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Telomerase-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells show a progressive decrease in telomere length. When grown for several days in log phase, the tlc1Delta cells initially display wild-type growth kinetics with subsequent loss of growth potential after which survivors are generated via RAD52-dependent homologous recombination. We found that chromosome loss in these telomerase-deficient cells only increased after a significant decline in growth potential of the culture. At earlier stages of growth, as the telomerase-deficient cells began to show loss of growth potential, the cells arrested in G2/M and showed RNR3 induction and Rad53p phosphorylation. These responses were dependent on RAD24 and MEC1, suggesting that short telomeres are recognized as DNA damage and signal G2/M arrest.  相似文献   

Haploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are able to undergo a differentiation-like process: they can switch their mating type between the a and the alpha state. The molecular mechanism of this interconversion of mating types is intrachromosomal gene conversion. It has been shown in a variety of studies that mating type switching in heterothallic strains can be induced by DNA damaging agents, and that different DNA damaging agents differ in the length of incubation after treatment required for induction. Because X-rays induce switching immediately after irradiation and because the DNA double-strand break repair pathway is required for switching, the event initiating heterothallic mating type switching is likely to be a DNA double-strand break. Therefore the assay for heterothallic mating type switching may screen for the induction of DNA double-strand breaks. Several aspects indicating a relationship of mating type switching to mechanisms associated with carcinogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the DNA replication apparatus and the control of telomere length, we examined the effects of several DNA replication mutations on telomere length in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report that a mutation in the structural gene for the large subunit of DNA replication factor C (cdc44/rfc1) causes striking increases in telomere length. A similar effect is seen with mutations in only one other DNA replication gene: the structural gene for DNA polymerase alpha (cdc17/pol1) (M.J. Carson and L. Hartwell, Cell 42:249-257, 1985). For both genes, the telomere elongation phenotype is allele specific and appears to correlate with the penetrance of the mutations. Furthermore, fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis reveals that those alleles that cause elongation also exhibit a slowing of DNA replication. To determine whether elongation is mediated by telomerase or by slippage of the DNA polymerase, we created cdc17-1 mutants carrying deletions of the gene encoding the RNA component of telomerase (TLC1). cdc17-1 strains that would normally undergo telomere elongation failed to do so in the absence of telomerase activity. This result implies that telomere elongation in cdc17-1 mutants is mediated by the action of telomerase. Since DNA replication involves transfer of the nascent strand from polymerase alpha to replication factor C (T. Tsurimoto and B. Stillman, J. Biol. Chem. 266:1950-1960, 1991; T. Tsurimoto and B. Stillman, J. Biol. Chem. 266:1961-1968, 1991; S. Waga and B. Stillman, Nature [London] 369:207-212, 1994), one possibility is that this step affects the regulation of telomere length.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells that cannot synthesize spermidine or spermine because of a deletion in the gene coding for S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase are very sensitive to elevated temperatures when incubated in a polyamine-deficient medium; i.e., growth is inhibited and the cells are killed. This sensitivity is very pronounced at 39 degrees C, but a moderate effect is noted even at 33 to 34 degrees C. These findings support findings from other studies from our laboratory on the importance of polyamines in protecting cell components against damage. The sensitivity of spermidine-deficient cells to the temperature 39 degrees C provides a useful method for screening for polyamine auxotrophs.  相似文献   

Two members of the 14-3-3 protein family, involved in key biological processes in different eukaryotes, are encoded by the functionally redundant Saccharomyces cerevisiae BMH1 and BMH2 genes. We produced and characterized 12 independent bmh1 mutant alleles, whose presence in the cell as the sole 14-3-3 source causes hypersensitivity to genotoxic agents, indicating that Bmh proteins are required for proper response to DNA damage. In particular, the bmh1-103 and bmh1-266 mutant alleles cause defects in G1/S and G2/M DNA damage checkpoints, whereas only the G2/M checkpoint is altered by the bmh1-169 and bmh1-221 alleles. Impaired checkpoint responses correlate with the inability to maintain phosphorylated forms of Rad53 and/or Chk1, suggesting that Bmh proteins might regulate phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of these checkpoint kinases. Moreover, several bmh1 bmh2Delta mutants are defective in resuming DNA replication after transient deoxynucleotide depletion, and all display synthetic effects when also carrying mutations affecting the polalpha-primase and RPA DNA replication complexes, suggesting a role for Bmh proteins in DNA replication stress response. Finally, the bmh1-169 bmh2Delta and bmh1-170 bmh2Delta mutants show increased rates of spontaneous gross chromosomal rearrangements, indicating that Bmh proteins are required to suppress genome instability.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the most versatile and universal pathway of DNA repair that is capable of repairing virtually any damages other than a double strand break (DSB). This pathway has been shown to be inducible in several systems. However, question of a threshold and the nature of the damage that can signal induction of this pathway remain poorly understood. In this study it has been shown that prior exposure to very low doses of osmium tetroxide enhanced the survival of wild type Saccharomyces cerevisiae when the cells were challenged with UV light. Moreover, it was also found that osmium tetroxide treated rad3 mutants did not show enhanced survival indicating an involvement of nucleotide excision repair in the enhanced survival. To probe this further the actual removal of pyrimidine dimers by the treated and control cells was studied. Osmium tetroxide treated cells removed pyrimidine dimers more efficiently as compared to control cells. This was confirmed by measuring the in vitro repair synthesis in cell free extracts prepared from control and primed cells. It was found that the uptake of active 32P was significantly higher in the plasmid substrates incubated with extracts of primed cells. This induction is dependent on de novo synthesis of proteins as cycloheximide treatment abrogated this response. The nature of induced repair was found to be essentially error free. Study conclusively shows that NER is an inducible pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its induction is dependent on exposure to a threshold of a genotoxic stress.  相似文献   

