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Most lichens of the family Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota) produce yellow-orange-red anthraquinone pigments. However, the genus Pyrenodesmia encompasses species in which anthraquinones are absent and replaced by a gray pigment Sedifolia-gray. It was shown recently that these species are related to taxa with both anthraquinones and Sedifolia-gray (Caloplaca xerica group, C. haematites group, and C. cretensis) and to species with a brown pigment instead of both anthraquinones and Sedifolia-gray (C. demissa, C. obscurella, and C. reptans). Nevertheless, relationships between mentioned anthraquinone-containing and anthraquinone-lacking species remained unclear. In total, 8 DNA loci from 41 species were used here to resolve these uncertainties. We concluded that C. demissa, C. obscurella, and C. reptans are rather distant from the core of Pyrenodesmia, and we place them outside of Pyrenodesmia sensu lato. Within Pyrenodesmia sensu lato, three lineages were revealed and recognized on a generic level: the genus Pyrenodesmia sensu stricto (21 species), the genus Kuettlingeria (14 species), which is resurrected here, and the genus Sanguineodiscus (4 species), which is newly described here. The genus Pyrenodesmia includes taxa that never contain anthraquinones, but Sedifolia-gray. It matches with the former C. variabilis group. Taxa of the genera Kuettlingeria and Sanguineodiscus have anthraquinones in their apothecia and Sedifolia-gray in their thalli. The genus Kuettlingeria includes the former C. xerica group plus C. cretensis and C. diphyodes. The genus Sanguineodiscus includes the former C. haematites group and C. bicolor. The identity of Kuettlingeria (Caloplaca) diphyodes was clarified and the name Pyrenodesmia helygeoides was resurrected. Twenty-four new combinations were proposed.  相似文献   

Maximum parsimony analysis of DNA sequence data from the internal and external transcribed spacer (ITS and ETS) regions of 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA and the 3' trnK intron of chloroplast DNA from over 60 populations of Lasthenia sect. Amphiachaenia yielded a well-supported tree showing that the most common species of Lasthenia, L. californica sensu lato (s.l.), is not monophyletic. Members of Lasthenia californica s.l. belong to two well-supported but morphologically cryptic clades. One clade includes members of L. macrantha; the other represents a basally divergent lineage in L. sect. Amphiachaenia. Members of each clade can be diagnosed by pappus morphology and by geographic distribution, except for epappose plants that occur in a broad region of sympatry in central California. Overall diversification in the clade corresponding to L. sect. Amphiachaenia has been accompanied by minimal morphological divergence, which has resulted in previously underappreciated cryptic diversity.  相似文献   

The present paper revises the species belonging to the Neoserica (sensu lato) abnormis group, so far known only with two nominal species. Twenty new species are herein described from Indochina and southern China: N. abnormoides sp. n. (Vietnam, China), N. allolaotica sp. n., N. namthaensis sp. n., N. simplicissima sp. n. (Laos), N. thailandensis sp. n. (Thailand), N. alloputaoana sp. n., N. kanphantensis sp. n., N. natmatoungensis sp. n., N. putaoana sp. n., N. taunggyiana sp. n. (Myanmar), N. lamellosa sp. n., N. tonkinea sp. n. (Vietnam), N. bairailingshanica sp. n., N. euyunnanica sp. n., N. huangi sp. n., N. jiangxiensis sp. n., N. trifida sp. n., N. yaoi sp. n., N. yingjiangensis sp. n. (China), N. cardamomensis sp. n. (Indochina and southern China). One new combination is established: Neoserica ponderosa Arrow, 1946, comb. n. The lectotypes of Neoserica abnormis Moser, 1908 and the taxonomically uncertain N. inclinata Brenske, 1898, which very likely also belongs to this species group, are designated herein. A key to the species and to species groups is given, the genitalia of all species including their habitus are illustrated. Maps of species distribution are included.  相似文献   

