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Social bees, like honeybees and bumblebees, have a close contact with nest mates of different developmental stages and generations. This could enhance bacterial transfer between nest mates and offers opportunities for direct transfer of symbionts from one generation to the next, resulting in a stable host specific gut microbiota. Gut symbionts of honeybees and bumblebees have been suggested to contribute in digestion and protection against parasites and pathogens. Here we studied the impact of contact with the bumblebee colony on the colonization potential of the bacterial families (i.e., Neisseriaceae, Orbaceae, Lactobacillaceae and Bifidobacteriaceae) occurring in the gut of adult bumblebees (Bombus terrestris). Bacterial profiles of the gut microbiota of B. terrestris were determined based on the hypervariable V4 region of the 16S rRNA using paired‐end Illumina sequencing. In our experiments, we created different groups in which we gradually reduced the contact with nest mates and hive material. We made 3 observations: (i) reducing the contact between the colony and the bumblebee during adult life resulted in a significant drop in the relative abundance of Lactobacillus bombicola and Lactobacillus bombi; (ii) Bifidobacteriaceae required contact with nest mates to colonize the gut of B. terrestris and a significant lower bacterial diversity was observed in bumblebees that were completely excluded from colony contact during the adult life; (iii) Snodgrassella and Gilliamella were able to colonize the gut of the adult bumblebee without any direct contact with nest mates in the adult life stage. These results indicate the impact of the colony life on the diversity of the characteristic bumblebee gut bacteria.  相似文献   

Bacterial gut symbiont communities are critical for the health of many insect species. However, little is known about how microbial communities vary among host species or how they respond to anthropogenic disturbances. Bacterial communities that differ in richness or composition may vary in their ability to provide nutrients or defenses. We used deep sequencing to investigate gut microbiota of three species in the genus Bombus (bumble bees). Bombus are among the most economically and ecologically important non-managed pollinators. Some species have experienced dramatic declines, probably due to pathogens and land-use change. We examined variation within and across bee species and between semi-natural and conventional agricultural habitats. We categorized as ‘core bacteria'' any operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with closest hits to sequences previously found exclusively or primarily in the guts of honey bees and bumble bees (genera Apis and Bombus). Microbial community composition differed among bee species. Richness, defined as number of bacterial OTUs, was highest for B. bimaculatus and B. impatiens. For B. bimaculatus, this was due to high richness of non-core bacteria. We found little effect of habitat on microbial communities. Richness of non-core bacteria was negatively associated with bacterial abundance in individual bees, possibly due to deeper sampling of non-core bacteria in bees with low populations of core bacteria. Infection by the gut parasite Crithidia was negatively associated with abundance of the core bacterium Gilliamella and positively associated with richness of non-core bacteria. Our results indicate that Bombus species have distinctive gut communities, and community-level variation is associated with pathogen infection.  相似文献   

Bumblebees play an important role in maintaining the balance of natural and agricultural ecosystems,and the characteristic gut microbiota of bumblebees exhibit significant mutualistic functions.China has the highest diversity of bumblebees;however,gut microbiota of Chinese bumblebees have mostly been investigated through cultureindependent studies.Here,we analyzed the gut communities of bumblebees from Sichuan,Yunnan,and Shaanxi provinces in China through 16S ribosomal RNA amplicon sequencing and bacterial isolation.It revealed that the bumblebees examined in this study harbored two gut enterotypes as previously reported:one is dominated by Gilliamella and Snodgrassella,and the other is distinguished by prevalent environmental species.The gut compositions obviously varied among different individual bees.We then isolated 325 bacterial strains and the comparative genomic analysis of Gillianiella strains revealed that galactose and pectin digestion pathways were conserved in strains from bumblebees,while genes for the utilization of arabinose,mannose,xylose,and rhamnose were mostly lost.Only two strains from the Chinese bumblebees possess the multidrug-resistant gene emrB,which is phylogenetically closely related to that from the symbionts of soil entomopathogenic nematode.In contrast,tetracycline-resistant genes were uniquely present in three strains from the USA.Our results illustrate the prevalence of strain-level variations in the metabolic potentials and the distributions of antibiotic-resistant genes in Chinese bumblebee gut bacteria.  相似文献   

