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What biological attributes of organisms promote speciation, and ultimately, species diversity? This question has a long history of interest, with proposed diversity promoters including attributes such as sexual selection, ecological specialism and dispersability. However, such ideas are difficult to test because the time-scale of processes involved is too great for direct human observation and experimentation. An increasingly powerful solution is to investigate diversity patterns among extant groups to infer the nature of processes operating during the evolution of those groups. This approach relies on the use of robust, phylogenetically based null models to overcome some of the problems inherent in observational inference. We illustrate this area by (i) discussing recent advances in identifying correlates of diversity among higher taxa, and (ii) proposing new methods for analysing patterns in species-level phylogenies, drawing examples from a wide range of organisms.  相似文献   

Mammals envenomed by either the Eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) or the cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus) exhibit an immediate but transitory pupillar contraction, a parasympathomimetic effect mediated through the ciliary ganglion that can be prevented by a retrobulbar injection of anesthetic. The venom of the cottonmouth injected into the lymph spaces of the frog (Rana pipiens) produces an immediate and total collapse of the lung sacs. Applied locally to the surface, it produces a constriction that eventually collapses the entire sac. Tests of venoms and toxins from both anterior and posterior parts of the venom apparatus indicate that the lung-collapsing moiety originates in the accessory, not the main portion of the venom gland. This is the first example of a functional specialization within the whole structure. It seems that this factor is elaborated primarily in snakes that prey upon frogs, although insufficient data are available from this study to confirm this. In both reptile species, the predatory strike is accompanied by an immediate effect, perhaps mediated by the parasympathetic nervous system, designed to incapacitate the prey and facilitate capture. These effects cannot now be attributed to neurotoxins because the effect of the former is transitory (and not lethal) and neither has been purified sufficiently to determine potency or structure. Both take part in securing, but not killing, the prey, and both directly oppose the sympathetic nervous system "fright-fight/flight" response. Evidence is presented to support the possibility that known epigenetic mechanisms are capable of effecting heritable changes in gene expression that could allow for the development of factors that facilitate prey acquisition and promote rapid adaptation to environmental change.  相似文献   

Treatment of chick embryos in ovo with IGF-I during the period of normal, developmentally regulated neuronal death (embryonic days 5–10) resulted in a dose-dependent rescue of a significant number of lumbar motoneurons from degeneration and death. IGF-II and two variants of IGF-I with reduced affinity for IGF binding proteins, des(1-3) IGF-I and long R3 IGF-I, also elicited enhanced survival of motoneurons equal to that seen in IGF-I-treated embryos. IGF-I did not enhance mitogenic activity in motoneuronal populations when applied to embryos during the period of normal neuronal proliferation (E2-5). Treatment of embryos with IGF-I also reduced two types of injury-induced neuronal death. Following either deafferentation or axotomy, treatment of embryos with IGF-I rescued approximately 75% and 50%, respectively, of the motoneurons that die in control embryos as a result of these procedures. Consistent with the survival-promoting activity on motoneurons in ovo, IGF-I, -II, and des(1-3) IGF-I elevated choline acetyltransferase activity in embryonic rat spinal cord cultures, with des (1-3) IGF-I demonstrating 2.5 times greater potency than did IGF-I. A single addition of IGF-I at culture initiation resulted in the maintenance of 80% of the initial ChAT activity for up to 5 days, during which time ChAT activity in untreated control cultures fell to 9%. In summary, these results demonstrate clear motoneuronal trophic activity for the IGFs. These findings, together with previous reports that IGFs are synthesized in muscle and may participate in motoneuron axonal regeneration and sprouting, indicate that these growth factors may have an important role in motoneuron development, maintenance, and recovery from injury. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

