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封凡  许峰晟  杜飞  杨康鹃 《生命科学》2020,32(5):461-470
2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)是一种复杂的以慢性高血糖为特征的代谢性疾病。近年来,越来越多的研究发现T2DM患者体内的高糖环境可以改变DNA甲基化程度,影响相关基因功能,从而导致糖代谢、脂肪代谢和能量代谢紊乱或炎症反应,进而造成血管病变。T2DM常见的血管并发症有大血管病变引起的心脑血管疾病,以及微血管病变引起的糖尿病肾病、糖尿病视网膜病变、糖尿病周围神经病变等。DNA甲基化标记在T2DM血管并发症的早期诊断与治疗中可能有重要意义,已成为相关领域的研究热点。现主要对近期DNA甲基化在T2DM血管并发症方面的研究及其研究策略加以综述,以期深入了解T2DM血管并发症发生发展的表观遗传机制和可能的防治途径。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化属于表观遗传学之一,研究发现DNA甲基化可导致胰岛素抵抗(insulin resistance,IR),而IR是2型糖尿病发生的始动因素。因此对DNA甲基化的研究可加深对IR的认识,为防治2型糖尿病及其并发症提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是基因表达的表观遗传调控机制之一,在细胞分化和疾病发生过程中发挥着重要的作用。病毒感染可导致DNA甲基化水平变化,从而影响疾病的发生与发展。随着全基因组甲基化测序等生物学新技术的飞速发展,对DNA甲基化也有了更深的认识。现就DNA甲基化和去甲基化的主要影响因素以及病毒感染过程中导致甲基化水平改变的机制做一概述,为从表观遗传角度研究病毒致病机制提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)又称老年痴呆症,是老年人中发病率最高的神经退行性疾病之一,以记忆和认知功能损伤为主要特征。AD与表观遗传学如DNA甲基化联系紧密。通常,基因启动子区域DNA高甲基化会抑制相关基因的表达。目前研究表明,诸多因素通过影响DNA甲基化修饰显著增加AD的患病风险,如环境、年龄及AD相关疾病。AD相关基因的DNA甲基化修饰研究已取得较大的进展,测试外周血中基因DNA甲基化修饰差异可为AD的预测、诊断及治疗开辟新的途径。该文就最近相关的DNA甲基化研究进展进行了系统阐述。  相似文献   

环境因素对DNA甲基化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹家雪  张红平  杜立新 《遗传》2013,35(7):839-846
在哺乳动物中, DNA甲基化是指在DNA 甲基转移酶(DNA-methyl transferase, DNMT)的作用下, 以S-腺苷甲硫氨酸提供甲基供体, 将其甲基转移到脱氧胞嘧啶环第5位碳原子形成甲基化脱氧胞嘧啶的共价修饰。DNA甲基化改变组蛋白和DNA之间的相互作用, 使染色质构象发生改变从而影响基因的表达, 总体来说DNA甲基化水平与基因的表达呈负相关。越来越多的报道证实, 环境因素可以影响表观遗传修饰, 其并没有涉及遗传信息的改变, 所以在一定范围内可以解释表型变化。文章围绕环境因素(温度、营养供给、异常化学因子、早期环境刺激和辐射等)对DNA甲基化产生的影响进行综述, 这些影响包括亲代和子代DNA甲基化的改变及子代行为和表型变化等方面, 以期进一步阐释环境因素与基因互作的关系。  相似文献   

表观遗传指不涉及DNA序列改变的,可随细胞分裂而遗传的基因组修饰作用;DNA甲基化是其中研究最多的基因表达调节机制。异常DNA甲基化可致肿瘤发生,它亦是肿瘤基因诊断和治疗的靶点。文章介绍DNA甲基化基本概念、作用效果及其可能机制;并讨论异常DNA甲基化与肿瘤的关联,包括肿瘤中DNA异常甲基化原因、异常甲基化致瘤机制及基因甲基化研究在肿瘤诊治中的应用等。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是一种重要的表观遗传调控方式,可在转录前水平调节基因的表达.近年来的研究表明,动脉粥样硬化的发生发展与DNA甲基化密切相关. 对DNA甲基化模式改变在动脉粥样硬化发病的相关机制做深入研究,可能为动脉粥样硬化的诊治提供一种新的途径.本文将从基因组低甲基化、相关基因异常甲基化以及动脉粥样硬化危险因素的DNA甲基化等方面重点阐述DNA甲基化与动脉粥样硬化的关系.  相似文献   

