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The precise impact of age-related changes in hormone levels on cognition in men is still unclear due to differing study designs and contradictory findings. This study was undertaken to examine the relationship between endogenous sex hormone levels and cognitive functioning in healthy older men using a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests and measurement of serum sex hormone levels. Verbal learning and memory, visual-motor processing, spatial abilities, working memory and attention, and levels of testosterone and estradiol were evaluated in 54 healthy older men. Regression analyses revealed significant curvilinear associations between working memory function and both free and bioavailable testosterone levels, suggesting that an optimal hormone level may exist for maximal performance on tasks of executive/frontal lobe functioning. However, no other relationships were evident between either estradiol or testosterone levels and any of the other cognitive functions evaluated. Hormone assays performed at the end of the study revealed that a considerable portion of the healthy elderly men in our sample met criteria for hypogonadism and suggests that their low hormone levels may have mitigated against discovering other significant hormone-cognition relationships.  相似文献   

Sex hormones and stress in the human male   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six blood samples were obtained from each of a group of 33 healthy males between the ages of 19 and 31, following which radioimmunoassays were used to determine the serum concentrations of testosterone (Tser), 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and estradiol (E2). In addition, the free testosterone (Tsal) was also measured using saliva samples provided by 23 of the subjects. A questionnaire of our own design was administered together with the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF-Test) at the time of the first blood sample in order to check the long-term stress loads of our subjects as well as their abilities to deal with stress. During the investigational period, subjects kept daily records of their sleeping and working hours and noted the appearance of stressful situations. Weather data for Hamburg was also included as a variable in this study. A number of significant relationships between sex hormones and stress could be ascertained; however, it should be kept in mind that the correlation coefficients are low and explain only a small percentage of the variance between the variables. The stress variables "weather condition" and the "Q4" factor of the 16 PF-Test are significantly related to E2 (intersubject correlations). For all samples of all subjects, psychic stress correlates positively with the ratio of Tsal/Tser. There is a significant positive intersubject relationship between Tsal and long-term plus concurrent somatic stress, while somatic stressors on the day preceding a blood and saliva sample (acute somatic stress) correlate positively with Tsal and Tser.  相似文献   

Sex steroids play a key role in maintaining skeletal integrity lifelong, through a complex variety of endocrine, but also paracrine and possibly autocrine actions. The current knowledge that androgens may act as pro-hormones for estrogens has seriously challenged many traditional views, so that, at least for their skeletal actions, these can no longer be considered exclusively “male” or “female” hormones.  相似文献   

Sex hormones in lesbian and heterosexual women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors measured plasma testosterone (T), androstenedione (A), and cortisol (C) levels in seven lesbian and seven heterosexual women matched for age and socioeconomic status. In addition, psychiatric symptoms, physical activity levels, depression, subjective sense of stress, and sexual behavior variables were assessed. There were no significant differences in sex hormone levels between the two groups of women, who were also comparable in psychiatric symptom levels, depression, and self-perceived stress. Lesbian women reported significantly more current physical activity relative to peers. Other than the sexual orientation difference which was a prerequisite for entry into the study, there were virtually no significant differences in sexual behavior although lesbian women tended to have achieved psychosexual milestones at a younger age. We were not able to corroborate the finding of Gartrell, Loriaux, and Chase (1977) that lesbian women have higher T levels, possibly due to the fact that the two groups were closely matched on several behavioral variables potentially affecting testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Testosterone and estradiol levels were determined in 85 male patients aged between 23 and 52 years with: coronographically diagnosed coronary arteriosclerosis (20 with the instable and 37 with stable coronary disease), and in 28 healthy volunteers serving as a control group. Testosterone concentrations in the instable coronary disease (13.6 +/- 1.7 nM/l) were significantly lower than in the stable form of the disease (18.56 +/- 1.1 nM/l) and in healthy volunteers 20.9 +/- 1.0 nM/l, p less than 0.02 and p less than 0.001 respectively. Estradiol concentrations in male patients with instable coronary disease (228.3 +/- 22.8 pM/l) and with stable form of the disease (157.0 +/- 12.6 pM/l) were significantly higher than in healthy volunteers, p less than 0.02 and p less than 0.001 respectively. The obtained results indicate gonadal disorders in male patients with coronary arteriosclerosis.  相似文献   

