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We have accumulated information on protein-coding sequences of uncharacterized human genes, which are known as KIAA genes, through cDNA sequencing. For comprehensive functional analysis of the KIAA genes, it is necessary to prepare a set of cDNA clones which direct the synthesis of functional KIAA gene products. However, since the KIAA cDNAs were derived from long mRNAs (> 4 kb), it was not expected that all of them were full-length. Thus, as the first step toward preparing these clones, we evaluated the integrity of protein-coding sequences of KIAA cDNA clones through comparison with homologous protein entries in the public database. As a result, 1141 KIAA cDNAs had at least one homologous entry in the database, and 619 of them (54%) were found to be truncated at the 5' and/or 3' ends. In this study, 290 KIAA cDNA clones were tailored to be full-length or have considerably longer sequences than the original clones by isolating additional cDNA clones and/or connected parts of additional cDNAs or PCR products of the missing portion to the original cDNA clone. Consequently, 265, 8, and 17 predicted CDSs of KIAA cDNA clones were increased in the amino-, carboxy-, and both terminal sequences, respectively. In addition, 40 cDNA clones were modified to remove spurious interruption of protein-coding sequences. The total length of the resultant extensions at amino- and carboxy-terminals of KIAA gene products reached 97,000 and 7,216 amino acid residues, respectively, and various protein domains were found in these extended portions.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of cDNA coding for the structural capsid polypeptides of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) (strain A(10)61) has been determined. Portions of the flanking sequence coding for the nonstructural proteins p20a and p52 are also provided. The three larger structural polypeptides VP1, VP2 and VP3 have unmodified Mrs of 23248, 24649 and 24213, respectively. The size of the smaller polypeptide, VP4, can only be estimated at 7360 because the 5'-limit of its coding region is not yet known with certainty. The sequence data for VP1 (the major immunising antigen) and the amino-terminal quarter of p52 are compared with the data of Kurz et al. (Nucl. Acids Res. 9 (1981) 1919-1931) for a different serotype (O1K). This shows that variation is much greater in the region coding for VP1 than in that coding for p52. This is reflected in the level of amino acid sequence variation predicted for the two proteins. Analysis of relative codon usage reveals a strong bias in favour of C and G over U and A in the third base position. The dinucleotide frequencies show a bias against A-U and U-A, and for A-C and C-A.  相似文献   

以国内商品化水貂犬瘟热病毒疫苗所用毒株CDV-3为模板,构建犬瘟热病毒感染性cDNA克隆,为犬瘟热病毒新型疫苗研制、致病机理研究提供理论基础.设计13对引物对其全基因组序列测定,分析单一酶切位点,将CDV-3的全长分5个片段进行RT-PCR扩增.经酶切拼接,将5个片段顺次插入到酶切位点改造后的真核载体pcDNA3.2的...  相似文献   

The sequence of two cDNA clones coding for the whole of the -subunit and most of the -subunit of legumin are presented together with a considerable amount of protein sequence data to confirm the predicted amino acid sequence. A unique feature shown by these cDNAs is the presence of three 56 base pair tandem repeats in the region encoding the C terminal of the polypeptide. The tandem repeats are also exhibited in the predicted polypeptide sequence as three 18 amino acid repeats which contain extremely high proportions of polar, mainly acidic, residues. The new sequences are compared to the previously published sequence of some shorter legumin cDNAs (Nature 295: 76–79). In the region where the sequences overlap, the previous cDNAs differ from the new ones by only a few base substitutions but most of the repeated region is not present though the sequences on either side are. The possibility that the absence of the repeats may reflect the difference between two types of legumin gene, rather than an artefact of the cloning of the cDNAs, is discussed.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Enterovirus 71(EV71),a member of the genus Enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae,is a single-stranded,positive-sense RNA virus that usually causes mild handfoot-mouth disease(HFMD)in children,with symptoms such as fever,diarrhea,and herpangina(Liu et al.,2013).However,certain strains of EV71 infection can cause severe neurological complications,such as SDLY107(Sun et al.,2014).EV71 is classified into three distinct genotypes(A–C);the B and C genotypes are further divided into B1–B5 and C1–C5 genotypes,respectively,based on  相似文献   

