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The crystal structure of porin from Rhodobacter capsulatus strain 37b4 has been solved at 3.0 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution by multiple isomorphous replacement and solvent-flattening. The three pores of the trimer are well defined in the electron density map. Each pore consists of a 16-stranded beta-barrel which traverses the membrane as a tube. Near its center the tube is narrowed by chain segments protruding from the inner wall of the barrel that form an eye-let with an irregular cross-section of about 6 A by 10 A. The eye-let has an axial length of about 10 A; it defines the exclusion limit for diffusing particles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Head-tail connectors are viral substructures that are very important in the viral morphogenetic cycle, having roles in the formation of the precursor capsid (prohead), DNA packaging, tail binding to the mature head and in the infection process. Structural information on the connector would, therefore, help us to understand how this structure is related to a multiplicity of functions. RESULTS: Recombinant bacteriophage phi29 connectors have been crystallized in two-dimensional aggregates. An average projection image and a three-dimensional map have been obtained at 8 A and 10 A resolution, respectively, from untilted and tilted images of vitrified specimens of the two-dimensional crystals. The average projection image reveals a central mass surrounding a channel with 12 appendages protruding from the central mass. The three-dimensional map reveals a wide domain surrounded by 12 appendages that interact with the prohead vertex, and a narrow domain that interacts with the bacteriophage tail. At the junction of the two domains, 12 smaller appendages are visualized. A channel runs along the axis of the connector structure and is sufficiently wide to allow a double-stranded DNA molecule to pass through. CONCLUSIONS: The propeller-like structure of the phi29 connector strengthens the notion of the connector rotating during DNA packaging. The groove formed by the two lanes of large and small appendages may act as a rail to prevent the liberation of the connector from the prohead vertex during rotation.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant bovine chymosin (EC; renin), which was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, has been determined using X-ray data extending to 2.3 A resolution. The crystals of the enzyme used in this study belong to the space group I222 with unit cell dimensions alpha = 72.7 A, b = 80.3 A, and c = 114.8 A. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and was refined by a restrained least-squares procedure. The crystallographic R factor is 0.165 and the deviation of bond distances from ideality is 0.020 A. The resulting model includes all 323 amino acid residues, as well as 297 water molecules. The enzyme has an irregular shape with approximate maximum dimensions of 40 x 50 x 65 A. The secondary structure consists primarily of parallel and antiparallel beta-strands with a few short alpha-helices. The enzyme can be subdivided into N- and C-terminal domains which are separated by a deep cleft containing the active aspartate residues Asp-34 and Asp-216. The amino acid residues and waters at the active site form an extensive hydrogen-bonded network which maintains the pseudo 2-fold symmetry of the entire structure. A comparison of recombinant chymosin with other acid proteinases reveals the high degree of structural similarity with other members of this family of proteins as well as the subtle differences which make chymosin unique. In particular, Tyr-77 of the flap region of chymosin does not hydrogen bond to Trp-42 but protrudes out in the P1 pocket forming hydrophobic interactions with Phe-119 and Leu-32. This may have important implications concerning the mechanism of substrate binding and substrate specificity.  相似文献   

An X-ray crystallographic study at 4.5 Å resolution has been carried out with triclinic crystals of chicken mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase.In the electron density map, the enzyme is clearly visible as an isologous α2-dimer (105 Å × 60 Å × 50 Å) in which the subunits are associated about a molecular 2-fold axis. Each subunit of dimensions 70 Å × 50 Å × 40 Å contains at least seven helices, one of which is about 50 Å long.Difference maps have revealed the positions of the pyridoxyl and the phosphate moieties of the coenzyme as well as the general substrate binding area. The active sites are on opposite sides of the dimer, about 30 Å apart and close to the intersubunit boundary, so that probably both subunits contribute to each active site. An isolated chain segment, passing in front of the active site and ending in contact with the neighbouring subunit is interpreted as one of the chain termini.  相似文献   

