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In this paper, we deal with the problem of sequencing parts and robot moves in a robotic cell where the robot is used to feed machines in the cell. The robotic cell, which produces a set of parts of the same or different types, is a flow-line manufacturing system. Our objective is to maximize the long-run average throughput of the system subject to the constraint that the parts are to be produced in proportion of their demand. The cycle time formulas are developed and analyzed for this purpose for cells producing a single part type using two or three machines. A state space approach is used to address the problem. Both necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for various cycles to be optimal. Finally, in the case of many part types, the problem of scheduling parts for a specific sequence of robot moves in a two machine cell is formulated as a solvable case of the traveling salesman problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the efficiency of a given robot movement schedule for the case of a flow shop robotic production cell withm different machines, one input conveyor, and one output conveyor. We begin with the case of one-robot cells and extend our results to multirobot cells. The paper studies the efficiency of a movement schedule for identical parts by defining a movement network associated with this schedule. This network models any cell layout and applies to multirobot cells. Using the movement network, we propose two cycle time evaluation methods, the first using linear programming and the second based on finding a longest path. The latter method generates a procedure to obtain an analytical formula for the cycle time. We extend the proposed methods to study the efficiency of a given input sequence (schedule) for different parts, that is, to determine the sequence processing time. The results obtained here allow us to quickly evaluate the efficiency of any given feasible movement schedule, for identical or different parts.  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of scheduling a large set of parts on an FMS so as to minimize the total completion time. Here, the FMS consists of a set of parallel identical machines. Setup time is incurred whenever a machine switches from one type of part to another. The setup time may be large or small depending on whether or not the two part types belong to the same family. This article describes a fast heuristic for this scheduling problem and derives a lower bound on the optimal solution. In computational tests using random data and data from an IBM card test line, the heuristic archieves nearly optimal schedules.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical programming model to help select equipment for a flexible manufacturing system, i.e., the selection of the types and numbers of CNC machines, washing stations, load/unload stations, transportation vehicles, and pallets. The objective is to minimize equipment costs and work-in-process inventory cost, while fulfilling production requirements for an average period. Queueing aspects and part flow interactions are considered with the help of a Jacksonian-type closed queueing network model in order to evaluate the system's performance. Since the related decision problem of our model can be shown to be NP-complete, the proposed solution procedure is based on implicit enumeration. Four bounds are provided, two lower and two upper bounds. A tight lower bound is obtained by linearizing the model through the application of asymptotic bound analysis. Furthermore, asymptotic bound analysis allows the calculation of a lower bound for the number of pallets in the system. The first upper bound is given by the best feasible solution and the second is based on the anti-starshaped form of the throughput function.  相似文献   

The strategic control level synthesis for robots is related to a hierarchical robot control problem. The main control problem at the strategic control level is to select the model and algorithm to be used by the lower control level to execute the given robot task. Usually there are several lower control level models and algorithms that can be used by the robot control system for every robot task. Strategic control level synthesis depends on the particular robot system application. In a typical application, when the robot system is used in a flexible manufacturing system for manipulating various part types, the robot tasks executed by the robot system depend on the manufacturing processes in the system. If the robot system is applied in another flexible manufacturing system, dedicated to other manufacturing processes, another set of robot tasks might be needed to perform the necessary operations. Therefore, the quantity and the kind of knowledge required in the system for the strategic control level differ from one application to another. Such a fact creates the appropriate conditions for employing some artificial intelligence techniques. This article describes a knowledge-based system approach to the strategic control level synthesis problem.  相似文献   

In this study, we address a job sequencing and tool switching problem arising in flexible manufacturing systems. We consider the single machine problem of minimizing total flow time. We prove that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and show that the tool switching problem is polynomially solvable for a given sequence. We propose a branch-and-bound algorithm whose efficiency is improved by precedence relations and several lower and upper bounding techniques. Our computational results reveal that the branch and bound approach produces optimal solutions in reasonable times for moderate sized problems. Our upper bounds produce very satisfactory solutions; therefore they can be an attractive alternative to solve larger sized problems.  相似文献   

