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Synopsis We examined the feeding behaviors and selectives of two common planktivorous fishes, pumpkinseeds Lepomis gibbosa and fathead minnows Pimephales promelas in the laboratory. Ingestion rates for both pumpkinseeds and fathead minnows feeding on zooplankton increased as a function of fish length. Pumpkinseeds fed on zooplankton strictly as particulate feeders, with preferences increasing as a function of zooplankton body size regardless of taxonomic identity. Preferences were highest for large Daphnia, intermediate for intermediate-sized copepods, and lowest for small Ceriodaphnia. Fathead minnows displayed the ability to use both particulate-feeding and filter-feeding behaviors. Differential preferences tended to reflect both zooplankton size and taxon, being highest for large, slow-swimming Daphnia, intermediate for small Ceriodaphnia, and lowest for faster-swimming copepods. These differences in prey capture behaviors and preferences of the two fishes are reflected in the zooplankton taxonomic composition of small ponds containing each fish type. The crustacean zooplankton assemblages in ponds containing both pumpkinseeds and fathead minnows were dominated by copepods. Cladocerans were rare. In ponds containing pumpkinseeds, but no fathead minnows, cladocerans were abundant, generally accounting for up to 80% of total crustacean zooplankton biomass. These results suggest that the type of planktivore, and not simply the presence or abundance of planktivores in a system, can determine zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

Crustacean zooplankton abundance and composition were determined at one offshore and three nearshore sites in the hypertrophic Rietvlei Dam on 19 dates between July 2009 and December 2011. Total biomass fluctuated seasonally, generally declining from spring to winter through the annual cycle, but also appeared to decline progressively through the study. On overall average, total biomass was high (0.51 mg l–1 or 2.39 g m–2 DW), with Daphnia accounting for ~40%. Total volumetric biomass was invariably higher in shallow nearshore than offshore locations (average time-paired ratio = 8.1), with comparably large-bodied Daphnia (geometric mean ~1.2 mm, largest individuals ~1.75 mm) in both habitats, contra-indicating substantive opportunistic zooplanktivory by juvenile fish. Zooplankton was dominated numerically (ind. l–1, overall average values) by cyclopoid copepods, mostly Thermocyclops (47.1 nauplii and 86.5 copepodites), plausibly favoured by their selective raptorial feeding mode. Cladoceran densities were lower — Daphnia (25.0), Bosmina (7.1), Ceriodaphnia (2.9) and sporadically occurring Moina and Chydorus (<0.5). Seasonal replacement of Daphnia by small-bodied cladocerans during late summer and into autumn was evident in near-monthly samples between July 2009 and June 2010. The findings reflect negligible zooplanktivory in Rietvlei, ruling out top-down biomanipulation prospects for its remedial management.  相似文献   

Short term, replicated experimental alteration of densities of a predatory water mite Piona exigua Viets, inside 0.45–0.475 m3 litre enclosures, revealed little evidence of the effects of predation on the number and relative abundance of the enclosed zooplankton species. Predation rates more closely approximated those estimated from single prey functional response experiments in the second experimental period (December) than in the first (March). In December Daphnia was the only susceptible taxon present in large numbers, whereas in March, Ceriodaphnia and Chydorus were also present. This result is consistent with laboratory findings that predation rates are lowered in the presence of more than one prey type.The difficulty of obtaining evidence for significant effects of these planktonic predators is in part due to changes in the preferred prey species in the diet of Piona depending on stage and sex of the mite and to aspects of experimental design. The wide variability between replicate enclosures at each predator density reduced the power of the statistical analyses used to test the null hypothesis. Enclosures with no predators are necessary to investigate the effects of enclosure on the zooplankton prey, since these effects may outweigh those due to predator consumption.  相似文献   