In the present study, diel pattern in gut microbial communities in insects were evaluated. Lymantria dispar asiatica fourth instar larvae (72 ± 2 hr after molting) at noon (LdD) and midnight (LdN) were used for a comparative analysis of the gut microbial community. Ten bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were shared between LdD and LdN samples. One bacterial OTU was specific to LdD. The dominant gut microbes were OTU72 in LdD and OTU75 in LdN. A linear discriminant analysis effect size cladogram suggested that ten bacterial OTUs maintain significant differences in relative abundances between LdD and LdN. These results agreed with the discrete ellipses between LdD and LdN in principal coordinates analysis plots. Additionally, using phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states, the gut microbial community was assigned to 23 functional terms, among which 22 exhibited significant differences between LdD and LdN. To conclude, the present study documented a diel pattern in the gut microbial community of L. dispar asiatica larvae.  相似文献   

Bumblebees are major pollinators of crops and wildflowers in northern temperate regions. Knowledge of their ecology is vital for the design of effective management and conservation strategies but key aspects remain poorly understood. Here we employed microsatellite markers to estimate and compare foraging range and nest density among four UK species: Bombus terrestris, Bombus pascuorum, Bombus lapidarius, and Bombus pratorum. Workers were sampled along a 1.5-km linear transect across arable farmland. Eight or nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were then used to identify putative sisters. In accordance with previous studies, minimum estimated maximum foraging range was greatest for B. terrestris (758 m) and least for B. pascuorum (449 m). The estimate for B. lapidarius was similar to B. pascuorum (450 m), while that of B. pratorum was intermediate (674 m). Since the area of forage available to bees increases as the square of foraging range, these differences correspond to a threefold variation in the area used by bumblebee nests of different species. Possible explanations for these differences are discussed. Estimates for nest density at the times of sampling were 29, 68, 117, and 26/km2 for B. terrestris, B. pascuorum, B. lapidarius and B. pratorum, respectively. These data suggest that even among the most common British bumblebee species, significant differences in fundamental aspects of their ecology exist, a finding that should be reflected in management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

蜜蜂和熊蜂是重要的传粉昆虫, 对农业生产及生态平衡的维持具有重要作用。近年来, 研究发现蜜蜂及熊蜂肠道内含有大量微生物, 其组成简单、特异。正常的肠道微生物群落对蜜蜂的生长、激素调节、致病菌抵抗等具有重要作用。随着高通量测序的发展, 研究者们也可快速获得传粉蜂肠道微生物组成, 这给生物多样性和物种保护及蜂类健康等的研究带来了便捷。但是由于蜜蜂和熊蜂肠道微生物群落均由特殊菌种组成, 目前的细菌16S rRNA数据库无法对其进行准确的分类, 并且部分东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana)特有的肠道微生物菌种缺乏16S rRNA序列信息。本文从来源于5个不同省份的东方蜜蜂肠道中分离得到在东方蜜蜂中普遍含有的Apibacter菌属纯菌, 获取其全长16S rRNA序列, 并对目前蜜蜂和熊蜂肠道的5个核心菌种的分类进行了综述, 对其分类和命名进行了修正。根据蜜蜂肠道微生物的明确分类, 在目前常用的SILVA细菌分类数据库基础之上对其进行了命名及分类优化, 并加入东方蜜蜂中普遍含有的Apibacter序列, 从而获得了优化数据库Bee Gut Microbiota-Database (BGM-Db)。通过1组东方蜜峰及1组西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)的肠道菌群高通量测序结果, 分析不同数据库的表现, 我们发现相比于SILVA和Ribosomal Database Project (RDP), BGM-Db对蜜蜂肠道16S rRNA高通量测序短序列实现了菌种级别的分类, 分辨率更高。  相似文献   

[目的]本文探究了3种室温保存剂和-80℃C冷冻保存对粪便样本中菌群结构的影响,为大规模、标准化的采样提供参考.[方法]本研究采集了5名健康志愿者的新鲜粪便作为测试样本,采用4种不同的保存方式保存:DETs室温保存、GITC室温保存、RNAlater室温保存和-80℃冷冻保存,在保存0、1、3、7、14、28 d后,采...  相似文献   

The human gut harbors a vast range of microbes that have significant impact on health and disease. Therefore, gut microbiome profiling holds promise for use in early diagnosis and precision medicine development. Accurate profiling of the highly complex gut microbiome requires DNA extraction methods that provide sufficient coverage of the original community as well as adequate quality and quantity. We tested nine different DNA extraction methods using three commercial kits (TianLong Stool DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (TS), QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit (QS), and QIAamp PowerFecal DNA Kit (QP)) with or without additional bead-beating step using manual or automated methods and compared them in terms of DNA extraction ability from human fecal sample. All methods produced DNA in sufficient concentration and quality for use in sequencing, and the samples were clustered according to the DNA extraction method. Inclusion of bead-beating step especially resulted in higher degrees of microbial diversity and had the greatest effect on gut microbiome composition. Among the samples subjected to bead-beating method, TS kit samples were more similar to QP kit samples than QS kit samples. Our results emphasize the importance of mechanical disruption step for a more comprehensive profiling of the human gut microbiome.  相似文献   