Usually, most of the typical job shop scheduling approaches deal with the processing sequence of parts in a fixed routing condition. In this paper, we suggest a genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the job-sequencing problem for a production shop that is characterized by flexible routing and flexible machines. This means that all parts, of all part types, can be processed through alternative routings. Also, there can be several machines for each machine type. To solve these general scheduling problems, a genetic algorithm approach is proposed and the concepts of virtual and real operations are introduced. Chromosome coding and genetic operators of GAs are defined during the problem solving. A minimum weighted tardiness objective function is used to define code fitness, which is used for selecting species and producing a new generation of codes. Finally, several experimental results are given.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel class of tree comparison problems strongly motivated by an important and cost intensive step in drug discovery pipeline viz., mapping cell bound receptors to the ligands they bind to and vice versa. Tree comparison studies motivated by problems such as virus-host tree comparison, gene-species tree comparison and consensus tree problem have been reported. None of these studies are applicable in our context because in all these problems, there is a well-defined mapping of the nodes the trees are built on across the set of trees being compared. A new class of tree comparison problems arises in cases where finding the correspondence among the nodes of the trees being compared is itself the problem. The problem arises while trying to find the interclass correspondence between the members of a pair of coevolving classes, e.g., cell bound receptors and their ligands. Given the evolution of the two classes, the combinatorial problem is to find a mapping among the leaves of the two trees that optimizes a given cost function. In this work we formulate various combinatorial optimization problems motivated by the aforementioned biological problem for the first time. We present hardness results, give an efficient algorithm for a restriction of the problem and demonstrate its applicability.  相似文献   

This assembly system design problem (ASDP) is to prescribe the minimum-cost assignment of machines, tooling, and tasks to stations, observing task precedence relationships and cycle time requirements. The ASDP with tool changes (ASDPTCs) also prescribes the optimal sequence of operations at each station, including tool changes, which are important, for example, in robotic assembly. A unique solution approach decomposes the model into a master problem, which is a minimum-cost network-flow problem that can be solved as a linear program, and subproblems, which are constrained, shortest-path problems that generate station configurations. Subproblems are solved on state-operation networks, which extend earlier formulations to incorporate tooling considerations. This paper presents a specialized algorithm to solve the subproblems. Computational tests benchmark the approach on several classes of problems, and the results are promising. In particular, tests demonstrate the importance of using engineering judgment to manage problem complexity by controlling the size of state-operation networks  相似文献   

Loading problems in flexible manufacturing systems involve assigning operations for selected part types and their associated tools to machines or machine groups. One of the objectives might be to maximize the expected production rate (throughput) of the system. Because of the difficulty in dealing with this objective directly, a commonly used surrogate objective is the closeness of the actual workload allocation to the continuous workload allocation that maximizes throughput. We test several measures of closeness and discuss correlations between these measures and throughput. Using the best measure, we show how to modify an existing branch and bound algorithm which was developed for the case of equal target workloads for all machine groups to accommodate unequal target workloads. We also develop a new branch and bound algorithm which can be used for both types of problems. The efficiency of the algorithm in finding optimal solutions is achieved through the application of better branching rules and improved dominance results. Computational results on randomly generated test problems indicate that the new algorithm performs well.  相似文献   