该文报道了西滨鹬 (Calidris mauri) 在美国阿拉斯加州育空-卡斯科奎姆河三角洲相对较小的空间尺度上所表现的集群繁殖行为。在开始产卵之前, 西滨鹬雄鸟聚集在一处 36 hm2的区域鸣唱飞行, 进行求偶炫耀。随后在该区域营巢时, 西滨鹬也保持着集群状态。检验了三个常用于解释具领域行为的物种的集群繁殖的假说:社会成员选择假说、捕食假说和物质资源限制假说。结果表明, 与斑块可利用性相比, 分散的个体常栖息于地势平坦的苔原栖息地斑块, 而集群个体常筑巢于地势起伏的苔原栖息地斑块, 因此, 该研究支持物质资源限制假说。在地势起伏的苔原栖息地斑块集群营巢的西滨鹬繁殖成功率较低, 这表明西滨鹬的这种栖息地占有模式符合理想的等级分布。在研究样地中, 年长且更具攻击性的雄鸟向雌鸟求偶的次数更多, 并且保卫位于地势平坦的苔原栖息地斑块上更大的领域; 相比之下, 年幼且攻击性较弱的雄鸟则聚集在地势起伏的苔原栖息地斑块。通常情况下, 繁殖期的集群多集中于某种关键资源的分布区内或分布区附近, 但西滨鹬繁殖集群的出现是由于年长和处于优势地位的个体将年幼和处于从属地位的个体排斥出高质量的栖息地。虽然, 繁殖领域的集群现象在很多非群居的鸟类中都曾有报道, 但该文是首次对非群居的单配制鸻鹬类物种在孵卵之前的集群繁殖行为进行了定量研究。  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism by which an omental pedicle promotes healing when applied to an injured site, we injected a foreign body into the abdominal cavity to activate the omentum. One week after the injection, we isolated the omentum and measured blood vessel density, blood content, growth and angiogenesis factors (VEGF and others), chemotactic factors (SDF-1α), and progenitor cells (CXCR-4, WT-1). We found that the native omentum, which consisted mostly of adipose tissue, expanded the mass of its non-adipose part (milky spots) 15– to 20-fold. VEGF and other growth factors increased by two– to four-fold, blood vessel density by three-fold, and blood content by two-fold. The activated omentum also showed increases in SDF-1α, CXCR-4, and WT-1 cells (factors and cells positively associated with tissue regeneration). Thus, we propose that an omentum activated by a foreign body (or by injury) greatly expands its milky-spot tissue and becomes rich in growth factors and progenitor cells that facilitate the healing and regeneration of injured tissue. This work was partly supported by a grant (no. 2000–241 to A.K.S.) from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International.  相似文献   

A cytoplasmic component(s), previously shown to rescue the 'blocked' 2-cell mouse embryo in vitro, has been demonstrated to peak in activity during the transition between G2 and M phase and decline thereafter. The possible significance of this component(s) in the regulation of cleavage of the cultured mouse embryo is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolated stem cells from the midguts of Manduca sexta and Heliothis virescens can be induced to differentiate in vitro by either of two polypeptide factors. One of the peptides was isolated from culture medium conditioned by differentiating mixed midgut cells; we used high performance liquid chromatographic separation and Edman degradation of the most prominent active peak. It is a polypeptide with 30 amino acid residues (3,244 Da), with the sequence HVGKTPIVGQPSIPGGPVRLCPGRIRYFKI, and is identical to the C-terminal peptide of bovine fetuin. A portion of this molecule (HVGKTPIVGQPSIPGGPVRLCPGRIR) was synthesized and was found to be very active in inducing differentiation of H. virescens midgut stem cells. It was designated Midgut Differentiation Factor 1 (MDF1). Proteolysis of bovine fetuin with chymotrypsin allowed isolation of a pentamer, Midgut Differentiation Factor 2 (MDF2) with the sequence HRAHY corresponding to a portion of the fetuin molecule near MDF1. Synthetic MDF2 was also biologically active in midgut stem cell bioassays. Dose response curves indicate activity in physiological ranges from 10(-14) to 10(-9) M for MDF1 and 10(-15) to 10(-5) M for MDF2.  相似文献   

To analyze regional differences in the embryonic mouse brain with respect to environmental influence on mitral cell neurites, olfactory bulb fragments were cultured on layers of brain cells which had been dissociated from various regions. Long mitral cell neurites elongated on paleocortex and neocortex cell layers, but not on the septum, mesencephalon, or diencephalon cell layers. Cell membranes prepared from the paleocortex and neocortex also supported outgrowth of long mitral cell neurites, but cell membranes prepared from the septum, mesencephalon, or diencephalon did not. The supportability of mitral cell neurites in the paleocortex and neocortex membranes was completely abolished by trypsin treatment. Neurite outgrowth of the mitral cells on poly-L -lysine was not inhibited by the mesencephalon or diencephalon membranes, but was promoted by the paleocortex and neocortex membranes. These results indicate that the paleocortex and neocortex regions selectively express membrane-bound factors which promote neurite outgrowth of mitral cells. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 415–425, 1997.  相似文献   

