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Eighteen species belonging to family Convolvulaceae occurring in northeastern Brazil were analyzed to identify the karyotypic variability among rupicolous and non-rupicolous species. The count of 2n = 56 for Evolvulus sp., is the first report of polyploidy for the genus. The similarities among the karyotypes of species of Ipomoea, Merremia, and Operculina suggest that x = 15 is the basic secondary number for these genera, while x = 13 has been observed in Evolvulus. The genus Jacquemontia, with 2n = 18 is karyologically distinct from the other genera of the family. Intraspecific numerical chromosomal variations were not detected, nor were any karyological variations related to the rocky habitat characteristic of inselbergs. The occurrence of other plant groups with polyploid forms linked to this type of habitat suggests that the family Convolvulaceae is karyologically stable. We discuss variations in chromosome numbers, base numbers, and their implications in the evolution of the principal groups within the Convolvulaceae.  相似文献   

Based on pollen analysis, 17 honey samples collected in the Caatinga area from Nova Soure city were classified by botanical origin to identify the most important floral sources. Most of the honey samples were obtained in August and September. A total of 73 pollen types were identified belonging to 30 families, 64 genera and 30 species. The families best represented by their number of pollen types were Mimosaceae (11), Caesalpiniaceae (9), Rubiaceae and Fabaceae (5 each). Predominant pollen types were: Mimosa arenosa in four samples, M. sensitiva and M. tenuiflora in one sample. Pollen from Mimosa ursina was registered for the first time in the pollen spectrum of the Caatinga vegetation. The correspondence analysis showed a similarity among the honey samples based on pollen composition. The high representation of pollen from native species such as Chamaecrista nictitans, C. ramosa, C. swainsonii and Copaifera martii (Caesalpiniaceae); Aeschynomene martii and Zornia sericea (Fabaceae); Herissantia tiubae (Malvaceae); Mimosa arenosa, M. quadrivalvis, M. sensitiva, M. tenuiflora, M. ursina, Piptadenia moniliformis and Plathymenia reticulata (Mimosaceae), and Ziziphus joazeiro (Rhamnaceae) supports the origin of these honeys from Caatinga vegetation.  相似文献   

This study dealt with six species of Acalyphoideae and 18 species of Euphorbioideae occurring in the Caatinga ecoregion, with emphasis on endemic species. Pollen samples were obtained from herbarium specimens and were acetolysed and analysed via light and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen of three genera of Acalyphoideae was medium to large, 3-colporate or 3-colpate, with an echinate-perforate exine that was reticulate, bireticulate, and microreticulate. The six genera of Euphorbioideae studied exhibited pollen grains that were small, medium and large; 3-colporate with margines; and an exine with microreticulate, microreticulate-rugulate, microreticulate-caveate, and reticulate ornamentation. The pollen characteristics were more variable in the Acalyphoideae compared to the relatively homogeneous Euphorbioideae. This study provides new data and interpretations of the pollen morphology of two subfamilies of the Euphorbiaceae of the Caatinga ecoregion in Brazil.  相似文献   

Brazil has one of the greatest bird diversities in the world, with around 1,800 species. However, many species are now threatened by illegal capture and trade that is largely driven by the culture of keeping wild birds as pets. This study documents the nature and purpose of bird capture and trade in the semi-arid Caatinga biome in northeastern Brazil, which has around 510 bird species and a population of around 25 million people. Data were obtained through observation in the homes of bird keepers and at open air markets, as well as through semi-structured and open-ended interviews and informal conversations with 52 wild bird keepers. We recorded 38 species of birds kept as pets in this study. The family with the largest number of species recorded was the Emberizidae (29%), followed by the Columbidae (16%) and the Psittacidae (16%). The most frequently kept species were: Paroaria dominicana, Aratinga cactorum, Icterus jamacaii, Sporophila albogularis, Turdus rufiventris and Cyanocompsa brissonii, which are all native to this region. Among the recorded species, only Pintassilgo (Carduelis yarrellii) is listed as an endangered species in Brazil. Of the people interviewed, 32% observed a reduction in abundance, or disappearance, of several bird species in the region. The need for measures aimed at the sustainability of wild avifauna use is therefore evident. These include law enforcement, commercial breeding and environmental education, of which the last is considered the most likely to be effective.  相似文献   