Systematics within the genus Trichomanes sensu lato (Hymenophyllaceae, Filicopsida) have continued to be controversial because of the difficulty in identifying homologies and informative characters within high morphological diversity. Systematic relationships are investigated in this study by using a cladistic approach with 31 anatomical and morphological characters from 20 taxa which correspond to the sections defined by Morton. The results broadly confirm Morton's four subgenera: Trichomanes, Didymoglossum, Pachychaetum and Achomanes. The monophyly of Pachychaetum remains fragile and the section Lacostea appears to be excluded from its traditional subgenus (Achomanes). In addition, by producing two major 'ecological' clades (terrestrial and epiphytic), the analysis shows that several selected characters appear to be strongly linked with the ecology which may have a significant influence on the topology.  相似文献   

Nine new species of the Neoserica (sensu lato) pilosula Moser, 1915, group are described from China: Neoserica curvipenis sp. n., N. emeishanensis sp. n., N. lincangensis sp. n., N. ludingensis sp. n., N. lushuiana sp. n., N. rangshuiensis sp. n., N. shennongjiaensis sp. n., N. tianeana sp. n., and N. weibaoshanica sp. n. The lectotype of Neoserica pilosula Moser, 1915, is designated. Habitus and male genitalia are illustrated, a key to the species of the group and a map of species distribution are given.  相似文献   

In the present paper the species belonging to the Neoserica (sensu lato) septemlamellata group, that included so far only four known species, are revised. Here we describe eleven new species originating mainly from Indochina and Southern China: N. daweishanica sp. n., N. gaoligongshanica sp. n., N. guangpingensis sp. n., N. igori sp. n., N. jiulongensis sp. n., N. plurilamellata sp. n., N. weishanica sp. n., N. yanzigouensis sp. n. (China) N. sapaensis sp. n. (China, Vietnam), N. bansongchana sp. n., N. takakuwai sp. n. (Laos). The lectotypes of Neoserica septemlamellata Brenske, 1898 and N. septemfoliata Moser, 1915 are designated. Keys to the species and species groups are given, the genitalia of all species and their habitus are illustrated and distribution maps are included.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the pantropical family Ebenaceae s.l. were investigated using plastid DNA sequence data from six regions: atpB, matK, ndhF, trnK intron, trnL intron, and trnL-trnF spacer. Sampling included representatives of all currently recognized genera of Ebenaceae, Diospyros, Euclea, and Lissocarpa, and nearly all taxa that were previously recognized at the generic level, e.g., Cargillia, Gunisanthus, Maba, Macreightia, Royena, and Tetraclis. Our results strongly support monophyly of Ebenaceae s.l. and demonstrate that the previous infrafamilar classifications of the family do not circumscribe monophyletic groups. A new infrafamilial classification based on a phylogenetic approach is proposed here and consists of two subfamilies, Lissocarpoideae and Ebenoideae, and four genera, Lissocarpa, Euclea, Royena, and Diospyros. Relationships and potential synapomorphic characters are discussed and summarized. This study supports a western Gondwanan origin of family and indicates that both vicariant and long-distance dispersal events played an important role in attaining current distributions.  相似文献   

Reported in the present paper are chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three genera of the Gesneriaceae, i.e. Ancylostemon Craib. , Briggsiopsis (Franch.) K. Y. Pan and Lysionotus D. Don. The former two genera are endemic to China. The karyotype of Ancylostemon aureus (Franch.) Burtt is formulated as 2n = 34 = 20m(1sat) + 14sm, with the same chromosome number as its allied species A. convexus Craib. This species is characterized by the interphase nucleus of complex chromocenter type and the proximal type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of the monospecific genus Briggsiopsis is 2n = 34, the same as the lowest chromosome number reported in Briggsia. The karyotype of Briggsiopsis, which is formulated as 2n = 25m + 6sm + 3st, also seems to be primitive among the species of the two genera. Briggsiopsis is characterized by the interphase nucleus of simple-complex chromocenter type and the interstitial-gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of Lysionotus carnosus Hemsl. is the lowest reported in this genus. Its karyotype is formulated as 2n= 30 = 21m + 5sm + 3st + lt. Lysionotus serratus var. pterocaulis, with the karyotype being formulated as 2n= 32 = 2lm + 10sm + lt, has the same chromosome number as var. serratus. These two species show a remarkable differentiation of karyotypes and are characterized by the interphase nuclei of simple-complex chromocenter type and the gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. _ .  相似文献   

