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Rachwal PA  Brown T  Fox KR 《FEBS letters》2007,581(8):1657-1660
We have examined the properties of intramolecular G-quadruplexes in which the G3 tracts are separated by single base loops. The most stable complex contained 1',2'-dideoxyribose in all three loops, while loops containing T and C were slightly less stable (by about 2 degrees C). Quadruplexes containing loops with single A residues were less stable by 8 degrees C for each T to A substitution. These folded sequences display similar CD spectra, which are consistent with the formation of parallel stranded complexes with double-chain reversal loops. These results demonstrate that loop sequence, and not just length, affects quadruplex stability.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the complexes formed by hemin and some G‐quadruplexes can be developed as a new class of DNAzyme with peroxidase activity. This kind of DNAzyme has received a great deal of attention. But to date, the actual G‐quadruplex structure that can provide hemin with enhanced peroxidase activity is in doubt. Herein, the G‐quadruplex structure of CatG4, a 21‐nucleotide DNA oligomer which was previously reported to bind hemin and the resulting complex exhibiting enhanced peroxidase activity, was characterized by fluorescence and circular dichroism measurements. The results suggest that the catalytically active form of CatG4 may be a unimolecular parallel quadruplex rather than a unimolecular chair‐type antiparallel quadruplex or a multistranded parallel quadruplex. In addition, the fluorescence analysis of labeled oligonucleotides may be developed as a supplementary tool for the study of DNA conformations. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 331–339, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Folding of the major population of Tetrahymena intron RNA into the catalytically active structure is trapped in a slow pathway. In this report, folding of Candida albicans intron was investigated using the trans-acting Ca.L-11 ribozyme as a model. We demonstrated that both the catalytic activity (kobs) and compact folding equilibrium of Ca.L-11 are strongly dependent on Mg2+ at physiological concentrations, with both showing an Mg2+ Hill coefficient of 3. Formation of the compact structure of Ca.L-11 is shown to occur very rapidly, on a subsecond time scale similar to that of RNase T1 cleavage. Most of the ribozyme RNA population folds into the catalytically active structure with a rate constant of 2 min–1 at 10 mM Mg2+; neither slower kinetics nor obvious Mg2+ inhibition is observed. These results suggest that folding of the Ca.L-11 ribozyme is initiated by a rapid magnesium-dependent RNA compaction, which is followed by a slower searching for the native contacts to form the catalytically active structure without interference from the long-lived trapped states. This model thus provides an ideal system to address a range of interesting aspects of RNA folding, such as conformational searching, ion binding and the role of productive intermediates.  相似文献   

Using circular dichroism spectroscopy, gel electrophoresis, and ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, we have studied quadruplex folding of RNA/DNA analogs of the Oxytricha telomere fragment, G(4)T(4)G(4), which forms the well-known basket-type, antiparallel quadruplex. We have substituted riboguanines (g) for deoxyriboguanines (G) in the positions G1, G9, G4, and G12; these positions form the terminal tetrads of the G(4)T(4)G(4) quadruplex and adopt syn, syn, anti, and anti glycosidic geometries, respectively. We show that substitution of a single sugar was able to change the quadruplex topology. With the exception of G(4)T(4)G(3)g, which adopted an antiparallel structure, all the RNA/DNA hybrid analogs formed parallel, bimolecular quadruplexes in concentrated solution at low salt. In dilute solutions ( approximately 0.1 mM nucleoside), the RNA/DNA hybrids substituted at positions 4 or 12 adopted antiparallel quadruplexes, which were especially stable in Na(+) solutions. The hybrids substituted at positions 1 and 9 preferably formed parallel quadruplexes, which were more stable than the nonmodified G(4)T(4)G(4) quadruplex in K(+) solutions. Substitutions near the 3'end of the molecule affected folding more than substitutions near the 5'end. The ability to control quadruplex folding will allow further studies of biophysical and biological properties of the various folding topologies. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 89: 797-806, 2008.This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com.  相似文献   