The problem of determining an optimal phylogenetic tree from a set of data is an example of the Steiner problem in graphs. There is no efficient algorithm for solving this problem with reasonably large data sets. In the present paper an approach is described that proves in some cases that a given tree is optimal without testing all possible trees. The method first uses a previously described heuristic algorithm to find a tree of relatively small total length. The second part of the method independently analyses subsets of sites to determine a lower bound on the length of any tree. We simultaneously attempt to reduce the total length of the tree and increase the lower bound. When these are equal it is not possible to make a shorter tree with a given data set and given criterion. An example is given where the only two possible minimal trees are found for twelve different mammalian cytochrome c sequences. The criterion of finding the smallest number of minimum base changes was used. However, there is no general method of guaranteeing that a solution will be found in all cases and in particular better methods of improving the estimate of the lower bound need to be developed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Methylation of cytosines in DNA plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression, and the analysis of methylation patterns is fundamental for the understanding of cell differentiation, aging processes, diseases and cancer development. Such analysis has been limited, because technologies for detailed and efficient high-throughput studies have not been available. We have developed a novel quantitative methylation analysis algorithm and workflow based on direct DNA sequencing of PCR products from bisulfite-treated DNA with high-throughput sequencing machines. This technology is a prerequisite for success of the Human Epigenome Project, the first large genome-wide sequencing study for DNA methylation in many different tissues. Methylation in tissue samples which are compositions of different cells is a quantitative information represented by cytosine/thymine proportions after bisulfite conversion of unmethylated cytosines to uracil and PCR. Calculation of quantitative methylation information from base proportions represented by different dye signals in four-dye sequencing trace files needs a specific algorithm handling imbalanced and overscaled signals, incomplete conversion, quality problems and basecaller artifacts. RESULTS: The algorithm we developed has several key properties: it analyzes trace files from PCR products of bisulfite-treated DNA sequenced directly on ABI machines; it yields quantitative methylation measurements for individual cytosine positions after alignment with genomic reference sequences, signal normalization and estimation of effectiveness of bisulfite treatment; it works in a fully automated pipeline including data quality monitoring; it is efficient and avoids the usual cost of multiple sequencing runs on subclones to estimate DNA methylation. The power of our new algorithm is demonstrated with data from two test systems based on mixtures with known base compositions and defined methylation. In addition, the applicability is proven by identifying CpGs that are differentially methylated in real tissue samples.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The estimation of parameter values for mathematical models of biological systems is an optimization problem that is particularly challenging due to the nonlinearities involved. One major difficulty is the existence of multiple minima in which standard optimization methods may fall during the search. Deterministic global optimization methods overcome this limitation, ensuring convergence to the global optimum within a desired tolerance. Global optimization techniques are typically classified into stochastic and deterministic. The former typically lead to lower CPU times but offer no guarantee of convergence to the global minimum in a finite number of iterations. In contrast, deterministic methods provide solutions of a given quality (i.e., optimality gap), but tend to lead to large computational burdens. RESULTS: This work presents a deterministic outer approximation-based algorithm for the global optimization of dynamic problems arising in the parameter estimation of models of biological systems. Our approach, which offers a theoretical guarantee of convergence to the global minimum, reformulating the set of ordinary differential equations into an equivalent set of algebraic equations through the use of orthogonal collocation methods, giving rise to a nonconvex nonlinear programming (NLP) problem. This nonconvex NLP is decomposed into two hierarchical levels: a master mixed-integer linear programming problem (MILP) that provides a rigorous lower bound on the optimal solution, and a reduced-space slave NLP that yields an upper bound. The algorithm iterates between these two levels until a termination criterion is satisfied. CONCLUSION: The capabilities of our approach were tested in two benchmark problems, in which the performance of our algorithm was compared with that of the commercial global optimization package BARON. The proposed strategy produced near optimal solutions (i.e., within a desired tolerance) in a fraction of the CPU time required by BARON.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨达芬奇机器人与腹腔镜手术治疗胰腺癌的近期疗效比较及对血清C-反应蛋白(CRP)、降钙素原(PCT)及肿瘤标志物的影响。方法:选择2019年1月至2020年1月在我院接受治疗的61例胰腺癌患者,根据手术方法分为机器人组(n=26)和腹腔镜组(n=35)。腹腔镜组给予腹腔镜手术治疗,机器人组给予达芬奇机器人辅助治疗。比较两组围术期情况、CRP 、PCT、糖类抗原19-9(CA19-9)、糖类抗原125(CA125)、术后恢复情况及并发症发生情况。结果:机器人组禁食时间及排气时间显著低于腹腔镜组,差异显著(P<0.05);治疗前,两组血清CA19-9、CA125水平无明显差异;治疗后,两组血清CA19-9、CA125水平治疗后较治疗前均显著下降差异显著(P<0.05);两组治疗后血清CA19-9、CA125水平比较无显著差异(P>0.05);治疗前,两组CRP、PCT水平无明显差异;治疗后,两组CRP、PCT明显升高,且机器人组低于腹腔镜组差异显著(P<0.05);机器人组和腹腔镜组术后下床活动时间、拔尿管时间、术后住院时间比较无显著差异;机器人组术后重症监护时间显著低于腹腔镜组,差异显著(P<0.05);两组患者治疗期间并发症总发生率分别为4.44%、6.67%,无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:达芬奇机器人辅助能够显著提高胰腺癌手术质量,且对血清CRP 、PCT的影响较小,且对肿瘤标志物的影响与腹腔镜手术较为接近,为患者提供机器人微创治疗是未来临床的必然发展趋势。  相似文献   

