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Association of insulin with the plasma membrane of the pancreatic B-cell was revealed using the high-resolution protein A-gold immunocytochemical approach. The labeling was found to be heterogeneously distributed, the plasma membrane of the actin-rich microvilli being preferentially labeled. Morphometrical evaluation of labeling intensities confirmed the microvilli location of the insulin binding sites. This membrane domain, which also displays the glucose transporter, therefore appears to play important functional roles in the secretory activity of the B-cell. That the autocrine influence insulin exerts on its own secretion is receptor mediated through these insulin binding sites remains, however, to be determined.  相似文献   

A simple chromatographic assay for Rab geranylgeranyltransferase (Rab GGTase) has been developed. The method involves separation of the reaction mixture on a Sephadex G-25 superfine minicolumn. Addition of 2-propanol to the assay results in substantial (approximately 90%) decline of formation of noncovalent lipid-protein complexes, increasing reproducibility and reliability of the method. The activity of Rab prenyltransferase was measured in crude and partially purified enzyme preparations from wheat seedlings; measurements for several other plants and rat brain cytosol fractions are also presented. This method can be routinely applied to evaluate the activity of different protein prenyltransferases.  相似文献   

Particle resistivity is explicitly included in the equations relating volume to voltage pulse, in electronic cell sizing or resistive pulse spectroscopy (RPS). It has long been known that in high electric fields cell resistivity decreases as the membrane undergoes dielectric breakdown. At sufficiently high electric field strengths, well past dielectric breakdown, the red cell membrane becomes electrically transparent, or nearly so, and apparent cell size becomes essentially a function of the cytoplasmic resistivity. Electronic cell sizing is traditionally carried out at low electric field strengths, and corrections made for the influence of cell shape by use of the Laplace equation. We find the Laplace solution to be still applicable at very high electric field strengths for purposes of calculating specific cytoplasmic resistivity from RPS measurements. Our value for discocytes, 220 omega X cm, is in good agreement with published results obtained by other researchers using other techniques. We have also applied these same procedures to determine the time course of voltage-dependent resistivity changes in ghosts and intact spherocytes, during the first 5 min after suspension in hypotonic medium. We believe these to be the first explicit calculations of particle specific resistivity from post-dielectric-breakdown apparent size, using traditional electronic sizing techniques.  相似文献   

The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system mediates the transport of proteins across the bacterial plasma membrane and chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Operating in parallel with Sec-type systems in these membranes, the Tat system is completely different in both structural and mechanistic terms, and is uniquely able to catalyze the translocation of fully folded proteins across coupled membranes. TatC is an essential, multispanning component that has been proposed to form part of the binding site for substrate precursor proteins. In this study we have tested the importance of conserved residues on the periplasmic and cytoplasmic face of the Escherichia coli protein. We find that many of the mutations on the cytoplasmic face have little or no effect. However, substitution at several positions in the extreme N-terminal cytoplasmic region or the predicted first cytoplasmic loop lead to a significant or complete loss of Tat-dependent export. The mutated strains are unable to grow anaerobically on trimethylamine N-oxide minimal media and are unable to export trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (TorA). The same mutants are completely unable to export a chimeric protein, comprising the TorA signal peptide linked to green fluorescent protein, indicating that translocation is blocked rather than cofactor insertion into the TorA mature protein. The data point to two essential cytoplasmic domains on the TatC protein that are essential for export.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a force-transducing ATPase that powers the movement of cellular cargoes along microtubules. Two identical heavy chain polypeptides (> 500 kDa) of the cytoplasmic dynein complex contain motor domains that possess the ATPase and microtubule-binding activities required for force production [1]. It is of great interest to determine whether both heavy chains (DHCs) in the dynein complex are required for progression of the mechanochemical cycle and motility, as observed for other dimeric motors. We have used transgenic constructs to investigate cooperative interactions between the two motor domains of the Drosophila cytoplasmic dynein complex. We show that 138 kDa and 180 kDa amino-terminal fragments of DHC can assemble with full-length DHC to form heterodimeric complexes containing only a single motor domain. The single-headed dynein complexes can bind and hydrolyze ATP, yet do not show the ATP-induced detachment from microtubules that is characteristic of wild-type homodimeric dynein. These results suggest that cooperative interactions between the monomeric units of the dimer are required for efficient ATP-induced detachment of dynein and unidirectional movement along the microtubule.  相似文献   