Initiation of bacteriophage Mu DNA replication by transposition requires the disassembly of the transpososome that catalyses strand exchange and the assembly of a replisome promoted by PriA, PriB, PriC and DnaT proteins, which function in the host to restart stalled replication forks. Once the molecular chaperone ClpX weakens the very tight binding of the transpososome to the Mu ends, host disassembly factors (MRFalpha-DF) promote the dissociation of the transpososome from the DNA template and the assembly of a new nucleoprotein complex. Prereplisome factors (MRFalpha-PR) further alter the complex, allowing PriA binding and loading of major replicative helicase DnaB onto the template promoted by the restart proteins. MRFalpha-PR is essential for DnaB loading by restart proteins even on the deproteinized Mu fork whereas MRFalpha-DF is not required on the deproteinized template. When the transition from transpososome to replisome was reconstituted using MRFalpha-DF and MRFalpha-PR, initiation of Mu DNA replication was strictly dependent upon added PriC and PriA helicase. In contrast, initiation on the deproteinized template was predominantly dependent upon PriB and did not require PriA's helicase activity. The results indicate that transition mechanisms beginning with the transpososome disassembly can determine the pathway of replisome assembly by restart proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Embryos of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus at the 16 cell, 400 cell or mesenchyme blastula stage of development were dissociated into single cells. The cells were reaggregated, and the development of individual aggregates was monitored. Only aggregates from 16 cell embryos developed into pluteus-like larvae with radial or bilateral symmetry. When embryos at these three developmental stages were incompletely dissociated so that there were mixtures of single cells and groups of undissociated cells, the percentage of aggregates from 16 cell embryos that developed in a pluteus-like manner was greater than in aggregates from completely dissociated 16 cell embryos. Also a small percentage of aggregates from 400 cell embryos now developed into pluteus-like larvae. In both of these experiments small aggregates tend to develop in a more normal manner than larger aggregates.In order to test the role of undissociated cells in promoting pluteus-like development in aggregates from incompletely dissociated blastula stage embryos, pieces of intact animal, lateral, or vegetal blastula wall were grafted to aggregates formed from completely dissociated embryos. While each kind of graft improved the ability of the aggregate to develop in a pluteus-like manner, grafts of vegetal blastula wall were most effective. In an aggregate, a graft differentiates according to its presumptive fate and influences the cells of the aggregate to differentiate in an appropriate manner. The ability of the graft to influence the development of the other cells in the aggregate depends on the developmental stage of the cells that make up the aggregate and the size of the aggregate.  相似文献   

The phosphatase Cdc14 is required for mitotic exit in budding yeast. Cdc14 promotes Cdk1 inactivation by targeting proteins that, when dephosphorylated, trigger degradation of mitotic cyclins and accumulation of the Cdk1 inhibitor, Sic1. Cdc14 is sequestered in the nucleolus during most of the cell cycle but is released into the nucleus and cytoplasm during anaphase. When Cdc14 is not properly sequestered in the nucleolus, expression of the S-phase cyclin Clb5 is required for viability, suggesting that the antagonizing activity of Clb5-dependent Cdk1 specifically is necessary when Cdc14 is delocalized. We show that delocalization of Cdc14 combined with loss of Clb5 causes defects in DNA replication. When Cdc14 is not sequestered, it efficiently dephosphorylates a subset of Cdk1 substrates including the replication factors, Sld2 and Dpb2. Mutations causing Cdc14 mislocalization interact genetically with mutations affecting the function of DNA polymerase epsilon and the S-phase checkpoint protein Mec1. Our findings suggest that Cdc14 is retained in the nucleolus to support a favorable kinase/phosphatase balance while cells are replicating their DNA, in addition to the established role of Cdc14 sequestration in coordinating nuclear segregation with mitotic exit.  相似文献   

