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Nests of altricial birds exhibit variable spectral properties that may affect the efficacy (conspicuousness) of the colored begging traits that a nestling displays to its parents. Here we explored whether selection for efficient perception has favored the evolution of nestling color designs that maximizes nestling detectability in variable light environments. Visual models were used to estimate how parents perceive the coloration of mouths, flanges, heads, and breasts of nestlings within their nest in 21 species of European birds. We show that the largest chromatic and achromatic contrasts against the nest background appeared for nestling mouths and flanges, respectively. Nestlings of open-nesting species showed a larger general achromatic contrast with the nest than did nestlings of hole-nesting species. However, nestlings of hole nesters showed a more evident achromatic contrast between flanges and other traits than did nestlings of open nesters. In addition, species with larger clutch sizes showed larger general achromatic contrasts with the nest. Gaping traits of open-nesting species contrasting with the nest background were better perceived under rich light regimes than under poor ones. These findings are consistent with a scenario in which selection for nestling detectability in dark environments has favored the evolution of particular achromatic components of gape coloration but also nestling traits that enhance signal efficacy by maximizing color contrasts within a nestling.  相似文献   

Avian eggs differ so much in their colour and patterning from species to species that any attempt to account for this diversity might initially seem doomed to failure. Here I present a critical review of the literature which, when combined with the results of some comparative analyses, suggests that just a few selective agents can explain much of the variation in egg appearance. Ancestrally, bird eggs were probably white and immaculate. Ancient diversification in nest location, and hence in the clutch's vulnerability to attack by predators, can explain basic differences between bird families in egg appearance. The ancestral white egg has been retained by species whose nests are safe from attack by predators, while those that have moved to a more vulnerable nest site are now more likely to lay brown eggs, covered in speckles, just as Wallace hypothesized more than a century ago. Even blue eggs might be cryptic in a subset of nests built in vegetation. It is possible that some species have subsequently turned these ancient adaptations to new functions, for example to signal female quality, to protect eggs from damaging solar radiation, or to add structural strength to shells when calcium is in short supply. The threat of predation, together with the use of varying nest sites, appears to have increased the diversity of egg colouring seen among species within families, and among clutches within species. Brood parasites and their hosts have probably secondarily influenced the diversity of egg appearance. Each drives the evolution of the other's egg colour and patterning, as hosts attempt to avoid exploitation by rejecting odd-looking eggs from their nests, and parasites attempt to outwit their hosts by laying eggs that will escape detection. This co-evolutionary arms race has increased variation in egg appearance both within and between species, in parasites and in hosts, sometimes resulting in the evolution of egg colour polymorphisms. It has also reduced variation in egg appearance within host clutches, although the benefit thus gained by hosts is not clear.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of brood parasites largely depends on appropriate host selection and, although the use of inadvertent social information emitted by hosts may be of selective advantage for cuckoos, this possibility has rarely been experimentally tested. Here, we manipulated nest size and clutch colouration of magpies (Pica pica), the main host of great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius). These phenotypic traits may potentially reveal information about magpie territory and/or parental quality and could hence influence the cuckoo’s choice of host nests. Experimentally reduced magpie nests suffered higher predation rate, and prevalence of cuckoo parasitism was higher in magpie nests with the densest roofs, which suggests a direct advantage for great spotted cuckoos choosing this type of magpie nest. Colouration of magpie clutches was manipulated by adding one artificial egg (blue or cream colouration) at the beginning of the egg-laying period. We found that host nests holding an experimental cream egg experienced a higher prevalence of cuckoo parasitism than those holding a blue-coloured egg. Results from these two experiments suggest that great spotted cuckoos cue on magpie nest characteristics and the appearance of eggs to decide parasitism, and confirm, for the first time, the ability of cuckoos to distinguish between eggs of different colours within the nest of their hosts. Several hypothetical scenarios explaining these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexually active male haplochromine cichlid fishes possess pronounced yellow ovoid spots on the anal fm, which mimic eggs of the female and have therefore been called egg dummies (Wickler, 1962b).It is thought that divergence in egg dummy characteristics can considerably reduce gene flow and in this way may trigger off reproductive isolation. Two ways in which egg dummy divergence can develop are described. Both mechanisms may have been operating, at the same time and in the same area, in different species, or possibly even in a single species.Firstly, egg dummy divergence can develop in species with accurately mimetic egg dummies if selection pressures on egg characteristics (size, shape) differ in temporarily isolated demes. As soon as egg characteristics diverge, egg dummy characteristics follow. This type of egg dummy divergence leads to reproductive isolation by mimicry. Mimetic isolation is proposed as a term to describe the mechanism.Secondly, egg dummy divergence can develop if selection pressures on the egg dummy characteristics are different in two temporarily isolated demes. Upon secondary contact, this divergence may work as a sexual isolation mechanism, since female mate choice is important in haplochromines. Egg dummy divergence is likely to develop rapidly and, if this happens repeatedly, explosive speciation may result. Apparently, explosive speciation has occurred in haplochromines. Neither of the two models has been properly tested. Some preliminary evidence was found that the second model is valid, but so far there is no evidence in favour of the first model.  相似文献   

