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扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的集群结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001—2002年在广西宁明县和龙州县利用直接观察、捕捉测量(共捕到197群蝙蝠,全捕180群)和标记重捕法(标记了31群的101只扁颅蝠,重捕到36只)比较研究了扁颅蝠(tylonycteris pachypusa)与褐扁颅蝠(T.robustula)的集群结构。结果发现:扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠主要栖宿在刺竹(Bambusa stenostachya)的竹筒内,通过竹筒上的裂缝进出。扁颅蝠栖宿的竹筒长平均为27.7cm,外围直径平均为23.6cm;褐扁颅蝠的分别为28.3cm和23.8cm。扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—24只,褐扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—13只;2种蝙蝠的栖宿群中皆为独居所占比例最大(扁颅蝠为22.30%,褐扁颅蝠为40.63%),2只所占比例次之(分别为14.87%和18.75%),其它大小类型呈不规则变化。扁颅蝠栖宿群的性别组成,以雌雄混居最常见(占54.72%),其次为独居雄性(占20.95%),而褐扁颅蝠栖宿群雌雄混居群与独居雄性所占比例相当(均为40.63%)。2种蝙蝠的雄性趋向于独居,而雌性趋向于群居。扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠可以栖宿在同一片竹林内,并且可以在不同时间轮流使用同一个栖宿竹筒,但2种蝙蝠从未共栖于同一个竹筒内。另外,标记重捕扁颅蝠发现:扁颅蝠经常变换栖宿竹筒(栖宿竹筒不固定);同时栖宿群之间经常发生个体交换[动物学报50(3):326—333.2004]。  相似文献   

广西扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的食物选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2002年3~10日在广西南宁地区的宁明县和龙州县,用超声波监测和网捕法确定扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的捕食区,在捕食区内用粘捕法调查潜在的食物量;用粪便分析法确定食物组成。在宁明县和龙州县扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠的潜在食物量都是以双翅目昆虫为主(45.93%以上),其次为鞘翅目(12.59%以上)和膜翅目(7.47%以上);但双翅目、膜翅目在两地差异显著。宁明县扁颅蝠的食物组成以双翅目(40.33%)和膜翅目(38.46%)为主,鞘翅目(16.07%)次之;龙州县扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠食物组成中以膜翅目(63.37%,62.34%)为主,其次为双翅目(21.57%,29.62%)、鞘翅目(11.59%,5.96%);对比两地扁颅蝠的食物组成发现,膜翅目和双翅目差异极显著。对比食物组成与潜在食物量发现,两种蝙蝠对膜翅目为正选择,对其他目负选择或无选择,均为选择性捕食者。  相似文献   

理毛行为是动物防御寄生虫感染有效的行为策略之一。通过室内行为观察,对扁颅蝠(Tylonycteris pachypus)和褐扁颅蝠(T.robustula)的理毛行为进行了研究,分析理毛行为的种间差异,以及体表寄生虫负荷量对理毛行为的影响。结果发现,扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠理毛行为主要可分为舔拭及抓挠,两种蝙蝠舔拭行为的频次和持续时长均大于抓挠行为。舔拭和抓挠行为的频次具有种间差异,扁颅蝠舔拭行为的频次高于褐扁颅蝠,但是其抓挠行为频次则低于后者;而舔拭行为和抓挠行为的持续时长无种间差异。两种蝙蝠体表寄生虫负荷量与理毛行为的总时长和总频次均无相关性。这些结果表明,扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠的理毛行为可能受到中枢神经调控及外部刺激的共同作用。  相似文献   

