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林木白蚁的生物防治和生物源农药防治研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木白蚁在我国南方林区危害严重.目前,林木白蚁的防治仍以化学防治为主.但化学农药残毒严重,对环境和人类健康已构成极大威胁.利用生物防治以及生物源农药对林木白蚁进行防治具有高效、低毒,与环境兼容的特性,极具发展潜力.本文综述了生物防治以及生物源农药防治林木白蚁的研究现状与进展,并对其目前存在的问题和未来应用前景进行了分析...  相似文献   

三种生物源农药对桃树蚜虫的防治效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选生产上防治桃树蚜虫的生物源农药,开展了1.5%除虫菊素水剂、0.3%苦参碱水剂和5%桉油精可溶液剂对桃树蚜虫的田间防效试验。结果表明,3种生物源农药中以0.3%苦参碱水剂防治效果最好,药后1 d防效为70.12%,药后7 d防效为91.96%,与对照药剂70% 吡虫啉水分散粒剂防效相当,具有较好的速效性和持效性。苦参碱对桃树安全,是防治桃蚜的理想药剂,生产上推荐使用浓度为1 000倍液。  相似文献   

防治甘草萤叶甲生物源农药筛选及其对生物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选出防治甘草萤叶甲Diorhbda tarsalis Weise的生物药剂,采用多种生物源药剂,通过室内、田间试验,进行综合分析。室内毒力测定结果表明,甘草萤叶甲对0.5%黎芦碱SL的敏感性最高,LD50为0.139mg/L,0.3%印楝素EC、L2、1%苦参碱SL、L1依次递减,LD50分别为0.457,1.352,2.014和2.251mg/L,均高于其他药剂。田间防效结果表明,黎芦碱药后21d对甘草萤叶甲的防效最高,为100%,苦参碱、印楝素次之,均为86.67%,L2、L1的分别为66.67%和40%;对非靶标害虫小绿叶蝉也有较好的控制作用,药后21d防效L1较低,为56.67%,其他防效均高于68.89%;对田间天敌多异瓢虫和中华草蛉的安全性,除黎芦碱外,印楝素、苦参碱、L2、L1均较好,药后21d校正虫口减退率最高为57.14%;另外,苦参碱药后各期生物多样性指数平均最高,为2.93,印楝素次之,为2.88,藜芦碱、L1、L2依次递减,分别为2.45,2.43和2.07。因此,印楝素、苦参碱是防治甘草萤叶甲的理想药剂。  相似文献   

丙森锌是一种广谱、速效、残效期长的保护性有机硫杀菌剂,广泛用于作物病害的防治,但是药剂的广泛使用也可能会对农田环境生物产生一定的影响。根据《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》,采用多种室内模拟试验,测定了丙森锌对环境中6种非靶标生物鹌鹑、蜜蜂、家蚕、斑马鱼、大型溞和蚯蚓的毒性,并进行了环境安全性评价。70%丙森锌可湿性粉剂对鹌鹑、蜜蜂的毒性为低毒;对家蚕的96 h LC50为0.3990 mg· L-1,属剧毒;对斑马鱼96 h LC50为1.4764 mg· L-1,属中毒;对大型溞的48 h EC50为2.7406 mg· L-1,属中毒;对蚯蚓的14 d LC50为29.0737 mg· kg-1,为低毒。该研究结果可为丙森锌的风险评估和环境安全管理提供依据,并为其合理使用提供基础资料和科学指导。  相似文献   