János Török 《Ecography》1990,13(4):257-264
Food composition, prey size utilization and foraging behaviour of three sympatric woodpecker species ( Dendrocopos major, D. medius, D. minor ) were studied in an oak forest near Budapest during the breeding season in 1983 and 1984. Considering these three aspects of feeding, the great spotted woodpecker is a generalist species. Food composition of this species resembled the arthropod supply on the bark of trees more than those of the other two species. The bark of the trees seems to be a relatively unproductive microhabitat in the breeding season, so woodpecker species use, to different degrees, the food supply of the foliage as well. The food and the foraging behaviour of the middle spotted woodpecker show that this species feeds on prey living both on barks and in the foliage; it occupies-an intermediate position between the great and the lesser spotted woodpeckers. Prey size did not correlate with predator size suggesting that woodpeckers adapted not to the summer resources but rather the winter ones.  相似文献   

The genus Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907 is a large and complex group of bees of the tribe Protandrenini comprising small, slender, mostly black ground-nesting species that are restricted to South America. We describe a new species of Rhophitulus from Parque Nacional São Joaquim, Urubici, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Rophitulus ater sp. nov. is distinctive and easily distinguished from other species of the genus by a unique combination of morphological characters in both sexes, but especially by the following: dull black body, coarsely and densely punctate integument, basal area of metapostnotum depressed and areolate rugose, posterior margin of hind tibia and pygidial fimbria of female with blackish pilosity, and characters of the male genitalia with hidden sterna. The new species is closely associated with Blumenbachia catharinensis (Loasaceae), which is restricted to cloud forest of the southeastern rim of Serra Geral. Flowers of B. catharinensis are pollen and nectar resources and mating sites for the new species.  相似文献   

Evolvulus flavus is a new species of Convolvulaceae found in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Brazil. It is characterized by flowers with a yellow corolla and 4‐locular ovary. Illustrations and taxonomic notes are presented. Only four individuals of this new species have been located, resulting in its classification as ‘Endangered’ (EN) in accordance with the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

Females of Callonychium petuniae were found to be oligolectic foragers on three sympatric purple flowered Petunia species in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Males patrol patches of Petunia flowers in search for females. They also wait for females in or on the flowers and perch for mates in the vicinity of blossoms. Copulation is always initiated on Petunia flowers. Flying in copulation posture, the couple visits Rrther flowers where the female continues to collect pollen. The mates land outside the Petunia patch to copulate for up to 20 min. and then take ofr separately. We interprete the flights in copula posture as male strateies to prevent the female from returning to the area of high competitor abundance for further pollen collecting after copulation. Thereby males may increase their chances to be the last male to mate before the eggs are fertilized. Femals and males of C. petuniae are the most frequent pollinators of purple flowered Petunia species and indiscriminately transfer pollen between them. Cytogenetic analyses of chromosome numbers and meiotic phases in individuals of two sympatric Petunia species and in presumable hybrids showed, however, that the species maintain their integrity. Spontaneous color choices in multicolored patches of dummy flowers revealed that C. petuniae bees have a high preference for Petunia-purple color tones, as seen by the human eye. We discuss the significance of color selectivity by C. petuniae bees and of the visual signals exhibited by purple flowered Petunia species to keep the coevolved reproductive strategies stable.  相似文献   

An analysis of the diet of 0+ perch, smelt and roach caught at night of the pelagial of a mesotrophic lake showed that their food was composed mainly of herbivorous and predatory cladocerans, copepods and Chaoborus larvae during summer, and of herbivorous cladocerans and copepods during October. An analysis of habitat use by juveniles revealed separation among the species: roach occurred in the upper, perch and smelt in the deeper water layers. Food and habitat were alternatively partitioned among the juveniles. In early summer the lowest food overlap between perch and smelt coincided with high habitat overlap. In October high food overlap between perch and smelt corresponded with low habitat overlap. Smelt and roach fry used common food resources throughout the season, but they were segregated in habitat.  相似文献   

