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One hundred and thirty-four bovine embryos were collected from 17 superovulated Hereford cows and processed for metaphase chromosome spreads. Mitotic figures were obtained from 54 embryos (40%), but only 34 embryos (25%) provided analyzable chromosomes spreads. Thirty embryos were 2n = 60, one was a possible 2n/4n mosaic and three were hypodiploid. The hypodiploid cases and the 2n/4n mosaic could be due to technical artifacts.  相似文献   

Kang YK  Park JS  Koo DB  Choi YH  Kim SU  Lee KK  Han YM 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(5):1092-1100
Cloning by nuclear transfer (NT) has been riddled with difficulties: most clones die before birth and survivors frequently display growth abnormalities. The cross-species similarity in abnormalities observed in cloned fetuses/animals leads us to suspect the fidelity of epigenetic reprogramming of the donor genome. Here, we found that single-copy sequences, unlike satellite sequences, are demethylated in pre-implantation NT embryos. The differential demethylation pattern between genomic sequences was confirmed by analyzing single blastocysts. It suggests selective demethylation of other developmentally important genes in NT embryos. We also observed a reverse relationship between methylation levels and inner cell mass versus trophectoderm (ICM/TE) ratios, which was found to be a result of another type of differential demethylation occurring in NT blastocysts where unequal methylation was maintained between ICM and TE regions. TE-localized methylation aberrancy suggests a widespread gene dysregulation in an extra-embryonic region, thereby resulting in placental dysfunction familiar to cloned fetuses/animals. These differential demethylations among genomic sequences and between differently allocated cells produce varied overall, but specified, methylation patterns, demonstrating that epigenetic reprogramming occurs in a limited fashion in NT embryos.  相似文献   

During differentiation, somatic nuclei acquire highly specialized DNA and chromatin modifications, which are thought to result in cellular memory of the differentiated state. Upon somatic nuclear transfer into oocytes, the donor nucleus may have to undergo reprogramming of these epigenetic marks in order to achieve totipotency. This may involve changes in epigenetic features similar to those that occur in normal embryos during early development. However, there is accumulating evidence that epigenetic reprogramming is severely deficient in cloned embryos. Several reports reveal inefficient demethylation and inappropriate reestablishment of DNA methylation in quantitative and qualitative patterns on somatic nuclear transfer. Here we examine histone H3 lysine 9 (H3-K9) methylation and acetylation in normal embryos and in those created by somatic nuclear transfer. We find that H3-K9 methylation is reprogrammed in parallel with DNA methylation in normal embryos. However, the majority of cloned embryos exhibit H3-K9 hypermethylation associated with DNA hypermethylation, suggesting a genome-wide failure of reprogramming. Strikingly, the precise epigenotype in cloned embryos depends on the donor cell type, and the proportion of embryos with normal epigenotypes correlates closely with the proportion developing to the blastocyst stage. These results suggest a mechanistic link between DNA and histone methylation in the mammalian embryo and reveal an association between epigenetic marks and developmental potential of cloned embryos.  相似文献   

The donor cells from different individuals and with different foreign genes introduced were investigated to determine their effects on the efficiency of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The bovine ear fibroblast from different individuals was isolated, cultured, and then transfected with foreign genes to establish the stable cell lines, which were used as donor cells for nuclear transfer. The ooeytes were obtained through ovum pick up operation. After in vitro maturation, the M II phase oocytes were selected as receptors for nuclear transfer.The reconstructed embryos were cultured in vitro and observed at 2 h, 48 h, and 7 days after transfer to assess the rate of fusion using cleaved and blastoeyst as the parameters of SCNT efficiency. The donor cells from different individuals (04036, 06081, 06088, and 06129)had no obvious effect on the fusion and cleaved rate, whereas there was significant difference in the blastocyst rate (P<0.05), and the rate was 62.3%, 37.0%, 35.1%, and 15.6%, respectively. There was no significant difference among the rate of fusion, cleaved and blastocyst in donor cells with different foreign genes (P>0.05). It was concluded that the genetic background of the donor cells could affect the effi-ciency of SCNT, while the introduction of foreign genes into the donor cells had no obvious effect on the efficiency. This study provides useful information for the SCNT and would benefit in promoting the efficiency.  相似文献   