Human telomeric G-quadruplex structures are known to be promising targets for an anticancer therapy. In the past decade, several research groups have been focused on the design of new ligands trying to optimize the interactions between these small molecules and the G-quadruplex motif. In most of these studies, the target structures were the single quadruplex units formed by short human DNA telomeric sequences (typically 21-26 nt). However, the 3′-terminal single-stranded human telomeric DNA is actually 100-200 bases long and can form higher-order structures by clustering several consecutive quadruplex units (multimers). Despite the increasing number of structural information on longer DNA telomeric sequences, very few data are available on the binding properties of these sequences compared with the shorter DNA telomeric sequences.In this paper we use a combination of spectroscopic (CD, UV and fluorescence) and calorimetric techniques (ITC) to compare the binding properties of the (TTAGGG)8TT structure formed by two adjacent quadruplex units with the binding properties of the (AG3TT)4 single quadruplex structure. The three side-chained triazatruxene derivative azatrux and TMPyP4 cationic porphyrin were used as quadruplex ligands. We found that, depending on the drug, the number of binding sites per quadruplex unit available in the multimer structure was smaller or greater than the one expected on the basis of the results obtained from individual quadruplex binding studies. This work suggests that the quadruplex units along a multimer structure do not behave as completely independent. The presence of adjacent quadruplexes results in a diverse binding ability not predictable from single quadruplex binding studies. The existence of quadruplex-quadruplex interfaces in the full length telomeric overhang may provide an advantageous factor in drug design to enhance both affinity and selectivity for DNA telomeric quadruplexes.  相似文献   

We report the single-crystal X-ray structure for the complex of the bisacridine bis-(9-aminooctyl(2-(dimethylaminoethyl)acridine-4-carboxamide)) with the oligonucleotide d(CGTACG)(2) to a resolution of 2.4A. Solution studies with closed circular DNA show this compound to be a bisintercalating threading agent, but so far we have no crystallographic or NMR structural data conforming to the model of contiguous intercalation within the same duplex. Here, with the hexameric duplex d(CGTACG), the DNA is observed to undergo a terminal cytosine base exchange to yield an unusual guanine quadruplex intercalation site through which the bisacridine threads its octamethylene linker to fuse two DNA duplexes. The 4-carboxamide side-chains form anchoring hydrogen-bonding interactions with guanine O6 atoms on each side of the quadruplex. This higher-order DNA structure provides insight into an unexpected property of bisintercalating threading agents, and suggests the idea of targeting such compounds specifically at four-way DNA junctions.  相似文献   

DNA guanine quadruplexes are all based on stacks of guanine tetrads, but they can be of many types differing by mutual strand orientation, topology, position and structure of loops, and the number of DNA molecules constituting their structure. Here we have studied a series of nine DNA fragments (G(3)Xn)(3)G(3), where X = A, C or T, and n = 1, 2 or 3, to find how the particular bases and their numbers enable folding of the molecule into quadruplex and what type of quadruplex is formed. We show that any single base between G(3) blocks gives rise to only four-molecular parallel-stranded quadruplexes in water solutions. In contrast to previous models, even two Ts in potential loops lead to tetramolecular parallel quadruplexes and only three consecutive Ts lead to an intramolecular quadruplex, which is antiparallel. Adenines make the DNA less prone to quadruplex formation. (G(3)A(2))(3)G(3) folds into an intramolecular antiparallel quadruplex. The same is true with (G(3)A(3))(3)G(3) but only in KCl. In NaCl or LiCl, (G(3)A(3))(3)G(3) prefers to generate homoduplexes. Cytosine still more interferes with the quadruplex, which only is generated by (G(3)C)(3)G(3), whereas (G(3)C(2))(3)G(3) and (G(3)C(3))(3)G(3) generate hairpins and/or homoduplexes. Ethanol is a more potent DNA guanine quadruplex inducer than are ions in water solutions. It promotes intramolecular folding and parallel orientation of quadruplex strands, which rather corresponds to quadruplex structures observed in crystals.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are light-sensing macromolecules that are part of a two component phosphorelay system controlling gene expression. Photoconversion between the Pr and Pfr forms facilitates autophosphorylation of a histidine in the dimerization domain (DHp). We report the low-resolution structure of a bacteriophytochrome (Bph) in the catalytic (CA) Pr form in solution determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Ab initio modeling reveals, for the first time, the domain organization in a typical bacteriophytochrome, comprising an chromophore binding and phytochrome (PHY) N terminal domain followed by a C terminal histidine kinase domain. Homologous high-resolution structures of the light-sensing chromophore binding domain (CBD) and the cytoplasmic part of a histidine kinase sensor allows us to model 75% of the structure with the remainder comprising the phytochrome domain which has no 3D representative in the structural database. The SAXS data reveal a dimeric Y shaped macromolecule and the relative positions of the chromophores (biliverdin), autophosphorylating histidine residues and the ATP molecules in the kinase domain. SAXS data were collected from a sample in the autophosphorylating Pr form and reveal alternate conformational states for the kinase domain that can be modeled in an open (no-catalytic) and closed (catalytic) state. This model suggests how light-induced signal transduction can stimulate autophosphorylation followed by phosphotransfer to a response regulator (RR) in the two-component system.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of the molecular crowding condition induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) on the G-quadruplex structure of the thrombin-binding aptamer sequence, 5′-GGGTTGGGTGTGGGTTGGG (G3), in a solution containing a sufficient concentration of mono cations (K+ and Na+). Although the G3 sequence preferably formed the antiparallel type G-quadruplex structure in a Na+ solution, conversion to the parallel type occurred when PEG was added. The antiparallel type was maintained at low PEG concentrations. When the PEG concentration reached 30%, the antiparallel type and parallel type coexist. At PEG concentrations above 40%, the G-quadruplex structure adopted the parallel type completely. In the presence of K+ ions, G3 showed a parallel conformation and remained as a parallel conformation with increasing PEG concentration. The dissociation temperature increased with increasing PEG concentration in all cases, suggesting that the G-quadruplex conformation is more stable under molecular crowding conditions.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Alternating guanine-adenine strands of DNA are known to self-associate into a parallel-stranded homoduplex at neutral pH, fold into an ordered single-stranded structure at acid pH, and adopt yet another ordered single-stranded conformer in aqueous ethanol. The unusual conformers melt cooperatively and exhibit distinct circular dichroism spectra suggestive of a substantial conformational order, but their molecular structures are not known yet. Here, we have probed the molecular structures using guanine and adenine analogs lacking the N7 atom, and thus unable of Hoogsteen pairing, or those restrained in the less-frequent syn glycosidic orientation. The studies showed that the syn glycosidic orientation of dA residues promoted the neutral homoduplex, whereas the syn orientation of dG was incompatible with the homoduplex. In addition, Hoogsteen pairing of dA seemed to be a crucial property of the homoduplex whereas dG did not pair in this way. The situation was the same in both single-stranded conformers with the dG residues. On the other hand, the presence of N7 was important with dA but its syn geometry was not favorable. The present data can be used as restraints to model the unusual molecular structures of the alternating guanine-adenine strands of DNA.  相似文献   