The human receptors for insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and insulin, and two chimeric receptors consisting of ligand-binding, extracellular insulin receptor and intracellular IGF-1 receptor structures, have been expressed in NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. All four receptor types were synthesized, processed and transported to the cell surface to form high-affinity binding sites. All normal and chimeric receptors had an active tyrosine kinase which was regulated by homologous or heterologous ligands respectively. In addition, cell surface receptors were internalized efficiently and subjected to accelerated degradation in the presence of ligand. While all four types of receptor stimulated glucose transport with similar efficiency, they displayed significant differences in their mitogenic signalling potentials. Receptors with an IGF-1 receptor cytoplasmic domain were 10 times more active in stimulating DNA synthesis than the insulin receptor. In NIH-3T3 cells overexpressing wild-type and chimeric receptors, maximal growth responses obtained with IGF-1 or insulin alone were equivalent to those obtained with 10% fetal calf serum. We conclude that in the cell system employed the receptors for IGF-1 and insulin mediate short-term responses similarly, but display distinct characteristics in their long-term mitogenic signalling potentials.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the microtubular cytoskeleton during meiosis and cytokinesis in hybrid moth orchids were studied by indirect immunofluorescence. Lagging chromosomes not incorporated into telophase nuclei after first meiotic division behave as small extra nuclei. Events in the microtubular cycle associated with these micronuclei are similar to and synchronous with those of the principal nuclei. During second meiotic division the micronuclei trigger formation of minispindles which are variously oriented with respect to the two principal spindles. After meiosis, radial systems of microtubules measure cytoplasmic domains around each nucleus in the coenocyte. Cleavage planes are established in regions where opposing radial arrays interact and the cytoplasm cleaved around micronuclei is proportionately smaller than that around the four principal nuclei. These observations clearly demonstrate that nuclei in plant cells are of fundamental importance in microtubule organization and provide strong evidence in support of our recently advanced hypothesis that division planes in simultaneous cytokinesis following meiosis are determined by establishment of cytoplasmic domains via radial systems of nuclear-based microtubules rather than by division sites established before nuclear division.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MTOC microtubule organizing center - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PPB preprophase band of microtubules  相似文献   

Determinants of entry exclusion within Eex and TraG are cytoplasmic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report here functional and topological analyses of TraG and Eex, the donor and recipient cell inner membrane proteins that mediate entry exclusion in the SXT/R391 family of integrative conjugative elements. We found that the exclusion-determining regions of the Eex variants EexS (SXT) and EexR (R391) are located in distinct yet overlapping regions of the proteins. Unexpectedly, the carboxyl-terminal regions of TraG and Eex, which contain the residues essential for exclusion activity and specificity, were found to localize in the cell cytoplasm. These observations suggest that complex topological rearrangements of conjugative proteins must occur during mating to enable these domains to interact.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which cells reduce cytoplasmic vanadium(V) (vanadate) to vanadium(IV) was investigated using the human red cell as a model system. Vanadate uptake by red cells occurs with a rapid phase involving chemical equilibration across the plasma membrane and a slower phase resulting in a high concentration of bound vanadium(IV). The slow phase was inhibited in glucose-starved cells and restored upon addition of glucose indicating an energy requirement for this process. The time course of vanadium(IV) appearance (monitored by EPR spectroscopy of intact cells) paralleled the slow phase of uptake indicating that this phase involves vanadium reduction. The reduction of intracellular vanadate to vanadium(IV) was nearly quantitative after 23 h. The intracellular reduction is not enzymatic, since a similar time course of vanadium reduction and binding to hemoglobin was observed when glutathione was added to a hemoglobin + vanadate solution in vitro. Vanadium(IV) binding to hemoglobin was reduced by addition of ATP, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate or EDTA, probably through chelation of the cation. The stability constant of the ATP-vanadium (IV) complex was determined to be 150 M-1 at pH 4.9. The time course of red cell vanadate uptake and reduction was followed in the concentration range in which approximately 60% inhibition of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is observed. It is concluded that vanadate is reduced by cytoplasmic glutathione in this concentration range and that the reduction explains the resistance of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase to vanadium in intact cells.  相似文献   