Age is an important factor that significantly impacts the gut microbiota of various mammals. Captive spotted seals (Phoca largha) provide an ideal opportunity to study how age affects their gut microbiota, excluding other environmental factors, which is a challenge when monitoring wildlife. Here, the bacterial composition of the feces of captive spotted seals from four age groups were analyzed; namely, pup (<1 year old), juvenile (1–2 years old), subadult (2–3 years old), and adult (≥4 years old). Firmicutes were the dominant bacteria in all measured feces; however, the composition of gut microbiota in seals of different ages was distinct. Blautia, Slackia, and an unclassified Peptostreptococcaceae were more abundant in pups; Clostridium was abundant in juveniles; Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, and Psychrobacter were abundant in subadults; and Dorea and Peptostreptococcus abundant in adults. Two and 4 years of age appeared to be the most influential time nodes for variation in gut microbiota. In conclusion, this study identified age-related differences in the composition of gut microbiota in P. largha.  相似文献   

Interindividual variability in response to environmental stimuliis believed to have a major impact on collective behaviors insocial insects. The present study presents a detailed investigationof the variability in individual fanning behavior underlyingthe collective control of nest climate in bumblebee (Bombusterrestris) colonies. Four colonies were repeatedly exposedto increasing temperature and CO2 levels. The response thresholdof each worker (defined as the mean stimulus intensity at whicha worker responded by fanning) was determined. Temperature responsethresholds of 118 workers and CO2 response thresholds of 88workers were analyzed. Workers differed in their response thresholds.Some consistently responded to low stimulus intensities, othersconsistently responded to high stimulus intensities. No consistentcorrelation between temperature and CO2 thresholds was foundwithin individuals. Response thresholds of fanning bees decreasedover successive trials, providing empirical support for theidea of specialization through individual threshold reinforcement.In addition to variability in individual response thresholds,workers of a colony differed in two other parameters of responsiveness:response probability (the probability of responding to a stimulusonce it exceeded an individual's response threshold) and responseduration (the persistency with which fanning was performed oncean individual responded). The results of the present study suggestthat response threshold, response probability and response durationare important independent parameters of individual responsivenessin the collective control of nest climate in bumblebee colonies.  相似文献   

段云峰  律娜  蔡峰  朱宝利 《生物工程学报》2020,36(12):2525-2540
肠道菌群与人体健康的关系密切,通过检测肠道菌群可以获得有关健康的信息。新鲜粪便不易获得,很难做到快速低温冷冻,在进行标准化和大规模人群采样时,可用于常温条件下采集和保存样本的保存液可以弥补采集样本数量多、地域分布广、现场采样条件多样、工作量大、运输条件差等条件不足。本研究招募了5名健康志愿者,采集他们的粪便样本后,通过对比不同市售微生物样本采集常温保存液对新鲜粪便样本的影响,评估了各类保存液的保存效果。在室温下把粪便放置于5种保存液,在第0、1、3、7、15、30天提取元基因组DNA,进行16S rRNA V3–V4区高通量测序,来分析不同保存液,在不同时间段对肠道菌群组成的影响。结果显示,不同保存液对肠道菌群的影响存在差异,与对照组相比,不同保存液对样本中的OUT数量影响不大;保存液A、B和C在菌群构成上更接近对照组,保存液D会明显改变肠道菌群组成,使放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)增加;随着时间延长,各类保存液都有降低菌群多样性趋势,保存液E降低菌群多样性更明显;第30天时,5种保存液都会改变肠道菌群构成;肠道菌群组成存在个体差异,是影响各...  相似文献   