The packing of peptide helices in crystals of the leucine-rich decapeptide Boc-Aib-Leu-Aib-Aib-Leu-Leu-Leu-Aib-Leu-Aib-OMe provides an example of ladder-like leucylleucyl interactions between neighboring molecules. The peptide molecule forms a helix with five 5----1 hydrogen bonds and two 4----1 hydrogen bonds near the C terminus. Three head-to-tail NH ... O = C hydrogen bonds between helices form continuous columns of helices in the crystal. The helicial columns associate in an antiparallel fashion, except for the association of Leu ... Leu side chains, which occurs along the diagonal of the cell where the peptide helices are parallel. The peptide, with formula C56H102N10O13, crystallizes in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4 and cell parameters a = 16.774(3) A, b = 20.032(3) A and c = 20.117(3) A; overall agreement factor R = 10.7% for 2014 data with magnitude of F(obs) greater than 3 sigma (F); resolution 1.0 A.  相似文献   

By monitoring R(pip)/R(Fpg), i.e. the relative sensitivity to hot piperidine and to formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg protein) of the guanine lesions induced in DNA exposed to UV laser irradiation, we have previously observed that the formation of the two major types of one-electron oxidative guanine modifications, oxazolone and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxodG), depends on DNA conformational features. While oxazolone is largely predominant at each site of single-stranded DNA (R(pip)>R(Fpg)), 8-oxodG is the major lesion at most of the sites of double-stranded DNA (R(pip)R(Fpg) at 20 degrees C and the ratio R(pip)/R(Fpg) does not vary significantly during the melting process. Interestingly, these guanine residues display a high sensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide methylation while the opposite cytosine residues are unsensitive, suggesting that the prevalence of R(pip) over R(Fpg) is related not to base-pairing disruption but rather to the local helical alteration of the B-DNA stacking geometry. This leads us to propose that the slight variations in the ratios R(pip)/R(Fpg) observed, at individual sites, at temperatures below the helix-coil transition reflect local small-scale breathing motions, unstacking single dinucleotide steps prior to opening. Our results thus support the view that the temperature dependence of the ratio of R(pip)/R(Fpg) at sites of B-DNA provides a sensitive probe of the DNA internal local thermal stability and are discussed in relation with the mechanisms proposed for the intramolecular rearrangement of the guanyl radical.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVS) that infect the genital tract can be divided into two groups: high-risk HPV types, such as HPV 16 and HPV 18, are associated with cancer, low-risk HPV types, such as HPV 6, are associated with benign warts. In both high-risk and low-risk HPV types, the papillomavirus E2 protein binds to four sites within the viral long control region (LCR) and regulates viral gene expression. Here, we present the crystal structure of the minimal DNA-binding domain (DBD) from the HPV 6 E2 protein. We show that the HPV 6 E2 DBD is structurally more similar to the HPV 18 and bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) E2 proteins than it is to the HPV 16 E2 protein. Using gel retardation assays, we show that the hierarchy of E2 sites within the HPV 16 and HPV 6 LCRs are different. However, despite these differences in structure and site preference, both the HPV 16 and 6 E2 DBDs recognise an extended version of the consensus E2 binding site derived from studies of the BPV1 E2 protein. In both cases, the preferred binding site is 5'AACCGN(4)CGGTT3', where the additional flanking base-pairs are in bold and N(4) represents a four base-pair central spacer. Both of these HPV proteins bind preferentially to E2 sites that contain an A:T-rich central spacer. We show that the preference for an A:T-rich central spacer is due, at least in part, to the need to adopt a DNA conformation that facilitates protein contacts with the flanking base-pairs.  相似文献   



G-quadruplexes are polymorphic non-canonical nucleic acid conformations involved both in physiological and pathological processes. Given the high degree of folding heterogeneity and comparable conformational stabilities, different G-quadruplex forms can occur simultaneously, hence rendering the use of basic instrumental methods for structure determination, like X-ray diffraction or NMR, hardly useful. Footprinting techniques represent valuable and relatively rapid alternative to characterize DNA folding. The natural diterpenoid clerocidin is an alkylating agent that specifically reacts at single-stranded DNA regions, with different mechanisms depending on the exposed nucleotide.


