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Ultrastructural and histochemical studies indicate a neurosecretory system exists in the lancelet brain with basal properties resembling a primitive hypothalamic system. A nucleus of secreting neurons, containing peptide granules (115 nm), is prominent in the dorsal walls of the brain. The axons establish contacts with the ventral brain surface, probably releasing their secretory product out of the brain. The neurons are innervated by dopaminergic "boutons en passant" often very active with a high number of electron translucent vesicles as well as dense-core vesicles (90 nm). Ventrally located cellbodies containing what are probably secretory peptide granules (110 nm) establish contacts with their basal processes on the ventral brain surface.  相似文献   

Abstract Adults of the European lancelet were collected at Banyuls-sur-Mer (Mediterranean France) in mid-spring, shortly before the onset of the breeding season. The dorsal and ventral fin rays were studied by light microscopic histochemistry and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Each fin ray is a mass of extracellular material that accumulates beneath the mesothelium of a fin box coelom. The fin ray material is rich in lipids, proteins, and neutral mucopolysaccharides. TEM reveals no lipid droplets in this material, which consists entirely of a packed mass of 15–20 nm granules of medium electron density. It is likely that these granules consist of glycoproteins or glycolipoproteins. Our results are consistent with the proposal of Azariah (1965, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India 7: 459–661) that lancelet fin rays are nutritional reserves supporting gametogenesis during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Low rates of evolution in cnidarian mitochondrial genes such as COI and 16S rDNA have hindered molecular systematic studies in this important invertebrate group. We sequenced fragments of 3 mitochondrial protein-coding genes (NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND2, ND3 and ND6) as well as the COI-COII intergenic spacer, the longest noncoding region found in the octocoral mitochondrial genome, to determine if any of these regions contain levels of variation sufficient for reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among genera of the anthozoan subclass Octocorallia. Within and between the soft coral families Alcyoniidae and Xeniidae, sequence divergence in the genes ND2 (539 bp), ND3 (102 bp), and ND6 (444 bp) ranged from 0.5% to 12%, with the greatest pairwise distances between the 2 families. The COI-COII intergenic spacer varied in length from 106 to 122 bp, and pairwise sequence divergence values ranged from 0% to 20.4%. Phylogenetic trees constructed using each region separately were poorly resolved. Better phylogenetic resolution was obtained in a combined analysis using all 3 protein-coding regions (1085 bp total). Although relationships among some pairs of species and genera were well supported in the combined analysis, the base of the alcyoniid family tree remained an unresolved polytomy. We conclude that variation in the NADH subunit coding regions is adequate to resolve phylogenetic relationships among families and some genera of Octocorallia, but insufficient for most species - or population-level studies. Although the COI-COII intergenic spacer exhibits greater variability than the protein-coding regions and may contain useful species-specific markers, its short length limits its phylogenetic utility.  相似文献   

不同卵裂球发育命运的特化、亦即胚胎细胞的分化是动物胚胎发育的重要特征。多数胚胎细胞尽管形态特征完全一致,却具有完全不同的发育命运。预示着:在这些细胞中存在有决定发育命运的因素———决定子。本工作克隆了青岛文昌鱼LIM类同源框基因的同源框片段。目的在于揭示决定子的分子本质。青岛近海采集性成熟的成年青岛文昌鱼,收集未受精卵、受精卵以及各个不同时期的胚胎,液氮冻存备用。分别制备总RNA。根据其它动物LIM类同源框基因的序列设计引物(Tab.1),连续进行RTPCR和PCR两次扩增。其中,原肠胚来源的第二次PCR产物经电泳鉴定(Fig.1)后,酶切、克隆入质粒、测序、将该片段所在的基因命名为Bblim基因,该片段称为Bblim同源框。根据Bblim基因同源框的核苷酸序列推导出其相应的氨基酸序列(Fig.2),与其它LIM类同源框基因进行比较(Fig.3)后,认为:Bblim基因可归入lim3类基因。比较胚胎发育各个不同时期第二次PCR产物的含量———即Bblim基因的转录(Fig.4),提示:该基因可能在受·精·后·和·原·肠·形·成·期·前·后·两个发育阶段起作用。此外,Bblim基因的同源域与海鞘Hrlim的  相似文献   