糖尿病是受遗传和环境共同调控的一种代谢性疾病,发病率高且难以治愈。表观遗传DNA甲基化与糖尿病进程密切相关,是联通环境因素与基因因素的桥梁,DNA甲基化通过其对基因表达的调节作用影响疾病的发生与发展。肠道微生物菌群是糖尿病研究的新兴热点方向,能够提供甲基供体等有利于甲基化的便利条件。与肠道微生物菌群及其他相关代谢通路有关的DNA甲基化与糖尿病存在着密切的关系,其为解释糖尿病的致病机理及寻找有效干预糖尿病的手段提供了新的研究线索和思路。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是表观遗传学的重要研究内容之一.甲基化分析的方法多且研究难度大,各种方法都有其一定的优势和不足.本文综述了基因组DNA甲基化和特定DNA片段甲基化状态分析方法新进展,为研究者提供参考.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify epigenetic alternations of microRNAs and DNA methylation for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) diagnosis and treatment using in silico approach. Data of mRNA and miRNA expression microarray (GSE103552 and GSE104297) and DNA methylation data set (GSE106099) were obtained from the GEO database. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs), differentially expressed miRNAs (DEMs) and differentially methylated genes (DMGs) were obtained by limma package. Functional and enrichment analyses were performed with the DAVID database. The protein‐protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed by STRING and visualized in Cytoscape. Simultaneously, a connectivity map (CMap) analysis was performed to screen potential therapeutic agents for GDM. In GDM, 184 low miRNA‐targeting up‐regulated genes and 234 high miRNA‐targeting down‐regulated genes as well as 364 hypomethylation–high‐expressed genes and 541 hypermethylation–low‐expressed genes were obtained. They were mainly enriched in terms of axon guidance, purine metabolism, focal adhesion and proteasome, respectively. In addition, 115 genes (67 up‐regulated and 48 down‐regulated) were regulated by both aberrant alternations of miRNAs and DNA methylation. Ten chemicals were identified as putative therapeutic agents for GDM and four hub genes (IGF1R, ATG7, DICER1 and RANBP2) were found in PPI and may be associated with GDM. Overall, this study identified a series of differentially expressed genes that are associated with epigenetic alternations of miRNA and DNA methylation in GDM. Ten chemicals and four hub genes may be further explored as potential drugs and targets for GDM diagnosis and treatment, respectively.  相似文献   

Identification of subjects with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is fundamental for prevention of the disease. Consequently, it is essential to search for new biomarkers that can improve the prediction of T2D. The aim of this study was to examine whether 5 DNA methylation loci in blood DNA (ABCG1, PHOSPHO1, SOCS3, SREBF1, and TXNIP), recently reported to be associated with T2D, might predict future T2D in subjects from the Botnia prospective study. We also tested if these CpG sites exhibit altered DNA methylation in human pancreatic islets, liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle from diabetic vs. non-diabetic subjects. DNA methylation at the ABCG1 locus cg06500161 in blood DNA was associated with an increased risk for future T2D (OR = 1.09, 95% CI = 1.02–1.16, P-value = 0.007, Q-value = 0.018), while DNA methylation at the PHOSPHO1 locus cg02650017 in blood DNA was associated with a decreased risk for future T2D (OR = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.75–0.95, P-value = 0.006, Q-value = 0.018) after adjustment for age, gender, fasting glucose, and family relation. Furthermore, the level of DNA methylation at the ABCG1 locus cg06500161 in blood DNA correlated positively with BMI, HbA1c, fasting insulin, and triglyceride levels, and was increased in adipose tissue and blood from the diabetic twin among monozygotic twin pairs discordant for T2D. DNA methylation at the PHOSPHO1 locus cg02650017 in blood correlated positively with HDL levels, and was decreased in skeletal muscle from diabetic vs. non-diabetic monozygotic twins. DNA methylation of cg18181703 (SOCS3), cg11024682 (SREBF1), and cg19693031 (TXNIP) was not associated with future T2D risk in subjects from the Botnia prospective study.  相似文献   