The life table responses and population dynamics of four cladocerans(Ceriodaphnia lacustris, Daphnia parvula, Diaphonosoma leuchtenbergianumand Moina micrura) were measured during a flood of a large turbidreservoir (Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas). Mean recruitment andlongevity of Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia in life table experimentswere reduced during the flood when abundant silt particles andpicoplankton (<2 µm) replaced algal particles in thewater column. Individual growth rates measured in the life tableexperiments were slower for Ceriodaphnia during the flood. Fieldcollections revealed that Ceriodaphnia and Daphnia populationsdeclined immediately after the arrival of turbid water, andremaining females carried fewer eggs. Populations of Moina andDiaphanosoma increased during the flood, and life table experimentsshowed that these species were able to grow well in silt-ladenwater.  相似文献   

To elucidate the possibilities of using zooplankton remains in the surface sediment to describe present-days community structure and population dynamics of zooplankton, fish abundance and temperature, we compared contemporary data sampled in the pelagial during summer with the sediment record from the upper 1 cm of the sediment in 135 lakes covering a latitude gradient from Greenland in the north to New Zealand in the south. The abundance of three genera Bosmina, Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia of the total pool of ephippia was significantly related to the total abundance of the same taxa in the pelagic zone. However, in most lakes the abundance of Ceriodaphnia was higher in the sediment than in the water, which may be attributed to the overall preference by this genus for the littoral habitat. Using contemporary data from 27 Danish lakes sampled fortnightly during summer for 10 years, we found substantial inter-annual variations in the abundance of Daphnia spp., Ceriodaphnia spp., B. longirostris and B. coregoni. Yet, the sediment record mimicked the medium level well for most of the lakes, which suggests that the sediment record provides an integrated picture of the pelagic cladoceran community, which otherwise can be obtained only by long-term frequent contemporary sampling for several years. The contribution of Daphnia to the sum of Daphnia and Bosmina ephippia was negatively correlated with the abundance of fish expressed as catch per night in multi-mesh sized gill nets (CPUE). Yet, region-specific differences occurred, which partly could be eliminated by including nutrient state expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in a multiple regression. The average ratio of ephippia to the sum of ephippia and carapaces of Bosmina varied 40-fold between the sampling regions and was significantly negatively related to summer mean air temperature, and for Danish lakes also, albeit weakly, to fish CPUE but not to chlorophyll a. Apparently, temperature is the most important factor determining the ratio of parthenogenetic to ephippia producing specimens of Bosmina. We conclude that the sediment record of cladocerans is a useful indicator of community structure of pelagic cladocerans and the abundance of fish and temperature.  相似文献   

  1. Predator–prey models are often used to represent consumptive interactions between species but, typically, are derived using simple experimental systems with little plasticity in prey or predator behaviours. However, many prey and predators exhibit a broad suite of behaviours. Here, we experimentally tested the effect of density-dependent prey and predator behaviours on per capita relative mortality rates using Florida bass (Micropterus floridanus) consuming juvenile Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus).
  2. Experimental ponds were stocked with a factorial design of low, medium, and high prey and predator densities. Prey mortality, prey–predator behaviours, and predator stomach contents were recorded over or after 7 days. We assumed the mortality dynamics followed foraging arena theory. This pathologically flexible predator–prey model separates prey into invulnerable and vulnerable pools where predators can consume prey in the latter. As this approach can represent classic Lotka–Volterra and ratio-dependent dynamics, we fit a foraging arena predator–prey model to the number of surviving prey.
  3. We found that prey exhibited density-dependent prey behaviours, hiding at low densities, shoaling at medium densities, and using a provided refuge at high densities. Predators exhibited ratio-dependent behaviours, using an ambush foraging mode when one predator was present, hiding in the shadows at low prey–high predator densities, and shoaling at medium and high prey–high predator densities. The foraging arena model predicted the mortality rates well until the high prey–high predator treatment where group vigilance prey behaviours occurred and predators probably interfered with one another resulting in the model predicting higher mortality than observed.
  4. This is concerning given the ubiquity of predator–prey models in ecology and natural resource management. Furthermore, as Allee effects engender instability in population regulation, it could lead to inaccurate predictions of conservation status, population rebuilding or harvest rates.