本文报道了苦苣苔科直瓣苣苔属Ancylostemon、筒花苣苔属Briggsiopsis和吊石苣苔属Lysionotus 中4个种的染色体数目和核形态。凹瓣苣苔A.aureus的染色体数目为n=34,与其近缘种凸瓣苣苔 A.convexus的染色体数目相同。该种的核型公式为2n=20m(1sat)+14sm,核型类型属于2A。间期核 为复杂染色中心型(complex chromocenter type);细胞有丝分裂前期的染色体为近基型(proximal type) 我国特有单种属筒花苣苔属Briggsiopsis的间期核为简单—复杂染色中心型(simple-complex chromocenter type);细胞有丝分裂前期的染色体为中间—渐变型(interstitial—gradient type);核型公式为2n=34=25m +6sm+3st,与近缘类群——粗筒苣苔属Briggsia染色体数目2n=34,68相比,无论染色体数目还是核 型均显示比较原始的特征。吊石苣苔属的蒙自吊石苣苔L.carnosus和翅茎吊石苣苔L.serratus D. Don var.pterocaulis的核型公式分别是2n=30=21m+5sm+3st+1t和2n=32=21m+10sm+1t。核 型类型分别属于2A和2B。间期核均为简单—复杂染色中心型(simple-complex chromocenter type);细胞 有丝分裂前期的染色体为渐变型(gradient type)。  相似文献   

Twelve of the 13 bushcricket species of the Saga genus are bisexuals and diploids, except the parthenogenetic and tetraploid bush cricket, Saga pedo. Despite a continuous research effort stretching through the 1900s, the taxonomic relationships of the Saga species are still disputed. In this study, our primary aim was to reveal natural relationships of the European Saga species and three of their Asian relatives, with special attention to the problematic taxonomy of two subspecies: S. campbelli campbelli and S. c. gracilis. Following a phylogenetic analysis of eight species, a comprehensive study was carried out on the above three taxa by using acoustic and morphometric approaches in parallel. Our phylogenetic data showed that European Saga species evolved from a monophyletic lineage. The geographical transitional species S. cappadocica was positioned between European and Asian lineages supporting the idea that the European Saga lineage originated phylogeographically from the Asian clade. The above results showed better agreement with the morphological data than with earlier ones based either on karyology or acoustic information only. After reviewing our data, we concluded that Saga pedo has most likely evolved from S. c. gracilis and not from S. rammei or S. ephippigera, as proposed by earlier studies. S. c. gracilis shares the same ITS2 haplotype with S. pedo, indicating that the latter could have evolved from populations of the former, probably through whole genome duplication. Based on acoustic and morphometric differences, we propose to elevate the two subspecies, S. campbelli campbelli and S. c. gracilis, to species level status, as Saga gracilis Kis 1962, and Saga campbelli Uvarov 1921. The present work sets the stage for future genetic and experimental investigations of Saginae and highlights the need for additional comprehensive analysis involving more Asian Saga species.  相似文献   

