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Although coral reefs are renowned biodiversity hotspots it is not known whether they also promote the evolution of exceptional ecomorphological diversity. We investigated this question by analysing a large functional morphological dataset of trophic characters within Labridae, a highly diverse group of fishes. Using an analysis that accounts for species relationships, the time available for diversification and model uncertainty we show that coral reef species have evolved functional morphological diversity twice as fast as non-reef species. In addition, coral reef species occupy 68.6% more trophic morphospace than non-reef species. Our results suggest that coral reef habitats promote the evolution of both trophic novelty and morphological diversity within fishes. Thus, the preservation of coral reefs is necessary, not only to safeguard current biological diversity but also to conserve the underlying mechanisms that can produce functional diversity in future.  相似文献   

The YABBY (YAB) genes specify abaxial cell fate in lateral organs in Arabidopsis. Loss-of-function mutants in two early-expressing YAB genes, FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) and YAB3, do not exhibit vegetative phenotypes as a result of redundancy. Mutations in these genes result in the derepression of the KNOX homeobox genes SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM), BREVIPEDICELLUS, and KNAT2 in the leaves and in the partial rescue of stm mutants. Here, we show that fil yab3 double mutants exhibit ectopic meristem formation on the adaxial surfaces of cotyledons and leaf blades. We propose that in addition to abaxial specification, lateral organ development requires YAB function to downregulate KNOTTED homeobox genes so that meristem initiation and growth are restricted to the apex.  相似文献   



Bacterial genomes develop new mechanisms to tide them over the imposing conditions they encounter during the course of their evolution. Acquisition of new genes by lateral gene transfer may be one of the dominant ways of adaptation in bacterial genome evolution. Lateral gene transfer provides the bacterial genome with a new set of genes that help it to explore and adapt to new ecological niches.


A maximum likelihood analysis was done on the five sequenced corynebacterial genomes to model the rates of gene insertions/deletions at various depths of the phylogeny.


The study shows that most of the laterally acquired genes are transient and the inferred rates of gene movement are higher on the external branches of the phylogeny and decrease as the phylogenetic depth increases. The newly acquired genes are under relaxed selection and evolve faster than their older counterparts. Analysis of some of the functionally characterised LGTs in each species has indicated that they may have a possible adaptive role.


The five Corynebacterial genomes sequenced to date have evolved by acquiring between 8 – 14% of their genomes by LGT and some of these genes may have a role in adaptation.

Barton M 《Genome biology》2001,2(1):reviews1002.1-reviews10023
The mechanism by which the plant reserves some cells as pluripotent stem cells while partitioning others into differentiated leaf tissue is fundamental to plant development. New work in Arabidopsis elucidates the genetic circuitry that distinguishes meristem from leaf.  相似文献   

Insect societies dominate the natural world: They mould landscapes, sculpt habitats, pollinate plants, sow seeds and control pests. The secret to their success lies in the evolution of queen (reproductive) and worker (provisioner and carer) castes (Oster & Wilson 1978 ). A major problem in evolutionary biology is explaining the evolution of insect castes, particularly the workers (Darwin 1859 ). Next‐generation sequencing technologies now make it possible to understand how genomic material is born, lost and reorganized in the evolution of alternative phenotypes. Such analyses are revealing a general role for novel (e.g. taxonomically restricted) genes in phenotypic innovations across the animal kingdom (Chen et al. 2013). In this issue of molecular ecology, Feldmeyer et al. (2014) provide overwhelming evidence for the importance of novel genes in caste evolution in an ant. Feldmeyer et al.'s study is important and exciting because it cements the role of genomic novelty, as well as conservation, firmly into the molecular jigsaw of social evolution. Evolution is eclectic in its exploitation of both old and new genomic material to generate replicated phenotypic innovations across the tree of life.  相似文献   

In this review, David Bermudes and Keith Joiner discuss the interrelationship between parasitism and mutualism and examine the parallel mechanisms used by parasites and mutualists to access and persist within the intracellular environment. By drawing analogies with mutualistic associations, they suggest mechanisms by which some parasites may ultimately benefit their hosts. They further speculate that some hosts may even become dependent upon their parasites.  相似文献   