该文通过野外调查和室内行为实验,研究了扁颅蝠(Tylonycteris pachypus)和褐扁颅蝠(T.robustula)与其体表寄生革螨(雷氏巨刺螨(Macronyssus radovskyi)及拟雷氏巨刺螨(M.pararadovskyi))之间的关系.在野外自然条件下,雌性扁颅蝠的体表寄生革螨负荷量与宿主健康指数呈正相关(Spearman:rs=0.55,P<0.01,n=24),而在雄性扁颅蝠以及雌、雄褐扁颅蝠中则无相关性(P>0.05).室内原宿主感染实验发现,扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠体表寄生革螨均明显倾向于选择各自的雄性宿主,扁颅蝠雌、雄性感染率分别为(42±12)%和(58±12)%(t=-3.6,df=31,P<0.01);褐扁颅蝠雌、雄性感染率分别为(37±11)%和(63±11)%(t=-6.1,df=26,P<0.001).用扁颅蝠体表寄生革螨(拟雷氏巨刺螨)对扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠交叉感染后发现,寄生革螨明显选择其原宿主扁颅蝠,扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠感染率分别为(71±13)%和(29±13)%(t=9.1,df=29,P<0.001).以上结果表明,扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠的体表寄生革螨负荷量与宿主身体状态无明显相关性,而对宿主性别表现不同偏好;扁颅蝠的体表寄生革螨对宿主表现明显的专一性.  相似文献   

我们于2002 ~ 2007 年在广西龙州县和宁明县采用标记重捕法对扁颅蝠的扩散行为进行研究, 共标记669 只(成体316 只,亚成体353 只;雌雄分别为293 只和376 只),重捕到139 只(重捕率20. 8% )。结果表明,大部分扁颅蝠雌雄后代在性成熟前发生扩散,其亚成体扩散率无性别差异(雄
性82.2% ,雌性66.7% ;P > 0.05)。对成年雌雄两性扩散率(雄性76.5% ,雌性58.5% )的分析亦未见性别差异(P > 0.05),但亚成体和成体合并结果显示雄蝠扩散率(80.7% )高于雌蝠(62.3% ,P < 0.01)。此外,我们还测量了扩散的距离,雄性后代的扩散距离(787. 5 ± 26.980 m,n = 37)比雌
性(517.4 ± 25.308 m,n = 24)远(P < 0. 01);在出现扩散的61 只后代中,仅有一只(0. 7% )雄性亚成体扩散到其它的竹林,其余个体均在出生竹林内的不同竹筒之间进行扩散。  相似文献   

两种扁颅蝠回声定位叫声的比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对扁颅蝠 (Tylonycterispachypusa)和褐扁颅蝠 (T robustula)在飞行状态下的回声定位叫声进行了比较研究。结果表明 ,2种扁颅蝠的回声定位叫声的声谱图均呈调频 (FM)型 ,且波形相似 ;但叫声的最低频率、最高频率和主频率差异极显著 (P <0 0 1)。扁颅蝠的频率范围较高 ,为 6 2 4~ 91 6kHz ,主频率为 (76 5± 2 1)kHz ;褐扁颅蝠的频率范围较低 ,为 4 2 7~ 72 4kHz ,主频率为 (49 2± 1 8)kHz ;而 2种蝙蝠的声脉冲时程、声脉冲间隔和声脉冲重复率差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。回声定位叫声差异与其体型、所处的生境有关  相似文献   

为探讨建立小型保护区(围栏)以及人工竹洞对广州市越秀公园内扁颅蝠及其栖息地的保护作用,2009年于园内竹林区建立了约2000m2的铁丝网围栏小型保护区,并且参考扁颅蝠自然竹洞的形态和大小,在保护区围栏内外各开凿20个人工竹洞供其选择栖息。经对该种蝙蝠种群数量及选择各类竹洞居住状况等调查发现,无论保护区内外,还是自然与人工的竹洞,扁颅蝠均会选择利用,说明开凿人工竹洞能为扁颅蝠提供更多的栖息选择。同时,观察数据显示保护区围栏内扁颅蝠栖息竹洞的毁坏程度低于保护区外。鉴于近年来公园内人为活动增加、竹林环境频遭改变破坏等因素出现,因此建立人为干扰更少的扁颅蝠围栏保护区以及打造人工竹洞等保护措施,有利于园内扁颅蝠种群的栖息繁衍。  相似文献   

2013年8月在江西井冈山采集到1只体型很小的雌性蝙蝠,其主要特征为:体重仅为4.7 g,前臂长25.21 mm;大拇指基部和足掌具肉垫;头颅骨扁平,颅高约为颅宽的1/2。经鉴定为褐扁颅蝠Tylonycteris robustula,是江西省首次采集、记录到该种蝙蝠,属该省翼手目新纪录,并在国内首次报道其核型:2n=32,FN=52。  相似文献   