Predation is a critical ecological process that directly and indirectly mediates population stabilities, as well as ecosystem structure and function. The strength of interactions between predators and prey may be mediated by multiple density dependences concerning numbers of predators and prey. In temporary wetland ecosystems in particular, fluctuating water volumes may alter predation rates through differing search space and prey encounter rates. Using a functional response approach, we examined the influence of predator and prey densities on interaction strengths of the temporary pond specialist copepod Lovenula raynerae preying on cladoceran prey, Daphnia pulex, under contrasting water volumes. Further, using a population dynamic modeling approach, we quantified multiple predator effects across differences in prey density and water volume. Predators exhibited type II functional responses under both water volumes, with significant antagonistic multiple predator effects (i.e., antagonisms) exhibited overall. The strengths of antagonistic interactions were, however, enhanced under reduced water volumes and at intermediate prey densities. These findings indicate important biotic and abiotic contexts that mediate predator–prey dynamics, whereby multiple predator effects are contingent on both prey density and search area characteristics. In particular, reduced search areas (i.e., water volumes) under intermediate prey densities could enhance antagonisms by heightening predator–predator interference effects.  相似文献   

We analysed the spatio-temporal distribution of zooplankton along a profile of 10 stations from the shore to the pelagic zone from April to September 1988, the period when the larvae and juveniles Rutilus rutilus, the most abundant species in the Lake, are in the littoral zone. The digestive tracts of the young roach were analysed. They fed essentially on rotifers and on cladocerans. For comparison, zooplankton was also analysed at one littoral area without fish fry. There was an increase of cladoceran density from the vegetated nearshore zone to the offshore zone. Considering the density of Bosmina longirostris, Daphnia longispina, Chydorus sphaericus and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, we observed a different distribution pattern in the course of the year. In the nearshore zone, the relative abundance of small species, Bosmina and Chydorus, was much higher than that of the larger Daphnia. From April to September, predation pressure mainly affected the smallest species: in contrast to the inshore station without fish fry, the density of Bosmina decreased in May in the littoral with fish. Chydorus was concentrated in the littoral between February and April, then grew into the pelagic zone, where predation pressure obviously was low during the warm season. The number of Daphnia, which was eaten by the fish fry at any time, remained low in the nearshore zone, which suggests that the presence of fish may cause Daphnia to avoid this zone. Ceriodaphnia which was not affected by this predation, was scarce in the nearshore zone during mid-summer. The low density of the cladocerans in the nearshore zone is likely associated with vertebrate predation by roach fry and juveniles, the result of such a process being either a depletion in density of the prey, or an avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

Adult fish may affect the growth and survival of conspecific larvae through a variety of pathways, including negative interactions via competition for shared limiting resources or via predation (i.e., cannibalism), and positive interactions due to the consumption of larval predators and via resource enhancement (i.e., presence of adults increases availability of larval prey). To examine the overall effect of adult bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) on larval bluegill, we conducted a field experiment in which we manipulated adult densities and quantified larval growth and survival, prey abundance, invertebrate predator abundance, and cannibalism. The presence of adult bluegill had a negative effect on final larval mass. This response was consistent with competition for zooplankton prey. Adult bluegill reduced the abundance of large zooplankton (e.g., Chaoborus and Daphnia), which were the dominant prey of bluegill larvae in the absence of adults. Larvae in the no-adult treatment also had significantly more prey in their stomachs compared to larvae in the presence of adults. Larval survival was maximized at intermediate adult densities and the overall production of larvae peaked at intermediate adult densities. The higher larval survival at intermediate adult densities is attributed to a reduction in invertebrate predators in treatments with adult bluegill; invertebrate predators experienced an 80% reduction in the presence of adult fish. Decreased larval survival at the highest adult density was not due to resource limitation and may be due to cannibalism, which was not directly observed in our study, but has been observed in other studies.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of changes in the prey frequency and abundance on prey selection among the four instars of Myzus persicae by the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus under laboratory conditions. The central hypothesis was that M. pygmaeus will become more selective as prey density increases. It was also observed that M. pygmaeus can occasionally abandon a prey item that had already been killed (non-consumptive prey mortality). It was assumed that the frequency of this behavior would increase with the prey size and prey density. For these purposes prey selection was evaluated by simultaneously presenting all instars of M. persicae to the predator in equal proportions and at increasing densities. M. pygmaeus showed a higher predation rate and a higher preference for smaller prey instars at all prey densities. However, if the predation rate by the predator is expressed in terms of biomass consumed, then biomass gain was higher when feeding on the larger instars of M. persicae. The prey selectivity was indicated by the total prey mortality (consumptive plus non-consumptive prey mortality) as well as by the non-consumptive prey mortality, was associated with relatively high prey densities, depending on the prey instar. Therefore, we argued that the predatory impact of M. pygmaeus on the various instars of the aphid depends not only on prey traits but also on their relative abundance in a patch. Observed decreases in biomass gain from larger prey were likely the result of high prey availability at densities before saturation, which might have caused confusion in the predator’s prey selection.  相似文献   