Laying eggs in others' nests: Intraspecific brood parasitism in birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraspecific brood parasitism occurs commonly in a large number of bird species. Recent work shows that females parasitize the parental care of conspecifics either as a 'best-of-a-bad-job' strategy or as part of a superior reproductive strategy. A number of parasite and host behaviours, which either facilitate or prevent intraspecific brood parasitism, are similar to those occurring among interspecific brood parasites and their hosts.  相似文献   

Bright coloration of males in many animal species has inspiredresearchers for more than a century. In this field study, weinvestigated whether color variation between individuals isrelated to individual quality in pied flycatcher (Ficedulahypoleuca) males in terms of arrival time at the breeding sites.In addition to traditional visual color scoring, plumage color was measured using spectroradiometric measurements between 320and 700 nm. This range includes the near-ultraviolet wavebandfrom 320 to 400 nm. Males that arrived earlier at breedingsites had higher proportional UV reflectance in the crown andmantle. The proportional UV reflectance in the crown and mantlewas not related to traditionally scored general brownness inmales. However, adult males had a higher proportion of ultravioletin the plumage than yearling males or females. These resultssuggest that in pied flycatcher males, the UV reflectance ofplumage may be positively correlated with individual quality.  相似文献   

Data from a diversity of sources are consistent with the hypothesis that the Grand Cayman anole, Anolis conspersus, is descended directly from Anolis grahami of Jamaica. Although the two species have remained morphologically similar, coloration in A. conspersus has changed considerably from that of its ancestor. The most dramatic difference is seen in dewlap colour, where A. conspersus has evolved a blue and highly UV-reflective dewlap from the ancestral orange-and-yellow colour state. In addition, variation in normal (non-metachrosis) dorsum coloration in A. grahami populations is limited to shades of green (olive, emerald, teal), whereas in A. conspersus dorsum coloration varies from green to blue and to brown. This increased colour variation occurs despite Grand Cayman being a small, relatively featureless island only 35 km in length. Results of this study suggest that ambient light differences associated with precipitation-related vegetation structure may have played an important role in the evolution of A. conspersus body colour variation. Evidence is presented to show how geological, ecological, and physiological factors could have interacted to select for a short wavelength-reflective dewlap from a long wavelength-reflective precursor following the colonization of Grand Cayman from Jamaica by A. grahami between 2 and 3 Mya.  相似文献   

野生鸟类对禽流感爆发与传播的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
雷富民  赵德龙 《生物学通报》2006,41(1):1-3,F0003
2003—2005年高致病性禽流感在亚洲、欧洲多个国家大范围爆发,引起了全世界的关注,并将视线集中在候鸟身上。结合最近疫情,文章对野生鸟类在禽流感爆发和传播中的作用予以简要分析。  相似文献   

Road ecology, the study of the impacts of roads and their traffic on wildlife, including birds, is a rapidly growing field, with research showing effects on local avian population densities up to several kilometres from a road. However, in most studies, the effects of roads on the detectability of birds by surveyors are not accounted for. This could be a significant source of error in estimates of the impacts of roads on birds and could also affect other studies of bird populations. Using road density, traffic volume and bird count data from across Great Britain, we assess the relationships between roads and detectability of a range of bird species. Of 51 species analysed, the detectability of 36 was significantly associated with road exposure, in most cases inversely. Across the range of road exposure recorded for each species, the mean positive change in detectability was 52% and the mean negative change was 36%, with the strongest negative associations found in smaller-bodied species and those for which aural cues are more important in detection. These associations between road exposure and detectability could be caused by a reduction in surveyors’ abilities to hear birds or by changes in birds’ behaviour, making them harder or easier to detect. We suggest that future studies of the impacts of roads on populations of birds or other taxa, and other studies using survey data from road-exposed areas, should account for the potential impacts of roads on detectability.  相似文献   