The RAD52 and RAD54 genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are involved in both DNA repair and DNA recombination. RAD54 has recently been shown to be inducible by X-rays, while RAD52 is not. To further investigate the regulation of these genes, we constructed gene fusions using 5' regions upstream of the RAD52 and RAD54 genes and a 3'-terminal fragment of the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene. Yeast transformants with either an integrated or an autonomously replicating plasmid containing these fusions expressed beta-galactosidase activity constitutively. In addition, the RAD54 gene fusion was inducible in both haploid and diploid cells in response to the DNA-damaging agents X-rays, UV light, and methyl methanesulfonate, but not in response to heat shock. The RAD52-lacZ gene fusion showed little or no induction in response to X-ray or UV radiation nor methyl methanesulfonate. Typical induction levels for RAD54 in cells exposed to such agents were from 3- to 12-fold, in good agreement with previous mRNA analyses. When MATa cells were arrested in G1 with alpha-factor, RAD54 was still inducible after DNA damage, indicating that the observed induction is independent of the cell cycle. Using a yeast vector containing the EcoRI structural gene fused to the GAL1 promoter, we showed that double-strand breaks alone are sufficient in vivo for induction of RAD54.  相似文献   

The ability of yeast DNA polymerase mutant strains to carry out repair synthesis after UV irradiation was studied by analysis of postirradiation molecular weight changes in cellular DNA. Neither DNA polymerase alpha, delta, epsilon, nor Rev3 single mutants evidenced a defect in repair. A mutant defective in all four of these DNA polymerases, however, showed accumulation of single-strand breaks, indicating defective repair. Pairwise combination of polymerase mutations revealed a repair defect only in DNA polymerase delta and epsilon double mutants. The extent of repair in the double mutant was no greater than that in the quadruple mutant, suggesting that DNA polymerases alpha and Rev3p play very minor, if any, roles. Taken together, the data suggest that DNA polymerases delta and epsilon are both potentially able to perform repair synthesis and that in the absence of one, the other can efficiently substitute. Thus, two of the DNA polymerases involved in DNA replication are also involved in DNA repair, adding to the accumulating evidence that the two processes are coupled.  相似文献   

Maintenance and adaptation of energy metabolism could play an important role in the cellular ability to respond to DNA damage. A large number of studies suggest that the sensitivity of cells to oxidants and oxidative stress depends on the activity of cellular metabolism and is dependent on the glucose concentration. In fact, yeast cells that utilize fermentative carbon sources and hence rely mainly on glycolysis for energy appear to be more sensitive to oxidative stress. Here we show that treatment of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing on a glucose-rich medium with the DNA alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) triggers a rapid inhibition of respiration and enhances reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, which is accompanied by a strong suppression of glycolysis. Further, diminished activity of pyruvate kinase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase upon MMS treatment leads to a diversion of glucose carbon to glycerol, trehalose and glycogen accumulation and an increased flux through the pentose-phosphate pathway. Such conditions finally result in a significant decline in the ATP level and energy charge. These effects are dependent on the glucose concentration in the medium. Our results clearly demonstrate that calorie restriction reduces MMS toxicity through increased respiration and reduced ROS accumulation, enhancing the survival and recovery of cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contain their own genome, the integrity of which is required for normal cellular energy metabolism. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by normal mitochondrial respiration can damage cellular macromolecules, including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and have been implicated in degenerative diseases, cancer, and aging. We developed strategies to elevate mitochondrial oxidative stress by exposure to antimycin and H(2)O(2) or utilizing mutants lacking mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (sod2Delta). Experiments were conducted with strains compromised in mitochondrial base excision repair (ntg1Delta) and oxidative damage resistance (pif1Delta) in order to delineate the relationship between these pathways. We observed enhanced ROS production, resulting in a direct increase in oxidative mtDNA damage and mutagenesis. Repair-deficient mutants exposed to oxidative stress conditions exhibited profound genomic instability. Elimination of Ntg1p and Pif1p resulted in a synergistic corruption of respiratory competency upon exposure to antimycin and H(2)O(2). Mitochondrial genomic integrity was substantially compromised in ntg1Delta pif1Delta sod2Delta strains, since these cells exhibit a total loss of mtDNA. A stable respiration-defective strain, possessing a normal complement of mtDNA damage resistance pathways, exhibited a complete loss of mtDNA upon exposure to antimycin and H(2)O(2). This loss was preventable by Sod2p overexpression. These results provide direct evidence that oxidative mtDNA damage can be a major contributor to mitochondrial genomic instability and demonstrate cooperation of Ntg1p and Pif1p to resist the introduction of lesions into the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

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