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A Chatonnet  F Bacou 《FEBS letters》1983,161(1):122-126
Molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were examined in various skeletal muscles of the chicken and the pigeon. In chicken pectoralis m., AChE was found to be restricted to endplate containing segments, and no asymmetric form could be detected in aneural samples. In the chicken muscles studied, a relation has been established between globular (G1,G2,G4) forms or asymmetric (A8,A12) forms, and muscle fibre types. Asymmetric forms are preponderant in fast-twitch muscles, whereas in slow tonic muscles 80% of the AChE activity is due to globular forms. However, comparison with pigeon muscles shows that AChE chicken muscle patterns may not be generalized.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding HU-type proteins have been isolated from two very different strains of Rhizobiaceae: Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhizobium japonicum. These proteins have been called HAt and HRj respectively. Their electrophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gel, amino acid composition and crossed immunoreactivity have been compared to that of the homologous protein isolated from Rhizobium meliloti: the protein HRm. The proteins HAt and HRm show close similarities whereas the protein HRj differs markedly from the two others. The physico-chemical characteristics of the HU-type proteins from these Rhizobiaceae are in good agreement with the respective position of these bacteria in the taxonomy.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Protein phosphorylation in intact chicken latissimus dorsi muscle, slow anterior (ALD) and fast posterior (PLD), was compared.
  • 2.2. A major difference in [32P]phosphate incorporation was found between the ALD and PLD in a 25,000-dalton heat soluble protein.
  • 3.3. The 25,000-dalton protein was purified from both the ALD and PLD.
  • 4.4. The two proteins had similar amino acid composition and both contained approximately 1 mole phosphate per mole of protein.
  • 5.5. The difference in their content of radioactive phosphate was determined to be due to faster turnover in the ALD.

  • 1.1. In vivo incorporation into body lipids and breast muscle proteins from l-[U-14C]leucine was studied in genetically lean or fat male chickens, fed or starved, 1 or 24 hr after intraperitoneal injection.
  • 2.2. Lipogensis and portein synthesis from labelled leucine were significantly higher in fat chickens than in lean birds, particularly in those in the fed state.
  • 3.3. Radioactivity in the free amino acid pool was greater in fat birds irrespective of the nutritional state.
  • 4.4. However, utilization of injected l-[U-14C]leucine for lipogenesis was no more than 2%.

A high incidence of haploid/diploid chimerism in chick embryos from strains of chickens selected for large size was postulated to be caused by the propensity of such hens to ovulate erratically. To test the hypothesis karyological analysis was made of embryos in eggs containing 1 or greater than 1 yolk. The eggs were from a line selected for multiple ovulation for 20 generations. Double and multiple-yolk eggs are a manifestation of an irregular ovulatory pattern. Ova in multiple yolk eggs were significantly less fertile and significantly fewer embryos survived to 18 h of incubation than single ovulated ova. In the sample of 342 embryos analysed, only 2 forms of heteroploidy occurred in frequencies of greater than 1.2%; 2n/4n mosaicism (5.8%) and 3n (5.0%). Only triploidy occurred significantly more frequently in eggs containing greater than 1 yolk (7.0%) than in single yolk eggs (none). The overwhelming majority of 3n embryos had a digynic origin (i.e from ova with 2 maternal pronuclei), as inferred from the sex chromosome complement. Erratic ovulation therefore resulted in suppression of second polar body extrusion leading to digynic triploidy. Multiple yolks had no effect on dispermy, the primary cause of 1n/2n chimaeric embryos, in single-yolked chicken eggs.  相似文献   

Antibodies were formed against the myosin light chains isolated from chicken fast skeletal, slow skeletal, and cardiac muscle and the antigenicities of the light chains were compared by double immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. It was shown that fast light chains are immunologically different from light chains of slow and cardiac myosin, while the slow and cardiac muscle light chains have similar immunological characteristics; that is, the light chains of apparent molecular weight about 27,000 daltons in SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis of slow and cardiac muscle are immunologically indistinguishable, and the other light chains of apparent molecular weight about 19,000 daltons of both muscles include a common antigenic site.  相似文献   

