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Petrified woods obtained from the Oligocene of Tsuyazaki, Fukuoka Prefecture have been studied, and four new species ofPrunus (Rosaceae) are described:Prunus palaeozippeliana, P. ascendentiporulosa, P. uviporulosa andP. polyporulosa. These four species are very similar to each other in gross anatomical features and are characterized by the diffuse porosity, exclusively simple perforation plates, spiral thickenings on vessel walls, heterogeneous rays and the presence of traumatic gum canals. The petrified woods ofPrunus are new records from the Tetiary of Japan.  相似文献   

A new fossil species,Hemiptelea mikii, is described on the basis of fruits from the Pleistocene of central Japan. It is distinguished fromH. davidii, the only extant species of the genus restricted to Korea and China, in having shorter fruits. Fossil woods discovered from the same horizon differ from the extant one in some anatomical characteristics, and are assigned to the new fossil species. Taken together with earlier records of fossil fruit occurrence in the early and the middle Pleistocene of central Japan, the latest finding of fossil fruits and woods from the last glacial sediments (ca. 50,000 years ago) at Kita-egota site of Tokyo suggests thatH. mikii was widespread in central Japan throughout the Pleistocene and survived until as late as the Last Glacial age.  相似文献   

A vesselless fossil wood was discovered in the Miocene Yanagida Formation in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan. This fossil has distinct growth rings with gradual transition from the early- to the latewood ; tracheids, which are called 'usual traeheids' here, constitute the ground mass of the wood and have typical scalariform bordered pits on radial walls in the earlywood and circular sparse pits on those in the latewood ; rays are 1\2-4 cells wide and heterogeneous with low to high uniseriate wings; axial parenchyma strands are scattered in the latewood. This wood has a peculiar feature; sporadic radial files of broad tracheids whose tangential walls have crowded alternate bordered pits. The radial walls have crowded half-bordered pits to ray cells, but no pits to the usual tracheids. Among all of the extant and extinct angiosperms and gymnosperms, these unusual tracheids occur only in Tetracentron. From these features, we refer the fossil to the extant genus Tetracentron, and name it T. japonoxylum. A revision of homoxylic woods is made for comparision with the present fossil. Tetracentron japonoxylum is the only fossil wood of Tetracentron.  相似文献   

Two new species ofTalaromyces, isolated from soils in Taiwan and Japan, are described and illustrated.Talaromyces eburneus, associated with aGeosmithia anamorph, is characterized by off-white colony on oatmeal agar, small pale yellow ascomata, and subglobose to ovoid ascospores with a smooth wall.Talaromyces muroii is characterized by restricted growth on Czapek agar, luteous ascomata, which are initiated by paired gametangia like those seen in members of the seriesFlavi, ellipsoidal and nearly smooth ascospores, and the absence of an anamorph.  相似文献   

Two species ofMenziesia, M. katsumatae andM. yakushimensis, are described as new to science. The former is characterized by having a long axis of the inflorescence with 15–20 bracts while the other species has a short axis with about ten bracts.M. katsumatae is restricted to the Hakusan range extending northward to Mt. Hōdatsuzan in the Noto Peninsula.M. yakushimensis has been considered asM. purpurea Maxim. in Kyūshū, but it is clearly distinguishable from the latter by the color and shape of the corolla and the presence of fasciculate glandular-hairs at the base of the corolla lobes. It is endemic to the higher altitudes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture.  相似文献   

A near-complete, partially articulated skeleton of a hummingbird was recently found in the menilite shales of the Polish Flysh Carpathians. The specimen is dated to the Early Oligocene (Rupelian, approx. 31 Myr). It shares derived characters with extant hummingbirds and plesiomorphic characters with swifts. Its long, thin beak and short and stout humerus and ulna are typical for hummingbirds, but the coracoid resembles that observed in swifts. The osteology of the specimen is generally similar to that of the hummingbird described from the Early Tertiary of Germany but because it clearly differs in some characters from the German hummingbird Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, it is described as a new species of the same genus.  相似文献   