The influence of compensation of the geomagnetic field to levels below 0.4 μT (referred to below as “zero magnetic field”) on human cognitive processes has been studied. 40 participants in the study were assigned to four groups according to their gender and age. The study focused on the assessment of cognitive processes. Each participant took part in two experiments, one of which was set up under normal (control) conditions, whereas the second one was set up under the conditions of a zero magnetic field. 45 min of exposure to zero magnetic field caused statistically significant changes in five out of eight parameters in the cognitive tests. The magnitude of the effects varied between 1.3 and 6.2%, with an average value of 2.1% for all tests ( p < 0.002, MANOVA). It was found that exposure to a zero magnetic field resulted in an increased number of errors and extension of the time required to complete the tasks compared to normal conditions. Men outperformed women under zero magnetic field conditions and young people performed better than older people. It was found that factors other than age and gender affected the cognitive performance under zero magnetic field conditions.  相似文献   

There is a sex difference in hypertensive renal injury, with men experiencing greater severity and a more rapid progression of renal disease than women; however, the molecular mechanisms protecting against renal injury in women are unknown. The goal of this study was to determine whether sex hormones modulate blood pressure and the progression of albuminuria during the developmental phase of hypertension in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Studies were also performed to examine how sex and sex hormones influence two major risk factors for albuminuria, overactivation of the renin-angiotensin system and oxidative stress. Blood pressure was measured by telemetry in gonad-intact and gonadectomized male and female SHR. Microalbumin excretion, measured over time, and macrophage infiltration were used to assess renal health. Male SHR had significantly higher blood pressures than female SHR, and gonadectomy decreased blood pressures in males with no effect in females. Male SHR displayed a gonad-sensitive increase in albuminuria over time, and female SHR had a gonad-sensitive suppression in macrophage infiltration. Female SHR had greater plasma ANG II levels and similar levels of renal cortical ANG II vs. levels shown in males but less AT(1)-receptor protein expression in the renal cortex. Female SHR also had a gonad-sensitive decrease in renal oxidative stress. Therefore, the renal protection afforded to female SHR is associated with lower blood pressure, decreased macrophage infiltration, and decreased levels of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

3 groups of women, aged 15-71 years, were examined: a control group of 17 healthy women and 11 women with blood complications who had nver received steroid treatments, a 2nd group of patients with complications similar to the 1st groups' who were treated with the steroid preparation Enkorton-Polfa (for 5-10 days at 20-50 mg daily), and a 3rd group of 20 patients with similar prolonged complciations from 4 weeks to 5 years) who were treated with the steroid preparation Enkorton-Polfa in daily doses of 10-160 mg. Sex chromatin from these 3 groups was studied using the method of Sanderson and Stewart and the results compared. A lower percentage of sex chromatin bodies was found in those treated with steroids. Significant statistical differences were found in the comparison of the standard deviations of sex chromatin count: Group 1, + or -13%; Group 2, + or -10% before treatment and + or -5% during treatment; and Group 3, + or -8%.  相似文献   

A group of 49 multiple myeloma patients, 20 men and 29 women, were evaluated. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), 17-oestradiol (E) and testosterone (T) serum concentrations have been detected by radioimmunoassay. Peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation in response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (ConA), recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) and dextran sulphate (DxS) was investigated. Our findings provide evidence for two different patterns of sex hormone changes and immune dysfunctions presented differently by male and female multiple myeloma patients. In men increased FSH, LH and E concentrations and an augmented E to T ratio were associated with decreased lymphocyte blastogenic response to PHA, ConA and increased proliferation to rIL-2 and DxS. Female patients with multiple myeloma demonstrated normal values of FSH, LH and T, but a diminished E level and decreased E to T ratio correlated with a lymphocyte normal response to PHA and ConA and augmented blastogenesis to IL-2 and DxS. Our data, while admittedly preliminary, suffice to provide an indication of sex hormone changes in multiple myeloma patients, which could be responsible, at least in part, for the immune dysfunction observed in multiple myeloma.  相似文献   