Introduction: The onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is strongly associated with obesity and subsequent perturbations in immuno-metabolic responses. To understand the complexity of these systemic changes and better monitor the health status of people at risk, validated clinical biomarkers are needed. Omics technologies are increasingly applied to measure the interplay of genes, proteins and metabolites in biological systems, which is imperative in understanding molecular mechanisms of disease and selecting the best possible molecular biomarkers for clinical use.

Areas covered: This review describes the complex onset of T2DM, the contribution of obesity and adipose tissue inflammation to the T2DM disease mechanism, and the output of current biomarker strategies. A new biomarker approach is described that combines published and new self-generated data to merge multiple -omes (i.e. genome, proteome, metabolome etc.) toward understanding of mechanism of disease on the individual level and design multiparameter biomarker panels that drive significant impacts on personalized healthcare.

Expert commentary: We here propose an approach to use cross-omics analyses to contextualize published biomarker data and better understand molecular mechanisms of health and disease. This will improve the current and future innovation gaps in translation of discovered putative biomarkers to clinically applicable biomarker tests.  相似文献   

Epigenetics is involved in the altered expression of gene networks that underlie insulin resistance and insufficiency. Major genes controlling β-cell differentiation and function, such as PAX4, PDX1, and GLP1 receptor, are epigenetically controlled. Epigenetics can cause insulin resistance through immunomediated pro-inflammatory actions related to several factors, such as NF-kB, osteopontin, and Toll-like receptors. Hereafter, we provide a critical and comprehensive summary on this topic with a particular emphasis on translational and clinical aspects. We discuss the effect of epigenetics on β-cell regeneration for cell replacement therapy, the emerging bioinformatics approaches for analyzing the epigenetic contribution to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the epigenetic core of the transgenerational inheritance hypothesis in T2DM, and the epigenetic clinical trials on T2DM. Therefore, prevention or reversion of the epigenetic changes occurring during T2DM development may reduce the individual and societal burden of the disease.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with a high production of reactive oxygen species, which may cause oxidative DNA damage. High levels of genomic damage have been associated with renal failure and hemodialysis. However, no information is available in the literature concerning the levels of DNA damage in T2DM individuals who are dependent on hemodialysis. This study used the comet assay to assess the levels of DNA damage before, immediately after and 48 h after the hemodialysis session in 25 patients with T2DM and in a group of 20 healthy individuals, selected according to mean age, sex and smoking habit. Our results showed increased levels of DNA damage in hemodialysis-dependent T2DM individuals (12.36 ± 8.04) when compared with healthy individuals (7.35 ± 7.41) (p = 0.014). Damage levels increased immediately after the hemodialysis session (19.76 ± 12.40) (p = 0.04), which suggests a possible action of pro-oxidative factors related to the therapy, with a genotoxic effect on cells. Results obtained 48 h after hemodialysis (6.44 ± 5.99) evidenced damage removal (p = 0.001), which may be suggestive of DNA repair.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: Recently, several studies have reported that DNA methylation changes in tissue are reflected in blood, sparking interest in the potential use of global DNA methylation as a biomarker for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). This study investigated whether global DNA methylation is associated with GDM in South African women.

Methods: Global DNA methylation was quantified in peripheral blood cells of women with (n?=?63) or without (n?=?138) GDM using the MDQ1 Imprint® DNA Quantification Kit.