We determined the zinc binding stoichiometry of peroxisomal RING finger proteins by measuring sulfur/metal ratios using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry coupled to size exclusion chromatography, a strategy that provides a fast and quantitative overview on the binding of metals in proteins. As a quality control, liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation-time of flight-mass spectrometry was used to measure the molar masses of the intact proteins. The RING fingers of Pex2p, Pex10p, and Pex12p showed a stoichiometry of 2.0, 2.1, and 1.2 mol zinc/mol protein, respectively. Thus, Pex2p and Pex10p possess a typical RING domain with two coordinated zinc atoms, whereas that of Pex12p coordinates only a single zinc atom.  相似文献   

L Lapcík  P Chabrecek  A Stasko 《Biopolymers》1991,31(12):1429-1435
Photochemically induced radical reactions involving the lateral sequences and the end macromolecular chain groups of hyaluronic acid in aqueous solutions at 293K were studied by EPR spin trapping technique with DMPO (5,5-dimethylpyrroline-1-oxide). In the first 1-10 minutes of irradiation EPR indicates spin adducts of two carbon centered radicals with the splitting constants of aN = 1.60 mT, aH = 2.51 mT and aN = 1.56 mT, aH = 2.28 mT. After longer irradiation time (over 10 minutes) dominate two further DMPO adducts of radicals centered on hetero-atoms with splitting constants of aN = 1.44 mT, aH = 1.60 mT and of aN = 1.49 mT, aH = 1.49 mT. Simultaneously, molecular weight followed by SEC decreases, suggesting that UV irradiation leads to the breaking of interglycosidic bonds of hyaluronic acid main macromolecular chain.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is sensitive to nitric oxide generated by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Consequently, to ensure its survival in macrophages, M. tuberculosis inhibits iNOS recruitment to its phagosome by an unknown mechanism. Here we report the mechanism underlying this process, whereby mycobacteria affect the scaffolding protein EBP50, which normally binds to iNOS and links it to the actin cytoskeleton. Phagosomes harboring live mycobacteria showed reduced capacity to retain EBP50, consistent with lower iNOS recruitment. EBP50 was found on purified phagosomes, and its expression increased upon macrophage activation, paralleling expression changes seen with iNOS. Overexpression of EBP50 increased while EBP50 knockdown decreased iNOS recruitment to phagosomes. Knockdown of EBP50 enhanced mycobacterial survival in activated macrophages. We tested another actin organizer, coronin-1, implicated in mycobacterium-macrophage interaction for contribution to iNOS exclusion. A knockdown of coronin-1 resulted in increased iNOS recruitment to model latex bead phagosomes but did not increase iNOS recruitment to phagosomes with live mycobacteria and did not affect mycobacterial survival. Our findings are consistent with a model for the block in iNOS association with mycobacterial phagosomes as a mechanism dependent primarily on reduced EBP50 recruitment.  相似文献   

A recombinant protein termed CLS, which corresponds to the C-terminal portion of human L-selectin and contains its entire transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains (residues Ser473-Arg542), has been produced and its oligomeric state in detergents characterized. CLS migrates in the SDS polyacrylamide gel at a pace that is typically expected from a complex twice of its molecular weight. Additional studies revealed, however, that this is due to residues in the cytoplasmic domain, as mutations in this region or its deletion significantly increased the electrophoretic rate of CLS. Analytical ultracentrifugation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies indicated that CLS reconstituted in dodecylphosphocholine detergent micelles is monomeric. When the transmembrane domain of L-selectin is inserted into the inner membrane of Escherichia coli as a part of a chimeric protein in the TOXCAT assay, little oligomerization of the chimeric protein is observed. Overall, these results suggest that transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of L-selectin lack the propensity to self-associate in membranes, in contrast to the previously documented dimerization of the transmembrane domain of closely related P-selectin. This study will provide constraints for future investigations on the interaction of L-selectin and its associating proteins.  相似文献   