1. Analyses of zooplankton fatty acid (FA) composition in laboratory experiments and samples collected from lakes in New Zealand spanning a wide gradient of productivity were used to assess the extent to which FAs might infer their diet. We used the cladocerans, Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia, and the calanoid copepod, Boeckella, as test organisms, and monocultures of cryptophytes, chlorophytes and cyanobacteria as food. Based on reproductive success, cryptophytes were the highest food quality, chlorophytes were intermediate and cyanobacteria the poorest. 2. Several FA groups were highly correlated between zooplankton and their diets. They were monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and ω3 and ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for cladocerans, and saturated fatty acids (SAFAs) and ω3 PUFAs for copepods. Several FAs varied significantly less in the zooplankton than in their monoculture diets, e.g. MUFAs in Daphnia, and ω3 and ω6 PUFAs in Ceriodaphnia, despite clear dietary dependency for these FAs. 3. Zooplankton collected from lakes in New Zealand had more eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (Daphnia), more highly unsaturated ω3 and ω6 FAs (C20, C22; Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Boeckella) and less ω3 C18 PUFAs (Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Boeckella) and ω6 C18 PUFAs (Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia) than measured in the same species reared on phytoplankton in the laboratory. 4. Analyses of FA composition of seston and freshwater zooplankton globally showed that, in general, zooplankton had a significantly higher proportion of arachidonic acid and EPA than seston, and copepods also had a higher percentage of docosahexaenoic acid than seston. 5. These results suggest that zooplankton selectively incorporate the most physiologically important FAs. This could be a consequence of preferential assimilation, selective feeding on more nutritious cells or locating and feeding within higher food quality food patches.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated the antipredator behaviour of Daphnia mendotae to the invasive invertebrate predator, Bythotrephes longimanus, and the consequent effect of the predator on prey growth rate (referred to as a non‐lethal effect of the predator). 2. In a laboratory experiment, Daphnia in the absence of Bythotrephes kairomones remained in the top, warmer regions of experimental columns, whereas in the presence of Bythotrephes kairomones, Daphnia migrated vertically, occupying a middle region by night and a low, cold region during the day. Over a 4‐day experiment, the vertical migration induced by Bythotrephes caused a 36% reduction in the somatic growth rate of Daphnia, a level that is sufficient to have an effect on prey population growth rate. 3. A second laboratory experiment indicated that concentrations of Bythotrephes kairomones in water taken directly from the field (Lake Michigan) were high enough to induce behavioural shifts that led to these large reductions in somatic growth rate. 4. Our results identify a means by which Bythotrephes has substantial effects on native prey populations other than through direct consumption.  相似文献   

Searching behavior of the predaceous insect Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) was investigated in the laboratory to verify assumptions made in a predator search model. Female predators were placed into an arena containing 30 lima bean plants (Phaseolus lunatus L.), each having five numbered leaflets. Prey were third-instar larvae of Mexican bean beetle (Epilachna varivestis Mulsant) at two densities. Predators were observed for 4 h periods as they searched the plant canopy. Results showed that predators searched a greater area and for longer at low prey density than at high prey density. Predators apparently searched plants without using cues, did not search areas of the canopy repeatedly after attacks, and spent approximately 1 h handling prey. Predators spent more time resting than searching, and attack rates were negatively correlated with rest time, but were not correlated with search time. Long resting periods by predators may be a result of energy conservation. The implications for using predators such as P. maculiventris against pests in crops are (i) the predators' searching behavior limits the number of prey attacked, and (ii) the predator may be able to persist at low prey densities better than species with different searching behaviors.  相似文献   