 We explore the use of continuous-time analog very-large-scale-integrated (aVLSI) neuromorphic visual preprocessors together with a robotic platform in generating bio-inspired behaviors. Both the aVLSI motion sensors and the robot behaviors described in this work are inspired by the motion computation in the fly visual system and two different fly behaviors. In most robotic systems, the visual information comes from serially scanned imagers. This restricts the form of computation of the visual image and slows down the input rate to the controller system of the robot, hence increasing the reaction time of the robot. These aVLSI neuromorphic sensors reduce the computational load and power consumption of the robot, thus making it possible to explore continuous-time visuomotor control systems that react in real-time to the environment. The motion sensor provides two outputs: one for the preferred direction and the other for the null direction. These motion outputs are created from the aggregation of six elementary motion detectors that implement a variant of Reichardt's correlation algorithm. The four analog continuous-time outputs from the motion chips go to the control system on the robot which generates a mixture of two behaviors – course stabilization and fixation – from the outputs of these sensors. Since there are only four outputs, the amount of information transmitted to the controller is reduced (as compared to using a CCD sensor), and the reaction time of the robot is greatly decreased. In this work, the robot samples the motion sensors every 3.3 ms during the behavioral experiments. Received: 4 October 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 26 April 2001  相似文献   

The paper considers the loading problem in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). This problem involves the assignment to the machine tools of all operations and associated cutting tools required for part types that have been selected to be produced simultaneously. The loading problem is first formulated as a linear mixed 0–1 program with the objective to minimize the greatest workload assigned to each machine. A heuristic procedure is presented in which an assignment of operations to machine tools is obtained by solving a parameterized generalized assignment problem with an objective function that approximates the use of tool slots required by the operations assigned to the machines. The algorithm is coded in FORTRAN and tested on an IBM-compatible personal computer. Computational results are presented for different test problems to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the suggested procedure.  相似文献   

The flexible manufacturing system (FMS) considered in this paper is composed of two CNC machines working in series—a punching machine and a bending machine connected through rollers acting as a buffer system of finite capacity. The main difference between the present problem and the standard two-machine flow shop problem with finite intermediate capacity is precisely the buffer system, which in our problem consists of two stacks of parts supported by rollers: the first stack contains the output of the punching machine, while the second stack contains the input for the bending machine. When the second stack is empty, the first stack may be moved over. Furthermore, the capacity of each stack depends on the particular part type being processed. The FMS can manufacture a wide range of parts of different types. Processing times on the two machines are usually different so that an unbalance results in their total workload. Furthermore, whenever there is a change of the part type in production, the machines must be properly reset—that is, some tools need to be changed or repositioned. A second important difference between the present problem and the usual two-machine flow shop problem is the objective. Given a list ofp part types to be produced in known quantities, the problem considered here is how to sequence or alternate the production of the required part types so as to achieve various hierarchical targets: minimize the makespan (the total time needed to complete production) and, for instance, compress the idle periods of the machine with less workload into a few long enough intervals that could be utilized for maintenance or other reasons. Although Johnson's rule is optimal in some particular cases, the problem addressed in the paper isNP-hard in general: heuristic procedures are therefore provided.  相似文献   

Whole genome sequencing of bacterial isolates has become a daily task in many laboratories, generating incredible amounts of data. However, data acquisition is not an end in itself; the goal is to acquire high‐quality data useful for understanding genetic relationships. Having a method that could rapidly determine which of the many available run metrics are the most important indicators of overall run quality and having a way to monitor these during a given sequencing run would be extremely helpful to this effect. Therefore, we compared various run metrics across 486 MiSeq runs, from five different machines. By performing a statistical analysis using principal components analysis and a K‐means clustering algorithm of the metrics, we were able to validate metric comparisons among instruments, allowing for the development of a predictive algorithm, which permits one to observe whether a given MiSeq run has performed adequately. This algorithm is available in an Excel spreadsheet: that is, MiSeq Instrument & Run (In‐Run) Forecast. Our tool can help verify that the quantity/quality of the generated sequencing data consistently meets or exceeds recommended manufacturer expectations. Patterns of deviation from those expectations can be used to assess potential run problems and plan preventative maintenance, which can save valuable time and funding resources.  相似文献   

In this article we consider the problem of determining the minimum cost configuration (number of machines and pallets) for a flexible manufacturing system with the constraint of meeting a prespecified throughput, while simultaneously allocating the total workload among the machines (or groups of machines). Our procedure allows consideration of upper and lower bounds on the workload at each machine group. These bounds arise as a consequence of precedence constraints among the various operations and/or limitations on the number or combinations of operations that can be assigned to a machine because of constraints on tool slots or the space required to store assembly components. Earlier work on problems of this nature assumes that the workload allocation is given. For the single-machine-type problem we develop an efficient implicit enumeration procedure that uses fathoming rules to eliminate dominated configurations, and we present computational results. We discuss how this procedure can be used as a building block in solving the problem with multiple machine types.  相似文献   

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