海南、贵州和四川三省翼手类新纪录——褐扁颅蝠   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
上世纪90年代之后国内对翼手目动物的调查和研究取得较为突出的成就,发现3种蝙蝠新种(Zhang et al., 2007; Feng et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2008),5种中国新纪录(何晓瑞和杨白仑,1991;赵辉华等,2002; 吴毅等,2004;张礼标等,2004,2005;张劲硕等,2005;冯庆等,2006),以及10种省级新纪录(胡锦矗和吴毅,1993;吴毅和李操1997;吴毅等,1999;吴毅等,2001;刘颖等,2005;罗键和高红英,2006;江廷磊等,2007).  相似文献   

2011年8月22日,在陕西省宝鸡市太白县的铁龙洞(33°43'38.8″N,107°26'37.9″E,海拔1 250 m)获得2号蝙蝠标本,雄性,体型较大,前臂长约58 mm,后足长几与胫长相当,约20 mm,经鉴定为大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti),属陕西省翼手类新纪录,标本保存于陕西省动物研究所标本室。本文对该蝙蝠标本的特征和相关测量数据进行了报道,并对其分布和保护现状进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were developed in the flat‐headed bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) from genomic DNA using an enriched library method. Nine loci were tested on 48 individuals sampled from Guangxi Province, China. The mean number of observed alleles per locus was 6.4 (range 4–12). Observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.24 to 0.83 and from 0.30 to 0.89, respectively. One locus revealed significant departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and no significant linkage disequilibrium was detected between loci pairs. These markers will be used to examine genetic structure and parentage analysis in this species.  相似文献   

四川山鹧鸪的分布及生境选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了四川山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufipectus)的分布区域和栖息地的生境,认为四川山鹧鸪的分布范围比已知的要大,但其实际分布区呈明显的岛屿状,显示出生境的破碎化;指出四川山鹧鸪的适宜生境是原始的常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林和具有较大常绿落叶阔叶乔木树种盖度的多年生次生林,亦可选择部分人工林,而对地表灌丛密度大的次生幼林以及人工幼林生境不喜好。由于天然林的禁伐和生态林的管护,四川山鹧鸪的栖息地趋于稳定并有所扩大。但四川山鹧鸪仍然处于濒危状态。  相似文献   

We studied the wing morphology, echolocation calls, foraging behaviour and flight speed of Tylonycteris pachypus and Tylonycteris robustula in Longzhou County, South China during the summer (June–August) of 2005. The wingspan, wing loading and aspect ratio of the two species were relatively low, and those of T. pachypus were lower compared with T. robustula . The echolocation calls of T. pachypus and T. robustula consist of a broadband frequency modulated (FM) sweep followed by a short narrowband FM sweep. The dominant frequency of calls of T. pachypus was 65.1 kHz, whereas that of T. robustula was 57.7 kHz. The call frequencies (including highest frequency of the call, lowest frequency of the call and frequency of the call that contained most energy) of T. pachypus were higher than those of T. robustula , and the pulse duration of the former was longer than that of the latter. The inter-pulse interval and bandwidth of the calls were not significantly different between the two species. Tylonycteris pachypus foraged in more complex environments than T. robustula , although the two species were both netted in edge habitats (around trees or houses), along pathways and in the tops of trees. Tylonycteris pachypus flew slower (straight level flight speed, 4.3 m s−1) than T. robustula (straight level flight speed, 4.8 m s−1). We discuss the relationship between wing morphology, echolocation calls, foraging behaviour and flight speed, and demonstrate resource partitioning between these two species in terms of morphological and behavioural factors.  相似文献   