1. First known for their shredding activity, freshwater amphipods also behave as active predators with consequences for prey population regulation and amphipod coexistence in the context of biological invasions. 2. A way to quantify predation is to determine the average consumption rate per predator, also known as its functional response (FR). 3. Although amphipods are gregarious and can display social interactions that can alter per capita consumption rates, previous studies using the FR approach to investigate amphipod predation ignored such potential mutual interference because they did not consider variations in predator density. 4. We investigated the FR of Echinogammarus berilloni feeding on dipteran larvae with joint variations in prey and predator densities. This bivariate experimental design allowed us to estimate interference and to compare the fits of the three main classes of theoretical FR models, in which the predation rate is a function of prey density alone (prey‐dependent models), of both prey and predator densities (predator‐dependent models) or of the prey‐to‐predator ratio (ratio‐dependent models). 5. The Arditi–Ginzburg ratio‐dependent FR model provided the best representation of the FR of E. berilloni, whose predation rate showed a decelerating rise to a horizontal asymptote as prey abundance increased. 6. Ratio dependence means that mutual interference between amphipods leads to prey sharing. Mutual interference is likely to vary between amphipod species, depending on their level of aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Griffen BD  Williamson T 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):151-159
Interactions between multiple predator species are frequent in natural communities and can have important implications for shared prey survival. Predator density may be an important component of these interactions between predator species, as the frequency of interactions between species is largely determined by species density. Here we experimentally examine the importance of predator density for interactions between predator species and subsequent impacts on prey. We show that aggressive interactions between the predatory shore crabs Carcinus maenas and Hemigrapsus sanguineus increased with predator density, yet did not increase as fast as negative interactions between conspecifics. At low density, interactions between conspecific and heterospecific predators had similar inhibitory impacts on predator function, whereas conspecific interference was greater than interference from heterospecifics at high predator density. Thus the impact of conspecific interference at high predator density was sufficient in itself that interactions with a second predator species had no additional impact on per capita predation. Spatial and temporal variability in predator density is a ubiquitous characteristic of natural systems that should be considered in studies of multiple predator species.  相似文献   

Summary The role of predator density and plant detritus in determining patterns of insect abundance was tested in an Appalachian stream community (Reeds Creek, Pendleton Co, West Virginia). Insect colonization was followed over a 21-day period in field enclosures containing different densities of sculpins (Cottus bairdi and Cottus girardi). Sculpins caused no significant reductions in prey abundance; however, the combined effect of a guild of vertebrate predators caused a significant depression in the abundance of Chironomidae and the stonefly Leuctra. Since Chironomidae comprised approximately 85% of the total benthic fauna, vertebrate predation had an important role in the overall structure of the invertebrate community.Total insect abundance and diversity were correlated to the presence of plant detritus. However, this relationship was taxon specific, as abundance was highly correlated to detritus for only selected insect taxa. In general, abundance was best correlated with coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), compared to fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) or total detritus (FPOM+CPOM+Whole leaf organic matter (LVOM)).This experiment illustrates that the influence of various potential structuring mechanisms is highly taxon dependent.  相似文献   