Two new species of erysiphaceae from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two new powdery mildew fungi were found onCelosia argentea var.argentea (Amaranthaceae) andLonicera ramosissima (Caprifoliaceae), respectively. They were newly named and described asErysiphe celosia andMicrosphaera loniceraeramosissimae.  相似文献   

Two new species of the sectionMarginatae are described, namely,Inocybe populea sp. nov. andI. leptoclada sp. nov., from western Japan and eastern Japan, respectively.Inocybe leptoclada is assigned to sectionMarginatae, even though it lacks a marginate bulb.Inocybe populea is placed in the sectionMarginatae because of the presence of a marginate (often indistinct) bulbous base of stipe and the caulocystidia throughout. The discoveries ofI. leptoclada andI. populea provide further evidence that sectionMarginatae and sectionInocybe [=Cortinatae] are poorly defined.  相似文献   

Two species of the holocentrid fish genusMyripristis are described as new from Japan, both with a single pair of tooth patches outside the gape at tip of lower jaw, the third anal spine longer than the fourth, and 28–29 lateral-line scales:M. kochiensis from Kashiwa-jima, Kochi Prefecture, previously misidentified asM. murdjan, is distinct in having small scales in axil of pectoral fins, 32–36 gill rakers, interorbital space 4.45–5.1 in head, and lower jaw not strongly projecting when mouth closed;M. greenfieldi, from the Ryukyu Islands and Ogasawara Islands to Kochi Prefecture, previously misidentified asM. woodsi andM. randalli, is distinct in lacking scales in the pectoral axil, having 35–52 cteni on largest body scales, 43–47 gill rakers, and longest dorsal spine 2.0–2.25 in head.  相似文献   

Yukari Mizuta 《Mycoscience》2006,47(6):380-384
Two new species and one new variety of Oudemansiella (Agaricales) from Japan are described and illustrated: (1) Oudemansiella latilamellata sp. nov. (subgenus Xerula, section Radicatae) has relatively broad lamellae and broadly ellipsoid spores with a subacute apex; (2) Oudemansiella rhodophylla sp. nov. (subgenus Xerula, section Radicatae), growing in deciduous forests of Fagus crenata, Quercus crispula, etc., is characteristic in having lamellae tinted reddish; and (3) Oudemansiella amygdaliformis var. bispora var. nov. (subgenus Xerula, section Albotomentosae) is distinguished from the type variety by having two-spored basidia and grows in evergreen oak forests (Castanopsis sieboldii, Quercus glauca, etc.) or bamboo groves.  相似文献   

Two new species and one new variety of Agaricales are described and illustrated from central Honshu, Japan:Clitocybe trogioides var.odorifera var. nov. (subgenusCystoclitus sectionCystoclitus), forming white, infundibuliform basidiomata, was collected from leaf litter in theQuercus-Pasania forests;Gerronema nemorale sp. nov. (sectionXanthophylla), forming small, olivaceous, omphalinoid basidiomata, was found on dead fallen twigs in theQuercus-Pasania forests;Psathyrella cineraria sp. nov. (subgenusMycophylla sectionArgillosporae), forming basidiomata covered by detersile, dark grey, fibrillose-squamulose veil, was found on decayed wood ofQuercus myrsinaefolia.  相似文献   

Two new species of Agaricales are described and illustrated from Yaeyama Islands, southwestern Japan: (1) Amanita rubromarginata sp. nov. (section Caesareae Sing. ex Sing. in the subgenus Amanita), forming brownish-orange then reddish-yellow pileus, a pale yellow, squamulose stipe with a thin, membranous, reddish-orange annulus and a thick, saccate volva, and reddish-orange marginate lamellae, found in oak forests of Ishigaki Island; and (2) Tylopilus obscureviolaceus sp. nov. (section Tylopilus), having dark purple basidiomata, white, bitter, unchanging flesh, and a finely purplish-reticulate stipe, found in oak forests of Iriomote Island.  相似文献   

Two new species belonging toMarasmius (Agaricales) are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Marasmius capitatus sp. nov. (sectionEpiphylli), forming capitate cystidia and small basidiomata with a membranous, white pileus and a minutely pubescent, filiform stipe without basal mycelium, was found on dead fallen leaves ofCryptomeria japonica; Marasmius nivicola sp. nov. (sectionGlobulares), having entirely white, collybioid basidiomata with a furfuraceous to pruinose stipe and distinctly intervenose lamellae, was found on leaf litter of broad-leaved forest.  相似文献   