[目的]研究(S)-雌马酚对人体肠道菌群的体外调控作用和人体肠道菌群对(S)-雌马酚的代谢衍生作用。[方法]采用人体肠道菌群体外批量发酵、细菌16S rRNA基因高通量测序、气相色谱、液相色谱和质谱等检测(S)-雌马酚与人体肠道菌群体外相互作用。[结果]体外添加(S)-雌马酚对总体人肠道菌群结构和短链脂肪酸产量影响不明显。添加0.45 mmol/L (S)-雌马酚组与对照组相比,未检测到相对丰度发生显著变化的细菌;添加0.90 mmol/L (S)-雌马酚组与对照组相比,显著增加了肠杆菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)等条件致病菌的相对丰度,减少了潜在益生菌粪球菌属(Coprococcus)的比例。代谢分析发现,发酵培养液中(S)-雌马酚的浓度降低了约15%−30%,推测可能被微生物进一步降解或衍生修饰。[结论]从体外调控肠道菌群的角度判断,0.45 mmol/L (S)-雌马酚相对较安全,而0.90 mmol/L (S)-雌马酚可能会破坏肠道菌群平衡。(S)-雌马酚可以被人体肠道菌群进一步代谢,其特定代谢产物的结构与功能及其体内生物安全性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Nest construction is a daily habit of independent orangutans for sleeping or resting. Data on their nests have been used in various ecological studies (e.g., density estimation, ranging behavior, evolution of material culture) because they are the most observable field signs. We investigated nest size and nest site features of Bornean orangutans in the wild during 10 months' fieldwork at three sites in East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Kutai National Park, Birawa, and Meratus. To examine individual variation, we followed 31 individual orangutans and recorded the 92 nests they made for nest size (diameter) and nest site features (height of nest above ground, tree species used for the nest site, the diameter and height of the tree, whether the nest was new or reused, and nest location within the tree). Analyses taking age–sex classes of the focal individuals into consideration showed significant age–sex differences in nest size and location, but not in nest height or nest tree features (diameter, height of tree, and height of lowest branch). Mature orangutans (adult females, unflanged and flanged males) made larger nests than immatures (juveniles and adolescents). Flanged male orangutans with larger nests used stable locations for nesting sites and reused old nests more frequently than immatures. The overall proportion of nests in open (exposed) locations was higher than in closed (sheltered) locations. Flanged males and immatures frequently made open nests, whereas adult females with an infant preferred closed locations. The good correspondence between nest size and age–sex classes indicates that nest size variation may reflect body size and therefore age–sex variation in the population. Am. J. Primatol. 71:393–399, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

[目的]基于昆虫肠道微生物在宿主健康与调控宿主生长发育中发挥着重要作用,本研究旨在对大分舌蜂Colleles gigos不同龄期幼虫及滞育预蛹肠道细菌群落多样性及其差异进行初步探究.[方法]利用野外采集的大分舌蜂1-5龄幼虫及滞育预蛹,提取肠道内容物细菌DNA进行16S rRNA的V3-V4基因片段PCR扩增,利用Il...  相似文献   

Although fish immunology has progressed in the last few years, the contribution of the normal endogenous microbiota to the overall health status has been so far underestimated. In this context, the establishment of a normal or protective microbiota constitutes a key component to maintain good health, through competitive exclusion mechanisms, and has implications for the development and maturation of the immune system. The normal microbiota influences the innate immune system, which is of vital importance for the disease resistance of fish and is divided into physical barriers, humoral and cellular components. Innate humoral parameters include antimicrobial peptides, lysozyme, complement components, transferrin, pentraxins, lectins, antiproteases and natural antibodies, whereas nonspecific cytotoxic cells and phagocytes (monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils) constitute innate cellular immune effectors. Cytokines are an integral component of the adaptive and innate immune response, particularly IL-1 beta, interferon, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta and several chemokines regulate innate immunity. This review covers the innate immune mechanisms of protection against pathogens, in relation with the installation and composition of the normal endogenous microbiota in fish and its role on health. Knowledge of such interaction may offer novel and useful means designing adequate therapeutic strategies for disease prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