5种生物杀虫剂对4种天敌昆虫的安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】生物杀虫剂及天敌昆虫的应用是绿色防控的发展方向,但有关生物杀虫剂对天敌昆虫的安全性尚不明确。研究生物杀虫剂对天敌昆虫的影响可以为更好地协调使用生物杀虫剂和天敌昆虫提供理论依据。【方法】在实验室条件下采用药膜法和滤纸膜片法测定了5种生物杀虫剂(苦参碱、桉油精、鱼藤酮、除虫菊素、橄榄鲨)在田间推荐使用浓度下,对4种天敌昆虫(丽蚜小蜂、东亚小花蝽、食蚜瘿蚊、巴氏新小绥螨)的致死率。【结果】除虫菊素对丽蚜小蜂、东亚小花蝽、巴氏新小绥螨的影响较大,致死率均达到100%;鱼藤酮对丽蚜小蜂、食蚜瘿蚊、巴氏新小绥螨的影响均较大,致死率在98.65%以上;橄榄鲨对丽蚜小蜂、东亚小花蝽、食蚜瘿蚊的影响较小,致死率均小于30%;苦参碱对丽蚜小蜂的影响最大,致死率达100%,对食蚜瘿蚊和巴氏新小绥螨的影响较小,致死率分别为15.56%和15.91%;桉油精对巴氏新小绥螨的影响最大,致死率达100%,对东亚小花蝽和食蚜瘿蚊的影响较小,致死率分别为15.91%和6.67%。【结论】这5种生物杀虫剂中,橄榄鲨对丽蚜小蜂、东亚小花蝽、食蚜瘿蚊安全,桉油精对东亚小花蝽、食蚜瘿蚊安全,苦参碱对食蚜瘿蚊、巴氏新小绥螨安全,鱼藤酮对东亚小花蝽安全,除虫菊素对食蚜瘿蚊安全。  相似文献   

<正>随着转基因技术在医药、农业、环保、生物材料等方面的应用,转基因动物在各个领域内产生了重大的变革。然而任何技术的出现都是一把双刃剑,转基因动物在一定层面上也备受争议,因此,转基因动物生物安全性评估显得尤为重要。从转基因动物自身安全、食品安全和环境安全3个方面进行了分析,并概述了国内外转基因动物生物安全管理现状。  相似文献   

转基因抗虫作物对非靶标昆虫的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
转基因抗虫作物自 1996年被批准商业化种植以来 ,它的抗虫性和经济效益已得到了普遍肯定 ,同时 ,转基因抗虫作物对非靶标生物的影响 ,如转基因抗虫作物的长期种植 ,是否会导致次要害虫上升为主要害虫 ,是否会影响有益昆虫 ,包括重要经济昆虫、捕食性和寄生性天敌以及重要蝶类的种类及种群数量 ,已成为转基因抗虫作物生态风险评估的重要内容。一些研究结果表明 ,转基因抗虫作物在对靶标害虫有效控制的同时 ,一些对杀虫蛋白不敏感的非靶标害虫有加重危害的趋势 ,由于种植转基因抗虫作物 ,减少了化学农药的使用 ,客观上也使非靶标害虫种群数量上升 ,这对转基因抗虫作物害虫综合治理提出了新的要求。靶标害虫数量的减少直接影响了害虫天敌种群数量 ,靶标害虫取食转基因抗虫作物后发育迟缓 ,也间接影响了天敌昆虫的生长发育 ,转基因抗虫作物的花粉或花蜜是一些重要经济昆虫如蜜蜂、熊蜂和一些寄生蜂 ,甚至捕食性天敌的食物来源 ,或花粉飘落到一些鳞翅目昆虫如家蚕或重要蝶类昆虫的寄主植物上 ,直接或间接对这些昆虫造成一定影响。目前大多数研究表明转基因抗虫作物对非靶标昆虫 ,特别是对有益昆虫没有明显的不利影响 ,也有研究报道认为对某些有益昆虫有一定的不良影响。这为深入开展转基因抗虫作物的生态安全  相似文献   

农药对农区生物多样性的影响   总被引:37,自引:13,他引:37  
农药的大量使用,已造成了许多生态环境问题,其中对生物多样性的影响尤为重要.农药的不合理使用,对生物群落的结构与功能产生了严重影响,降低了生物多样性.从昆虫群落结构、土壤中无脊椎动物种群数量、微生物区系和植物群落等方面论述了农药对农业区域生物多样性的影响,并提出了合理使用农药。保护农业区域生物多样性的具体措施.  相似文献   

介绍手性源、手性池和手性分子化合物的基本概念;由手性池化合物制备手性衍生物;比较了手性化合物生物加工与化学加工过程的优、缺点,寻求高效、经济和最合理的综合工艺流程。  相似文献   

