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Oxidative stress induced by hyperglycemia possibly causes the dysfunction of pancreatic beta-cells and various forms of tissue damage in patients with diabetes mellitus. Astaxanthin, a carotenoid of marine microalgae, is reported as a strong anti-oxidant inhibiting lipid peroxidation and scavenging reactive oxygen species. The aim of the present study was to examine whether astaxanthin can elicit beneficial effects on the progressive destruction of pancreatic beta-cells in db/db mice--a well-known obese model of type 2 diabetes. We used diabetic C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice and db/m for the control. Astaxanthin treatment was started at 6 weeks of age and its effects were evaluated at 10, 14, and 18 weeks of age by non-fasting blood glucose levels, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test including insulin secretion, and beta-cell histology. The non-fasting blood glucose level in db/db mice was significantly higher than that of db/m mice, and the higher level of blood glucose in db/db mice was significantly decreased after treatment with astaxanthin. The ability of islet cells to secrete insulin, as determined by the intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, was preserved in the astaxanthin-treated group. Histology of the pancreas revealed no significant differences in the beta-cell mass between astaxanthin-treated and -untreated db/db mice. In conclusion, these results indicate that astaxanthin can exert beneficial effects in diabetes, with preservation of beta-cell function. This finding suggests that anti-oxidants may be potentially useful for reducing glucose toxicity.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of diabetes in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice has been proposed to entail autoimmune mechanisms. We have combined immunodeficiency genes with the db mutation to determine whether beta cell necrosis and establishment of severe diabetes would occur in the absence of normal T and/or B lymphocyte functions. Inbred mice carrying the recessive mutations, severe combined immunodeficiency (scid), X-linked immunodeficiency (xid), nude (nu), and the Y-linked autoimmune accelerator (Yaa), were crossed with strains congenic for the db mutation. The diabetes syndrome was studied in double homozygotes produced in the F2 generation. In another experiment, C57BL/KsJ-db/db males were made T cell function deficient by adolescent thymectomy followed by lethal irradiation and bone marrow reconstitution. None of these manipulations served to prevent the induction of a severe diabetes syndrome in any of the model systems analyzed. Thus, diabetogenesis characterized by massive necrosis of the pancreatic beta cells and atrophy of the pancreatic islets was observed in both the absence of normal T cell function (as assessed by absence of T cell mitogen response) and humoral autoimmunity against beta cell antigens (insulin, retroviral p73). In conclusion, our data indicate that anti-beta cell autoimmunity is not a primary event in the etiopathogenesis of diabetes in the db/db mouse.  相似文献   

The effects of daily oxytetracycline treatment on the activities of hepatic glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase, plasma glucose, and insulin, and on liver glycogen, free fatty acid, and triglyceride levels were examined in 8- to 15-week-old genetically diabetic and lean mice. Oxytetracycline administration resulted in substantial reductions in the plasma glucose and immunoreactive-insulin levels in both diabetic and lean mice. The drug had no significant effect on the liver glycogen content in either phenotype, regardless of age, but it increased hepatic lipids and depressed body weights in lean animals. The most prominent effect of the drug was in markedly altering the activities of both glycogen synthase and phosphorylase in the liver of older diabetic mice. Oxytetracycline treatment produced a three-fold increase in the percentage of glycogen synthase I activity and reduced by one-third the percentage of glycogen phosphorylase a activity in 15-week-old diabetic mice. In age-matched lean mice treated with oxytetracycline, the percentage of glycogen synthase I activity increased significantly, but the percentage of phosphorylase a activity was unchanged. These data suggest that the drug may alter an aspect of hepatic glycogen metabolism which might lead to an inhibition of glycogenolysis and subsequent diminution of blood sugar levels in the diabetic. The present results show that, while oxytetracycline may be effective in reducing the severity of some of the diabetic symptoms associated with carbohydrate metabolism in this animal model of maturity-onset diabetes, the drug may have adverse effects on aspects of protein and lipid metabolism in these animals.  相似文献   