The complete three-dimensional structure of the bean seed storage protein phaseolin was generated from -carbon coordinates by using molecular mechanic calculations. This structure was used as a template to simulate modifications aimed at increasing the methionine content of phaseolin. A hydrophilic, methionine-rich looping insert sequence was designed. Simulated mutagenesis shows that the insert might be accommodated in turn and loop regions of the protein, but not within an -helix. Methionine content was also increased by the replacement of hydrophobic amino acids with methionine in the central core -barrels of the phaseolin protein. Calculations indicated that methionine can effectively replace conserved or variant leucine, isolecuine, and valine residues. However, alanine residues were much more sensitive to substitution, and demonstrated high variability in the effects of methionine replacement. Introduction of multiple substitutions in the barrel interior demonstrated that the replaced residues could interact favorably to relieve local perturbations caused by individual substitutions. Molecular dynamics simulations were also utilized to study the structural organization of phaseolin. The calculations indicate that there are extensive packing interactions between the major domains of phaseolin, which have important implications for protein folding and stability. Since the proposed mutant proteins can be produced and studied, the results presented here provide an ideal test to determine if there is a correlation between the effects obtained by computer simulation and the effects of the mutations on the protein structure expressedin vivo.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of endothiapepsin (EC, the aspartic proteinase from Endothia parasitica, has been refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.178 at 2.1 A resolution. The positions of 2389 protein non-hydrogen atoms have been determined and the present model contains 333 solvent molecules. The structure is bilobal, consisting of two predominantly beta-sheet domains that are related by an approximate 2-fold axis. Of approximately 170 residues, 65 are topologically equivalent when one lobe is superimposed on the other. Twenty beta-strands are arranged as five beta-sheets and are connected by regions involving 29 turns and four helices. A central sheet involves three antiparallel strands from each lobe organized around the dyad axis. Each lobe contains a further local dyad that passes through two sheets arranged as a sandwich and relates two equivalent motifs of four antiparallel strands (a, b, c, d) followed by a helix or an irregular helical region. Sheets 1N and 1C, each contain two interpenetrating psi structures contributed by strands c,d,d' and c',d',d, which are related by the intralobe dyad. A further sheet, 2N or 2C, is formed from two extended beta-hairpins from strands b,c and b',c' that fold above the sheets 1N and 1C, respectively, and are hydrogen-bonded around the local intralobe dyad. Asp32 and Asp215 are related by the interlobe dyad and form an intricate hydrogen-bonded network with the neighbouring residues and comprise the most symmetrical part of the structure. The side-chains of the active site aspartate residues are held coplanar and the nearby main chain makes a "fireman's grip" hydrogen-bonding network. Residues 74 to 83 from strands a'N and b'N in the N-terminal lobe form a beta-hairpin loop with high thermal parameters. This "flap" projects over the active site cleft and shields the active site from the solvent region. Shells of water molecules are found on the surface of the protein molecule and large solvent channels are observed within the crystal. There are only three regions of intermolecular contacts and the crystal packing is stabilized by many solvent molecules forming a network of hydrogen bonds. The three-dimensional structure of endothiapepsin is found to be similar to two other fungal aspartic proteinases, penicillopepsin and rhizopuspepsin. Even though sequence identities of endothiapepsin with rhizopuspepsin and penicillopepsin are only 41% and 51%, respectively, a superposition of the three-dimensional structures of these three enzymes shows that 237 residues (72%) are within a root-mean-square distance of 1.0 A.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of notexin has been solved by molecular replacement methods. The structure has been refined at 2.0 A resolution to a crystallographic R-value of 16.5% with good stereo-chemistry. The core of the protein is very similar to other phospholipase A2s (PLA2 s) but several parts of the molecule are distinctly different. The most significant differences from PLA2 s from bovine pancreas and rattlesnake occur in the stretches 56-80 and 85-89. Residue 69, which has been shown to be important for phospholipase binding, has a different conformation and different interactions than in other known PLA2s. The C alpha positions for residues 86-88 differ by about 6 A from both the bovine and the rattlesnake enzyme. The crystals contain no Ca2+ ions. Instead, a water molecule occupies the calcium site.  相似文献   

U Ermler  G E Schulz 《Proteins》1991,9(3):174-179
The structure of glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli has been solved at 3 A resolution using multiple isomorphous replacement, solvent flattening, and molecular replacement on the basis of the homologous (53% identical residues) and structurally well-established human enzyme. The structures of both enzyme species agree with each other in a global way; there is no domain rearrangement. In detail, clear structural differences can be observed. The structure analysis of the E. coli enzyme was tackled in order to understand site-directed mutants, the most spectacular of which changed the cofactor specificity of this enzyme from NADP to NAD (Scrutton et al., 1990, Nature 343:38-43).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the olfactory marker protein at 2.3 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Olfactory marker protein (OMP) is a highly expressed and phylogenetically conserved cytoplasmic protein of unknown function found almost exclusively in mature olfactory sensory neurons. Electrophysiological studies of olfactory epithelia in OMP knock-out mice show strongly retarded recovery following odorant stimulation leading to an impaired response to pulsed odor stimulation. Although these studies show that OMP is a modulator of the olfactory signal-transduction cascade, its biochemical role is not established. In order to facilitate further studies on the molecular function of OMP, its crystal structure has been determined at 2.3 A resolution using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction experiments on selenium-labeled protein. OMP is observed to form a modified beta-clamshell structure with eight antiparallel beta-strands. While OMP has no significant sequence homology to proteins of known structure, it has a similar fold to a domain found in a variety of existing structures, including in a large family of viral capsid proteins. The surface of OMP is mostly convex and lacking obvious small molecule binding sites, suggesting that it is more likely to be involved in modulating protein-protein interaction than in interacting with small molecule ligands. Three highly conserved regions have been identified as leading candidates for protein-protein interaction sites in OMP. One of these sites represents a loop known to mediate ligand interactions in the structurally homologous EphB2 receptor ligand-binding domain. This site is partially buried in the crystal structure but fully exposed in the NMR solution structure of OMP due to a change in the orientation of an alpha-helix that projects outward from the structurally invariant beta-clamshell core. Gating of this conformational change by molecular interactions in the signal-transduction cascade could be used to control access to OMP's equivalent of the EphB2 ligand-interaction loop, thereby allowing OMP to function as a molecular switch.  相似文献   

