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Edible insects as minilivestock   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many species of insects (probably 1000 or more) have served as traditional foods among indigenous peoples, especially in warmer climes, and the insects have played an important role in the history of human nutrition. As part of the hunter-gatherer style of life, the main criteria for selection of these traditional species appears to be medium-to-large size and easy availability, i.e., abundance, as noted by Dufour and others. Thus it is not surprising that many insects considered as crop pests in modern agriculture have served as important food sources. Locusts and grasshoppers, which often occur in swarms, are good examples, and these insects have been included in the diets of almost every culture with any history of food-insect use.  相似文献   

With an increasing human population and environmental degradation, the world faces a major problem in providing adequate animal based proteins. Many traditional societies have used or still use insects as a protein source, while westernized societies are reluctant to use insects, despite being the major consumers of animal proteins. We now need to consider insects as a source of food for humans in a manner that acknowledges both the role of entomophagy in indigenous societies and the need for westernized societies to reduce the size of their environmental footprint with regard to food production. The situation on continents such as Africa, Asia, and Central and South America has some parallels to Australia in that there are two forces in operation: the sustainable traditional use of edible insects and the "westernization" of these societies leading to a movement away from entomophagy. However, the potential to reach a compromise is greater in these continents because entomophagy is already accepted. The major challenges will be establishing sustainable production systems that include food safety and security as well as environmental protection. Whether this will happen or not will depend upon: (i) a major change in attitude in westernized societies towards entomophagy; (ii) pressure to conserve remaining habitats in a sustainable manner; (iii) economic impetus to develop food production systems that include insects; and (iv) an acknowledgement that achieving adequate nutrition on a global basis will involve different diets in much of the developed world.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the common edible insects and their use in China. One-hundred and seventy-eight insect species from 96 genera, 53 families and 11 orders are commonly eaten in China. Preparation of edible insects includes frying, braising, stewing, stewing after frying, boiling and roasting. The insect forms eaten range from eggs to adults; however, in restaurants most are larvae and pupae. More than 50 species have been analyzed for their nutritive elements and nutritional value and these data are reviewed here. Insect health foods sold in the Chinese market are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In a context of dwindling lands and resources, associated with a strong dependence on protein for feed and food, new methods of production and/or new food must be developed without affecting the quality of food, natural habitat and biodiversity of animal and vegetable species. As such, insects appear more and more as a solution of the future. To date, the consumption of insects is indicated by the term “entomophagy”, from the Ancient Greek “entomos” meaning insect and “phagos” meaning food. In such a context, a global evaluation of entomophagy seems essential before allowing the introduction of this practice in animal and human feed. Firstly, through this review, elements concerning the potentialities of insect valorization and their nutritional qualities will be brought. Secondly, the environmental impact of such a practice as well as the biological, chemical, physical or sanitary risks and even the potential presence of allergens and antinutritional factors will be approached. Thirdly, a review of the current European regulations will be proposed. Finally, reflections will be brought on the economic perspectives of entomophagy.  相似文献   

Insects are an important natural resource, both for self-sufficiency and as commercial food products in many parts of the world. The use of edible insects reflects regional preferences and socio-cultural significance, which can be described in terms of regional differences. This study describes some edible insects in three regions: Japan, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa, and focuses on systems of traditional practices as the socio-cultural implications of people's preferences regarding edible insects. The case studies presented here describe such insect-related customs as the continuation of the traditional practice of insect eating in Japan, Southeast Asia and Southern Africa. These case studies describe the uniqueness or special characteristics of the custom, and the significance of its existence in the social sphere. Edible insects are regarded as cultural resources reflecting a rich biodiversity. They represent an alternative source of natural food resources in remote or mountainous areas. People who eat insects have established a broad variety of methods for collecting and cooking the rich diversity of edible insect species that are available. However, increases in demand could lead to competition and overexploitation, resulting in the future decline of these resources. In areas affected by overdevelopment, insect habitats are also likely to decline. It is necessary to raise people's awareness of the importance of the use of insects for food in order to ensure that insects are used in a sustainable manner, and to promote their proper use and conservation.  相似文献   