与PRRSV nsp11互作的宿主细胞蛋白鉴定及生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳换  李逸  姜楠  周磊  盖新娜  杨汉春  郭鑫 《微生物学通报》2017,44(12):2856-2870
【目的】研究猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus,PRRSV)nsp11与宿主细胞蛋白之间的相互作用,对于揭示nsp11在病毒复制过程中发挥的功能至关重要。【方法】在病毒感染细胞的基础上,利用nsp11的单克隆抗体,采用免疫沉淀结合串联质谱的方法,筛选与PRRSV nsp11相互作用的宿主细胞蛋白,并对所筛选出的宿主细胞蛋白进行了GO注释、COG注释和KEGG代谢通路注释;选取筛选出的宿主细胞蛋白IRAK1,利用免疫共沉淀技术和激光共聚焦技术鉴定其与nsp11之间的相互作用。【结果】与空白对照组相比,病毒感染组中出现3条差异带;经质谱分析共筛选得到了201个与nsp11相互作用的宿主细胞蛋白,分别与蛋白质代谢、细胞信号通路转导以及病原致病性等密切相关;在生物信息学分析的基础上,实验验证了nsp11确与宿主细胞蛋白IRAK1进行相互作用。【结论】鉴定出与PRRSV nsp11相互作用的宿主细胞蛋白,生物信息学分析显示它们在病毒的复制和致病过程中发挥重要作用。研究结果为探究nsp11的生物学功能指明了方向,也为研究宿主细胞蛋白与病毒蛋白间的相互作用及其调控病毒复制和致病性的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences have been determined for complementary DNA transcribed from the 3' ends of RNA segments 7 (matrix gene) and 8 (nonstructural gene) from a number of human influenza A viruses isolated over a period of 43 years and representing H0N1, H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2 subtypes. The pattern of nucleotide variation in both genes suggests that RNA segments 7 and 8 were conserved during the reassortment events which were responsible for the antigenic shifts H1N1 leads to H2N2 and H2N2 leads to H3N2. During the 23-year period between the isolation of A/PR/8/34(H0N1) and A/RI/5-/57(H2N2), substitutions have occurred at 7 of 230 nucleotides in RNA segment 7 and 13 of 220 nucleotides in RNA segment 8, and in 20 years A/RI/5-/57(H2N2) to A/Canberra Grammar/77(H3N2) substitutions have occurred at 5 of 230 nucleotides in RNA segment 7 and 12 of 220 nucleotides in RNA segment 8. These give rise to 2 of 67, 5 of 64, 1 of 67, and 5 of 64 amino acid changes, respectively. The number of nucleotide and amino acid changes observed is of the same order of magnitude as that which occurs over a comparable period of drift in RNA segments 4 and 6, which code for the variable antigenic determinants hemagglutinin and neuraminidase.  相似文献   

目的 将人星状病毒非结构蛋白nsP1 a./1基因连接到真核表达载体上,转染人胚肾上皮细胞48 h后检测其表达.方法 设计特异性引物PCR扩增人星状病毒非结构蛋白nsP1 a/1片段,分别插入真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(+)和pEGFP-N2载体,构建重组表达质粒pcDNA3.1(+)-nsP1a/1-His和pEGFP-N2-nsP1a/1.在转染试剂PEI的介导下将重组表达质粒分别转染293T细胞,转染48 h后分别在荧光显微镜下观察EGFP的表达以及通过Western blot检测nsP1a/1基因的表达.结果 重组表达质粒pcDNA3.1(+)-nsP1a/1-His和pEGFP-N2-nsP1a/1构建成功;转染pEGFP-N2-nsP1a/1后48 h能够在荧光显微镜蓝色激发光下观察到较强的黄绿色荧光;转染pcDNA3.1(+)-nsP1a/1-His后48 h收集细胞进行Western blot检测,能够检测到nsP1a/1-His融合报告基因的表达.结论 成功构建了人星状病毒非结构蛋白nsP1a/1基因真核表达质粒,并在人胚肾上皮细胞293T细胞获得表达,为进一步深入研究nsP1a/1在人星状病毒抵御宿主细胞抗病毒天然免疫中是否发挥作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA's encoding the glycoprotein (G) and the matrix protein (M) have been determined from cDNA clones that contain the complete coding sequences from each mRNA. The G protein mRNA is 1,665 nucleotides long, excluding polyadenylic acid, and encodes a protein of 511 amino acids including a signal peptide of 16 amino acids. G protein contains two large hydrophobic domains, one in the signal peptide and the other in the transmembrane segment near the COOH terminus. Two sites of glycosylation are predicted at amino acid residues 178 and 335. The close correspondence of the positions of these sites with the reported timing of the addition of the two oligosaccharides during synthesis of G suggests that glycosylation occurs as soon as the appropriate asparagine residues traverse the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The mRNA encoding the vesicular stomatitis virus M protein is 831 nucleotides long, excluding polyadenylic acid, and encodes a protein of 229 amino acids. The predicted M protein sequence does not contain any long hydrophobic or nonpolar domains that might promote membrane association. The protein is rich in basic amino acids and contains a highly basic amino terminal domain. Details of construction of the nearly full-length cDNA clones are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The main nitrogen source for most higher plants is soil nitrate. Prior to its incorporation into amino acids, plants reduce nitrate to ammonia in two enzymatic steps. Nitrate is reduced by nitrate reductase to nitrite, which is further reduced to ammonia by nitrite reductase. In this paper, the complete primary sequence of the precursor protein for spinach nitrite reductase has been deduced from cloned cDNAs. The cDNA clones were isolated from a nitrate-induced cDNA library in two ways: through the use of oligonucleotide probes based on partial amino acid sequences of nitrite reductase and through the use of antibodies raised against purified nitrite reductase. The precursor protein for nitrite reductase is 594 amino acids long and has a 32 amino acid extension at the N-terminal end of the mature protein. These 32 amino acids most likely serve as a transit peptide involved in directing this nuclearencoded protein into the chloroplast. The cDNA hybridizes to a 2.3 kb RNA whose steady-state level is markedly increased upon induction with nitrate.  相似文献   