基于高通量测序的褐飞虱肠道微生物多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探明褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens成虫肠道微生物群落结构和多样性。【方法】分离褐飞虱成虫完整肠道并提取总DNA,利用Illumina MiSeq(PE300)技术对其肠道细菌16S rRNA的V3-V4变异区和真菌ITS2序列进行测序,统计肠道微生物的操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit, OTU)数量,分析其物种组成、丰度及Alpha多样性。并通过qPCR技术验证随机挑选注释到的4种肠道菌的高通量测序数据的有效性。【结果】分别获得褐飞虱成虫肠道细菌16S rRNA和真菌ITS2优质序列32 395和24 986条,根据序列相似性进行聚类分析分别获得235和128个OTUs。其中,细菌共注释到7个门, 15个纲, 26个目, 45个科和73个属;真菌共鉴定到3个门, 9个纲, 12个目, 15个科和18个属。在门分类水平上,细菌以变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为优势门类;真菌以子囊菌门(Ascomycota)为绝对优势菌门。在属分类水平上,细菌的优势属为不动杆菌属Acinetobacter以及紫单胞菌科(Porphyromonadaceae)未确定属和毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae)未确定属,其丰度分别为36.37%, 17.22%和15.01%;真菌的优势属为粪壳菌纲(Sordariomycetes)未确定属,丰度为95.77%。Alpha多样性分析结果显示,褐飞虱肠道细菌(真菌)的观测物种数、Chao1指数、Shannon指数和Simpson 指数分别为235(128), 262.64(165.40), 3.90(0.91)和0.62(0.75)。4种肠道菌的qPCR结果显示高通量测序数据具有较高的有效性。【结论】褐飞虱成虫肠道细菌和真菌群落整体多样性比较丰富。研究结果为从共生微生物角度解析褐飞虱的环境适应性以及开发基于微生物防治的新技术等方面提供了依据。  相似文献   

What factors determine biome richness: genetic or environmental? Sex, phylogeny, and tolerance indicated by other symbionts (e.g., endosymbionts) or simply is it related to local habitat, especially if the gut biome is considered? To answer these questions, we investigated the gut microbial profile of both sexes of three Unio crassus populations, species with unique system of mitochondrial DNA inheritance called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), living in different ecological conditions. High-throughput sequencing of the V3–V4 hypervariable regions in the bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment was performed, which resulted in a total of 1,051,647 reads, with 58,424 reads/65 OTUs (operational taxonomic units) per sample on average. We identified a core microbiome, with all individual mussels sharing 69 OTUs (representing 23% of the total number of OTUs). Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in all samples, followed by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. There were no significant differences in gut microbiome compositions between the two sexes of this species; however, we observed different phyla in geographically isolated populations. A non-metric multidimensional scaling plot and dendrogram showed that the bacterial profile complies with the genetic structure of populations. Although we found differences in microbiomes between populations, their genetic structure suggests that the microbiome is weakly related to habitat, and more strongly to phylogeography (on both F and M mitotypes). We found no significant differences in beta diversity between the individuals of the bacterial communities measured using the Bray–Curtis index. Finally, we also examined whether OTUs were represented by symbiotic bacteria that enable cellulose digestion and by endosymbiotic bacteria that play important functions in the biology of their hosts and also affect microevolutionary processes and population phenomena. With regard to the endosymbionts, however, there was no relation to sex of the studied individuals, which suggests that there are no straightforward relations between DUI and microbiome.  相似文献   

[背景] 人体能量稳态失衡表现为体重过轻、超重和肥胖,肠道菌群与人体能量稳态的维持有关,但不同身体质量指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)人群的肠道菌群特征仍需进一步探究。[目的] 基于美国肠道计划公开数据库,解析4类BMI人群肠道菌群的特征,并探究4类BMI人群肠道菌群共存网络特征及差异,为基于肠道菌群来干预肥胖及体重过轻等不健康状态提供新的理论依据。[方法] 从美国肠道计划数据集中筛选具有BMI信息的肠道菌群样本,并根据世界卫生组织规定的BMI划分标准将筛选后的样本分为4类:体重过轻(BMI<18.5 kg/m2),正常体重(18.5 kg/m22),超重(25 kg/m22),肥胖(BMI>30 kg/m2);通过计算和比较肠道菌群的α多样性和β多样性探究4类BMI人群肠道菌群的整体结构特征及差异;通过多元线性回归模型对不同BMI分类与肠道菌群进行相关性分析,并且将地域、年龄、性别因素作为混杂因素加入到模型中进行校正;采用SparCC分别计算4类BMI人群肠道菌群中菌属相关性,并分别构建肠道菌群共存网络。[结果] 经过Wilcoxon秩和检验,发现体重过轻、超重、肥胖人群的肠道菌群α多样性都显著低于正常体重人群;β多样性分析结果表明4类BMI人群肠道菌群的整体结构存在显著差异;4类BMI人群肠道中厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)的相对含量无显著差异;通过MaAsLin分析,并且将地域、年龄、性别因素作为混杂因素加入到模型中进行校正,共得到49个与BMI类型显著相关的物种;4类BMI人群肠道菌群共存网络的拓扑结构具有一定差异,体重过轻和正常体重人群肠道菌群共存网络的复杂度较高,超重和肥胖人群肠道菌群共存网络的复杂度较低。[结论] 4类BMI人群肠道菌群的多样性、整体结构和共存网络间均存在差异。  相似文献   

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