An inappropriate molar ratio of circulating insulin to glucagon is frequently associated with the metabolic alterations accompanying diabetes mellitus. Plasma immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) levels were determined and the IRG:IRI ratio calculated at various intervals in overt diabetes in genetically diabetic (db/db) and in streptozotocin-treated mice. Plasma IRI levels in genetic mutants are elevated at nine weeks of age, but are comparable to values found in lean littermates by 21 weeks. The presence of a prevailing hyperglucagonemia is established for the first time in the intact db/db mice. Streptozotocin diabetics are found to have characteristically low plasma IRI and high plasma IRG values. The hormonal imbalance present in these two experimental animal models is accentuated when the data are expressed as the IRG:IRI ratio, which is seen to increase with the progression of diabetes.  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy in young obese (ob/ob) and the diabetic (db/db) mouse slowed body weight gain. Treatment of adrenalectomized ob/ob mice with cortisone or deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) significantly increased weight gain in a dose-related manner. Cortisone had no effect on weight gain on lean mice and treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate was without effect on either ob/ob or lean mice. The increment in body weight of adrenalectomized ob/ob mice treated with corticosterone and DOCA was associated with an increase in body weight and an increase in food intake. When adrenalectomy was performed at twenty-three days of age (five days before weaning), animals carrying the (db/db) genotype remained lighter than their normal littermates. These data document the importance of the adrenal gland and its steroids for the development and maintenance of many features of the obese or diabetes mouse.  相似文献   

Fucoxanthin (Fx) isolated from Undaria pinnatifida suppresses the development of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia of diabetic/obese KK-A(y) mice after 2 weeks of feeding 0.2% Fx-containing diet. In the soleus muscle of KK-A(y) mice that were fed Fx, glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) translocation to plasma membranes from cytosol was promoted. On the other hand, Fx increased GLUT4 expression levels in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle, although GLUT4 translocation tended to increase. The expression levels of insulin receptor (IR) mRNA and phosphorylation of Akt, which are in upstream of the insulin signaling pathway regulating GLUT4 translocation, were also enhanced in the soleus and EDL muscles of the mice fed Fx. Furthermore, Fx induced peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), which has been reported to increase GLUT4 expression, in both soleus and EDL muscles. These results suggest that in diabetic/obese KK-A(y) mice, Fx improves hyperglycemia by activating the insulin signaling pathway, including GLUT4 translocation, and inducing GLUT4 expression in the soleus and EDL muscles, respectively, of diabetic/obese KK-A(y) mice.  相似文献   

Genetic predisposition and environmental challenges interact to determine individual vulnerability to obesity and type 2 diabetes. We previously established a mouse model of chronic subordination stress-induced hyperphagia, obesity, metabolic like-syndrome and insulin resistance in the presence of a high-fat diet. However, it remains to be established if social stress could also aggravate glucose intolerance in subjects genetically predisposed to develop obesity and type 2 diabetes. To answer this question, we subjected genetically obese mice due to deficiency of the leptin receptor (db/db strain) to chronic subordination stress. Over five weeks, subordination stress in db/db mice led to persistent hyperphagia, hyperglycemia and exacerbated glucose intolerance altogether suggestive of an aggravated disorder when compared to controls. On the contrary, body weight and fat mass were similarly affected in stressed and control mice likely due to the hyperactivity shown by subordinate mice. Stressed db/db mice also showed increased plasma inflammatory markers. Altogether our results suggest that chronic stress can aggravate glucose intolerance but not obesity in genetically predisposed subjects on the basis of a disrupted leptin circuitry.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological and clinical studies indicate that the control of sleep-wake states may be an important factor in the regulation of energy metabolism. Leptin is a peripherally synthesized hormone that has critical signaling properties in the brain for the control of long-term energy homeostasis. In this study, we examined the hypothesis that leptin signaling exerts a role in sleep-wake regulation and that leptin may represent an important mechanistic link in the coordination of sleep-wake states and metabolism. Sleep-wake patterns were recorded in a genetic mouse model of obesity and diabetes, the db/db mouse, which harbors a mutation in a particular isoform of the leptin receptor (long form, LRb). We found that db/db mice exhibit a variety of alterations in sleep regulation, including an increase in overall sleep time, a dramatic increase in sleep fragmentation, attenuated diurnal rhythmicity in rapid eye movement sleep and non-rapid eye movement EEG delta power (a measure of sleep homeostatic drive), and a decrease in the compensatory response to acute (i.e., 6 h) sleep deprivation. The db/db mice also generated low amounts of locomotor activity and a reduction in the diurnal rhythm of activity. These results indicate that impaired leptin signaling has deleterious effects on the regulation of sleep amount, sleep architecture, and temporal consolidation of these arousal states. In summary, leptin may represent an important molecular component in the integration of sleep, circadian rhythms, and energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Impaired activity of the uncoupling protein (UCP) family has been proposed to promote obesity development. The present study examined differences in UCP responses to cold exposure between leptin-resistance obese (db/db) mice and their lean (C57Ksj) littermates. Basal UCP1 and UCP3 mRNA expression in brown adipose tissue was lower in obese mice compared with lean mice, but UCP2 expression in white adipose tissue (WAT) was higher. Basal skeletal muscle UCP3 did not change remarkably. The UCP family mRNAs, which were upregulated 12 and 24 h after cold exposure (4 degrees C), were returned to prior levels 12 h after rewarming exposure (21 degrees C) in lean mice. The accelerating effects of cold exposure on the UCP family were impaired in db/db obese mice. Together with these changes, WAT lipoprotein lipase mRNA was downregulated, and the concentration of serum free fatty acid was increased in response to cold exposure in the lean mice but not in db/db obese littermates. The impaired function of the UCP family and diminished lipolysis in response to cold exposure indicate that the reduced lipolytic activity may contribute to the inactivation of the UCP family in db/db obese mice.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Glucosyl and galactosyl activities were determined in kidney cortex tissue prepared from two strains of mice, genetically diabetic and obese mice.
  • 2.2. These activities were measured as a function of ageing between 6 weeks and 13 months.
  • 3.3. For both strains glucosyl transferase activity was shown to increase with respect to ageing whereas galactosyl transferase activity decreased at the same time.
  • 4.4. These changes of enzymatic activities would suggest that a smaller increase of hydroxylysine-linked glycans than expected was observed under these pathological conditions.