Geographic range differences among species may result from differences in their physiological tolerances. In the intertidal zone, marine and terrestrial environments intersect to create a unique habitat, across which physiological tolerance strongly influences range. Traits to cope with environmental extremes are particularly important here because many species live near their physiological limits and environmental gradients can be steep. The snail Melampus bidentatus occurs in coastal salt marshes in the western Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. We used sequence data from one mitochondrial (COI) and two nuclear markers (histone H3 and a mitochondrial carrier protein, MCP) to identify three cryptic species within this broad‐ranging nominal species, two of which have partially overlapping geographic ranges. High genetic diversity, low population structure, and high levels of migration within these two overlapping species suggest that historical range limitations do not entirely explain their different ranges. To identify microhabitat differences between these two species, we modelled their distributions using data from both marine and terrestrial environments. Although temperature was the largest factor setting range limits, other environmental components explained features of the ranges that temperature alone could not. In particular, the interaction of precipitation and salinity likely sets physiological limits that lead to range differences between these two cryptic species. This suggests that the response to climatic change in these snails will be mediated by changes to multiple environmental factors, and not just to temperature alone.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants in the semi-arid Caatinga of North-East Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Myrmecochory is a conspicuous feature of several sclerophyll ecosystems around the world but it has received little attention in the semi-arid areas of South America. This study addresses the importance of seed dispersal by ants in a 2500-km(2) area of the Caatinga ecosystem (north-east Brazil) and investigates ant-derived benefits to the plant through myrmecochory. METHODS: Seed manipulation and dispersal by ants was investigated during a 3-year period in the Xingó region. Both plant and ant assemblages involved in seed dispersal were described and ant behaviour was characterized. True myrmecochorous seeds of seven Euphorbiaceae species (i.e. elaiosome-bearing seeds) were used in experiments designed to: (1) quantify the rates of seed cleaning/removal and the influence of both seed size and elaiosome presence on seed removal; (2) identify the fate of seeds dispersed by ants; and (3) document the benefits of seed dispersal by ants in terms of seed germination and seedling growth. KEY RESULTS: Seed dispersal by ants involved one-quarter of the woody flora inhabiting the Xingó region, but true myrmecochory was restricted to 12.8 % of the woody plant species. Myrmecochorous seeds manipulated by ants faced high levels of seed removal (38-84 %) and 83 % of removed seeds were discarded on ant nests. Moreover, seed removal positively correlated with the presence of elaiosome, and elaiosome removal increased germination success by at least 30 %. Finally, some Euphorbiaceae species presented both increased germination and seedling growth on ant-nest soils. CONCLUSIONS: Myrmecochory is a relevant seed dispersal mode in the Caatinga ecosystem, and is particularly frequent among Euphorbiaceae trees and shrubs. The fact that seeds reach micro-sites suitable for establishment (ant nests) supports the directed dispersal hypothesis as a possible force favouring myrmecochory in this ecosystem. Ecosystems with a high frequency of myrmecochorous plants appear not to be restricted to regions of nutrient-impoverished soil or to fire-prone regions.  相似文献   