Full-term development has now been achieved in several mammalian species by transfer of somatic nuclei into enucleated oocytes [1, 2]. Although a high proportion of such reconstructed embryos can evolve until the blastocyst stage, only a few percent develop into live offspring, which often exhibit developmental abnormalities [3, 4]. Regulatory epigenetic markers such as DNA methylation are imposed on embryonic cells as normal development proceeds, creating differentiated cell states. Cloned embryos require the erasure of their somatic epigenetic markers so as to regain a totipotent state [5]. Here we report on differences in the dynamics of chromosome methylation between cloned and normal bovine embryos before implantation. We show that cloned embryos fail to reproduce distinguishable parental-chromosome methylation patterns after fusion and maintain their somatic pattern during subsequent stages, mainly by a highly reduced efficiency of the passive demethylation process. Surprisingly, chromosomes appear constantly undermethylated on euchromatin in morulae and blastocysts, while centromeric heterochromatin remains more methylated than that of normal embryos. We propose that the abnormal time-dependent methylation events spanning the preimplantation development of clones may significantly interfere with the epigenetic reprogramming, contributing to the high incidence of physiological anomalies occurring later during pregnancy or after clone birth.  相似文献   

Bovine embryonic stem (ES) cell lines reported to date vary in morphology and marker expression (e.g., alkaline phosphatase [ALPL], stage-specific embryonic antigen 4 [SSEA4], and OCT4) that normally are associated with the undifferentiated, pluripotent state. These observations suggest that the proper experimental conditions for consistently producing bovine ES cells have not been identified. Here, we report three bovine ES cell lines, one from in vitro-fertilized and two from nuclear transfer embryos. These bovine ES cells grew in large, multicellular colonies resembling the mouse ES and embryonic germ (EG) cells and human EG cells. Throughout the culture period, most of the cells within the colonies stained positive for ALPL and the cell surface markers SSEA4 and OCT4. The staining patterns of nuclear transfer ES cells were identical to those of the blastocysts generated in vitro yet different from most previously reported bovine ES cell lines, which were either negative or not detected. After undifferentiated culture for more than 1 yr, these cells maintained the ability to differentiate into embryoid bodies and derivatives of all three EG layers, thus demonstrating their pluripotency. However, unlike the mouse and human ES cells, following treatment with trypsin, type IV collagenase, or protease E, our bovine ES cells failed to self-renew and became spontaneously differentiated. Presumably, this resulted from an interruption of the self-renewal pathway. In summary, we generated pluripotent bovine ES cells with morphology similar to those of established ES cells in humans and mice as well as marker-staining patterns identical to those of the bovine blastocysts.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine pregnancy progression and fetal characteristics following transfer of vitrified bovine nuclear transfer versus in vivo-derived embryos. Nuclear transfer (NT) was conducted using cumulus cells collected from an elite Holstein-Friesian dairy cow. Expanding and hatching blastocysts on Day 7 were vitrified using liquid nitrogen surface vitrification. Day 7 in vivo embryos, produced using standard superovulation procedures applied to Holstein-Friesian heifers (n=6), were vitrified in the same way. Following warming, embryos were transferred to synchronized recipients (NT: n=65 recipients; Vivo: n=20 recipients). Pregnancies were monitored by ultrasound scanning on Days 25, 45 and 75 and a sample of animals were slaughtered at each time point to recover the fetus/placenta for further analyses. Significantly more animals remained pregnant after transfer of in vivo-derived embryos than NT embryos at all time points: Day 25 (95.0 versus 67.7%, P<0.05), Day 45 (92.8 versus 49.1%, P<0.01) and Day 75 (70.0 versus 20.8%, P<0.0). There was no significant difference (P=0.10) in the weight of the conceptus on Day 25 from NT transfers (1.14+/-0.23 g, n=8) versus in vivo transfers (0.75+/-0.19 g, n=8). On Day 45, there was no significant difference in the weight of either fetus (P=0.393) or membranes (P=0.167) between NT embryos (fetus: 2.76+/-0.40, n=12; membranes: 59.0+/-10.0, n=11) or in vivo-derived embryos (fetus: 2.60+/-0.15, n=6; membranes: 41.8+/-5.2, n=4). However, on Day 75 the weight of the fetus and several of the major organs were heavier from NT embryos. These data suggest that morphological abnormalities involving the fetus and the placenta of cloned pregnancies are manifested after Day 45.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for detecting chromosomal abnormalities in in vitro-fertilized (IVF) bovine embryos as early as the 2-cell stage. Three different cloned probes were used, two derived from a unique sequence specific to the subtelomeric (D1S48) or subcentromeric regions (19C10) of chromosome 1 and the third (H1A clone) derived from a repetitive sequence that hybridizes to the subcentromeric regions of three other chromosomes (14, 20, 25). Our results show that the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in 2-cell bovine IVF embryos varied from 28% to 44% according to the probes used for the analysis. Whereas the efficiency of FISH was high with somatic nuclei, it appeared to be highly variable with the 2-cell embryos. FISH efficiency depended firstly on the probe sequence (repetitive or unique sequence), secondly on the chromosomal target region (centromeric or telomeric regions), and thirdly on the embryo cell cycle phase. With a unique sequence probe (19C10) specific to the subcentromeric regions, FISH efficiency was better on nuclei in the S-phase cycle than on those in the G-phase. In S-phase 2-cell embryos, the overall incidence of chromosomal abnormalities was more accurately assessed. It reached 13% and was represented by 1n/2n mixoploidies.  相似文献   