Contractile function and substrate metabolism were characterized in perfused hearts from genetically diabetic C57BL/KsJ-lepr(db)/lepr(db) (db/db) mice and their non-diabetic lean littermates. Contractility was assessed in working hearts by measuring left ventricular pressures and cardiac power. Rates of glycolysis, glucose oxidation, and fatty acid oxidation were measured using radiolabeled substrates ([5-(3)H]glucose, [U-(14)C]glucose, and [9,10-(3)H]palmitate) in the perfusate. Contractile dysfunction in db/db hearts was evident, with increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure and decreased left ventricular developed pressure, cardiac output, and cardiac power. The rate of glycolysis from exogenous glucose in diabetic hearts was 48% of control, whereas glucose oxidation was depressed to only 16% of control. In contrast, palmitate oxidation was increased twofold in db/db hearts. The hypothesis that altered metabolism plays a causative role in diabetes-induced contractile dysfunction was tested using perfused hearts from transgenic db/db mice that overexpress GLUT-4 glucose transporters. Both glucose metabolism and palmitate metabolism were normalized in hearts from db/db-human insulin-regulatable glucose transporter (hGLUT-4) hearts, as was contractile function. These findings strongly support a causative role of impaired metabolism in the cardiomyopathy observed in db/db diabetic hearts.  相似文献   

Mutation diabetes in the mouse occurs in the C57BL/Ks strain. All homozygous animals (db/db) develop obesity, elevated blood sugar levels and increased or normal blood insulin concentration. The defects in cellular immunity in db/db mice and their littermate controls were examined both in vivo and in vitro. Significant suppression of delayed footpad swelling and first and second set skin allograft rejection time were observed. In addition, DNA synthesis in spleen cells after nonspecific mitogen stimulation was markedly inhibited. Diabetic animals with a mean blood sugar of 512 +/- 101 mg/100 ml did not respond to exogenous insulin therapy by lowering their blood sugar levels or reversing the defect in DNA synthesis. Adding insulin to spleen cell culture in vitro had no demonstrable effect on their response to mitogens. Thus, mutation diabetic mice with their known defect in the peripheral utilization of insulin have markedly suppressed cell-mediated immune mechanisms.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is implicated as an important mechanism by which diabetes causes nephropathy. Astaxanthin, which is found as a common pigment in algae, fish, and birds, is a carotenoid with significant potential for antioxidative activity. In this study, we examined whether chronic administration of astaxanthin could prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy induced by oxidative stress in mice. We used female db/db mice, a rodent model of type 2 diabetes, and their non-diabetic db/m littermates. The mice were divided into three groups as follows: non-diabetic db/m, diabetic db/db, and diabetic db/db treated with astaxanthin. Blood glucose level, body weight, urinary albumin, and urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) were measured during the experiments. Histological and 8-OHdG immunohistochemical studies were performed for 12 weeks from the beginning of treatment. After 12 weeks of treatment, the astaxanthin-treated group showed a lower level of blood glucose compared with the non-treated db/db group; however, both groups had a significantly high level compared with the db/m mice. The relative mesangial area calculated by the mesangial area/total glomerular area ratio was significantly ameliorated in the astaxanthin-treated group compared with the non-treated db/db group. The increases in urinary albumin and 8-OHdG at 12 weeks of treatment were significantly inhibited by chronic treatment with astaxanthin. The 8-OHdG immunoreactive cells in glomeruli of non-treated db/db mice were more numerous than in the astaxanthin-treated db/db mice. In this study, treatment with astaxanthin ameliorated the progression and acceleration of diabetic nephropathy in the rodent model of type 2 diabetes. The results suggested that the antioxidative activity of astaxanthin reduced the oxidative stress on the kidneys and prevented renal cell damage. In conclusion, administration of astaxanthin might be a novel approach for the prevention of diabetes nephropathy.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn this study, chromium (III) complex was synthesized from genistein (GEN) which had good hypoglycemic activity and inorganic chromium (III) element, and its hypoglycemic activity and sub-acute toxicity were studied.MethodsThe genistein-chromium (III) complex was synthesized by chelating chromium with genistein in ethanol and its structure was determined by LC–MS, atomic absorption spectroscopy, UV–vis spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, elemental and thermodynamic analysis. The anti-diabetic activity of the complex was assessed in db/db mice and C57 mice by daily oral gavage for 4 weeks. The sub-acute toxicity test was carried out on KM mice with this complex.ResultsThe molecular structure of this complex was inferred as a complex [CrGEN3] formed by three ligands and one chromium element. The complex could significantly improve the body weight of db/db mice, fasting blood glucose, random blood glucose, organ index, glycogen levels and the performance of OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) and ITT (Insulin Tolerance Test) in db/db mice (p < 0.05). The morphology of liver, kidney, pancreas and skeletal muscle also had obviously improvement and repairment. Effects on serum indices and antioxidant enzymes activities of db/db mice showed that the serum profiles and antioxidant ability of complex group had significant improvement compared with the diabetic control group (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01), and some indices even returned to normal levels. In addition, this complex did not produce any hazardous symptoms or deaths in sub-acute toxicity test. High dose of [CrGEN3] had no significant influence on serum indices and antioxidant capacity in normal mice, and the organ tissues maintained organized and integrity in the sub-acute toxicity study.ConclusionThe study of the genistein-chromium (III) complex showed that the complex had good hypoglycemic activity in vivo, and did not have the potential toxicity. These results would provide an important reference for the development of functional hypoglycemic foods or pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