用芹菜素(apigenin)和曲酸(kojic acid)浸渍处理甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua Hubner)5龄幼虫,试虫体重日增长值明显降低,而用香草酸(vanillic acid)浸渍处理后的幼虫体重与对照相比无明显差别。体外抑制实验表明,芹菜素、香草酸和曲酸对试虫酚氧化酶活性抑制的I50分别为77.66、724.50和82.70μg/mL;体内抑制实验表明,当用上述3种化合物(1000μg/mg)处理幼虫48h后,酚氧化酶活力抑制率分别达到40.05%、8.44%和42.29%。  相似文献   

Methanolic extracts of the leaves of Atlantia monophylla (Rutaceae) were evaluated for mosquitocidal activity against immature stages of three mosquito species, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stephensi, and Aedes aegypti in the laboratory.Larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus and pupae of An. stephensi were found more susceptible, with LC50 values of 0.14 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. Insect growth regulating activity of this extract was more pronounced against Ae. aegypti, with EI50 value 0.002 mg/l. The extract was found safe to aquatic mosquito predators Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulata, and Diplonychus indicus, with the respective LC50 values of 23.4, 21.3, and 5.7 mg/l. The results indicate that the mosquitocidal effects of the extract of this plant were comparable to neem extract and certain synthetic chemical larvicides like fenthion, methoprene, etc.  相似文献   

高效氯氟氰菊酯是一种拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂,对鳞翅目、鞘翅目和半翅目等多种害虫以及螨类都有一定的防治效果。关于拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂对某种环境生物的单一安全性评价的研究颇多,但缺乏系统的评价。根据《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》,测定了8%高效氯氟氰菊酯微乳剂对6种非靶标环境生物鹌鹑、蜜蜂、家蚕、斑马鱼、大型溞和蚯蚓的毒性,并进行了环境安全性评价。8%高效氯氟氰菊酯微乳剂对鹌鹑的经口毒性7 d LD50为54.4762 mg· kg-1,属中毒;对蜜蜂经口毒性的48 h LC50为2.7391 mg· L-1,属高毒;对家蚕和斑马鱼的96 h LC50分别为0.0067和0.0007 mg· L-1,均为剧毒;对大型溞的抑制毒性EC50(48 h)为1.2716 mg· L-1,属中毒;对蚯蚓的14 d LC50为32.3313 mg· kg-1,属低毒。本文明确了高效氯氟氰菊酯微乳剂对环境生物的毒性及安全性,可为其在农业生产中的合理利用及其对环境生物危害的风险控制提供依据。  相似文献   

Butenolide [5-octylfuran-2(5H)-one] is a recently discovered and very promising anti-marine-fouling compound. In this study, the acute toxicity of butenolide was assessed in several non-target organisms, including micro algae, crustaceans, and fish. Results were compared with previously reported results on the effective concentrations used on fouling (target) organisms. According to OECD's guideline, the predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) was 0.168 μg l(-1), which was among one of the highest in representative new biocides. Mechanistically, the phenotype of butenolide-treated Danio rerio (zebrafish) embryos was similar to the phenotype of the pro-caspase-3 over-expression mutant with pericardial edema, small eyes, small brains, and increased numbers of apoptotic cells in the bodies of zebrafish embryos. Butenolide also induced apoptosis in HeLa cells, with the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), Bcl-2 family proteins, and caspases and proteasomes/lysosomes involved in this process. This is the first detailed toxicity and toxicology study on this antifouling compound.  相似文献   