The major seed storage proteins of maize (Zea mays) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), zein and phaseolin, accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and in storage vacuoles, respectively. We show here that a chimeric protein composed of phaseolin and 89 amino acids of gamma-zein, including the repeated and the Pro-rich domains, maintains the main characteristics of wild-type gamma-zein: It is insoluble unless its disulfide bonds are reduced and forms ER-located protein bodies. Unlike wild-type phaseolin, the protein, which we called zeolin, accumulates to very high amounts in leaves of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). A relevant proportion of the ER chaperone BiP is associated with zeolin protein bodies in an ATP-sensitive fashion. Pulse-chase labeling confirms the high affinity of BiP to insoluble zeolin but indicates that, unlike structurally defective proteins that also extensively interact with BiP, zeolin is highly stable. We conclude that the gamma-zein portion is sufficient to induce the formation of protein bodies also when fused to another protein. Because the storage proteins of cereals and legumes nutritionally complement each other, zeolin can be used as a starting point to produce nutritionally balanced and highly stable chimeric storage proteins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metallochaperone proteins function in the trafficking and delivery of essential, yet potentially toxic, metal ions to distinct locations and particular proteins in eukaryotic cells. The Atx1 protein shuttles copper to the transport ATPase Ccc2 in yeast cells. Molecular mechanisms for copper delivery by Atx1 and similar human chaperones have been proposed, but detailed structural characterization is necessary to elucidate how Atx1 binds metal ions and how it might interact with Ccc2 to facilitate metal ion transfer. RESULTS: The 1.02 A resolution X-ray structure of the Hg(II) form of Atx1 (HgAtx1) reveals the overall secondary structure, the location of the metal-binding site, the detailed coordination geometry for Hg(II), and specific amino acid residues that may be important in interactions with Ccc2. Metal ion transfer experiments establish that HgAtx1 is a functional model for the Cu(I) form of Atx1 (CuAtx1). The metal-binding loop is flexible, changing conformation to form a disulfide bond in the oxidized apo form, the structure of which has been solved to 1.20 A resolution. CONCLUSIONS: The Atx1 structure represents the first structure of a metallochaperone protein, and is one of the largest unknown structures solved by direct methods. The structural features of the metal-binding site support the proposed Atx1 mechanism in which facile metal ion transfer occurs between metal-binding sites of the diffusible copper-donor and membrane-tethered copper-acceptor proteins. The Atx1 structural motif represents a prototypical metal ion trafficking unit that is likely to be employed in a variety of organisms for different metal ions.  相似文献   

Summary Solution hybridization kinetics and genomic nitrocellulose blot hybridization analyses show that the Phaseolus vulgaris L. (French bean) storage proteins (phaseolins) are encoded as a small, homologous, multigene family consisting of approximately seven members. Restriction endonuclease site mapping (EcoRI, BamHI, and BglII) of DNA regions flanking the phaseolin genes has shown that the gene family can be divided into at least three characteristic fragment size classes. Clones representative of two of these phaseolin gene classes have been isolated from a 1059 phage library.  相似文献   

S100A3 is a unique member of the EF-hand superfamily of Ca(2+)-binding proteins. It binds Ca(2+) with poor affinity (K(d) = 4-35 mm) but Zn(2+) with exceptionally high affinity (K(d) = 4 nm). This high affinity for Zn(2+) is attributed to the unusual high Cys content of S100A3. The protein is highly expressed in fast proliferating hair root cells and astrocytoma pointing toward a function in cell cycle control. We determined the crystal structure of the protein at 1.7 A. The high resolution structure revealed a large distortion of the C-terminal canonical EF-hand, which most likely abolishes Ca(2+) binding. The crystal structure of S100A3 allows the prediction of one putative Zn(2+) binding site in the C terminus of each subunit of S100A3 involving Cys and His residues in the coordination of the metal ion. Zn(2+) binding induces a large conformational change in S100A3 perturbing the hydrophobic interface between two S100A3 subunits, as shown by size exclusion chromatography and CD spectroscopy.  相似文献   