目的 探究驼乳来源复合益生菌对db/db鼠血糖及肠道菌群的调节作用。方法 将60只db/db鼠随机分为5组,每组12只,分别为模型组、二甲双胍组、利拉鲁肽组、低剂量复合益生菌组和高剂量复合益生菌组,12只C57BL/Ks小鼠为正常对照组。阳性药组分别灌胃0.3 mg/g二甲双胍及皮下注射0.2 μg/g利拉鲁肽,低剂量复合益生菌组灌胃乳酸菌1.0×108 CFU/d和酵母菌1.0×106 CFU/d,高剂量复合益生菌组灌胃乳酸菌1.0×1010 CFU/d和酵母菌1.0×108 CFU/d,其他组灌胃生理盐水。血糖仪检测空腹血糖(FBG)及不同时间段血糖水平。ELISA法检测糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)含量。实时荧光定量PCR检测粪便菌群含量。结果 与模型组相比,低、高剂量复合益生菌组FBG水平明显减少,改善葡萄糖耐受(OGTT)能力,降低HbA1c含量。与模型组相比,低、高剂量复合益生菌组显著降低厚壁菌门、放线菌门和大肠埃希菌属水平,增加拟杆菌门、乳杆菌属和双歧杆菌属水平,但对总菌与梭杆菌属无影响。结论 驼乳来源复合益生菌可通过调节肠道菌群降低db/db鼠血糖含量。  相似文献   

Control db/+ and diabetic db/db mice at 6 and 12 wk of age were subjected to echocardiography to determine whether contractile function was reduced in vivo and restored in transgenic db/db-human glucose transporter 4 (hGLUT4) mice (12 wk old) in which cardiac metabolism has been normalized. Systolic function was unchanged in 6-wk-old db/db mice, but fractional shortening and velocity of circumferential fiber shortening were reduced in 12-wk-old db/db mice (43.8 +/- 2.1% and 8.3 +/- 0.5 circs/s, respectively) relative to db/+ control mice (59.5 +/- 2.3% and 11.8 +/- 0.4 circs/s, respectively). Doppler flow measurements were unchanged in 6-wk-old db/db mice. The ratio of E and A transmitral flows was reduced from 3.56 +/- 0.29 in db/+ mice to 2.40 +/- 0.20 in 12-wk-old db/db mice, indicating diastolic dysfunction. Thus a diabetic cardiomyopathy with systolic and diastolic dysfunction was evident in 12-wk-old diabetic db/db mice. Cardiac function was normalized in transgenic db/db-hGLUT4 mice, indicating that altered cardiac metabolism can produce contractile dysfunction in diabetic db/db hearts.  相似文献   

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