On the surfaces of monuments and buildings, organic and inorganic pollutants accumulate, as well as various microbial communities which contribute to stone decay. In order to control these organisms, we have tested some chemical products with biocide and water-repellent properties. Some of these products were tested in an agar diffusion test and on limestone slabs. Efficacy of the products and the microbial inhibition were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) techniques. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The application of recombinant DNA technology has resulted in many insect-resistant varieties by genetic engineering (GE). Crops expressing Cry toxins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been planted worldwide, and are an effective tool for pest control. However, one ecological concern regarding the potential effects of insect-resistant GE plants on non-target organisms (NTOs) has been continually debated. In the present study, we briefly summarize the data regarding the development and commercial use of transgenic Bt varieties, elaborate on the procedure and methods for assessing the non-target effects of insect-resistant GE plants, and synthetically analyze the related research results, mostly those published between 2005 and 2010. A mass of laboratory and field studies have shown that the currently available Bt crops have no direct detrimental effects on NTOs due to their narrow spectrum of activity, and Bt crops are increasing the abundance of some beneficial insects and improving the natural control of specific pests. The use of Bt crops, such as Bt maize and Bt cotton, results in significant reductions of insecticide application and clear benefits on the environment and farmer health. Consequently, Bt crops can be a useful component of integrated pest management systems to protect the crop from targeted pests.  相似文献   

Crude aqueous methanol extracts obtained from 31 species of various marine organisms (including flora land faunal), were screened for their antifungal activity against food poisoning strains of Aspergillus. Seventeen species exhibited mild (+ =zone of inhibition 1–2 mm) to significant (+++ =zone of inhibition 3–5 mm) activity against one or the other strain under experiment. However, extracts of 12 species were active against all the three strains. Organisms like Salicornia brachiata(obligate halophyte), Sinularia leptocladus(Soft coral), Elysia grandifolia (Mollusks),Gorgonian sp. 2 and Haliclona sp. exhibited significant (inhibition zone of 3–5 mm) antifungal activity against one or the other strains. However,extracts of A. ilicifolius, Amphiroa sp.,Poryphyra sp., Unidentified sponge, Suberites vestigium, Sinularia compressa,Sunularia sp., Sinularia maxima, Subergorgia suberosa, Echinogorgia pseudorassopo and Sabellaria cementifera were mild (inhibition zone of 1–2 mm) to moderate(inhibition zone of 2–3 mm) active against the respective strains. The growth of A. japonicuswas significantly inhibited by the extracts ofS. leptocladus (r = 0.992, p < 0.0001)and E. grandifolia (r = 0.989, p < 0.0001).This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A convertible glasshouse was established to study annual transgenic plants under near-field environmental conditions while simultaneously ensuring a high level of biological containment. This system can provide a useful step in the assessment of transgenic plants prior to open-field experiments. Two transgenic wheat lines (cv. Bobwhite) were investigated and compared with their corresponding non-transformed wildtypes with respect to plant performance, expression of the transgenic trait and interactions with antagonists. The first line expressed snowdrop lectin [ Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA)] for enhanced resistance to aphids, and the second one overexpressed the endogenous Lr10 gene to enhance resistance to leaf rust. Interestingly, 1000-kernel weight of Lr10 -transgenic plants was significantly reduced, indicating that the overexpression of the Lr10 gene caused a significant fitness cost for the plant. GNA-transgenic plants expressed the lectin at levels too low to affect the target aphids. A detached leaf bioassay with Lr10 -transgenic plants revealed an increased resistance to leaf rust. No differences in the performance of aphids or cereal leaf beetles on transgenic and non-transformed plants were recorded in the convertible glasshouse and in complementary glasshouse studies. Similarly, infection levels with powdery mildew did not differ between transgenic and non-transformed plants but Bobwhite plants were significantly more infected when compared with conventional Swiss spring wheat cultivars. Overall, the assessment revealed that for the plants investigated here, their genetic background had a stronger impact on the performance of a plant and its interactions with insect herbivores and pathogens than the expression of the transgene.  相似文献   

Chinese oak silkworm (Antheraea pernyi) and mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori) are economically important insects used for silk production and food resource. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) from the families of Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae are beneficial organisms currently considered in biological control. In this paper, we evaluated survival of two silkworm species exposed to four Steinernema species which are widely applied in pest control. The results showed that among four Steinernema species, S. bicornutum and S. feltiae did not have an effect on the larval survival to the two silkworm species, whereas S. carpocapsae and S. glaseri did have an effect. Each Steinernema species poses no threat to hatchability of eggs, pupation rate, larval durations and cocoon shell ratio.  相似文献   

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