Oecophylla ants are sold at high prices on several commercial markets as a human delicacy, as pet food or as traditional medicine. Currently markets are supplied by ants collected from the wild; however, an increasing interest in ant farming exists as all harvest is easily sold and as ant farming can be combined with the use of the ants in biological control programmes in tropical plantations where pest insects are converted into ant biomass. To assess the cost‐benefits of ant farming based on artificial feeding, food consumption and food conversion efficiency (ECI) of Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius) was tested under laboratory conditions. Of the two types of food offered, the ants ingested 76% pure sucrose and 24% insect prey (dry weights) leading to ECI’s of 29% and 39% including brood only or brood plus imago gain, respectively. Based on Thai sugar and protein food costs and ant brood selling prices these efficiencies led to rates of return from 1.52 to 4.56, respectively, if: (i) protein is supplied from commercial products; or (ii) alternatively supplied from free sources such as insects and kitchen waste. These results suggest that Oecophylla ant farming may become highly profitable and deserves further research.  相似文献   

我国植物食用色素资源开发利用评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古代人们使用的着色剂都是天然产品,除少数矿物颜料外,主要是植物源色素。我国古代就有以红曲米作为着色剂利用的习惯;在高等植物方面,生产蓝色、黄色、绿色的颜料的高等植物种类不少,大多沿用至今。自19世纪中叶以后,人工合成色素以着色牢固、鲜艳、成本低廉等特点,迅速占领了印染、食品等许多行业,但20世纪60年代以后,许多研究表明,一般合成色素都有程度不等的毒性,特别是化学结构含偶氮型的色素有可能在人体内成为致癌物。同时,在色素合成的过程中,还有可能污染有重金属及其他有害物质。因此,合成色素越来越使人们感到不安全。从20世纪50年代的100多种人工合成色素用于食品着色,到20世纪末,已有60~70余种被禁用了,而植物食用色素在食品行业中成为主要着色剂。近年来又涌现出多种有价值的高等植物源色素,我们选择其主要一些植物种类做些介绍,供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) has a wide diversity of edible insects making it one of the most important biodiversity hot spots in Africa. The aim of this study was to give the first insight into the food plant range, seasonal availability of edible insects, community preference and willingness to consume them. The study revealed a list of eleven edible insect species belonging to four families. Twenty‐six plant species were recorded as food plants of nine edible caterpillar species. Seasonal availability of these insects coincided with the rainy season and was strongly linked to relatively high level of consumption. The caterpillars Elaphrodes lactea Gaede, Lobobunaea saturnus Fabricius and Cinabra hyperbius (Westwood) as well as the termites Macrotermes falciger Gerstäcker were the most dominant species of edible insects preferred and consumed among the different communities. Our study demonstrates that entomophagy is a common practice among the ethnic populations with married, tertiary and university‐level individuals recording significantly higher consumption of edible caterpillars. Populations between the ages of 18 and 45 years as well as the Bemba tribe were also more actively involved in entomophagy. Further research would be necessary to exploit edible insect biodiversity and ethno‐entomophagy and initiate actions for food plant conservation in DR Congo.  相似文献   

植食性昆虫与寄主植物通过协同进化形成了复杂的防御和反防御机制.本文系统综述了昆虫唾液效应子和激发子在植物与昆虫互作中的作用及机理.昆虫取食中释放的唾液激发子被植物识别而激活植物早期免疫反应,昆虫也能从口腔分泌效应子到植物体内抑制免疫;抗性植物则利用抗性(R)蛋白识别昆虫无毒效应子,启动效应子诱导的免疫反应,而昆虫又进化...  相似文献   

白蚁是世界性害虫,但白蚁资源有着很高的利用价值。文章简要论述我国白蚁资源利用的研究现状及研究进展,主要包括白蚁本身、蚁巢及菌圃、蚁巢共生物--鸡榕菌Termitomyces albuminosus(Berk.)Heim、乌灵参Xylaria nigripes等直接利用价值及白蚁活动加速自然界物质循环、改善土壤理化性质、探矿等间接利用价值。同时还对白蚁资源研究利用的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