Results: Global DNA methylation levels were not different between women with or without GDM and were not associated with fasting glucose or insulin concentrations. However, levels were 18% (p?=?0.012) higher in obese compared to non-obese pregnant women and inversely correlated with serum adiponectin concentrations (p?=?0.005).

Discussion: Contrary to our hypothesis, global DNA methylation was not associated with GDM in our population. These preliminary findings suggest that despite being a robust marker of overall genomic methylation that offers opportunities as a biomarker, global DNA methylation profiling may not offer the resolution required to detect methylation differences in the peripheral blood cells of women with GDM. Moreover, global DNA methylation in peripheral blood cells may not reflect changes in placental tissue. Further studies in a larger sample are required to explore the candidacy of a more targeted approach using gene-specific methylation as a biomarker for GDM in our population.  相似文献   

目的:观察葛根素对2型糖尿病(T2DM)大鼠的治疗作用。方法:采用高糖高脂饲料喂养加一次性腹腔注射60 mg/kg链脲佐菌素的方法建立T2DM 大鼠模型,随机分为正常组,模型组,二甲双胍(40 mg/kg)组,葛根素低、中、高剂量(40,80,160 mg/kg)组,每组10只大鼠;造模成功后,灌胃给药4周,每周测量大鼠体重和空腹血糖(FBG),末次给药24 h后取血,收集血清,检测各组大鼠的血糖、血清甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC) 、低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDL-C)水平、高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(HDL-C),血清天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)活性,血清尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(SCr)、尿酸(UA)水平。结果:干预4周后,与正常组比较,模型组大鼠体重显著降低(P<0.01),FBG,TC,TG,LDL-C,ALT,AST,BUN,SCr,UA均显著升高(P<0.01),而HDL-C 显著降低(P<0.01);与模型组比较,二甲双胍组和葛根素各剂量组大鼠体重均显著增加(P<0.01),FBG,TC,TG,LDL-C,ALT,AST,BUN,SCr,UA均显著降低(P<0.01),而HDL-C显著升高(P<0.01)。结论:葛根素能够减少T2DM大鼠体重降低幅度,降低血脂、血糖水平,可用于T2DM的治疗。  相似文献   

Pu LM  Nan N  Yang Z  Jin ZN 《遗传》2012,34(3):315-325
为了探讨北京汉族人群小泛素样修饰蛋白4(Small ubiquitin-like modifier 4,SUMO4)基因多态性与2型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)的关系,文章采用病例对照设计,选取404例T2DM患者(T2DM组)以及年龄、性别匹配的500例健康对照者(Control组)作为研究对象,应用聚合酶链反应-高分辨熔解曲线(PCR-HRM)技术结合测序验证法,检测SUMO4基因3个单核苷酸多态性位点(rs237025、rs237024及rs600739)的基因型与等位基因分布情况,比较T2DM组糖化血红蛋白(Hemoglobin A1c,HbA1c)在各基因型间的分布,并进行单倍型分析。结果显示:①rs237025的G等位基因在T2DM组出现的频率更高(0.334 vs.0.282,P=0.017);GA基因型携带者患T2DM的风险是AA基因型携带者的1.563倍(P=0.001;OR,1.563;95%CI,1.189-2.053);在显性模型(GG+GA vs.AA)分析中,G等位基因携带者(GG+GA)患T2DM的风险是AA基因型携带者的1.525倍(P=0.002;OR,1.525;95%CI,1.169-1.989)。而rs237024和rs600739多态性未发现与T2DM的易感性相关(P>0.05)。②在T2DM组,rs237025的G等位基因携带者、rs237024的TT基因型携带者及rs600739的GG基因携带者具有较高的HbA1c水平,但各基因型携带者之间HbA1c水平并无统计学差异(P>0.05)。③单倍型AAC、AGC及GGT与T2DM的易感性正相关(OR>1);而单倍型AAT、GAC与T2DM的易感性负相关(OR<1)。据此得出结论:rs237025多态性与北京汉族人群T2DM的易感性相关,rs237024和rs600739多态性可能与T2DM的易感性不相关。  相似文献   

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