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The distribution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein, tenascin, has been compared with that of fibronectin in neural crest migration pathways of Xenopus laevis, quail and rat embryos. In all species studied, the distribution of tenascin, examined by immunohistochemistry, was more closely correlated with pathways of migration than that of fibronectin, which is known to be important for neural crest migration. In Xenopus laevis embryos, anti-tenascin stained the dorsal fin matrix and ECM along the ventral route of migration, but not the ECM found laterally between the ectoderma and somites where neural crest cells do not migrate. In quail embryos, the appearance of tenascin in neural crest pathways was well correlated with the anterior-to-posterior wave of migration. The distribution of tenascin within somites was compared with that of the neural crest marker, HNK-1, in quail embryos. In the dorsal halves of quail somites which contained migrating neural crest cells, the predominant tenascin staining was in the anterior halves of the somites, codistributed with the migrating cells. In rat embryos, tenascin was detectable in the somites only in the anterior halves. Tenascin was not detectable in the matrix of cultured quail neural crest cells, but was in the matrix surrounding somite and notochord cells in vitro. Neural crest cells cultured on a substratum of tenascin did not spread and were rounded. We propose that tenascin is an important factor controlling neural crest morphogenesis, perhaps by modifying the interaction of neural crest cells with fibronectin.  相似文献   

We have investigated the morphology and migratory behavior of quail neural crest cells on isolated embryonic basal laminae or substrata coated with fibronectin or tenascin. Each of these substrata have been implicated in directing neural crest cell migration in situ. We also observed the altered behavior of cells in response to the addition of tenascin to the culture medium independent of its effect as a migratory substratum. On tenascin-coated substrata, the rate of neural crest cell migration from neural tube explants was significantly greater than on uncoated tissue culture plastic, on fibronectin-coated plastic, or on basal lamina isolated from embryonic chick retinae. Neural crest cells on tenascin were rounded and lacked lamellipodia, in contrast to the flattened cells seen on basal lamina and fibronectin-coated plastic. In contrast, when tenascin was added to the culture medium of neural crest cells migrating on isolated basal lamina, a significant reduction in the rate of cell migration was observed. To study the nature of this effect, we used human melanoma cells, which have a number of characteristics in common with quail neural crest cells though they would be expected to have a distinct family of integrin receptors. A dose-dependent reduction in the rate of translocation was observed when tenascin was added to the culture medium of the human melanoma cell line plated on isolated basal laminae, indicating that the inhibitory effect of tenascin bound to the quail neural crest surface is probably not solely the result of competitive inhibition by tenascin for the integrin receptor. Our results show that tenascin can be used as a migratory substratum by avian neural crest cells and that tenascin as a substratum can stimulate neural crest cell migration, probably by permitting rapid detachment. Tenascin in the medium, on the other hand, inhibits both the migration rates and spreading of motile cells on basal lamina because it binds only the cell surface and not the underlying basal lamina. Cell surface-bound tenascin may decrease cell-substratum interactions and thus weaken the tractional forces generated by migrating cells. This is in contrast to the action of fibronectin, which when added to the medium stimulates cell migration by binding both to neural crest cells and the basal lamina, thus providing a bridge between the motile cells and the substratum.  相似文献   

