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Given the extent of tropical forest deforestation and as a number of conservation programmes and local communities rely on forest fragments, it has become important to understand how fragment exploitation by local communities affects forest structure and function. The effects of forest exploitation on forest structure and status of forest fragments were investigated in 20 nonreserved forest fragments in central Uganda. Enumeration of plots showed that tree species composition of the forest fragments was 60.0%, 23.7% and 6.3% for under‐storey, middle and top canopy trees respectively. The major activity was fuel wood extraction (65%), followed by brick making (10%), cultivation and livestock paddocks (10%), charcoal burning (5%), local brew distillation and others (5%). These extractive processes caused drastic structural changes, habitat degradation and destruction. Tree stumps enumeration indicated that under storey trees formed the highest proportion for wood extraction. There was no significant difference in the level of forest exploitation (basal area loss) among forest patches of varying sizes.  相似文献   

高山/亚高山森林灌木层植物凋落物的分解对于系统物质循环等过程具有重要意义, 并可能受到冬季不同厚度雪被斑块下冻融格局的影响。该文采用凋落物分解袋法, 研究了高山森林典型灌层植物华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida)和康定柳(Salix paraplesia)凋落物在沿林窗-林下形成的冬季雪被厚度梯度(厚型雪被斑块、较厚型雪被斑块、中型雪被斑块、薄型雪被斑块、无雪被斑块)上在第一年不同关键时期(冻结初期、冻结期、融化期、生长季节初期和生长季节后期)的质量损失特征。在整个冻融季节, 华西箭竹和康定柳凋落叶的平均质量损失分别占全年的(48.78 ± 2.35)%和(46.60 ± 5.02)%。冻融季节雪被覆盖斑块下凋落叶的失重率表现出厚型雪被斑块大于薄型雪被斑块的趋势,而生长季节无雪被斑块的失重率明显较高。尽管如此, 华西箭竹凋落物第一年分解表现出随冬季雪被厚度增加而增加的趋势, 但康定柳凋落物第一年失重率以薄型雪被斑块最高, 而无雪被斑块最低。同时, 相关分析表明冻融季节凋落叶的失重率与平均温度和负积温呈极显著正相关, 生长季节凋落叶的失重率与所调查的温度因子并无显著相关关系, 但全年凋落物失重率与平均温度和正/负积温均显著相关。这些结果清晰地表明, 未来冬季变暖情境下高山森林冬季雪被格局的改变将显著影响灌层植物凋落物分解, 影响趋势随着物种的差异具有明显差异。  相似文献   

祖悦晴  魏妍儿  张曦文  于德永 《生态学报》2022,42(17):6937-6947
快速的城市化过程带来的生境斑块破碎化及损失会影响物种迁移、捕食等生态活动,对生物多样性构成威胁。然而,现有生态保护区可能无法覆盖其内生物的必要活动范围。生态保护区外的生境斑块对于维持生态过程也具有重要作用,因此识别生态保护区外的关键斑块并加以保护非常重要。以北京市延庆区为研究区,划分两种生境斑块,即核心生境斑块和潜在生境斑块,并基于图论构建生境网络。考虑地表覆盖类型、坡度、人类活动等因素构建生境阻力面。结合未来土地利用类型变化的模拟,研究城市化过程对区域生境网络和景观连接度的影响,选用CLUE-S模型模拟土地利用类型变化的格局。结合生境斑块特征和未来城市土地利用变化情况设计了3种未来生境变化情景。利用连接概率指数(PC)和网络连接度变化率(dI)评价不同生境变化情景下生态保护区外潜在生境斑块的景观连接度重要性,判断保护优先顺序,并分析景观格局变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响。结果表明:生态保护区外的全部潜在生境斑块对维持生境整体景观连接度有最大2.15%的影响,单个潜在生境斑块对维持景观连接度有最大0.28%的影响。此外,景观格局及其变化对不同迁移能力物种的影响差异显著,因此需针对保护物种和城市生境特征设计保护方案,研究区需要优先保护大中型斑块和位于关键位置的小型斑块。为了满足对生物多样性保护的需求,建议在区分生境斑块保护优先顺序时考虑生境斑块对景观连接度的贡献和城市化扩展过程的压力。研究为城市生物多样性保护和生境管理提供了方法参考。  相似文献   