In the course of muscle differentiation, changes in fibre-type population and in myosin composition occur. In this work, the expression of native myosin isoforms in developing fast-twitch (posterior latissimus dorsi; PLD) and slow-tonic (anterior latissimus dorsi; ALD) muscles of the chick was examined using electrophoresis under nondissociating conditions. The major isomyosin of 11-day-old embryonic PLD comigrated with the adult fast myosin FM3. Two additional components indistinguishable from adult fast FM2 and FM1 isomyosins appeared successively during the embryonic development. The relative proportion of these latter isoforms increased with age, and the adult pattern was established by the end of the 1st month after hatching. Between day 11 and day 16 of embryonic development, PLD muscle fibres also contained small amounts of slow isomyosins SM1 and SM2. This synthesis of slow isoforms may be related to the presence of slow fibres within the muscle. At all embryonic and posthatch stages, ALD was composed essentially of slow isomyosins that comigrated with the two slow components SM1 and SM2 identified in adult. Several studies have reported that the SM1:SM2 ratio decreases progressively throughout embryonic and posthatching development, SM2 being predominant in the adult. In contrast, we observed a transient increase in SM1:SM2 ratio at the end of embryonic life. This could reflect a transitional neonatal stage in myosin expression. In addition, the presence in trace amounts of fast isomyosins in developing ALD muscle could be related to the presence of a population of fast fibres within this muscle.  相似文献   

In order to explain the biochemical mechanisms associated with deteriorating heart function in broiler chickens, this study compared myocardial high energy phosphate substrates in leghorns, feed restricted (Broilers-Res) broilers, ad libitum fed broilers (Broilers-AL), and in broilers that developed heart failure and ascites. The profile of adenine nucleotide content in the heart tissue did not differ between leghorns and Broilers-Res, but there were significant differences among Broilers-Res, Broilers-AL, and broilers with ascites. During intensive growth periods, leghorns and Broilers-Res showed increasing trends in heart ATP levels, whereas in fast growing broilers the heart ATP declined (p<0.021). ATP:ADP and ATP:CrP ratios increased with age in both leghorn and Broilers-Res, declined in fast growing broilers, and were the lowest in broilers that developed heart failure. The changes in heart high energy phosphate profile in broilers suggest that the energy demand of the heart during a rapid growth phase may exceed the bird's metabolic capacity to supply adequate levels of high energy phosphate substrate. The insufficiency of energy substrate likely contributes to the declining heart rate. In some individuals this may lead to impaired heart pump function, and in more severe cases may progress to heart pump failure.  相似文献   

Data of chickens from a broiler-breeding program were collected and used to determine the genetic trends of absolute and relative abdominal fat content. The genetic trends were estimated by the regression of trait genetic value averages on hatch-years. Genetic values from 32,485 individuals were used for regression analysis. The genetic trend estimate for absolute abdominal fat content was +0.39 g per year, indicating that abdominal fat deposition in the analyzed line, in absolute terms, tended to increase, making the existing excess fat deposition in the broilers even worse. However, the genetic trend of relative abdominal fat content was not significant, indicating that there is no increase on abdominal fat content when it is corrected for body weight.  相似文献   

Summary Changes of muscle weights, fiber diameters and ultrastructure were studied in the slow anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and in the fast posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) of the chick three weeks after denervation and tenotomy, and after combined denervation and tenotomy of the two muscles.The slow ALD muscle becomes hypertrophic after denervation (Feng, Jung and Wu, 1962). Three weeks after nerve section, wet weights of ALD muscles are increased by 60% and fiber diameters become by 30% larger than those of contralateral control muscles. In spite of this hypertrophy, degenerative changes are seen in the ultrastructure, similar to those described in denervated atrophic muscles. Areas of dedifferentiation with autophagic vacuoles and aggregates of tubules are found in superficial layers of some fibers. Disintegration of Z lines and filaments along one or two sarcomeres occurs in a number of myofibrils, especially in muscles of young animals.In contrast to denervation alone, simultaneous denervation and tenotomy of the ALD muscles results in atrophy. Decrease of muscle weights and reduction of fiber diameters are similar as after tenotomy; in both cases muscle fibers waste by degeneration and atrophy of myofibrils.The fast PLD muscles underwent extensive atrophy in all three series of experiments. Corresponding atrophic and degenerative changes of ultrastructure were found in all instances.The authors wish to acknowledge gratefully the skillful technical assistance of Mrs. M. Sobotková and Ing. M. Doubek, and editorial assistance of Miss Virginia Hamilton.  相似文献   