Summary The partitioning of energy in three species of nematode, Paroigolaimella bernensis, Diplogasteritus nudicapitatus and Rhabditis curvicaudata, from a polysaprobic environment is considered. Temperature was shown to have a profound impact on the rate at which these organisms obtained food resources and on the partitioning of energy into growth, reproduction and maintenance. Declining temperature resulted in a reduction in energy consumption and in production and maintenance costs. Absorption efficiencies were relatively low, rarely exceeding 20% and lying on average between 5–15%. Net production efficiencies varied throughout the life-cycle, but attained maximum levels of 70–80%. Females achieved higher net production efficiency than males. The physiology and ecological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied canopy structure, shoot architecture and light harvesting efficiencies of the species (photon flux captured per unit above‐ground plant mass) in a series of exclosures of different age (up to 4.5 yr) in originally heavily grazed grassland in N Japan.Vegetation height and Leaf Area Index (LAI) increased in the series and Zoysia japonica, the dominant in the beginning, was replaced by the much taller Miscanthus sinensis. We showed how this displacement in dominance can be explained by inherent constraints on the above‐ground architecture of these two species. In all stands light capture of plants increased with their above‐ground biomass but taller species were not necessarily more efficient in light harvesting. Some subordinate species grew disproportionally large leaf areas and persisted in the shady undergrowth. Some other species first grew taller and managed to stay in the better‐lit parts of the canopy, but ultimately failed to match the height growth of their neighbours in this early successional series. Their light harvesting efficiencies declined and this probably led to their exclusion. By contrast, species that maintained their position high in the canopy managed to persist in the vegetation despite their relatively low light harvesting efficiencies. In the tallest stands ‘later successional’ species had higher light harvesting efficiencies for the same plant height than ‘early successional’ species which was mostly the result of the greater area to mass ratio (specific leaf area, SLA) of their leaves. This shows how plant stature, plasticity in above‐ground biomass partitioning, and architectural constraints determine the ability of plants to efficiently capture light, which helps to explain species replacement in this early successional series.  相似文献   

Pheasants (order Galliformes) are typical ground‐dwelling birds, having a large body size and weak flight abilities. Sympatric pheasants are expected to share narrower niche space and face more extensive interspecific competition. However, little work has been undertaken simultaneously to investigate niche partitioning among sympatric pheasant species across multiple ecological dimensions. We compared microhabitat use, activity pattern and foraging strategy of sympatric Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus, Buff‐throated Partridge Tetraophasis szechenyii and White Eared‐pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, China, to identify potential interspecific niche partitioning along different ecological dimensions in the breeding season. We found that the Buff‐throated Partridge differed significantly from the other two species in microhabitat use, and the three species showed different foraging strategies. It is likely that niche partitioning reduced potential interspecific competition, thus facilitating the species’ stable coexistence. Our study provides practical evidence of multidimensional niche theory within sympatric ground‐dwelling pheasant species, emphasizing that species interactions and coexistence within a guild are often not uni‐dimensional. Given global conservation concern for maintaining bird diversity, we recommend further restriction of yak grazing in these species’ habitat.  相似文献   

Five species of flatfishes in a tropical bay in south-eastern Brazil were studied to test the hypothesis that resource partitioning along the spatial and size dimensions has been used as a mechanism to enable coexistence. Three zones in the study area were defined according to environmental characteristics (inner, middle and outer). Sampling was conducted by otter trawl tows during daylight hours, between October 1998 and September 1999. Achiridae species ( Achirus lineatus and Trinectes paulistanus ) showed narrow niche width, indicating a specialized feeding strategy, preying on Polychaeta, and occurring mainly in the inner bay zone. Paralichthyidae ( Citharichthys spilopterus and Etropus crossotus ) and the Cynoglossidae ( Symphurus tessellatus ) showed broad niche width and a generalized feeding strategy preying on a large number of Crustacea. Symphurus tessellatus did not change diet with size-dimension feeding on Amphipoda and Polychaeta, whereas C. spilopterus and E. crossotus shifted diet with growth. Citharichthys spilopterus fed mainly on Mysida and secondarily on shrimps, with juvenile preying on large amounts of Calanoida, whereas adults consumed large amounts of fishes. Isaeidae amphipods were a significant prey for both small and large E. crossotus , whereas Polychaeta Errantia were used mainly by large fishes. Etropus crossotus and S. tessellatus share similar feeding resources in outer bay zone preying on Isaeidae and Polychaeta Errantia. Differences in the Pleuronectiformes diet composition along with spatial and size changes in the use of the available resources contributed to allow the organisms' coexistence in Sepetiba Bay. The high item diversity used by flatfishes indicates that the system plays an important role as a feeding ground, and that interspecific competition for food was unlikely.  相似文献   

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