A Method for Isolation of Chloroplast DNA and Mitochondrial DNA from Sunflower   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
We present a method for isolation of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA from sunflower seedlings. The protocol includes: organelle isolation, deoxyribonuclease treatment, lysis, deproteinisation and a final DNA purification with sodium dodecyl sulphate and potassium acetate. The organelle DNA yield is 5–10 micrograms per gram of tissue and the DNA is fully restrictable. The technique is inexpensive and appropriate for the isolation of multiple samples of organelle DNA from a small amount of tissue.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA diversity was analysed in 19 Iberian and six foreign sheep breeds. Three mtDNA lineages (B, A and C) were found in the Iberian sheep, with type B clearly predominating over the others. The results were analysed for each of the morphologically determined breed groups in Iberian sheep: Merino, Entrefino, Churro and Iberian trunks. MtDNA lineage C was found only in the Iberian trunk composed of Montesina and Ojalada. These two populations had high mtDNA variability, and in the Iberian sheep only Merino Branco had more variation. The other three Merino types studied showed moderate variability, including the most authentic Merino, the Spanish Merino. These three Merinos clustered closely in a multidimensional scaling representation of distances, while the fourth breed (Merino Branco) showed a clear separation. As for the other two trunks, breeds from the Churro group showed greater maternal uniformity while results for populations included in the so-called Entrefino trunk seemed to have a more heterogeneous maternal origin. The results obtained are discussed with available data from nuclear markers and with morphological classifications, and all this information is analysed in relation to the origin of the different Iberian sheep breeds.  相似文献   

The sequence of mitochondrial A6 (MURF4) was compared for several trypanosomatids in order to assess the reduction of the edited domain (ED). The association between the ED reduction and the phylogenetic position of a species proved to be less tight than believed earlier. Compared with digenetic species, monogenetic ones more often displayed ED reduction and had smaller ED.  相似文献   

In the late stages of the global dispersal of dogs, dingoes appear in the Australian archaeological record 3500 years BP, and dogs were one of three domesticates brought with the colonization of Polynesia, but the introduction routes to this region remain unknown. This also relates to questions about human history, such as to what extent the Polynesian culture was introduced with the Austronesian expansion from Taiwan or adopted en route, and whether pre-Neolithic Australia was culturally influenced by the surrounding Neolithic world. We investigate these questions by mapping the distribution of the mtDNA founder haplotypes for dingoes (A29) and ancient Polynesian dogs (Arc1 and Arc2) in samples across Southern East Asia (n = 424) and Island Southeast Asia (n = 219). All three haplotypes were found in South China, Mainland Southeast Asia and Indonesia but absent in Taiwan and the Philippines, and the mtDNA diversity among dingoes indicates an introduction to Australia 4600-18 300 years BP. These results suggest that Australian dingoes and Polynesian dogs originate from dogs introduced to Indonesia via Mainland Southeast Asia before the Neolithic, and not from Taiwan together with the Austronesian expansion. This underscores the complex origins of Polynesian culture and the isolation from Neolithic influence of the pre-Neolithic Australian culture.  相似文献   

从母系遗传的角度揭示世居贵州的侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群的的遗传结构和遗传分化关系,并对各民族的族源和迁徙进行初步的探讨。采用高变区序列分析与编码区PCR-RFLP分析相结合的方法对4个群体108例样本进行mtDNA多态性分析,共鉴定了37种(亚)单倍群,单倍群分布频率及主成分分析显示:侗族含有高比例的南方优势单倍群,表现出典型的南方群体特征;彝族兼有高比例的南北方优势单倍群,提示它同时具有南北方群体的一些母系遗传特征;彝族和仡佬族聚在一起,可能是由于历史上两个民族的先民曾发生过广泛的基因交流。  相似文献   