As the second largest and most diverse group in the superfamily Aphidoidea, the phylogeny of drepanosiphine aphids sensu lato (s.l.) is critical for discussing the evolution of aphids. However, the taxa composition and phylogenetic relationships of drepanosiphine aphids s.l. have not been fully elucidated to date. In this study, based on total-evidence analyses combining 4 molecular genes (3 mitochondrial, COI, tRNA-Leu/COII, and CytB; 1 nuclear, EF-1ɑ) and 64 morphological and biological characteristics, the phylogeny of this group was reconstructed for the first time at the subfamily level using different datasets, parsimonies and model-based methods. All of our phylogenetic inferences clearly indicated that the drepanosiphine aphids s.l. was not a monophyletic group and seemed to support the division of the drepanosiphine aphids s.l. into different groups classified at the subfamily level. Calaphidinae was also not a monophyletic group, and Saltusaphidinae was nested within this subfamily. Drepanosiphinae was not clustered with Chaitophorinae, which was inconsistent with the previous hypothesis of a close relationship between them, illustrating that their phylogeny remains controversial. Overall, some groups of drepanosiphine aphids s.l., including Phyllaphidinae, Macropodaphidinae, Pterastheniinae, Lizeriinae, Drepanosiphinae, Spicaphidinae, Saltusaphidinae, and Calaphidinae, clustered together and might constitute the actual drepanosiphine aphids s.l. To a certain extent, our results clarified the phylogenetic relationships among drepanosiphine aphids s.l. and confirmed their taxonomic status as subfamilies.  相似文献   

Persistence of granular formulations of Beauveria bassiana sensu lato, strains GHA726 and ERL1170, and Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato, strains ERL824 and ERL701, applied to forest soil was documented. One formulation was prepared by producing fungi on millet and at application adding cooked, dried millet to provide additional nutrients for fungal growth. The other was made by producing fungi on corn starch ‘packing peanuts’, a biodegradable packaging material, adding additional packing peanuts as a nutrient base. The trial was conducted in three sites in a forest predominating in sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Underhill, VT, USA. In each site, 33 dominant sugar maples were randomly selected. A 1-m2 plot located 1 m from the bole of the tree was established. Soil samples were collected before application, and 1 h, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 wk post-application. Fungal levels were estimated based on number of colony-forming units (CFUs). A significant increase in CFUs was observed 2 wk post-application in plots treated with isolates GHA726, ERL1170 and ERL824 as a result of fungal reproduction on nutrients in the formulations. Evidence of greater persistence for the B. bassiana than the M. anisopliae isolates was observed, based on CFU levels over time. Isolates formulated with millet proliferated more than those on packing peanuts. Use of entomopathogenic fungi in forest soil has potential for managing soil-dwelling insect pests such as pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens, and the black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus, though the type of formulation and the specific isolate used must be selected carefully.  相似文献   

Cladistic analyses were carried out to infer the phylogenetic relationships among taxa that were originally part of the large genus Eumenes. Terminals belonging to other eumenine lineages were also included, as well as terminals from other vespid subfamilies. Analyses under equal weights and implied weights were carried out, and better results were obtained with the latter. The results corroborated the monophyly of Eumeninae, and recovered Zethini sensu lato as the sister‐lineage to the remaining eumenines. Eumenes sensu lato as originally recognized is paraphyletic relative to Odynerus sensu lato. A natural classification at the tribal level congruent with the phylogenetic results may be proposed, and the names Zethini, Odynerini, and Eumenini are already available. This is the most comprehensive phylogeny of the Eumeninae to date. A new generic synonymy is Alfieria Giordani Soika, 1934 = Delta de Saussure, 1855.  相似文献   

 The inflorescence development in Whytockia has been studied in order to explore the developmental basis for inflorescence architecture. The developmental pattern of the pair-flowered cyme in Whytockia basically conforms to that of most members in Gesneriaceae. However, the additional flower beside the terminal one in Whytockia is not equivalent to the frontal flower as in other Gesneriaceae because the former is located in the front-lateral position while the latter is in the front-median position. Also, the zigzag monochasial branching system in Whytockia represents the consecutive front-lateral branches rather than the lateral branches as in other Gesneriaceae. The inflorescence in Whytockia is flowering in a basipetal sequence, and its seemingly acropetal flowering sequence is due to the vigorous development of the consecutive front-lateral branches. In addition, the inflorescence of Whytockia does not represent the basic unit of the inflorescence in Epithemateae, and it is derived as compared to that of Rhynchoglossum. The development relationships of the inflorescence between Whytockia and its allies in Epithemateae are discussed on the basis of developmental and comparative evidence. Received February 15, 2002; accepted September 17, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