Identifying predators at nests of small birds in a New Zealand forest   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
K. P. BROWN  H. MOLLER  J. INNES  P. JANSEN 《Ibis》1998,140(2):274-279
Time-lapse video equipment was used to film continuously at nests of two small passerines, the New Zealand Robin Petroica australis and the Tomtit Petroica macrocephala , in an indigenous broadleaf/hardwood forest in central North Island, New Zealand. The nests were illuminated with infrared light to allow night-time observations of predator and parent bird behaviour, and signs left at nests were linked to predator identity. Introduced Ship Rats Rattus rattus and the small native owl or Ruru Ninox novaeseelandiae were filmed preying on eggs or chicks on 12 occasions, and Ship Rats scavenged on eggs on two occasions. Parent birds sometimes altered the signs left at nests after predation, which confused identification of the predator, while Ship Rat scavenger and predator signs were indistinguishable. This suggests that attempts to identify predators from nest signs could be misleading and potentially a widespread problem. Time-lapse video filming with infrared illumination is potentially the least biased method of identifying predators, but it is expensive and so is best used in conjunction with simpler methods. This study found no evidence that filming altered predation rates or that the predators or parent birds reacted strongly to the camera or lights, so we believe that filming is a valuable and safe technique to guide management for the recovery of critically endangered species that are threatened by predators.  相似文献   

Species traits explain variation in detectability of UK birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Capsule Heterogeneous detectability amongst species may impact multi-species bird surveys and if not accounted for, may bias community level conclusions. Estimates of detectability were produced for 195 UK bird species, and detectability was significantly affected by bird size, diet and habitat specialization.

Aims To estimate detectability and understand which species traits may impact detectability.

Methods We estimated the detectability of 195 species of birds in the UK using distance sampling methods and examined the average detectability of genetically related groups. We tested the significance of species traits in describing variation in detectability, whilst controlling for phylogenetic relationships.

Results Passeriformes had the lowest median detectability of 0.37 and Charadriiformes the highest median detectability of 0.65, of the seven largest orders considered. Species most associated with closed habitats such as woodland and urban areas had the lowest detectability. Smaller species had lower detectability than larger species.

Conclusion Heterogeneity in species detectability could lead to biased conclusions, particularly when calculating multi-species indices such as species richness or diversity. Accounting for detectability will be most important in studies that cover a wide range of habitat types or a diverse spread of taxa.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The value of egg coloration as crypsis, once accepted as a general principle, has recently been questioned because most experiments have failed to show that egg coloration deters predation. The nest‐crypsis hypothesis postulates that, among species that build conspicuous nests, selection for egg crypsis is relaxed or absent because visually searching predators detect nests prior to eggs. I tested the nest‐crypsis hypothesis using the large, relatively conspicuous nests of American Robins (Turdus migratorius), and eggs that differed markedly in color that were collected from the nests of Red‐winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), Brewer's Blackbirds (Euphagus cyanocephalus), and Yellow‐headed Blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). Each nest (N= 22) received a clutch of each species during three sequential predation trials that were 16 d in duration. The order of clutch presentation was randomized for each nest. Survival trends for Brewer's and Yellow‐headed Blackbirds were similar, and higher than those for clutches of Red‐winged Blackbirds. By the end of trials, overall survival of the three clutch types was roughly equivalent. However, clutches of Red‐winged Blackbird eggs, the most conspicuous egg type to the human eye, were discovered sooner by predators. Because the experimental design controlled for effects of nest crypsis, nest location, and nest size, this difference in egg survival can be attributed to differences in egg pigmentation. Thus, my results support a role for egg coloration as camouflage in conspicuous nests.  相似文献   