Size exclusion chromatography may be used to determine molecular size or mass of solutes. The validity of the method depends on the correct choice of macromolecular standards used to calibrate the chromatographic column. This calibration is an experimental determination of the relationship between the molecular dimensions and the peak migration velocity of the solute, in practice often presented as a semi-logarithmic plot of log(MW) vs elution volume, but more fundamentally expressed as the dependence of for example, the Stokes radius (RS), or the viscosity radius (Rη) on the chromatographic partition coefficient, KSEC. The validity of this calibration rests on the absence of enthalpic interactions between the standards and the stationary phase and the ability to determine the standards' molecular dimensions and/or mass in a nonambiguous way. Nonionic polysaccharides are ideal for this purpose, and furthermore provide an excellent paradigm for studying the role of molecular architecture in the relationship between KSEC and Rη or RS.  相似文献   

Blue Dextran, a standard large molecule, was successfully recovered on-line from the aqueous mixture solution with nickel nitrate using a novel reciprocating size exclusion chromatography. After 7 cycles of repeating operations of frontal mode, 70% of Blue Dextran in the feed was isolated as a pure solution. On-line recovery of large molecules from the mixture is an unusual trial, comparing to the routine practice of filtration where small molecule is isolated from the mixture.  相似文献   

Stathmin is a cytosoluble phosphoprotein proposed to be a regulatory relay integrating diverse intracellular signaling pathway. Its interaction with tubulin modulates microtubule dynamics by destabilization of assembled microtubules or inhibition of their polymerization from free tubulin. The aim of this study was to probe the native structure of stathmin and to delineate its minimal region able to interact with tubulin. Limited proteolysis of stathmin revealed four structured domains within the native protein, corresponding to amino acid sequences 22-81 (I), 95-113 (II), 113-128 (III), and 128-149 (IV), which allows us to propose stathmin folding hypotheses. Furthermore, stathmin proteolytic fragments were mixed to interact with tubulin, and those that retained affinity for tubulin were isolated by size exclusion chromatography and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The results indicate that, to interact with tubulin, a stathmin fragment must span a minimal core region from residues 42 to 126, which interestingly corresponds to the predicted alpha-helical "interaction region" of stathmin. In addition, an interacting stathmin fragment must include a short N- or C-terminal extension. The functional significance of these interaction constrains is further validated by tubulin polymerization inhibition assays with fragments designed on the basis of the tubulin binding results. The present results will help to optimize further stathmin structural studies and to develop molecular tools to target its interaction with tubulin.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental factors on the aggregation properties of phycocyanin from Synechocystis 6701 was studied by small angle neutron scattering and high-pressure size-exclusion liquid chromatography. Phycocyanin was found to exist in a reversible equilibrium between the monomer, trimer and hexamer forms. The distribution of the protein between these oligomers is determined by the pH, buffer composition and ionic strength of the medium, and protein concentration. Phycocyanin was in a stable hexameric state at pH 5.0 to 6.0 at a concentration of 1 to 10 mg/ml, and was primarily in a trimeric state at pH 8.0 at a concentration of about 5 mg/ml. Comparison of the small angle scattering data with the computed scattering curve for a hollow cylinder was used to determine the dimensions of the best-fit model by a least-squares fitting procedure. The outer radius, inner radius and height of the phycocyanin hexamer were found to be 54.1, 12.0 and 61.4 A (1 A = 0.1 nm), respectively, and the corresponding dimensions for the trimer were 54.5, 14.0 and 33.0 A. The molecular weight ratio for phycocyanin hexamer was determined to be 217,000. The dimensions and molecular weight ratios of phycocyanin from Synechocystis 6701 obtained by solution scattering are similar to the values for Mastigocladus laminosus obtained by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

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