In a leaf flavonoid aglycone survey of 19 Tricyrtis species, the flavone lulcolin was detected in 16% of the taxa and the flavonols myricetin, qucrcetin, kaempfcrol and isorhamnetin in 32%, 63% and 68% and 58% of the sample, respectively. Kaempfcrol occurred more frequently than qucrcetin in sections Hirtae and Tricyrtis. Section Brachycyrtis was characterized by the presence of lulcolin, while flavoncs were absent from sections Flavae, Hirtae and Tricyrtis. Myricetin was found only in T J'ormosana and T. hirta (section Hirtae) and in T affirm and T. macropoda (section Tricyrtis). This is the first report of myricetin in Tricyrtis and in the Liliales. Also the co-occurrence of flavones and flavonols within the same plant, as in 7. ishiiana var. surugensis and T macrantha , is a rare event in this order. The flavonoid data are congruent with data from morphology, anatomy and molecular analysis in indicating the separation of section Brachycyrtis from the other three sections and in supporting a close relationship between sections Hirtae and Tricyrtis.  相似文献   

RFLPs of cpDNA were examined for 18 species ofAster, six species ofKalimeris, two species ofMiyamayomena and one species and one variety ofHeteropappus from Japan, using 16 restriction endonucleases. Approximately 275 restriction sites were surveyed, and a total of 74 restriction site mutations was detected, and 31 of these were phylogenetically informative. Sixteen most parsimonious trees constructed from Wagner parsimony analysis indicated the polyphyly ofKalimeris andMiyamayomena sensu Kitamura;K. miqueliana belongs to a different clade from the remaining species ofKalimeris, and two species ofMiyamayomena did not make a single clade. This result suggests that the shortening or loss of pappus have happened parallelly in different evolutionary lineages. We must be careful to assess the pappus character in taxonomy and phylogeny, and it is desirable to examine their phylogenetic relationships using a molecular data.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Passifloraceae sensu lato was performed using rbcL, atpB, matK, and 18S rDNA sequences from 25 genera and 42 species. Parsimony analyses of combined data sets resulted in a single most parsimonious tree, which was very similar to the 50% majority consensus tree from the Bayesian analysis. All nodes except three were supported by more than 50% bootstrap. The monophyly of Passifloraceae s.l. as well as the former families, Malesherbiaceae, Passifloraceae sensu stricto, and Turneraceae were strongly supported. Passifloraceae s.s. and the Turneraceae are sisters, and form a strongly supported clade. Within Passifloraceae s.s., the tribes Passifloreae and Paropsieae are both monophyletic. The intergeneric relationships within Passifloraceae s.s. and Turneraceae are roughly correlated with previous classification systems. The morphological character of an androgynophore/gynophore is better used for characterizing genera grouping within Passifloraceae s.s. Other morphological characters such as the corona and aril are discussed.  相似文献   

The species of the Neoserica (sensu lato) calva group are revised. Neoserica calva Frey, 1972, comb. n. is redescribed. Thirteen new species are described from China and South Korea: Neoserica ailaoshanica sp. n., Neoserica anonyma sp. n., Neoserica calvoides sp. n., Neoserica gulinqingensis sp. n., Neoserica koelkebecki sp. n., Neoserica liangi sp. n., Neoserica luxiensis sp. n., Neoserica menghaiensis sp. n., Neoserica mengi sp. n., Neoserica taipingensis sp. n., Neoserica zheijangensis sp. n., Neoserica zhibenshanica sp. n., and Neoserica zongyuani sp. n. A key to Sericini genera with multilamellate antenna and species groups of Neoserica of mainland Asia as well as a key to species of the Neoserica calva group are provided. A map of species distribution is given, habitus and male genitalia are illustrated.  相似文献   

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