Malenko GP 《Theriogenology》1994,41(6):1207-1210
A method was devised to prevent loss of whole embryos during fixation. Specimens were prepared in a chamber saturated with fixative vapors consisting of 3 : 1 (v/v) 96%. ethanol/glacial acetic acid. Good quality specimens were obtained after fixation for at least 24 but not more than 72 h. After staining, specimens could be preserved for 3 to 4 d by storage in the fixation chamber, in 45% aqueous acetic acid vapor. Using the method suggested in this paper prevents loss of early embryos during fixation and allows storage of specimens for longer than usual time while maintaining the quality of the specimen.  相似文献   

体细胞克隆技术是将已分化的体细胞移到去核的成熟卵母细胞中,通过体外激活和培养,再移植入受体母畜子宫内,繁殖出具有相同基因型后代的一种技术。该技术可以大幅提升繁殖效率,并提供高质、充足和营养丰富的动物食品。近年来,美国、日本和欧洲等国家相继宣布体细胞克隆动物食品可以上市。然而,目前体细胞克隆效率相当低下,即使是出生的克隆动物也往往伴随发育畸形或高死亡率等现象,在对克隆动物发育异常知之甚少的情况下,宣布克隆动物产品上市是否为时过早?以下综述了克隆牛肉、奶及其产品安全。  相似文献   

Cloned bovine embryos were produced at the blastocyst stage. Prior to enucleation, oocytes were freed from the zona pellucida. Fibroblasts isolated from the bovine fetus were used as nuclear donors. Pairs of fetal fibroblasts and enucleated oocytes (cytoplasts) were glued in phytohemagglutinin solution under a binocular microscope. The subsequent electrofusion of 39 fetal fibroblast-cytoplast pairs yielded 36 reconstructed one-cell embryos (92.3%). After culturing in synthetic oviduct fluid for 7.5 days, seven cloned embryos developed to the blastocyst stage (19.4%) and six blastocysts were considered fit for transplantation. The applied technique of bovine embryo growth allowed 31.1% zona-free oocytes parthenogenetically activated by to reach the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Bovine embryonic stem-like cells (ES-like cells) appear to maintain a normal diploid karyotype indefinitely during culture in vitro and to express marker proteins that are characteristic of ES cells from mice, namely, alkaline phosphatase (AP), stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1), STAT-3, and Oct 4. After proliferation of undifferentiated ES-like cells in vitro, some bovine ES-like cells differentiated to neural precursor cells, which were cultured in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). In addition, calves were successfully cloned using ES-like cells and the frequency of term pregnancies for blastocysts derived from ES-like cells was higher than those of early pregnancies and maintained pregnancies after nuclear transplantation (NT) with bovine somatic cells. Successful cloning from bovine ES-like cells should allow the introduction into cattle of specific genetic characteristics of biomedical and/or agricultural importance.  相似文献   

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