Southern Mali mainly belongs to the Sudanian savanna bioclimatic zone, but forest patches showing botanical affinities with Guinean humid forest remain as gallery forests or ravine forests. To characterize the rodent diversity of this area and check for the presence of some species of Guinean affinities in this group, rodent assemblages were sampled in four regions of southern Mali, using trapping and observational data in forest and surrounding habitats. Twenty-four species were recorded, comprising a representative sample of the expected overall diversity in this group according to rarefaction curves. Praomys rostratus was the dominant species in the most humid, closed lowland forest. Praomys daltoni was also present in this habitat type, being all the more abundant as habitat degradation was apparent. It became the dominant species in ravine forest on rocky substrate where P. rostratus was completely absent. In Sudanian savanna habitats and in herbaceous and cultivated areas, Mastomys erythroleucus dominated a diverse rodent community. A few species were found that testified for Guinean affinities of the most humid forest patches, especially in the extreme southeast of the country (region of Sikasso). Rodent assemblages of the Bafing and Mts Mandingues areas, in the western part of the study area, showed the highest similarity, in relation with environmental characteristics of this region representing an extension of the Fouta Djallon plateau in Guinea. The results obtained highlight the high biodiversity value of this forest-savanna mosaic, and provide new arguments in favour of the preservation of West African forest patches and their surrounding habitats.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查及条件价值评估法,以贵州省江口县地方重点生态公益林保护区为例,对地方重点公益林保护区生态补偿的标准及方式进行研究.结果表明: 当地林农每年愿意接受的最低补偿金额为314.14~365.15元·hm-2,其发展的机会成本为9750元×被划入保护区林地的面积(hm2);健康状况、受教育程度、民族及聚居地所在乡镇均不同程度地影响受偿意愿;林农期待的补偿方式呈多样化,主要以现金补偿及技术补偿为主.从制度完善、提高补偿标准、加强宣传、寻求多元化补偿方式等方面提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

With its very broad latitudinal extension (from 5° to 30°S), Brazil's Atlantic Rain Forest includes sites that wouldnot be classified as tropical by commonly used climatic classificationsystems. This situation particularly holds for the sites nearthe southern limits of this ecosystem. The goal of this study was to assess forest floristic composition, physiognomic aspects (deciduousspecies, leaf types, leaf area index) and reproductive biology (monoecious/dioeciousspecies, pollination syndromes and dispersal syndromes) of the Atlantic forest in the Volta VelhaReserve, southern Brazil (26°04 S, 48°38 W Gr). The research focuses on theaffinities of this site, which lies outside generally accepted boundaries for tropical forest. Theresults demonstrate that Volta Velha has a typically tropical floristic composition, apparentlymaintained by local climatic conditions. The differences between the characteristics of the VoltaVelha forest and those of other tropical stands are within the range of differences observed amongclassically defined tropical sites.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(20):4620-4626.e3
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All Neotropical primates are arboreal and thus depend on forests for their survival. Arboreality puts many Neotropical primates at risk of extinction due to the high rates of deforestation in the tropics. We assessed the influence of vegetation structure and forest patch attributes on the occurrence of the threatened red-handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul) in an Amazonian savanna. Using a sample of 38 forest patches in a region of approximately 2000 km2 in the state of Amapá, northern Brazil, we used logistic regression to find the best predictors of the occurrence of A. belzebul. We assessed patch area, patch isolation, the proportion of seasonally flooded forest in the patch, the density of flooded area palms, forest height, canopy cover, and diameter at breast height of trees. Patch area and palm density were the best predictors of the occurrence of A. belzebul in forest patches, both having a positive effect on the probability of occurrence. Our results indicate that areas of flooded forest in forest patches may be keystone habitats for A. belzebul living in Amazonian savannas. The observed effect of palm density on A. belzebul suggests that this variable is useful for planning conservation actions, including the selection of areas for protection and management strategies for areas inhabited by this primate.  相似文献   

Abstract. The dynamics of Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) patches were studied in spruce (Picea abies) forest at the higher montane and lower subalpine level in the Tarentaise valley (Savoy, France). Although aerial parts of the shrub may give some indication of age and density of the patches, the annual growth and death of rhizomes are better indicators of patch dynamics. In some cases, dead and young rhizomes may occur simultaneously in the same patch, indicating that growth and death proceed continuously on the inside of dense patches. At mountain sites, slope position of plants significantly influences rhizome growth. A theoretical model of growth of bilberry patches is proposed which takes into account the anisotropic influenceof slope and the postulated independence of different rhizome units belonging to the same individual.  相似文献   

