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The objective of the present study is to analyze age-specific mortality in a rural indigenous community in the throes of a secular increase in size in the Valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico, over 30 years, 1970-1999. Variation in mortality by age group was analyzed over time for evidence of an epidemiological transition. The seasonal rain pattern in the Valley of Oaxaca (83% from May through September) was evaluated for its relationship with mortality in wet and dry months. Mortality and causes of death changed markedly over the 30-year interval. Infant and preschool mortality, overall mortality, and causes of death changed from the 1970s through the 1990s. Prereproductive deaths (<15 years) predominated in the 1970s and were largely due to gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, with periodic outbreaks of measles. Deaths of adults 65+ years predominated in the 1990s and were largely due to degenerative diseases usually associated with aging. The marked changes in age and causes of death over the three decades (epidemiologic transition from Stage I to Stage II) occurred concurrently with significant secular increases in body size in children, adolescents, and young adults, highlighting improved health and nutritional conditions in the community which is in early Stage II of the demographic transition. The demographic transition to Stage II is a leading indicator (15-25 years lag) for the onset of the secular trend, while the epidemiologic transition to Stage II is a predictor that the secular increase is in process in the study community.  相似文献   

Five new species are described from the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico:Huperzia beiteliana Mickel,Ophioglossum dudadae Mickel,Selaginella basipilosa Valdespino,Selaginella mickelii Valdespino, andSelaginella nothohybrida Valdespino.  相似文献   

Secular change in adult height of residents in a rural indigenous community in the Valley of Oaxaca was evaluated. Subjects were measured in 1971 (49 males, 26 females 19–70 years), 1978 (128 males, 124 females 19–82 years) and 2000 (155 males, 255 females 19–89 years). Heights were adjusted for estimated loss with age using two protocols; height at 21 years of age was also estimated. The effects of age and secular factors on measured and adjusted heights were evaluated through segmented linear regressions for three birth periods, <1930, 1930 through 1959 and ≥1960 which approximate significant periods in Mexican history. Secular increase in height occurred but estimated rates varied over time and between sexes. Males born before 1930 showed a secular increase in height but females did not. Adults of both sexes born 1930–1959 showed secular gains and estimated rates did not differ. The secular gain in height continued among those born 1960 and later and estimated rates were similar in both sexes. Estimated height at 21 years of age increased in males (not significant) but not in females born before 1930, showed little or no change in those born between 1930‐1959, and increased (not significant) in those born 1960 and later. Combining observations on adults with those for youth in the community indicated several phases of secular change in height that varied with years of birth. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyzed inbreeding using surname isonymy in an indigenous genetic isolate. The subjects were residents of a rural Zapotec-speaking community in the valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico. The community can be classified as a genetic isolate with an average gene flow of < or = 3% per generation. Surnames were collected for individuals in each household in pedigree form using the culturally traditional patronym-matronym naming. Estimation of inbreeding from surname isonymy is facilitated by the traditional patronym-matronym name assignment among indigenous Mexican populations. A total of 2,149 individuals had valid surname patronym-matronym pairings, including 484 deceased ancestors. Surname isonymy analysis methods were used to estimate total inbreeding and to segregate it into random and nonrandom components. The surname isonymy coefficient computed from 119 isonymous surname pairings (119/2,149) was 0.0554. The estimated inbreeding coefficient from surname isonymy was 0.0138 (0.0554/4). The random and nonrandom components of inbreeding were F(r) = 0.0221 and F(n) = -0.0091, respectively. The results suggest that consanguinity is culturally avoided. Nonrandom inbreeding decreased total inbreeding by about 41%. Total estimated inbreeding by surname isonymy was 0.0138, which is similar to inbreeding estimated from a sample of pedigrees, 0.01. Socially prescribed inbreeding avoidance substantially lowered total F through negative nonrandom inbreeding. Even in the situation of genetic isolation and small effective population size (N(e)), estimated inbreeding is lower than may have otherwise occurred if inbreeding were only random. However, among the poorest individuals, socially prescribed jural rules for inbreeding avoidance failed to operate. Thus the preponderance of inbreeding appears to occur among the poor, economically disadvantaged in the community.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton species collected from the limnetic to euryhaline sections of Tehuantepec River were identified, classified and compared with regional information from Mexico and South America. We collected 15 samples every three months from July 1997 through August 1998 with a 20 microm net and a Van Dorn bottle. Indicator values and a code checklist are included. A total of 58 families, 121 genera, 273 species, one subspecies, 75 varieties, 13 forms and one morphotype were identified in the taxa Bacillariophyta (42.0 %), Chlorophyta (29.0 %), Cyanoprocaryota (18.0 %), Euglenophyta (5.0 %), Dinophyta (3.0 %), Cryptophyta (2.0 %) and Chrysophyta (1.0 %). The predominant families were Scenedesmaceae (24 species), Oocystaceae (22), Bacillariophyceae (21), Chaetocerotaceae (15) and Euglenaceae (14). Five families, eight genera, 72 species, 45 varieties and eight forms are first records for Mexico. The species Chroococcus turgidus, Microcystis flosaquae and Pseudanabaena limnetica (which produce massive blooms or red tides) are important in this river of moderate water quality.  相似文献   