The aim of the present review, which highlights some relationships between sex hormones, the CNS and pain, is to provide reference points for discussion on one of the most intriguing aspects of pain pathophysiology: the presence of sex differences in the response threshold to phasic painful stimuli and in the incidence of chronic pain syndromes. The first part of the review deals with sex steroids and their mechanisms of action. In the second part, the connections between sex steroids, the CNS and pain are illustrated to introduce possible areas of discussion in the study of sex differences in experimental and clinical pain.  相似文献   

During the periparturient period, dairy cows are subjected to physiological changes that may induce immunosuppression and an increased susceptibility of the animal to bacterial infections such as mastitis. The incidence of clinical environmental mastitis is high during the last period of gestation, at parturition and during the first month of lactation, suggesting a potential influence of sex steroid hormones. Efficient functioning of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) is necessary during the early phase of infection to clear the mammary gland from invading pathogens. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sex steroid hormones on the oxidative burst activity of isolated PMN from ovariectomized cows. Ovariectomy was performed to minimize the interference of endogenous estrogen and progesterone levels, which are known to vary extensively during the estrus cycle. Isolated PMN were incubated with different concentrations of 17beta-estradiol, estrone or progesterone. A flow cytometric technique was used to quantify the oxidation of intracellular 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin by the oxidative burst system of PMN following stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate. Staurosporine was used as a positive control for our in vitro model. No statistically significant changes in PMN oxidative burst activity were observed at physiological or pharmacological levels of the three sex steroid hormones. A large variation existed in the oxidative burst activity among cows. In an additional experiment, the expression of estrogen receptor alpha and of progesterone receptor in PMN was evaluated immunohistochemically. No specific staining was detected for both receptors in isolated PMN following incubation with different concentrations of sex steroid hormones.  相似文献   

Rats after adrenalectomy-testectomy showed a gradual increase in diencephalon 3-oxo-5 alpha-steroid: (acceptor) delta4-oxidoreductase (5 alpha-reductase) activity for 3 days. The activity then returned near to the normal range on the 4th postoperative day. When rats were given testosterone propionate (TP) 3 days after adrenalectomy-testectomy, diencephalon 5 alpha-reductase activity returned to the preoperative range 2 hr after TP administration. Diencephalon 5 alpha-reductase activity showed a highly significant increase (p less than 0.01) after a single administration of carbamazepine, reserpine, diazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbital or disulfiram. A significant increase (p less than 0.05) was also found after a single administration of methylphenidate, caffeine or methamphetamine. Plasma testosterone decreased concurrently after administration of all these agents, except diazepam. Diencephalon enzyme activity decreased significantly after repeated disulfiram administrations (p less than 0.01) but increased significantly after methamphetamine administrations (p less than 0.05). Plasma testosterone showed a tendency to decrease after repeated methamphetamine administrations but tended to increase after repeated disulfiram administrations.  相似文献   

The specific impact of sex hormones on brain development and acoustic communication is known from animal models. Sex steroid hormones secreted during early development play an essential role in hemispheric organization and the functional lateralization of the brain, e.g. language. In animals, these hormones are well-known regulators of vocal motor behaviour. Here, the association between melody properties of infants'' sounds and serum concentrations of sex steroids was investigated. Spontaneous crying was sampled in 18 healthy infants, averaging two samples taken at four and eight weeks, respectively. Blood samples were taken within a day of the crying samples. The fundamental frequency contour (melody) was analysed quantitatively and the infants'' frequency modulation skills expressed by a melody complexity index (MCI). These skills provide prosodic primitives for later language. A hierarchical, multiple regression approach revealed a significant, robust relationship between the individual MCIs and the unbound, bioactive fraction of oestradiol at four weeks as well as with the four-to-eight-week difference in androstenedione. No robust relationship was found between the MCI and testosterone. Our findings suggest that oestradiol may have effects on the development and function of the auditory–vocal system in human infants that are as powerful as those in vocal-learning animals.  相似文献   

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