刘璐  钱天陆  席唱白  迟瑶  王结臣 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5879-5887
识别动物的适宜生境对野生动物保护、区域生态保护以及自然保护区的规划等具有指导意义。以滇金丝猴生存区域为例,选取7个影响滇金丝猴生境适宜性的主要因子:植被类型、海拔、坡度、坡向、距水系距离、距居民点距离、距道路距离,基于GIS技术,构建阻力面,确定累积阻力阈值,计算可达面积并据此划分斑块,结合现有猴群的栖息地分布、保护区设立对划分结果进行分析讨论。结果表明,区域内滇金丝猴的适宜生境面积整体占比较低,猴群移动受到人类活动干扰或水系阻隔的影响,其生境受到了不同程度的破坏,且生境适宜度表现出中部最高,北部次之,南部最差的规律。划分生境适宜性等级的方法,考虑到了明显地物对动物移动的较强阻隔作用,顾及到了空间连续性和斑块完整性,实验结果可反映出不同区域的生境适宜性差异。  相似文献   

森林公园在我国自然保护区系统中的地位   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文针对我国森林公园建设发展迅速的现状,阐述了“森林公园”的自然保护性质和作用,提出“国家自然保护区系统”的概念,将森林公园与自然保护区、风景名胜区三个体系同视为“国家自然保护区系统”中的三个组成部分,并阐述了这三个体系各自的特点、地位及其相互关系。同时,还提出进一步加强森林公园管理的建议。  相似文献   

森林生态系统是滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)的主要生境,森林面积变化会直接影响滇金丝猴的生存。本研究基于全球森林变化(Global Forest Change)数据,采用Theil-Sen趋势分析和Mann-Kendall检验、热点分析与地理探测器模型等方法,探讨了滇金丝猴分布区2001—2019年森林面积变化的时空特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)近20年间,滇金丝猴分布区森林面积变化总量为3.81×10~4 hm~2,约占研究区森林面积的2.44%,逐年森林面积变化呈现较大的年际波动,其中5个保护地森林面积变化总量达5456 hm~2,约占研究区森林面积变化总量的14.3%,老君山风景区和云岭保护区森林面积变化的比例较高;(2)滇金丝猴分布区森林面积变化趋于缓和,其中森林面积减少呈现显著增加的区域面积为1.03×10~5 hm~2,占整个研究区面积的2.9%;森林面积减少呈现显著减少的区域面积为3.05×10~5 hm~2,占整个研究区面积的7.9%;同时森林面积变化的热点区域面积呈不断下降的趋势;(3)滇金丝猴分布区森林面积变化呈现向低海拔、高坡度转移的趋势;...  相似文献   

林内穿透雨量模型研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
穿透雨量是林内有效雨量的主要组成部分 ,其量能占 90 %以上。由于林冠空间分布的不均匀性 ,难以对林内穿透雨量进行精确地测量。从林冠截留降雨的作用机理出发 ,在做出几个假设的基础上 ,用数学方法建立了林内穿透雨量模型 ,即 :当 P0 ,U>0 )当 P≥ U时 ,R=P- W其中 U=W( b 1 ) ,式中 b,W,U为模型参数 ,R为林内穿透雨量 ,P为大气降雨量 ,α为林分郁闭度。结合两个有实测资料的针叶树林分 ,又进一步介绍了模型参数的确定方法。同时将模型的计算结果与实测数据进行了对比 ,两者吻合性很好 ,验证效果是比较理想的。模型概念清晰 ,参数物理意义明确。在风速和雨强不太大的情况下 ,本模型适用于任何林分的穿透雨量的计算。然而 ,为了应用于无实测资料地区 ,尚须进一步研究模型参数与林分特征的关系。  相似文献   

The mechanisms of intercommunication between the immune and nervous systems are not fully understood. In the case of the intestine, the enteric nervous system is involved in the regulation of immune responses. It was therefore decided to employ immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the structural organization of the enteric nervous system in Peyer's patches of the porcine small intestine. Using antibodies against various nervous system-specific markers (protein gene product 9.5, neuron-specific enolase, neurofilament 200, S-100 protein and the glial fibrillary acidic protein), an intimate and specific structural association could be demonstrated between enteric nerves and the compartments of Peyer's patches: follicles, interfollicular regions and domes. Peyer's patches have a close topographical relationship to the two submucosal plexuses. Enteric nerves are located around the follicle in the interfollicular area — the so-called traffic area-and in the dome area, which plays an important role in the uptake and presentation of antigens.  相似文献   

东北过伐林区四种森林类型的物种多样性比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用无偏对应分析(DCA)、群落本质多样性排序和方差分析的方法,研究了东北过伐林区吉林省汪清林业局境内的四种森林类型——针阔混交林、阔叶混交林、柞木林和长白落叶松人工林的林分层次的植物物种多样性间的差异。从4种类型下层植被多样性指数的比较结果来看,针阔混交林最高,阔叶混交林和落叶松人工林次之,柞木林最低。最后提出了部分经营建议。  相似文献   