Chimeric mice, generated by aggregating preimplantation embryos, have been instrumental in the study of the development of coat color patterns in mammals. This approach, however, does not allow for direct experimental manipulation of the neural crest cells, which are the precursors of melanoblasts. We have devised a system that allows assessment of the developmental potential and migration of neural crest cells in vivo following their experimental manipulation in vitro. Cultured C57Bl/6 neural crest cells were microinjected in utero into neurulating Balb/c or W embryos and shown to contribute efficiently to pigmentation in the host animal. The resulting neural crest chimeras showed, however, different coat pigmentation patterns depending on the genotype of the host embryo. Whereas Balb/c neural crest chimeras showed very limited donor cell pigment contribution, restricted largely to the head, W mutant chimeras displayed extensive pigmentation throughout, often exceeding 50% of the coat. In contrast to Balb/c chimeras, where the donor melanoblasts appeared to have migrated primarily in the characteristic dorsoventral direction, in W mutants the injected cells appeared to migrate in the longitudinal as well as the dorsoventral direction, as if the cells were spreading through an empty space. This is consistent with the absence of a functional endogenous melanoblast population in W mutants, in contrast to Balb/c mice, which contain a full complement of melanocytes. Our results suggest that the W mutation disturbs migration and/or proliferation of endogenous melanoblasts. In order to obtain information on clonal size and extent of intermingling of donor cells, two genetically marked neural crest cell populations were mixed and coinjected into W embryos. In half of the tricolored chimeras, no co-localization of donor crest cells was observed, while, in the other half, a fine intermingling of donor-derived colors had occurred. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that pigmented areas in the chimeras can be derived from extensive proliferation of a few donor clones, which were able to colonize large territories in the host embryo. We have also analyzed the development of pigmentation in neural crest cultures in vitro, and found that neural tubes explanted from embryos carrying wt or weak W alleles produced pigmented melanocytes while more severe W genotypes were associated with deficient pigment formation in vitro.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate embryo, the neurectodermal neural crest cells (NCC) have remarkably broad potencies, giving rise, after a migratory phase, to neurons and glial cells in the peripheral nervous system, and to skin melanocytes, being all designated here as “neural” derivatives. NC-derived cells also include non-neural, “mesenchymal” cell types like chondrocytes and bone cells, myofibroblasts and adipocytes, which largely contribute to the head structures in amniotes. Similar to the blood cell system, the NC is therefore a valuable model to investigate the mechanisms of cell lineage diversification in vertebrates. Whether NCC are endowed with multiple differentiation potentials or if, conversely, they are a mosaic of different committed cells is an important ongoing issue to understand the ontogeny of NC derivatives in normal development and pathological conditions. Here we focus on recent findings that established the presence in the early migratory NC of the avian embryo, of a multipotent progenitor endowed with both mesenchymal and neural differentiation capacities. This “mesenchymal-neural” clonogenic cell lies upstream of all the other NC progenitors known so far and shows increased frequency when single cell cultures are treated with the Sonic Hedgehog signaling molecule. These findings are discussed in the context of the broad potentials of NC stem cells recently evidenced in certain adult mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

The neural crest has long fascinated developmental biologists, and, increasingly over the past decades, evolutionary and evolutionary developmental biologists. The neural crest is the name given to the fold of ectoderm at the junction between neural and epidermal ectoderm in neurula-stage vertebrate embryos. In this sense, the neural crest is a morphological term akin to head fold or limb bud. This region of the dorsal neural tube consists of neural crest cells, a special population(s) of cell, that give rise to an astonishing number of cell types and to an equally astonishing number of tissues and organs. Neural crest cell contributions may be direct — providing cells — or indirect — providing a necessary, often inductive, environment in which other cells develop. The enormous range of cell types produced provides an important source of evidence of the neural crest as a germ layer, bringing the number of germ layers to four — ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest. In this paper I provide a brief overview of the major phases of investigation into the neural crest and the major players involved, discuss how the origin of the neural crest relates to the origin of the nervous system in vertebrate embryos, discuss the impact on the germ-layer theory of the discovery of the neural crest and of secondary neurulation, and present evidence of the neural crest as the fourth germ layer. A companion paper (Hall, Evol. Biol. 2008) deals with the evolutionary origins of the neural crest and neural crest cells.  相似文献   

Isolation of a stem cell for neurons and glia from the mammalian neural crest.   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
D L Stemple  D J Anderson 《Cell》1992,71(6):973-985
We have isolated mammalian neural crest cells using a monoclonal antibody to the low affinity NGF receptor, and established conditions for the serial propagation of these cells in clonal culture to assess their developmental potential. This analysis indicates that, first, single mammalian neural crest cells are multipotent, able to generate at least neurons and Schwann cells like their avian counterparts. Second, multipotent neural crest cells generate multipotent progeny, indicating that they are capable of self-renewal and therefore are stem cells. Third, multipotent neural crest cells also generate some clonal progeny that form only neurons or glia, suggesting the production of committed neuroblasts and glioblasts. Manipulation of the substrate alters the fate of the multipotent cells. These findings have implications for models of neural crest development in vivo, and establish a system for studying the generation of cellular diversity by a multipotent stem cell in vitro.  相似文献   