Densities of submerged vegetation and those of associated animals tend to co‐vary. This relationship is often attributed to the positive correlation between the density of vegetation and its protective value against predators. However, two counteracting basic elements underlying this paradigm limit its generality. That is, increasing vegetation density should result in decreased predator–prey encounters, whilst at the same time predator–prey encounters should increase as animal densities increase. These two mechanisms should thus counteract each other when the densities of vegetation and associated animals, including both prey and predators, co‐vary. Experimental designs that expose fixed densities of prey and predators to varying densities of vegetation assess only the former mechanism and may thus not properly evaluate the protective value of vegetation in such conditions. By contrast, designs that mimic the naturally co‐varying organism densities test both mechanisms and thus their counteractive impacts on predator–prey encounters. We compared the outcomes of the two alternative designs and carried out additional experiments to explain the putative discrepancy. Increasing vegetation density (mimics of Potamogeton pectinatus) enhanced prey (Daphnia magna) survival only when fixed densities of prey and predators (Perca fluviatilis or Rutilus rutilus) were used. When the animal densities were allowed to co‐vary with vegetation density, vegetation had no impact on prey survival. Instead, prey survival was determined by the aggregate density of prey and predators, shaped by the species‐specific traits of the latter. Thus, the impact of the increased animal densities overrode the impact of the increased vegetation density on predator–prey encounters. It may be insufficient to attribute the co‐variation of vegetation, prey and predator densities simply to the association between vegetation density and its protective value. Increased food resources and reduced competition within vegetation may promote prey and thereby also predator abundance to a greater extent than previously thought.  相似文献   

Structural features of habitat are known to affect the density of predators and prey, and it is generally accepted that complexity provides some protection from the environment and predators but may also reduce foraging success. A next step in understanding these interactions is to decouple the impacts of both spatial and trophic ingredients of complexity to explicitly explore the trade-offs between the habitat, its effects on foraging success, and the competition that ensues as predator densities increase. We quantified the accumulation of spiders and their prey in habitat islands with different habitat complexities created in the field using natural plants, plant debris and plastic plant mimics. Spiders were observed at higher densities in the complex habitat structure composed of both live plants and thatch. However, the numerically dominant predator in the system, the wolf spider Pardosa milvina, was observed at high densities in habitat islands containing plastic mimics of plants and thatch. In a laboratory experiment, we examined the interactive effects of conspecific density and habitat on the prey capture of P. milvina. Thatch, with or without vertical plant structure, reduced prey capture, but the plastic fiber did not. Pairwise interactions among spiders reduced prey capture, but this effect was moderated by thatch. Taken together, these experiments highlight the flexibility of one important predator in the food web, where multiple environmental cues intersect to explain the role of habitat complexity in determining generalist predator accumulation.  相似文献   

In an experiment on the effect of zooplankton density on feeding behaviour and prey size selection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) alevins, total behavioural activity (feeding, social, ambiguous) was positively related to prey abundance up to a density of 350 items 1?1, after which activity peaked. Feeding error (missed attacks and/or rejected ingestions) increased with prey density. The likelihood that an alevin would attack an item upon which it had binocularly fixed (no. bites/no. visual fixes) peaked at densities of 270 items 1?1 and then declined. Feeding success (no. ingestions per bite or per fixation) also peaked and then declined. Changes in success were reflected in total number of items found in the gut. At high prey abundance (608 items 1?1) only 0.5 – 0.9 mm copepods were preferred components of alevin diets. Over all prey densities, preferred sizes of cladocerans and copepods did not overlap. These results may reflect a perceptual constraint (at high zooplankton densities) on alevin feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

1. Studies of the impact of predator diversity on biological pest control have shown idiosyncratic results. This is often assumed to be as a result of differences among systems in the importance of predator–predator interactions such as facilitation and intraguild predation. The frequency of such interactions may be altered by prey availability and structural complexity. A direct assessment of interactions among predators is needed for a better understanding of the mechanisms affecting prey abundance by complex predator communities. 2. In a field cage experiment, the effect of increased predator diversity (single species vs. three‐species assemblage) and the presence of weeds (providing structural complexity) on the biological control of cereal aphids were tested and the mechanisms involved were investigated using molecular gut content analysis. 3. The impact of the three‐predator species assemblages of aphid populations was found to be similar to those of the single‐predator species treatments, and the presence or absence of weeds did not alter the patterns observed. This suggests that both predator facilitation and intraguild predation were absent or weak in this system, or that these interactions had counteracting effects on prey suppression. Molecular gut content analysis of predators provided little evidence for the latter hypothesis: predator facilitation was not detected and intraguild predation occurred at a low frequency. 4. The present study suggests additive effects of predators and, therefore, that predator diversity per se neither strengthens nor weakens the biological control of aphids in this system.  相似文献   

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