Avian species persistence in a forest patch is strongly related to the degree of isolation and size of a forest patch and the vegetation structure within a patch and its matrix are important predictors of bird habitat suitability. A combination of space‐borne optical (Landsat), ALOS‐PALSAR (radar), and airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data was used for assessing variation in forest structure across forest patches that had undergone different levels of forest degradation in a logged forest—agricultural landscape in Southern Laos. The efficacy of different remote sensing (RS) data sources in distinguishing forest patches that had different seizes, configurations, and vegetation structure was examined. These data were found to be sensitive to the varying levels of degradation of the different patch categories. Additionally, the role of local scale forest structure variables (characterized using the different RS data and patch area) and landscape variables (characterized by distance from different forest patches) in influencing habitat preferences of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red listed birds found in the study area was examined. A machine learning algorithm, MaxEnt, was used in conjunction with these data and field collected geographical locations of the avian species to identify the factors influencing habitat preference of the different bird species and their suitable habitats. Results show that distance from different forest patches played a more important role in influencing habitat suitability for the different avian species than local scale factors related to vegetation structure and health. In addition to distance from forest patches, LiDAR‐derived forest structure and Landsat‐derived spectral variables were important determinants of avian habitat preference. The models derived using MaxEnt were used to create an overall habitat suitability map (HSM) which mapped the most suitable habitat patches for sustaining all the avian species. This work also provides insight that retention of forest patches, including degraded and isolated forest patches in addition to large contiguous forest patches, can facilitate bird species retention within tropical agricultural landscapes. It also demonstrates the effective use of RS data in distinguishing between forests that have undergone varying levels of degradation and identifying the habitat preferences of different bird species. Practical conservation management planning endeavors can use such data for both landscape scale monitoring and habitat mapping.  相似文献   

子午岭林区山杨-辽东栎混交林的生理生态效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了黄土高原子午岭次生林区山杨林、辽东栎林和山杨-辽东栎混交林3种林分的土壤物理特性和叶片光合特性.结果表明,山杨林地在0~300 cm土层的土壤含水量最大,而在200 cm土层以下,山杨 辽东栎混交林的土壤水分明显改善,并优于辽东栎林;在0~60 cm土层内,山杨林地土壤容重最大、土壤孔隙度最小,而山杨-辽东栎混交林的土壤容重最小、土壤孔隙度最大,且均优于纯林,说明混交林地有深层土壤水分可供利用,同时土壤理化特性得到改善.山杨林和辽东栎林的叶绿素含量较高,且均明显高于山杨-辽东栎混交林.辽东栎林的光合速率和气孔导度最大,其次为山杨林, 二者均明显高于山杨-辽东栎混交林.从叶片水分利用效率来看,辽东栎林>山杨-辽东栎混交林辽东栎>山杨-辽东栎混交林山杨>山杨林.山杨-辽东栎混交林中辽东栎的PSⅡ最大光化学转换效率(Fv/Fm)和PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)值均较大,但与辽东栎林的Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo值差异不显著,而混交林中山杨的Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo值均相对小于山杨林,且与山杨林的Fv/Fm差异显著,山杨林和辽东栎林的荧光光化学猝灭系数和非光化学猝灭系数值均大于混交林地.因此,子午岭林区辽东栎林更趋于稳定且生长优于其混交林,而山杨林群落将逐步被替代,与纯林类型相比较,其混交林类型可能较不利于山杨的生长.  相似文献   

肖洒  吴福忠  杨万勤  常晨晖  李俊  王滨  曹艺 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1352-1359
木质残体是高山峡谷区暗针叶林生态系统的重要组成元素,其分布在林窗、林缘和林下可能具有较大的差异,但一直缺乏必要关注。因此,以典型川西高山峡谷区岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)原始林为研究对象,研究了高山峡谷区暗针叶林木质残体的储量特征及其在林窗、林缘和林下的分布特征。结果表明,岷江冷杉原始林木质残体总储量达53.00 t/hm~2,且呈现林下的储量大于林窗和林缘的趋势。从林窗到林下木质残体的类型均以倒木为主,直径大于40 cm的木质残体储量占粗木质残体的74.55%—76.15%,林窗、林缘和林下Ⅲ和Ⅳ腐烂等级的粗木质残体储量之和分别占粗木质残体储量的50.02%、55.84%和62.90%。相对于林下和林缘,林窗内倒木和根桩的储量比例较小,但枯立木和细木质残体的储量比例较高。此外,林窗内较低腐烂等级粗木质残体的储量较高,而林下较高腐烂等级粗木质残体的储量显著高于林窗和林缘。这些结果为充分认识高山峡谷区暗针叶林生态系统林窗更新过程中木质残体相关的物质循环等关键生态过程提供了基础理论依据。  相似文献   

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