Many coral reef fish possess ultraviolet (UV) colour patterns. The behavioural significance of these patterns is poorly understood and experiments on this issue have not been reported for free-living reef fish in their natural environment. The damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis has UV facial patterns, and spectroradiometric ocular media measurements show that it has the potential for UV vision. To test the potential behavioural significance of the UV patterns, I studied the response of males, in natural territories on the reef and in aquaria, to two conspecific intruders, one presented in a UV-transmitting (UV+) container and the other in a UV-absorbing (UV−) one. Territory owners attacked intruders viewed through UV+ filters significantly more often and for longer than intruders viewed through the UV− filter. In general, the results of the field experiment confirmed those of the laboratory experiment. The results support the hypothesis that P. amboinensis males are sensitive to UV light and that reflectance patterns, which appear in high contrast only in UV, modulate the level of aggressive behaviour. A recent survey showed that many predatory fish may not have UV vision and the use of UV colours in select species of reef fish may therefore serve as a ‘private communication channel’.  相似文献   

Several bird species construct multiple nests within a single breeding season that are not used for egg-laying. This behaviour has puzzled researchers for over 100 years, as nests are costly in time and energy to build, and there is no apparent adaptive function. We review the empirical evidence for several suggested non-exclusive functions and examine the plausibility of each. These functions are: (1) decoys to reduce predation or brood parasitism, (2) involvement in sexual selection and signalling of traits such as genetic quality or propensity for parental investment, (3) shelters for adults and/or fledglings, and (4) defence against nest usurpation. We argue that evidence for all these explanations is inconclusive, with correlational studies dominating the literature. We conclude that the idea that these nests evolved as decoys or as shelters for fledglings is unlikely and consider the most likely adaptive function to be signalling. Multiple nests are often involved in aspects of courtship, so are likely have some role in sexual selection in certain species. After pairing, individuals may be able to signal their parental abilities, inducing their partner to invest more in reproduction through differential allocation. We give suggestions for future work which we believe will advance our understanding of ancillary nest-building.  相似文献   

Forest edges and habitat selection in birds: a functional approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Duncan McCollin 《Ecography》1998,21(3):247-260
Edge effects encompass a complex panoply of biotic and biotic phenomena across woodlan borders. I identify four main explanations which have been proposed to explain avian habital selection with respect to forest edges: 1) individualistic resource and patch use. 2) biotic interactions: 3) microclimate modification 4) changes in vegetation structure. In relates nest site location in woodlands relative to the edge to the proximity of food resources. It is shown that all other things being equal birds which are wholly dependent on resources found within woodlands will tend to avid forest edges. Woodland species dependent upon resources found in adjacent habitats will tend to be found near to edges to enable their exploitation. 2) identifies competition predation and brood parasitism as factor which have the potential to influence bird habitat selection near edges. 3) identifies microclimate modification as a potential influence which may are directly on nesting success or indirectly through its effects on food supply: 4) relates the activities of birds such as nesting feeding or Research on edge effects of birds in woodland has provided few practical recommendations to conservation managers. Forest edge management needs to take into account the multiple cause and defects which influence habitat selection at the edge and to target species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Global warming and egg size of birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A. Jàrvinen 《Ecography》1994,17(1):108-110
Global warming or climate change is known to have many effects on plants, but there has been relatively little research on global warming and animals, partly because too few long-term studies have been carried out. In northern areas, mean temperature is believed to be rising, and indeed during the last decades mean spring temperatures in Finnish Lapland have increased. In 1975-1993, mean air temperature during the main egg-laying period of a pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca population correlated positively and significantly with mean egg volume of that population. Since larger eggs enjoy improved hatching success, global warming may alter birds' reproductive strategies, because warmer weather may allow females to invest more resources in reproduction. This in turn may help birds rapidly conquer new areas when they become available and compensate for rising mortality rates to be expected elsewhere where warming means desiccation.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet reflectance is a widely distributed phenomenon among certain families of Coleoptera. It is so far found to occur in Carabidae, Scarabaeidae, Buprestidae, Elateridae, Tenebrionidae, Cerambycidae, Anthribidae and Curculionidae. Of more than 100 species examined, 70 were found to possess UV reflectant structures. Reflection is almost always from pigments contained within microtrichia or other setae. In some Tenebrionidae and Buprestidae, dried secretions forming patches or stripes on the pronota and elytra are reflective and, in a few desert-living Tenebrionidae, reflectance is from subcuticular pigment in the elytra.  相似文献   

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