Clerocidin was used to footprint G-quadruplex structures formed by telomeric and oncogene promoter sequences (c-myc, bcl-2, c-kit2), and by the thrombin binding aptamer.


The easy modulability of CL reactivity towards DNA bases permitted to discriminate fully and partially protected sites, highlights stretched portions of the G-quadruplex conformation, and discriminate among topologies adopted by one sequence in different environmental conditions. Importantly, CL displayed the unique property to allow detection of G-quadruplex folding within a duplex context.


CL is a finely performing new tool to unveil G-quadruplex arrangements in DNA sequences under genomically relevant conditions.

General significance

Nucleic acid G-quadruplex structures are an emerging research field because of the recent indication of their involvement in a series of key biological functions, in particular in regulation of proliferation-associated gene expression. The use of clerocidin as footprinting agent to identify G-quadruplex structures under genomically relevant conditions may allow detection of new G-quadruplex-based regulatory regions.  相似文献   

A detailed 13C-n.m.r. investigation has been carried out on the conformational changes in proline oligomers brought about by interaction with lithium and calcium perchlorates. Interaction of lithium and calcium salts with Piv-(Pro)n-OMe, n = 2, 4 and 5 results in trans-cis isomerization. In the case of pentaproline, metal salts also give rise to other trans-isomers caused by the rotation about the CαC(O) bond (Ψ, cis). Calcium salts seem to stabilize cis'-isomers and produce effects somewhat different from those of lithium salts.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of rabbit muscle phosphorylase kinase catalyzed by chymotrypsin generates a 33 kD product whose kinase activity is independent of both calcium and pH over the range of 6.8 to 8.3 (Malencik, D.A. & Fischer, E.H.Calcium and Cell Function III: 161–188, 1982). This active preparation consists of three related species containing residues 1–290, 1–296, and 1–298 of the 44.7 kD -subunit of phosphorylase kinase (Harris, W.R., Malencik, D.A., Johnson, C.M., Carr, S.A., Roberts, G.D., Byles, C.E., Anderson, S.R., Heilmeyer, L.M.G., Fischer, E.H. & Crabb, J.W.J. Biol. Chem. 265:11740–11745, 1991). Good recoveries of catalytic activity — with varying degrees of calcium dependence — result upon the digestion of phosphorylase kinase with assorted proteases. However, especially high yields of the chymotryptic fragment are obtainable, with purification on an Ultrogel-34 column and a DEAE Sepharose CL-6B column giving 23% of the maximum possible protein.Physical characterization shows that the 33 kD chymotryptic fragment is globular, withs 20,w=2.9S, and that it has an isoelectric point of 5.3. Our continuous catalytic assay, based on differences in the binding of the fluorescent dye 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate by phosphorylasea andb, shows that, on a molar basis, the activity of the fragment is 2.8 fold greater than that of phosphorylase kinase (Malencik, D.A., Zhao, Z. and Anderson, S.R.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 174: 344–350, 1991). The active fragment also undergoes autophosphorylation. Incubation with Mg[-P32] ATP results in the reaction of 0.7 mol32P/mol fragment. When the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase is also present, the amount of32P incorporated increases to 1.1 mol/mol. In the former case, phosphorylation occurs primarily at Ser30 while in the latter an additional reaction takes place at Ser81. The phosphopeptides correspond to sequences occurring in the -subunit of phosphorylase kinase.Abbreviations cAMP adenosine 3(,5(-cyclic monophosphate - NaDodSO4 sodium dodecyl sulfate - Mops 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N(,N(-tetraacetic acid - ANS 1-anilinonapththalene-8-sulfonate - TPCK N-tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone - TLCK N-tosyllysyl chloromethyl ketone - PTH phenylthiohydantoin The expected two to three fold increases in fluorescence intensity occur when assays are conducted with solutions containing 20 mM Tris chloride and no glycerophosphate.  相似文献   