In immunocastrated (IC) pigs, revaccination (V2) increases lipid deposition (LD) because of increased voluntary feed intake; but little is known on associated effect of diet composition on partitioning of nutrients in IC pigs. Digestibility measurements, N and energy balances in respiration chambers were performed in two subsequent stages in four replicates of two male littermates to determine the changes between 85 (stage 1) and 135 (stage 2) kg live weight due to combined effect of IC, growth and increased feed intake (IC/growth). During stage 1, pigs received a standard low-fat diet (LF diet; 2.5% dry matter (DM) of fat fed at 2.27 MJ metabolizable energy (ME)/kg BW0.60 per day), whereas during stage 2, feed intake was increased to 2.47 MJ ME/kg BW0.60 per day and one littermate was fed LF diet whereas the second received a fat-enriched diet (HF diet; 8.9% DM of fat) to determine the effect of increased dietary fat content on energy utilization in IC pigs. Results from N balance and measurements of gas exchanges were used to calculate respiratory quotient (RQ), heat production (HP), nutrient contribution to fat retention, components of HP, protein deposition (PD) and LD. Nutrients and energy apparent digestibility coefficients, methane losses and N retention (P<0.05) increased with IC/growth. Despite higher ME intake, total HP remained similar (1365 kJ/kg of BW0.60 per day; P=0.47) with IC/growth. Consequently, total retained energy (RE) increased with IC/growth (from 916 to 1078 kJ/kg of BW0.60 per day; P<0.01) with a higher fat retention (625 to 807 kJ/kg BW0.60 per day; P<0.01), originating mainly from carbohydrates associated with a higher lipogenesis (536 to 746 kJ/kg BW0.60 per day; P<0.01) and RQ (1.095 to 1.145; P<0.01). Both PD (from 178 to 217 g/day; P=0.02) and LD (from 227 to 384 g/day; P<0.01) increased due to IC/growth. Feeding HF diet after IC was associated with increased crude fat digestibility (P<0.01) and increased RE as fat (807 to 914 kJ/kg BW0.60 per day; P=0.03), originating mainly from dietary fat (P<0.01) and resulting in increased LD (384 to 435 g/day; P<0.01) and lower RQ (from 1.145 to 1.073; P<0.01). Altogether, present results indicate that increased fatness of IC pigs is a result of increased daily LD caused by higher energy intake and lower basal metabolic rate. In addition, LD is further enhanced by dietary energy enrichment with fat after V2.  相似文献   

A modified automatic freezing apparatus (K. M. Kretzschmar and D. R. Wilkie, 1962, J. Physiol. (London), 202, 66–67) was used for studying light chain phosphorylation during the early phase of contraction of the fast, posterior latissimus dorsi, and slow, anterior latissimus dorsi, muscles of chicken at 37 °C. The frozen muscles were worked up under conditions which avoid artifacts in quantitating the level of light chain phosphorylation in contracting and resting muscles. The posterior latissimus dorsi muscle reached 80% of its maximal isometric tension at 0.1 s of tetanic stimulation. At the same time, light chain phosphorylation increased by 60% of its maximal extent. The peak tension of the posterior muscle at 0.2 s of stimulation was accompanied by maximal light chain phosphorylation. In case of the slow anterior latissimus dorsi muscle, maximal tetanic tension was developed in 2.5 – 5 s and light chain phosphorylation also proceeded at a much slower rate than in the fast posterior muscle. When contralateral posterior latissimus dorsi muscles were stimulated for 0.2 s and one muscle was frozen at the height of tetanus while the other muscle was allowed to relax and frozen 0.4 s after terminating the stimulation, both contracted and relaxed muscles exhibited maximal light chain phosphorylation. However, when the muscle was allowed to relax for 0.8 s before freezing, half of the phosphorylated light chain became dephosphorylated. The resting level of phosphate content of the light chain was restored in both the posterior and anterior muscles during a longer time after relaxation.  相似文献   

1. Growth of breast and leg muscles and excretion of N tau methyl histidine in layer (slow growing) and broiler (fast growing) chicks were measured at five time intervals between 2 and 33 days of age. 2. The results indicate that muscles of the broiler chick grow faster than in layer chicks and that breast muscles of both strains grow faster than leg muscles in the first 2 weeks after hatching. 3. N tau methyl histidine excretion by layer chicks is higher than that by broilers relative to body weight, musculature and relative maturity at all ages examined. 4. The results suggest that faster growth of muscles is accompanied by a lower rate of protein degradation although at ages of less than 2 weeks differences in protein synthesis rates may also contribute to muscle growth.  相似文献   

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