Ornithocephalus torresii Salazar & Soto Arenas, a new species from the Pacific slope of Oaxaca. Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished by the nearly closed, globose flowers and the cymbiform lip with a small, irregularly dentate-lacerate lobule at each side of the base. A key to all the species ofOrnithocephalus hiterto recorded from Mexico is provided.  相似文献   

To better understand the relationship between genetic variability, geographical distance, and linguistic affiliation in South Amerinds, and to elucidate whether the migration rate is the same for both sexes, spatial autocorrelation, Mantel's test, and F(ST) analyses were performed in four sets of populations and alleles (group 1: 48 populations, 12 alleles; group 2: 16 (all belonging to the Tupi linguistic group) and 12; group 3: 21 and 17; and group 4: 28 and 4 haplotypes). Groups 1-3 included blood group and protein (i.e., serum protein, red cell enzymes, and immunoglobulin systems), while group 4 was concerned with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) only. The latter set was also subjected to a molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA) evaluation. The frequencies of statistically significant correlograms were lower than those obtained in other populations when the blood groups and protein systems were considered, but 3 of the 4 mtDNA haplogroups gave suggestions of population structure. The variability in this organelle is also significantly correlated with language when geography is held constant. Migration per generation is generally low, but higher estimates were obtained for females. The AMOVA results suggest that populations whose members speak the same language are genetically homogeneous and may be viewed as the ultimate evolutionary unit at this level of analysis.  相似文献   

Begonia (sect.Gireoudia)lyman-smithii is described and illustrated, and its relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

A decade ago in a seminal monograph, Anne Kirkby proposed a model of colonization for the prehispanic Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, in which settlement location was determined by the distribution of prime agricultural land. The model was tested against the corpus of known prehispanic settlements and tentative support was found. In the years since this study, a systematic archeological settlement pattern project was completed, making a more adequate test of the model possible. Reexamination of the colonization process suggests that, although agricultural considerations were important, they were less determinant of settlement location than had been implied previously. The adoption of a broader perspective toward regional colonization is suggested.  相似文献   

Tillandsia tomasellii from Río Hondo, Oaxaca, Mexico, is described and compared to related speciesT. xerographica andT. fasciculata.  相似文献   

Two new species of Sicyos from Mexico are described and illustrated: Sicyos cordifolius from the state of Guerrero, which belongs to the group with dry, armed fruits, and Sicyos bulbosus from the state of Oaxaca, which belongs to the group with fleshy, unarmed fruits. Sicyos cordifolius is quite different from the rest of the species previously described. Although S. bulbosus is very similar to S. galeottii Cogn., it is clearly different in receptacle shape and size.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 373–378.  相似文献   