Analysis of mtDNA markers in a population of the Nogays (n = 206), the people inhabiting the North Caucasus and speaking a Turkic language of the Altaic linguistic family, has revealed a high level of genetic diversity (H = 0.99). The identified haplotypes include all major West Eurasian haplogroups, with the prevalence of H and U clusters (22 and 21%, respectively), but the percentage of lineages specific for East Eurasian populations is the highest (40%). Some other mtDNA variants in the Nogay population belong to the M1 haplogroups typical of northeastern Africa and U2 characteristic of Indian populations. Thus, components of different origin have contributed to the gene pool of Nogays. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA variation in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, Diptera: Tephritidae) was studied in three natural populations from southern, central and eastern Spain by means of restriction fragment length polymorphisms using 22 restriction endonucleases. Nine different haplotypes were found based upon the restriction patterns of the seven polymorphic endonucleases, providing a measure of discrimination between populations (NST = 0.2462, FST = 0.154). The observed distribution of haplotypes, corroborated by a parsimonious unrooted tree, suggests an ancient origin for haplotype VII, and a first step in the colonization of the Iberian Peninsula and subsequently the northern and eastern Mediterranean basin, through the Straits of Gibraltar. No relationship can be established between the colonization process for Europe and America.  相似文献   

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum points to a common origin of some genotypes from agricultural populations, especially when compared with two wild populations that are sharply distinguished from the agricultural sample and from each other. Five agricultural population samples from canola (Alberta, Canada and Norway), cabbage (North Carolina, USA), sunflower (Manitoba, Canada and Queensland, Australia) and two Norwegian populations from a wild plant, Ranunculus ficaria were compared. Haplotypes were determined by Southern hybridization of purified organelle DNA from S. sclerotiorum and Neurospora crassa to total genomic DNA of S. sclerotiorum. Each isolate had one haplotype. Haplotypes of S. sclerotiorum from R. ficaria were different between the two wild populations and also from all haplotypes observed in the agricultural populations. Among the wild isolates, DNA fingerprint, mtDNA haplotype and location in the sampling transect were all associated. Among the agricultural isolates, four haplotypes were observed in at least two agricultural populations and one haplotype was observed in all agricultural populations. In the Canadian canola sample some clones had one mtDNA haplotype, indicating association with DNA fingerprint, some clones had more than one haplotype, and some groups of clones shared haplotypes. Some of the haplotype diversity may be due to the presence of extra-chromosomal elements associated with the mitochondria of S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Mutation rates of the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of salmonid fishes were assessed on the basis of a phylogenetic study of 12 species representing four genera of the family Salmonidae. Analysis of the extent of divergence of the masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou and the Pacific trout Parasalmo suggests a high rate of mtDNA mutation in the masu salmon. However, the nuclear genome in this species has mutated relatively slowly. For the other 5 species of Pacific salmon, no discrepancy was found in the mutation rates of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Values of the absolute time of divergence of taxa, calculated for the two independently inherited parts of the salmonid genome, were approximately within the same range and coincided with those based on evolutionary hypotheses [1, 21].  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Silent‐site nucleotide diversity data (πsilent) can provide insights into the forces driving genome evolution. Here we present πsilent statistics for the mitochondrial and nuclear DNAs of Polytomella parva, a nonphotosynthetic green alga with a highly reduced, linear fragmented mitochondrial genome. We show that this species harbors very little genetic diversity, with the exception of the mitochondrial telomeres, which have an excess of polymorphic sites. These data are compared with previously published πsilent values from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of the model species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri, which are close relatives of P. parva, and are used to understand the modes and tempos of genome evolution within green algae.  相似文献   

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