Summary Gene expression during the ripening of tomato fruit was investigated by cDNA cloning and hybrid-select translation. A cDNA library was prepared from poly(A)-containing mRNA from ripe tomato fruit and sreened by differential hybridization. 146 ripening-related cDNA clones were found. Eleven groups and eight unique clones have been identified so far. The sizes of the cloned cDNA inserts were determined and type-members for seven groups were used in hybrid selection experiments. Six of the seven clones encode translation products corresponding to six ripening related polypeptides detected previously by in vitro translation of total cytoplasmic RNA (14). One cDNA group codes for a Mr 48 000 protein that was identified as polygalacturonase on the basis of immunoprecipitation with specific antiserum raised against tomato polygalacturonase. re]19840918 rv]19850613 ac]19850618  相似文献   

By using the mouse Thy-1 gene as a model, we have developed a procedure to distinguish functional vs nonfunctional cDNA of lymphocyte surface antigens by transfecting COS-7 monkey cells and testing for expression of cell surface products encoded by the cDNA inserts. By cross-hybridization with a mouse Thy-1 probe, we isolated cDNA clones from a pcD-expression library prepared from mRNA of C5 cells. Two functional clones were distinguished from the remainder by detection of Thy-1.2 on the surface of 0.5% of COS-7 cells transiently transfected by the DEAE-Dextran method. Inclusion of chloroquine in the transfection procedure greatly facilitated the detection of functional cDNA by raising the percentage of expressing cells to 30%. Nucleotide sequencing of one functional cDNA, about 1700 bp long, confirmed that the gene encodes a protein whose sequence agrees with the published Thy-1.2 protein sequence with the additional 31 amino acids attached at the COOH-terminus. A 75 bp 5' untranslated region preceding the coding region contains 50 bp not found in the genomic clones. Comparison indicates that one or more introns are present in the 5' untranslated region, but are not found in the mature mRNA. The first exon may be separated by at least 1 kb intron from the initiation codon. Because the expressible clones are approximately the size of the mRNA seen on Northern blots, we believe that these clones are nearly full-length cDNA. Dilution experiments indicate that this strategy should also be useful for identifying functional cDNA clones for cell surface proteins solely on the basis of their expression in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Protein production using recombinant DNA technology has a fundamental impact on our understanding of biology through providing proteins for structural and functional studies. Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been traditionally used as the default expression host to over‐express and purify proteins from many different organisms. E. coli does, however, have known shortcomings for obtaining soluble, properly folded proteins suitable for downstream studies. These shortcomings are even more pronounced for the mycobacterial pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, with typically only one third of proteins expressed in E. coli produced as soluble proteins. Mycobacterium smegmatis (M. smegmatis) is a closely related and non‐pathogenic species that has been successfully used as an expression host for production of proteins from various mycobacterial species. In this review, we describe the early attempts to produce mycobacterial proteins in alternative expression hosts and then focus on available expression systems in M. smegmatis. The advantages of using M. smegmatis as an expression host, its application in structural biology and some practical aspects of protein production are also discussed. M. smegmatis provides an effective expression platform for enhanced understanding of mycobacterial biology and pathogenesis and for developing novel and better therapeutics and diagnostics.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis virus(JEV) is one of the most common pathogens of severe viral encephalitis, which is a severe threat to human health. Despite instability of the JEV genome in bacteria, many strategies have been developed to establish molecular clone systems of JEV, providing convenient tools for studying the virus life cycle and virus–host interactions. In this study, we adapted an In-Fusion enzyme-based in vitro recombination method to construct a reverse genetic system of JEV, thereby providing a rapid approach to introduce mutations into the structural genes. A truncated genome without the structural genes was constructed as the backbone, and the complementary segment containing the structural genes was recombined in vitro, which was then transfected directly into virus-permissive cells. The progeny of the infectious virus was successfully detected in the supernatant of the transfected cells, and showed an identical phenotype to its parental virus. To provide a proof-of-principle, the 12 conserved cysteine residues in the envelope(E) protein of JEV were respectively mutated using this approach, and all mutations resulted in a complete failure to generate infectious virus. However, a leucine-tophenylanine mutation at amino acid 107 of the E protein did not interfere with the production of the infectious virus. These results suggested that all 12 cysteines in the E protein are essential for the JEV life cycle. In summary, a novel reverse genetic system of JEV was established for rapidly introducing mutations into structural genes, which will serve as a useful tool for functional studies.  相似文献   

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