We have investigated the distribution of type I collagen, tenascin, and laminin in younger chick embryos than have previously been studied in detail. The initial appearance of type I collagen, but not tenascin and laminin, is exactly correlated with the beginning of neural crest migration, suggesting a role for collagen I in the migration. Light microscopy of whole mounts of 2-day-old chick embryos reveals that type I collagen is expressed in a rostral to caudal gradient; it localizes to the notochord sheath before accumulating around the neural tube and somites. Collagen I and tenascin also associate with central somite cells. Surprisingly, no extracellular matrix can be detected among the early sclerotomal cells, which suggests that little or no cell migration is involved in this epithelial-mesenchymal transformation. Electron microscopy using peroxidase antiperoxidase reveals that tenascin is present in nonstriated, 10 nm wide fibrils and in interstitial bodies, both of which have previously been reported to contain fibronectin. However, collagen I only occurs in the 10 nm fibrils and larger striated fibrils. This is the first ultrastructural study to assign tenascin to fibrils and interstitial bodies and to describe its appearance and disappearance from embryonic basement membranes. The discussion emphasizes the possible importance of type I collagen in neural crest cell migration and compares the ultrastructural associations of the ECM molecules present at this early embryonic stage.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the role of radial glia has been radically revisited. Rather than being considered a mere structural component serving to guide newborn neurons towards their final destinations, radial glia is now known to be the main source of neurons in several regions of the central nervous system, notably in the cerebral cortex. Radial glial cells differentiate from neuroepithelial progenitors at the beginning of neurogenesis and share with their ancestors the bipolar shape and the expression of some molecular markers. Radial glia, however, can be distinguished from neuroepithelial progenitors by the expression of astroglial markers. Clonal analyses showed that radial glia is a heterogeneous population, comprising both pluripotent and different lineage-restricted neural progenitors. At late-embryonic and postnatal stages, radial glial cells give rise to the neural stem cells responsible for adult neurogenesis. Embryonic pluripotent radial glia and adult neural stem cells may be clonally linked, thus representing a lineage displaying stem cell features in both the developing and mature central nervous system. This work was supported by AIRC (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro) NUSUG grant (In vivo screening for genes implicated in glioma formation and development of new animal models of glial tumors) and by Fondazione CARIGE grant (Basi molecolari e cellulari dei gliomi: individuazione di marcatori diagnostici e di nuovi bersagli terapeutici).  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate extensively during embryonic development and differentiate into a wide variety of cell types. Our working hypothesis is that during migration, embryonic cells secrete proteases which modify local microenvironments, thereby facilitating directed cellular movements. In this communication, we report studies on the migration of cephalic neural crest cells in the avian embryo. We demonstrate that these cells produce high levels of the serine protease, plasminogen activator (PA), at the time of their initial migration from the neural tube and during their migration to and colonization of the developing head and neck.  相似文献   

The tissue in the palatal region can be divided into the hard and the soft palates, each having a specialized function such as occlusion, speech, or swallowing. Therefore, an understanding of the mechanism of palatogenesis in relation to the function of each region is important. However, in comparison with the hard palate, there is still a lack of information about the mechanisms of soft palate development. In this study, the authors investigated the contribution of cranial neural crest (CNC) cells to development of both hard and soft palates. They also demonstrated a unique pattern of periostin expression during soft palate development, which was closely related to that of collagen type I (Col I) in palatine aponeurosis. Furthermore, organ culture analysis showed that exogenous transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) induced the expression of both periostin and Col I. These novel patterns of expression in the extracellular matrix (ECM) induced by CNC cells suggest that these cells may help to determine the character of both the hard and soft palates through ECM induction. TGF-β signaling appears to be one of the mediators of Col I and periostin expression in the formation of functional structures during soft palate development.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are a transient stem-like cell population that forms in the dorsal neural tube of vertebrate embryos and then migrates to various locations to differentiate into diverse derivatives such as craniofacial bone, cartilage, and the enteric and peripheral nervous systems. The current dogma of neural crest cell development suggests that there is a specific hierarchical gene regulatory network (GRN) that controls the induction, specification, and differentiation of these cells at specific developmental times. Our lab has identified that a marker of differentiated neurons, Tubulin Beta-III (TUBB3), is expressed in premigratory neural crest cells. TUBB3 has previously been identified as a major constituent of microtubules and is required for the proper guidance and maintenance of axons during development. Using the model organism, Gallus gallus, we have characterized the spatiotemporal localization of TUBB3 in early stages of development. Here we show TUBB3 is expressed in the developing neural plate, is upregulated in the pre-migratory cranial neural crest prior to cell delamination and migration, and it is maintained or upregulated in neurons in later developmental stages. We believe that TUBB3 likely has a role in early neural crest formation and migration separate from its role in neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The neural crest     
Graham A 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(10):R381-R384