The origin of novel traits is what draws many to evolutionary biology, yet our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the genesis of novelty remains limited. Here I review definitions of novelty including its relationship to homology. I then discuss how ontogenetic perspectives may allow us to move beyond current roadblocks in our understanding of the mechanics of innovation. Specifically, I explore the roles of canalization, plasticity and threshold responses during development in generating a reservoir of cryptic genetic variation free to drift and accumulate in natural populations. Environmental or genetic perturbations that exceed the buffering capacity of development can then release this variation, and, through evolution by genetic accommodation, result in rapid diversification, recurrence of lost phenotypes as well as the origins of novel features. I conclude that, in our quest to understand the nature of innovation, the nature of development deserves to take center stage.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins and impacts of novel traits has been a perennial interest in many realms of ecology and evolutionary biology. Here, we build on previous evolutionary and philosophical treatments of this subject to encompass novelties across biological scales and eco-evolutionary perspectives. By defining novelties as new features at one biological scale that have emergent effects at other biological scales, we incorporate many forms of novelty that have previously been treated in isolation (such as novelty from genetic mutations, new developmental pathways, new morphological features, and new species). Our perspective is based on the fundamental idea that the emergence of a novelty, at any biological scale, depends on its environmental and genetic context. Through this lens, we outline a broad array of generative mechanisms underlying novelty and highlight how genomic tools are transforming our understanding of the origins of novelty. Lastly, we present several case studies to illustrate how novelties across biological scales and systems can be understood based on common mechanisms of change and their environmental and genetic contexts. Specifically, we highlight how gene duplication contributes to the evolution of new complex structures in visual systems; how genetic exchange in symbiosis alters functions of both host and symbiont, resulting in a novel organism; and how hybridisation between species can generate new species with new niches.  相似文献   

The information concerning major families of plant homeotic genes, ways of their expression regulation and role in plant morphogenesis is outlined. Role of known homeotic genes in wheat development and growth habit establishment is presented. A supposed role of homeotic genes in major morphologic traits formation is discussed.  相似文献   

孙博渊  涂剑波  李英  杨明耀 《遗传》2014,36(6):525-535
顺式调控假说是当前进化发育生物学中重要的理论之一, 该假说认为顺式调控元件的进化是调控外表性状进化的主要遗传机制。然而越来越多的实验结果表明, 仅靠顺式调控假说远不足以解释复杂的进化发育过程, 其他因素也会导致表型的进化, 如:与顺式调控元件相联基因的蛋白序列改变; 基因及染色体组复制; 蛋白结构域与顺式调控元件的灵活性等。文章回顾了近年来顺式调控元件以及与顺式调控元件相联基因的进化发育研究, 探讨了进化发育生物学研究的新方法与新思路。  相似文献   

Class I KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEOBOX (KNOX1) genes are expressed in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) to effect its formation and maintenance. KNOX1 genes are also involved in leaf shape control throughout angiosperm evolution. Leaves can be classified as either simple or compound, and KNOX1 expression patterns in leaf primordia are highly correlated with leaf shape; in most simple-leafed species, KNOX1 genes are expressed only in the SAM but not in leaf primordia, while in compound-leafed species they are expressed both in the SAM and leaf primordia. How can KNOX1 expression be maintained to a high degree in the SAM, but simultaneously be so variable in leaves? This dichotomy suggests that the processes of leaf and SAM development have been compartmentalized during evolution. Here, we introduce our findings regarding the regulation of expression of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS, a KNOX1 gene, together with a brief review of KNOX1 genes from an evolutionary viewpoint. We also present our findings regarding another aspect of KNOX1 regulation via a protein–protein interaction network involved in the natural variation in leaf shape. Both aspects of KNOX1 regulation could be utilized for fine-tuning leaf morphology during evolution without affecting the essential function of KNOX genes in the shoot.  相似文献   

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