芍药的访花昆虫和传粉昆虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红雨  刘强 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):449-454
20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年对内蒙古赤峰市高格斯台罕乌拉自然保护区内野生芍药 (PaeonialactifloraPall.)和内蒙古农校芍药园内栽培品种芍药的访花昆虫进行调查 ,经整理鉴定有 2 9种 ,自然保护区内芍药的访花昆虫种类有 1 7种 ,芍药园内的访花昆虫有 1 7种。根据传粉行为和数量的比较确定了自然保护区内主要传粉昆虫为丽斑芫菁、黄胫宽花天牛、黑胫宽花天牛、短毛斑金龟、饥星花金龟、白星花金龟和大淡脉隧蜂 ;芍药园内的主要传粉昆虫为意大利蜜蜂、棕边管食蚜蝇、长尾管食蚜蝇、大淡脉隧蜂、灰带管食蚜蝇和小淡脉隧蜂。  相似文献   

云南食用菌资源应用开发前景与展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从栽培食用菌和野生食用菌两方面综述了云南食用菌的资源状况 ,通过对云南食用菌研究、开发现状的总结 ,就其存在的问题提出了相应的建议。简述了食用菌资源在云南应用开发中的广阔前景 ,并提出可持续利用发展的战略。  相似文献   

本文阐述蕨类植物紫萁的药用及食用价值。  相似文献   

21世纪我国害虫生物防治研究的进展、问题与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈学新 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):615-625
害虫生物防治是昆虫学的重要分支学科,进入21世纪以来,随着生命科学和生物技术的发展以及新原理、新方法的不断渗透、交叉与融合,使该分支学科在我国得到了快速发展。本文就近年来我国在天敌昆虫及其利用、昆虫病原微生物及其利用、昆虫信息素及其应用、生物农药及其推广应用、新兴生物技术在害虫生物防治中的应用等方面所取得的主要进展作了简要的回顾与总结;并在分析我国本领域学科发展水平与国际差距的基础上,指出了我国生物防治领域存在的主要问题及几个亟待加强的优先发展领域。  相似文献   

黄褐油葫芦虫体营养成分与发育阶段的相关性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史树森  徐伟  程彬  王哓龙 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):439-443
对黄褐油葫芦不同发育阶段虫体蛋白质、脂肪和矿物质元素等营养成分进行了测定与分析。结果表明该虫为高蛋白低脂肪昆虫,各发育阶段虫体的蛋白含量平均为15.92%,脂肪含量为5.40%,PG值平均为3.45,蛋白质、脂肪含量随着个体发育逐渐增加,但卵期蛋白含量较高。虫体含有7种主要脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸达57.3%,其中亚油酸的含量高达25.47%;富含矿物质元素,其中以Ca,Fe,Zn的含量较高,分别为1164,320.3和107.9μgg。5种脂肪酸和8种矿物质元素含量与发育阶段呈负相关。  相似文献   

Nutritive tubes that link the developing oocytes to the nurse cells in ovarioles of hemipteran insects contain extensive arrays of microtubules. These are established, then later depolymerised, by developmentally regulated processes. Breakdown of the microtubules corresponds with the activation of M-phase promoting factor (MPF) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase), late in oogenesis, as the oocytes proceed to arrest at the first meiotic metaphase [Lane and Stebbings, Roux's Arch Dev Biol 205:150–159 (1995)]. The mechanisms that lead to the breakdown of nutritive tube microtubules are unknown. Here, we have investigated the possibility that the insect ovarian microtubules are regulated by MPF- or MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation, focusing upon the prominent high molecular weight microtubule-associated protein (HMW MAP) enriched in this system, which is a potential target for protein kinase activity in vivo. We have purified the prominent HMW MAPs from the ovaries of two species of hemipterans, and have shown them to be substrates in vitro for the activities of MPF and MAP kinase. However, although the catalytic component of MPF (p34cdc2) is present within microtubule-rich portions of hemipteran ovarioles, we have found that neither this protein nor its regulatory partner (cyclin B) co-purify with microtubules during taxol-mediated microtubule isolation. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 39:81–90, 1998.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