Single-stranded guanine-rich (G-rich) DNA can fold into a four-stranded G-quadruplex structure and such structures are implicated in important biological processes and therapeutic applications. So far, bioinformatic analysis has identified up to several hundred thousand of putative quadruplex sequences in the genome of human and other animal. Given such a large number of sequences, a fast assay would be desired to experimentally verify the structure of these sequences. Here we describe a method that identifies the quadruplex structure by a single-stranded DNA binding protein from a thermoautotrophic archaeon. This protein binds single-stranded DNA in the unfolded, but not in the folded form. Upon binding to DNA, its fluorescence can be quenched by up to 70%. Formation of quadruplex greatly reduces fluorescence quenching in a K+-dependent manner. This structure-dependent quenching provides simple and fast detection of quadruplex in DNA at low concentration without DNA labelling.  相似文献   

Telomerase inhibition through G‐quadruplex stabilization by small molecules is of great interest as a novel anticancer therapeutic strategy. Here, we show that newly synthesized Cu‐complex binds to G‐quadruplex DNA and induces changes in its stability. This biophysical interaction was investigated in vitro using spectroscopic, voltammetric and computational techniques. The binding constant for this complex to G‐quadruplex using spectroscopic and electrochemical methods is in the order of 105. The binding stoichiometry was investigated using spectroscopic techniques and corresponded to a ratio of 1: 1. Fluorescence titration results reveal that Cu‐complex is quenched in the presence of G‐quadruplex DNA. Analysis of the fluorescence emission at different temperatures shows that ΔH° > 0, ΔS° > 0 and ΔG° < 0, and indicates that hydrophobic interactions played a major role in the binding processes. MD simulation results suggested that this ligand could stabilize the G‐quadruplex structure. An optimized docked model of the G‐quadruplex–ligand mixture confirmed the experimental results. Based on the results, we conclude that Cu‐complex as an anticancer candidate can bind and stabilize the G‐quadruplex DNA structure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The equilibria and kinetics of urea-induced unfolding and refolding of the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase of E. coli have been examined for their dependences on viscosity, pH, and temperature in order to investigate the properties of one of the rate-limiting steps, domain association. A viscosity enhancer, 0.58 M sucrose, was found to slow unfolding and accelerate refolding. This apparently anomalous result was shown to be due to the stabilizing effect of sucrose on the folding reaction. After accounting for this stabilization effect by using linear free-energy plots, the unfolding and refolding kinetics were found to have a viscosity dependence. A decrease in pH was found to stabilize the domain association reaction by increasing the refolding rate and decreasing the unfolding rate. This effect was accounted for by protonation of a single residue with a pK value of 8.8 in the native state and 7.1 in the intermediate, in which the two domains are not yet associated. The activation energy of unfolding is 4.8 kcal/mol, close to the diffusion limit. The negative activation entropy of unfolding, -47 cal/deg-mol, which controls this reaction, may result from ordering of solvent about the newly exposed domain interface of the transition state. These results may provide information on the types of noncovalent interactions involved in domain association and improve the ability to interpret the folding of mutants with single amino-acid substitutions at the interface.  相似文献   

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