season (P < 0.01) but the fluctuations were not evident downstream. Water physico‐chemical characteristics (total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen) and biodiversity indices (species richness, diversity, dominance, evenness) changed markedly downstream (P < 0.01). Biodiversity indices correlated inversely with TDS, pH and turbidity but positively with dissolved O2. It was evident macroinvertebrate assemblages changed significantly downstream as opposed to functional feeding groups. Diptera was important in most sites whilst Oligochaeta dominance increased downstream corresponding to the deterioration in water quality. Collectors/browsers were the dominant functional feeding groups at most sites. This study showed that significant changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages were primarily due to water quality rather than prevailing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护优先区是我国为加强生物多样性保护和监管划定的重要区域,目前部分优先区已陆续开展生物本底资料的调查评估工作,但受限于经费、时间等条件,对区内所有县域或网格全覆盖式科考,既不现实也无必要,因而区域尺度的抽样设计是一个亟需解决的关键问题。以武陵山生物多样性保护优先区为例,结合层次聚类和系统抽样方法,同时考虑历史调查资料的系统完整程度和空间保护属性,提出了一个科学可行的抽样方案。首先将研究区域内的所有县域聚为5类,每类挑选出2个重点县域,共获得6个历史上进行过系统科学考察的县域和4个本底资料相对缺乏的县域,进而挑选出76个重点调查网格(10 km×10 km),其中生物多样性富集网格36个,保护区外的人类干扰网格40个,抽样比例为11.09%,每个网格平均调查经费为2.52万元。该抽样策略区分了调查层次并突出重点区域,使调查和评估更有针对性,进一步完善了保护优先区基础调查系统,也强化了项目管理能力,对其他保护优先区项目开展具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Soil microbial diversity and the sustainability of agricultural soils   总被引:71,自引:1,他引:71  
Many world ecosystems are in various states of decline evidenced by erosion, low productivity, and poor water quality caused by forest clearing, intensive agricultural production, and continued use of land resources for purposes that are not sustainable. The biological diversity of these systems is being altered. Little research has been conducted to quantify the beneficial relationships between microbial diversity, soil and plant quality, and ecosystem sustainability. Ecosystem functioning is governed largely by soil microbial dynamics. Differences in microbial properties and activities of soils have been reported but are restricted to general ecological enumeration methods or activity levels, which are limited in their ability to describe a particular ecosystem. Microbial populations and their responses to stresses have been traditionally studied at the process level, in terms of total numbers of microorganisms, biomass, respiration rates, and enzyme activities, with little attention being paid to responses at the community or the organismal levels. These process level measurements, although critical to understanding the ecosystem, may be insensitive to community level changes due to the redundancy of these functions. As microbial communities comprise complex interactions between diverse organisms, they should be studied as such, and not as a black box into which inputs are entered and outputs are received at measured rates. Microbial communities and their processes need to be examined in relation to not only the individuals that comprise the community, but the effect of perturbations or environmental stresses on those communities.  相似文献   

We present the first representative and quantified overview of the indices used worldwide for assessing the biodiversity of coral reef fishes. On this basis, we discuss the suitability and drawbacks of the indices most widely used in the assessment of coral fish biodiversity. An extensive and systematic survey of the literature focused on coral reef fish biodiversity was conducted from 1990 up to the present. We found that the multicomponent aspect of biodiversity, which is considered as a key feature of biodiversity for numerous terrestrial and marine ecosystems, has been poorly taken into account in coral reef fish studies. Species richness is still strongly dominant while other diversity components, such as functional diversity, are underestimated even when functional information is available. We also demonstrate that the reason for choosing particular indices is often unclear, mainly based on empirical rationales and/or the reproduction of widespread habits, but generally with no clear relevance with regard to the aims of the studies. As a result, the most widely used indices (species richness, Shannon, etc.) would appear to be poorly suited to meeting the main challenges facing the monitoring of coral reef fish biodiversity in the future. Our results clearly show that coral reef scientists should rather take advantage of the multicomponent aspect of biodiversity. To facilitate this approach, we propose general guidelines to serve as a basis for the selection of indices that provide complementary and relevant information for monitoring the response of coral reef fish biodiversity in the face of structuring factors (natural or anthropic). The aim of these guidelines was to achieve a better match between the properties of the selected indices and the context of each study (e.g. expected effect of the main structuring factors, nature of data available).  相似文献   