It is generally assumed that in amphibian embryos neural crest cells migrate dorsally, where they form the mesenchyme of the dorsal fin, laterally (between somites and epidermis), where they give rise to pigment cells, and ventromedially (between somites and neural tube), where they form the elements of the peripheral nervous system. While there is agreement about the crest migratory routes in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), different opinions exist about the lateral pathway in Xenopus. We investigated neural crest cell migration in Xenopus (stages 23, 32, 35/36 and 41) using the X. laevis-X. borealis nuclear marker system and could not find evidence for cells migrating laterally. We have also used immunohistochemistry to study the distribution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins fibronectin (FN) and tenascin (TN), which have been implicated in directing neural crest cells during their migrations in avian and mammalian embryos, in the neural crest migratory pathways of Xenopus and the axolotl. In premigratory stages of the crest, both in Xenopus (stage 22) and the axolotl (stage 25), FN was found subepidermally and in extracellular spaces around the neural tube, notochord and somites. The staining was particularly intense in the dorsal part of the embryo, but it was also present along the visceral and parietal layers of the lateral plate mesoderm. TN, in contrast, was found only in the anterior trunk mesoderm in Xenopus; in the axolotl, it was absent. During neural crest cell migration in Xenopus (stages 25-33) and the axolotl (stages 28-35), anti-FN stained the ECM throughout the embryo, whereas anti-TN staining was limited to dorsal regions. There it was particularly intense medially, i.e. in the dorsal fin, around the neural tube, notochord, dorsal aorta and at the medial surface of the somites (stage 35 in both species). During postmigratory stages in Xenopus (stage 40), anti-FN staining was less intense than anti-TN staining. In culture, axolotl neural crest cells spread differently on FN- and TN-coated substrata. On TN, the onset of cellular outgrowth was delayed for about 1 day, but after 3 days the extent of outgrowth was indistinguishable from cultures grown on FN. However, neural crest cells in 3-day-old cultures were much more flattened on FN than on TN. We conclude that both FN and TN are present in the ECM that lines the neural crest migratory pathways of amphibian embryos at the time when the neural crest cells are actively migrating. FN is present in the embryonic ECM before the onset of neural crest migration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The avian spinal cord is characterized by an absence of motor nerves and sensory nerves and ganglia at its caudalmost part. Since peripheral sensory neurons derive from neural crest cells, three basic mechanisms could account for this feature: (i) the caudalmost neural tube does not generate any neural crest cells; (ii) neural crest cells originating from the caudal part of the neural tube cannot give rise to dorsal root ganglia or (iii) the caudal environment is not permissive for the formation of dorsal root ganglia. To solve this problem, we have first studied the pattern of expression of ventral (HNF3beta) and dorsal (slug) marker genes in the caudal region of the neural tube; in a second approach, we have recorded the emergence of neural crest cells using the HNK1 monoclonal antibody; and finally, we have analyzed the developmental potentials of neural crest cells arising from the caudalmost part of the neural tube in avian embryo in in vitro culture and by means of heterotopic transplantations in vivo. We show here that neural crest cells arising from the neural tube located at the level of somites 47-53 can differentiate both in vitro and in vivo into melanocytes and Schwann cells but not into neurons. Furthermore, the neural tube located caudally to the last pair of somites (i.e. the 53rd pair) does not give rise to neural crest cells in any of the situations tested. The specific anatomical aspect of the avian spinal cord can thus be accounted for by limited developmental potentials of neural crest cells arising from the most caudal part of the neural tube.  相似文献   

In amniotes, the developmental potentials of neural crest cells differ between the cranium and the trunk. These differences may be attributable to the different expression patterns of Hox genes between cranial and trunk neural crest cells. However, little is known about the factors that control Hox genes expression in neural crest cells. The present data demonstrate that retinoic acid (RA) treatment and the activation of Wnt signaling induce Hoxa2 and Hoxd9 expression, respectively, in mouse mesencephalic neural crest cells, which never express Hox genes in vivo. Furthermore, Wnt signaling suppresses the induction of Hoxa2. We also demonstrate that these factors participate in the maintenance of Hoxa2 and Hoxd9 expression in mouse trunk neural crest cells. Our results suggest that RA and Wnt signaling function as environmental factors that regulate the expression of Hoxa2 and Hoxd9 in mouse neural crest cells.  相似文献   

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