Two new species ofMarasmiellus are described from eastern Honshu, Japan:Marasmiellus atrostipitatus sp. nov. (sectionRameales subsectionOpacini) is characterized by a white pileus and a blackish stipe covered with white pruinose to flocculos scales.Marasmiellus brunneocarpus sp. nov. (sectionTricolores) has small brownish basidiomata. Both species occur on dead leaves and twigs inQuercus-Eurya forests.  相似文献   

Two new species ofMycena are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Mycena brevicapillata sp. nov. (sectionHiemales), forming tall and slender basidiomata covered overall with long, fusiform or sublageniform dermatocysts, was found on a dead branch ofHydrangea involucrata; Mycena chrysanthemiformis sp. nov. (sectionFragilipedes), forming small, white basidiomata with a campanulate, shallowly sulcate-striate, occasionally subumbonate pileus and adnate-decurrent lamellae, was found on living bark or a dead fallen twig ofAphananthe aspera, Cryptomeria japonica, andZelkova serrata.  相似文献   

Silicified wood collected from the Lower Miocene Nawamata Formation at two localities, Nakaya and Nigoriike, Monzen-machi, Noto Peninsula, central Japan, were identified. Among the 58 specimens there are two species of conifers and eleven species of dicotyledons:Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides (Watari) Watari andT. sequoianum (Merckl.) Gothan (both Taxodiaceae),Carya protojaponica Watari (Juglandaceae),Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold et Zucc. (Juglandaceae),Ostrya monzenensis sp. nov. (Betulaceae),Quercus anataiensis (Watari) Watari (Fagaceae),Liquidambar hisauchii comb. nov. (Hamamelidaceae),Prunus iwatense (Watari) Takahashi et Suzuki (Rosaceae),Gleditsia paleojaponica comb. nov. (Leguminosae),Acer watarianum Takahashi et Suzuki (Aceraceae),Meliosma mio-oldhami sp. nov. (Sabiaceae),Reevesia miocenica Watari (Sterculiaceae), andFraxinus notoensis sp. nov. (Oleaceae). The fossil wood floras at the two localities are compared to the Daijima Flora, and warm-and/or cool-temperate mesic forests are suggested to occur in the Early Miocene of Monzen.  相似文献   

Seven isolates ofTorulomyces from Asian and Australian soil samples were studied in comparison with known taxa of the genus and withMonocillium indicum, the type species ofMonocillium. Three new species,Torulomyces parviverrucosus, T. laevis, andT. ovatus, are described, andT. brunneus is described as a new combination. Conidial characteristics, especially their shape and surface structure, are useful taxonomic criteria for distinguishing species ofTorulomyces. Monocillium is considered to be a distinct genus.  相似文献   

Two entolomatoid species associated with rosaceous plants, Entoloma saepium and E. clypeatum f. hybridum, are reported as new records from Japan, and their morphological characters are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Silicified pinaceous leaves from the late Middle Miocene bed of Shimokawa Town, central Hokkaido, Japan are described asTsuga shimokawaensis sp. nov. Comparisons with leaves of extant species ofTsuga show that the new species is assigned to sect.Tsuga, resembling the extant speciesT. heterophylla in having usually one-cell-layered hypodermis, andT. sieboldii in having mesophyll cells between the resin canal and the hypodermis. From cladistic analyses we infer thatTsuga shimokawaensis is positioned the basal in sect.Tsuga and that sect.Tsuga comprises four species groups.  相似文献   

Moellerodiscus advenulus, a sclerotiniaceous fungus new to Japan, was collected and its ascospore morphology and cultural characteristics were studied. Ascospores possess previously unreported characters, such as gelatinous polar appendages and a sheath, and become brown and one-septate after discharge, prior to germination. The stromata produced in culture have a thin black rind typical ofLambertella. The taxonomic position ofM. advenulus is discussed, and a new combination,L. advenula, is proposed.  相似文献   

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