Overlapping generations can promote altruistic behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract. We use an inclusive fitness model to study the evolution of altruism in a patch-structured population in which there is positive probability of breeder survival from one generation to the next. We find first that breeder survival promotes altruism and second that there is a marked difference between benefits of fecundity and benefits of survival. Under the first altruism is more strongly favored, and under the second altruism is less strongly favored than in a randomly mixing population.  相似文献   

Spatial structure has been shown to promote altruistic behavior, however, it also increases the intensity of competition among relatives. Our purpose here is to develop a model in which this competition is minimized, more precisely a local increase in fecundity has a minimal competitive effect on the fitness of nearby individuals. We work with an island model in which sites are allowed to be empty, choosing our demographic rules so that in patches with higher fecundity, empty sites are filled at a higher rate. We also allow dispersal rates to evolve in response to the proportion of empty sites in the patch. Patches with different numbers of empty sites differ in frequency, in within-patch consanguinity, and in reproductive value. Using an inclusive fitness argument, we show that our model does promote altruism; indeed Hamilton's Rule is shown to hold. The only negative effect on an actor of a gift of fecundity to a patchmate turns out to be a slight decrease in reproductive value due to an increased probability of an empty site being occupied. We show that altruists are most favored in islands with an intermediate number of empty sites.  相似文献   

Objective: A prospective clinical intervention study was performed to estimate the metabolic risk factors in patients with very severe obesity (VSO) vs. severe obesity (SO). Research Methods and Procedures: Two hundred twenty‐eight VSO (BMI ≥ 50 kg/m2) and 221 SO patients (BMI = 40 to 49.9 kg/m2) participated in the study (367 women and 82 men). Metabolic measurements included plasma lipids, glucose and insulin, hemoglobin A1c, leptin, and sex hormones, as well as hepatic steatosis in a subgroup of patients. Subgroups of patients with non–insulin‐dependent diabetes and hyperlipidemia (HLP) were examined. Results: The most unexpected result of our study was that VSO men showed significantly better lipid profiles than SO men. Furthermore, 18% of VSO men had no metabolic aberrations, whereas all SO men did. The advantageous metabolic status of VSO men was associated with sex hormone changes that favor gynoid fat distribution. The beneficial metabolic situation with VSO seems to be sex specific for men. Discussion: This study shows that the metabolic situation in VSO is not more severe than in the less obese cohort. These findings distinctly differ from the positive associations that have previously been reported between BMI, lipids, and other metabolic indices among individuals whose BMI is <40 kg/m2.  相似文献   

Regulation of bone growth is controlled partly by local growth factors, which have effects on bone including the differentiation of precursor cells, osteoblast proliferation, the stimulation of matrix synthesis and angiogenesis. These factors are hypothesized to have a role in augmenting bone repair. In the past year, recombinant technology has provided sufficient material to allow extensive in vivo evaluation of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

目的:筛查在正常人、单纯性肥胖患者及肥胖伴2型糖尿病患者内脏脂肪组织中差异表达的基因。方法:利用自制的高密度cDNA芯片,比较正常人、单纯性肥胖患者及肥胖伴2型糖尿病患者内脏脂肪组织中差异表达的基因,以寻找脂肪组织特异的与肥胖及糖尿病发生有关的基因。结果:和正常人相比,在肥胖患者及肥胖伴2型糖尿病患者中上调的基因分别有119个和257个,下调的基因分别有46和58个。这些基因中有77个在两组中均上调,其中包括与代谢有关的基因,如丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶4(PDK4)以及窖蛋白、金属硫因蛋白等;8个基因在两组中均下调,其中包括脂肪合成途径中的关键酶,如3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A(MGA)合成酶、脂肪酸合成酶及硬脂酰辅酶A脱氢酶。另外,酪氨酸-3单加氧酶-色氨酸-5单加氧酶活化蛋白θ(YWHAZ)仅在肥胖伴2型糖尿病患者中上调,而在单纯性肥胖患者中不变,该基因所编码的蛋白在胰岛素信号转导途径中起着负调控的作用。结论:脂肪组织中脂肪生成下降、脂肪酸氧化增加可能是肥胖及2型糖尿病中胰岛素抵抗发生的共同原因,其它基因功能的改变也可能参与了肥胖及2型糖尿病的发生,而胰岛素信号转导受阻可能是肥胖向糖尿病转化的促进因素。对这些基因的进一步研究将有助于更好地了解肥胖及糖尿病的发生机制。  相似文献   