Bats are unique among mammals in their use of powered flight and their widespread capacity for laryngeal echolocation. Understanding how and when these and other abilities evolved could be improved by examining the bat fossil record. However, the fossil record of bats is commonly believed to be very poor. Quantitative analyses of this record have rarely been attempted, so it has been difficult to gauge just how depauperate the bat fossil record really is. A crucial step in analyzing the quality of the fossil record is to be able to accurately estimate completeness. Measures of completeness of the fossil record have important consequences for our understanding of evolutionary rates and patterns among bats. In this study, we applied previously developed statistical methods of analyzing completeness to the bat fossil record. The main utility of these methods over others used to study completeness is their independence from phylogeny. This phylogenetic-independence is desirable, given the recent state of flux in the higher-level phylogenetic relationships of bats. All known fossil bat genera were tabulated at the geologic stage or sub-epoch level. This binning strategy allowed an estimate of the extinction rate for each bat genus per bin. Extinction rate—together with per-genus estimates of preservation probability and original temporal distributions—was used to calculate completeness. At the genus level, the bat fossil record is estimated to be 12% complete. Within the order, Pteropodidae is missing most of its fossil history, while Rhinolophoidea and Vespertilionoidea are missing the least. These results suggest that 88% of bats that existed never left a fossil record, and that the fossil record of bats is indeed poor. Much of the taxonomic and evolutionary history of bats has yet to be uncovered.  相似文献   

对中国特有珍稀濒危植物乐东拟单性木兰(Parakmeria lotungensis)的分布现状、资源量、种群结构和群落特征进行了全面的野外调查。结果表明,乐东拟单性木兰零星分布在我国18°44′~29°24′N,107°50′~119°09′E之间的热带至亚热带森林中,估测个体数量不足15000株,其中成年植株数量不足2500株。生境破碎化与乐东拟单性木兰自身的生物学和生态学特性是影响种群更新的重要因素。人为破坏是造成乐东拟单性木兰种群急剧缩减的直接原因,对乐东拟单性木兰的分布现状提出了保护策略和建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We assessed spatial distribution and habitat use by Ross's and lesser snow geese (Chen rossii and C. caerulescens caerulescens) during late brood rearing to begin understanding goose-habitat interactions and monitoring key habitats around a rapidly growing nesting colony located at Karrak Lake, Nunavut, Canada. We conducted aerial surveys to count geese and georeference locations, then used Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery to identify habitats associated with each flock. We observed 435 and 407 flocks and 36,287 and 32,745 birds in 1994 and 1995, respectively. Birds were somewhat uniformly distributed over the 5,000-km2 study area, with larger aggregations occurring closer to the coast, about 70 km from the colony. We assessed habitat use using Bonferroni intervals at both the flock and individual scales. At the flock level, birds avoided lichen-heath, used other terrestrial habitats as available, and selected freshwater. At the individual level, geese selected lowland habitats: wet sedge meadow, hummock graminoid tundra, and freshwater, which accounted for about 70% of the birds observed, and avoided upland habitats. Selection of lowland habitats is likely due to greater availability of food and easier predator avoidance compared to drier upland areas. Because most geese in our study used freshwater habitats, our results demonstrate that assessment of carrying capacity, at least in the central Arctic, must be expanded beyond the coastal salt marshes traditionally considered by researchers and managers as primary brood-rearing habitat for mid-continent light geese.  相似文献   

草地资源缀块聚集分布时草食动物时空分布模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对草地上草食动物(家畜)种群空间格局—缀块型,综合考虑整体和局部两种信息,运用渗透理论及数学分析方法研究了草地资源点(缀块)在空间上聚集分布时草食动物的分布,建立了描述草地资源与草食动物时空分布的扩散模型.研究结果表明:资源利用尺度n随资源浓度p的降低而增大,随资源聚集程度q的增大而增大.资源浓度越低,资源利用尺度越大;资源聚集程度越高,资源利用尺度也越大、只有能够在较大尺度上利用资源的动物才能利用破碎化的低浓度资源、这将为草原放牧及管理提供科学依据、  相似文献   

Tylonycteris pachypus is a gregarious bat species with tens of individuals in a colony. The mechanisms by which mother bats recognize their pups and adult bats recognize each other are not clear. We hypothesized that such recognition is achieved by chemical discrimination and performed experiments to test the hypothesis. Results showed that mother bats were much more attracted to the scent from their own pups. For adult bats, females were attracted to the scent from both male and female groupmates but had a higher preference to the scent from female than from male groupmates. Male bats were much more attracted to the scent from male groupmates while showed no preference to the scent from female groupmates. Within a group, both female and male bats had no difference in preference to the scent from the same or opposite sex. These results suggest that mother–pup and groupmate recognition of T. pachypus can be achieved by olfactory cues.  相似文献   

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