X-ray crystal structure of canine myeloperoxidase at 3 A resolution.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The three-dimensional structure of the enzyme myeloperoxidase has been determined by X-ray crystallography to 3 A resolution. Two heavy atom derivatives were used to phase an initial multiple isomorphous replacement map that was subsequently improved by solvent flattening and non-crystallographic symmetry averaging. Crystallographic refinement gave a final model with an R-factor of 0.257. The root-mean-square deviations from ideality for bond lengths and angles were 0.011 A and 3.8 degrees. Two, apparently identical, halves of the molecule are related by local dyad and covalently linked by a single disulfide bridge. Each half-molecule consists of two polypeptide chains of 108 and 466 amino acid residues, a heme prosthetic group, a bound calcium ion and at least three sites of asparagine-linked glycosylation. There are six additional intra-chain disulfide bonds, five in the large polypeptide and one in the small. A central core region that includes the heme binding site is composed of five alpha-helices. Regions of the larger polypeptide surrounding this core are organized into locally folded domains in which the secondary structure is predominantly alpha-helical with very little organized beta-sheet. A proximal ligand to the heme iron atom has been identified as histidine 336, which is in turn hydrogen-bonded to asparagine 421. On the distal side of the heme, histidine 95 and arginine 239 are likely to participate directly in the catalytic mechanism, in a manner analogous to the distal histidine and arginine of the non-homologous enzyme cytochrome c peroxidase. The site of the covalent linkage to the heme has been tentatively identified as glutamate 242, although the chemical nature of the link remains uncertain. The calcium binding site has been located in a loop comprising residues 168 to 174 together with aspartate 96. Myeloperoxidase is a member of a family of homologous mammalian peroxidases that includes thyroid peroxidase, eosinophil peroxidase and lactoperoxidase. The heme environment, defined by our model for myeloperoxidase, appears to be highly conserved in these four mammalian peroxidases. Furthermore, the conservation of all 12 cysteine residues involved in the six intra-chain disulfide bonds and the calcium binding loop suggests that the three-dimensional structures of members of this gene family are likely to be quite similar.  相似文献   

Molecular weights and sedimentation coefficients have been measured for different oligomeric forms of phaseolin, the major storage protein in seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The results indicate that phaseolin is a trimer (Mr = 150000) at neutral pH which aggregates further to a dodecamer form (Mr = 596000) at pH 4.5. The subunit size is in good agreement with the recently determined sequence molecular weight, if allowance is made for bound oligosaccharide and phytic acid moieties. The trimeric nature at neutral pH has been confirmed by chemical crosslinking studies using dimethylsuberimidate and dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate). Analyses of optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism data have been used to examine the corformation of phaseolin. In common with other seed globulins, a low proportion of α-helix (~ 10%) coupled with a high level of β-sheet (~50%) is predicted. These data are compared with a structural analysis based on the amino acid sequence of a phaseolin subunit polypeptide. The predicted level of α-helix is increased (~20%) when phaseolin is heated in sodium dodecyl sulphate, but not when the detergent is added at room temperature.  相似文献   

The formation of two-dimensional crystals of the membrane-bound enzyme microsomal glutathione transferase is sensitive to fractional changes in the lipid-to-protein ratio. Variation of this parameter results in crystal polymorphism. The projection structure of a p6 crystal form of the enzyme has been determined by the use of electron crystallography. The unit cell at 3 A resolution is comprised of two trimers. The hexagonal p6 and the orthorhombic p21212 crystal types have common elements in the packing arrangement which imply dominant crystal contacts. An overall structural similarity between the protein molecules in the two crystal forms is suggested by the projection maps. Furthermore, a comparison of the p6 and p21212 projection maps identifies additional corresponding protein densities which could not be assigned to the microsomal glutathione transferase trimer previously. Surprisingly, an ambiguity of the rotational orientation was found for trimers interspersed at certain positions within the crystal lattice.  相似文献   

We report the 1.6 Angstrom resolution crystal structure of SH3BGRL3, a member of a new mammalian protein family of unknown function. The observed "thioredoxin fold" of SH3BGRL3 matches the tertiary structure of glutaredoxins, even in the N-terminal region where the sequence similarity between the two protein families is negligible. In particular, SH3BGRL3 displays structural modifications at the N-terminal Cys-x-x-Cys loop, responsible for glutathione binding and catalysis in glutaredoxins. The loop hosts a six residue insertion, yielding an extra N-terminal-capped helical turn, first observed here for the thioredoxin fold. This, together with deletion of both Cys residues, results in a substantial reshaping of the neighboring cleft, where glutathione is hosted in glutaredoxins. While not active in redox reaction and glutathione binding, SH3BGRL3 may act as an endogenous modulator of glutaredoxin activities by competing, with its fully conserved thioredoxin fold, for binding to yet unknown target proteins.  相似文献   

A new methionine-rich seed storage protein from maize.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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