Telomeres have the ability to adopt a lariat conformation and hence, engage in long and short distance intra-chromosome interactions. Budding yeast telomeres were proposed to fold back into subtelomeric regions, but a robust assay to quantitatively characterize this structure has been lacking. Therefore, it is not well understood how the interactions between telomeres and non-telomeric regions are established and regulated. We employ a telomere chromosome conformation capture (Telo-3C) approach to directly analyze telomere folding and its maintenance in S. cerevisiae. We identify the histone modifiers Sir2, Sin3 and Set2 as critical regulators for telomere folding, which suggests that a distinct telomeric chromatin environment is a major requirement for the folding of yeast telomeres. We demonstrate that telomeres are not folded when cells enter replicative senescence, which occurs independently of short telomere length. Indeed, Sir2, Sin3 and Set2 protein levels are decreased during senescence and their absence may thereby prevent telomere folding. Additionally, we show that the homologous recombination machinery, including the Rad51 and Rad52 proteins, as well as the checkpoint component Rad53 are essential for establishing the telomere fold-back structure. This study outlines a method to interrogate telomere-subtelomere interactions at a single unmodified yeast telomere. Using this method, we provide insights into how the spatial arrangement of the chromosome end structure is established and demonstrate that telomere folding is compromised throughout replicative senescence.  相似文献   

How myosin II localizes to the cleavage furrow in Dictyostelium and metazoan cells remains largely unknown despite significant advances in understanding its regulation. We designed a genetic selection using cDNA library suppression of 3xAsp myosin II to identify factors involved in myosin cleavage furrow accumulation. The 3xAsp mutant is deficient in bipolar thick filament assembly, fails to accumulate at the cleavage furrow, cannot rescue myoII-null cytokinesis, and has impaired mechanosensitive accumulation. Eleven genes suppressed this dominant cytokinesis deficiency when 3xAsp was expressed in wild-type cells. 3xAsp myosin II''s localization to the cleavage furrow was rescued by constructs encoding rcdBB, mmsdh, RMD1, actin, one novel protein, and a 14-3-3 hairpin. Further characterization showed that RMD1 is required for myosin II cleavage furrow accumulation, acting in parallel with mechanical stress. Analysis of several mutant strains revealed that different thresholds of myosin II activity are required for daughter cell symmetry than for furrow ingression dynamics. Finally, an engineered myosin II with a longer lever arm (2xELC), producing a highly mechanosensitive motor, could also partially suppress the intragenic 3xAsp. Overall, myosin II accumulation is the result of multiple parallel and partially redundant pathways that comprise a cellular contractility control system.  相似文献   

The purposes of the experiments reported is to provide an unambiguous demonstration that embryonic skeletal muscle contains factors that act directly on embryonic spinal motor neurons both to support their survival and to stimulate the outgrowth of neurites. Cells of lumbar and brachial ventral spinal cords from 6-day-old chick embryos were separated by centrifugation in a two-step metrizamide gradient, and a motor neuron enriched fraction was obtained. Motor neurons were identified by retrogradely labeling with rhodamine isothiocyanate, and were enriched fourfold in the motor neuron fraction relative to unfractionated cells. In culture, the isolated motor neurons died within 3-4 days unless they were supplemented with embryonic chick skeletal muscle extract. Two functionally distinct entities separable by ammonium sulfate precipitation were responsible for the effects of muscle extracts on motor neurons. The 0-25% ammonium sulfate precipitate contained molecules that alone had no effect on neuronal survival but when bound to polyornithine-coated culture substrata, stimulated neurite outgrowth and potentiated the survival activity present in muscle. Most of this activity was due to a laminin-like molecule being immunoprecipitated with antisera against laminin, and immunoblotting demonstrated the presence of both the A and B chains of laminin. A long-term survival activity resided in the 25-70% ammonium sulfate fraction, and its apparent total and specific activities were strongly dependent on the culture substrate. In contrast to the motor neurons, the cells from the other metrizamide fraction (including neuronal cells) could be kept in culture for a prolonged time without addition of exogenous factor(s).  相似文献   

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