The research presented focuses on genetic variation in the Gainj- and Kalam-speaking peoples of highland Papua New Guinea. The primary data are typings at 51 genetic loci observed on 600 individuals who reside in 21 census units, called parishes. These data are augmented by cultural and demographic information that has also been collected. Parish sizes are small, ranging from 20 to about 200 individuals. Direct Western contact with these people has been occurring only for the past three decades. Although Westernization is currently increasing, we find that much of the traditional settlement pattern and mate exchange system is preserved. There are segregating variants at 27 loci. Four rare variants are initially described: NP 4-Kalam, ADA 6-Kalam, PEPA 3-Kalam, and FUM 2-Kalam. We find evidence for a new Gm haplotype, a;-, that is recessive to all other Gm haplotypes. It occurs at a high enough frequency, f(a;-) = 0.119, to be considered a "private polymorphism." Average per locus heterozygosity is estimated to be 0.053. This value is not statistically different from levels observed on two modern urban populations. Thus, there is no evidence for a reduced level of genetic variation in these people, despite small parish sizes and a relatively unacculturated social structure.  相似文献   

In the state of Oaxaca (Mexico, 10 km north-west of Puerto Escondido 15 degrees 55' N, 97 degrees 09' W) we were able to collect some microfungi living as parasites or saprophytes on Acacia species, some of them are causing attention for Oaxaca. Many belong to the Deuteromycotina (Hyphomycetes, Coelomycetes) and Ascomycotina. On A. hindsii: Calonectria pseudopeziza (Desm.) Sacc., Hypoxylon truncatum (Schwein. Fr.) J.H. Miller, Epicoccum nigrum Link., Zygosporium gibbum (Sacc., M. Roussau & E. Bommer) S.J. Hughes and on A. cornigera: Phyllosticta acaciicola P. Henn., Taeniolella alta (Ehrenb. ex Pers.) S.J. Hughes, Cephaliophora tropica Thaxt., Diplodia mutila (Fr. Fr.) Mont., Pleospora herbarum (Pers. Fr.) Rabenh., Gliocladium roseum Bainier, Ulocladium atrum Preuss., and different others. All species collected are listed in text.  相似文献   

Many epiphytic orchids are harvested in Mexico for different purposes. Laelia furfuracea is one of the most intensively traded species. Its inflorescences are used as ornaments during the December festivities. We investigated the effect of severing the flowering pseudobulb. This is the traditional technique frequently used by collectors at the study area. We wished to investigate its effects on the production of new pseudobulbs, as well as on their size and flowering probability. Also, we examined the survival probability and growth of individuals that had fallen on the ground to evaluate their potential as trading resources. Inflorescence collection did not affect the production of new pseudobulbs the following season. However, it affected the size of these pseudobulbs, as well as their flowering probability. Yet, the direction of this effect was not consistent between years. Nearly six percent of all L. furfuracea plants at the study site were found on the ground. Over 80 percent of them survived for at least two years, although most of them showed pseudobulb loss over that period of time. We conclude that harvesting of flowering pseudobulbs may be sustainable in terms of its effects on plant performance, at least in the short term. The active management of plants that have fallen on the ground may reduce the harvesting pressure on natural populations. Harvesting of flowering pseudobulbs may diminish some aspects of plant performance, but its effects need to be evaluated with complete life cycle data and take into account interannual variation in vital rates. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material  相似文献   

Genetic drift and natural selection were analyzed in a genetically isolated Zapotec-speaking community in the Valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Moderately intense genetic drift and selection potentials were found. Potential for drift was related to (1) the small effective size of the population, and (2) the exceptionally low number of migrants into the population. Potential for selection was due to (1) an unusually high variance in fertility, and (2) a high contribution of prereproductive mortality. Significant potential for genetic evolution was found due to genetic drift and natural selection.  相似文献   



Dengue (DEN) is a serious cause of mortality and morbidity in the world including Mexico, where the infection is endemic. One of the states with the highest rate of dengue cases is Oaxaca. The cause of DEN is a positive-sense RNA virus, the dengue virus (DENV) that evolves rapidly increasing its variability due to the absence of a repair mechanism that leads to approximately one mutational event per genome replication; which results in enhancement of viral adaptation, including the escape from host immune responses. Additionally, recombination may play a role in driving the evolution of DENV, which may potentially affect virulence and cause host tropism changes. Recombination in DENV has not been described in Mexican strains, neither has been described the relevance in virus evolution in an endemic state such as Oaxaca where the four serotypes of DENV are circulating.  相似文献   

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