Although near infrared (NIR) spectra are primarily influenced by undesired variations, i.e., baseline shifts and non-linearity, and many applications of NIR spectroscopy to the real-time monitoring of wet granulation processes have been reported, the granulation mechanisms behind these variations have not been fully discussed. These variations of NIR spectra can be canceled out using appropriate pre-processing techniques prior to spectral analysis. The present study assessed the feasibility of directly using baseline shifts in NIR spectra to monitor granulation processes, because such shifts can reflect changes in the physical properties of the granular material, including particle size, shape, density, and refractive index. Specifically, OPUSGRAN®, a novel granulation technology, was investigated by in-line NIR monitoring. NIR spectra were collected using a NIR diffuse reflectance fiber optic probe immersed in a high-shear granulator while simultaneously examining the morphology, particle size, density, strength, and Raman images of the mixture during granulation. The NIR baseline shift pattern was found to be characteristic of the OPUSGRAN® technology and was attributed to variations in the light transmittance, reflection, and scattering resulting from changes in the physicochemical properties of the samples during granulation. The baseline shift also exhibited an inflection point around the completion of granulation, and therefore may be used to determine the endpoint of the process. These results suggest that a specific pattern of NIR baseline shifts are associated with the unique OPUSGRAN® granulation mechanism and can be applied to monitor the manufacturing process and determine the endpoint.  相似文献   

In areas with intensive land use, such as the Netherlands, habitat fragmentation and loss of habitat quality due to eutrophication and drainage are major threats to the preservation of species‐rich communities of heathland and acid grassland. Restoration of such nutrient‐poor habitats may be carried out by removing the topsoil from ex‐arable land, in order to lower the nutrient levels. However, the establishment of target plant communities is known to be fragmentary. The current study shows that this also applies to butterflies. Ten years after topsoil removal in eight study areas, on average, only 3.5 of 10 characteristic heathland species were recorded on the sites. Species that did colonize had a significantly lower density than in the source populations. Our study indicates that although isolation effects were limiting colonization, poor habitat quality was the main limiting factor, mainly due to lack of host plants, hydrological conditions, and, to a lesser extent, lack of nectar plants and excessive residual nutrient levels. An experiment with the introduction of cut heather in one study area showed a significantly higher abundance of both target and nontarget butterflies in manipulated sites than in control sites. It can be concluded that habitat restoration by topsoil removal can be successful for butterflies of especially wet heathland habitats, provided that source populations are at close range and care is taken that complete plant communities are restored.  相似文献   

A nonparametric, robust density estimation method is explored for the analysis of right-angle distances from a transect line to the objects sighted. The method is based on the FOURIER series expansion of a probability density function over an interval. With only mild assumptions, a general population density estimator of wide applicability is obtained.  相似文献   

Recent evidence strongly suggests that biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation continue. How might a systems approach to ecology help us better understand and address these issues? Systems approaches play a very limited role in the science that underpins traditional biodiversity conservation, but could provide important insights into mechanisms that affect population growth. This potential is illustrated using data from a critically endangered bird population. Although species-specific insights have practical value, the main applied challenge for a systems approach is to help improve our understanding of the role of biodiversity in the context of ecosystem services (ES) and the associated values and benefits people derive from these services. This has profound implications for the way we conceptualize and address ecological problems. Instead of focusing directly on biodiversity, the important response variables become measures of values and benefits, ES or ecosystem processes. We then need to understand the sensitivity of these variables to biodiversity change relative to other abiotic or anthropogenic factors, which includes exploring the role of variability at different levels of biological organization. These issues are discussed using the recent UK National Ecosystems Assessment as a framework.  相似文献   

Ecologists are often required to estimate the number of species in a region or designated area. A number of diversity indices are available for this purpose and are based on sampling the area using quadrats or other means, and estimating the total number of species from these samples. In this paper, a novel theory and method for estimating the number of species is developed. The theory involves the use of the Laplace method for approximating asymptotic integrals. The method is shown to be successful by testing random simulated datasets. In addition, several real survey datasets are tested, including forests that contain a large number (tens to hundreds) of tree species, and an aquatic system with a large number of fish species. The method is shown to give accurate results, and in almost all cases found to be superior to existing tools for estimating diversity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a pilot study on the macroinvertebrate communities occurring in a fast-flowing river in Northern Spain. The objective was to devise a sampling strategy for use on a series of Basque rivers included in a site classification study. Two contrasted sites were chosen for the pilot-study on the River Lea (Bizkaia), at the headwaters and near the mouth. Taxon richness and distribution across the river was examined using two sampling techniques at each site. It was concluded that, ideally, timed sampling units should be collected at intervals across a river transect in order to acquire a representative list of taxa. In addition, adequate sampling in marginal areas was stressed because a number of taxa appeared to be exclusive to marginal areas. Sampling location and total sampling effort were also shown to be a major consideration when taxon lists were acquired for the application of routine biological surveillance techniques.  相似文献   

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