在过去的几十年中,昆虫不育技术(sterile insect technique, SIT)已被用于防治农业害虫和人类健康相关的病媒害虫。相较于传统的农药控制策略,昆虫不育技术具有物种特异性和环境友好型等特点。通过释放不育雄虫的昆虫不育技术的主要障碍是在大规模饲养阶段将雄性与雌性分离,从而提高这些防治方法的成本效率,并防止释放携带和传播疾病的雌性群体。目前大多数针对双翅目害虫的遗传防治策略没有进行性别分离,少数害虫性别分离方法是基于蛹的大小或者雌雄蛹羽化时间差异进行人工识别和机械识别分离。双翅目昆虫性别决定及分化分子机制多种多样,其性别决定主要信号差异巨大,其多种性别决定基因已用于性别分离系统的开发。性比失衡性别分离策略通过破坏性别决定途径关键基因的表达获得雄性偏向后代,雌性条件性致死分离策略利用性别决定关键基因的雌雄选择性剪接差异实现性别分离,这两种性别分离策略目前正在害虫不育防治中接受大规模饲养应用评估,而基于双翅目昆虫雌雄性二态和基因标记发展的可视化性别分离策略也已成功实现多种害虫的性别分离。我们对性比失衡分离策略、雌性条件性致死分离策略和可视化性别分离策略在双翅目害虫中的研究进展进行了综述,重点评估了这些方法在雄虫大规模饲养和释放的应用潜力,以期在更完善的性别分离技术支持下为害虫防治研究取得更多突破性进展。  相似文献   

同工酶技术及其在我国食用菌研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了同工酶技术的发展及基本情况,对该技术在我国食用菌菌种选育、分类鉴定、组织生理生化、遗传多样性方面的应用情况做了综述,并展望了同工酶技术及其在食用菌研究领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

A small‐plot tests were conducted on cowpea, Vigna ungiculata (L.) Walp, to determine the effectiveness of 14 selected insecticides representing four insecticide classes (organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, and insect growth regulators, IGRs), and four insecticide/IGR mixtures on cowpea insect pests and its effects on certain beneficial insects. By day 3 after treatement, the insecticides phenthoate, isoxathion, cyanophos, carbaryl, and cypermethrin used at sub‐recommended rates reduced the leafhopper, Empoasca spp., populations by >83% than those in the control. On that day, all insecticide treatments significantly reduced the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora, numbers below that of the control. The prothiofos, isoxathion, pirimicarb, and fenpropathrin treatments provided continuing control to both leafhoppers and aphids through day 21 after spraying. It seems that most insecticide treatments were not effective in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, control. The best control of the whitefly immatures was obtained by day 3 after spraying in plots received thiodicarb (76%) and fenpropathrin (60%). All selected insecticides and rates used had very low residual effect against B. tabaci immatures. By day 3 posttreatment, the carbaryl (2.02 kg/ha) caused completely protection for cowpea pods frMw blue pea butterfly, Lampides boeticus, larvae. The IGRs, flufenoxuron and Dowco‐439, applied alone and those applied in mixtures with insecticides, carbaryl/teflubenzuron, chlorpyrifos/XRD‐473, and methomyl/ flufenoxuron, exhibited satisfactory control (>81%) to butterfly larvae on day 7 posttreatment. All treatments did not exhibit a considerable residual activity against L. boeticus larvae through 2–3 weeks followed spray. Most insecticides applied at the higher rates used significantly reduced the numbers of limabean pod borer, Etiella zinckenella, larvae found in cowpea pods collected on day 7 after application. The IGRs, flufenoxuron and Dowco‐439, applied alone, at 0.119 kg/ha, or in mixtures, methomyl/flufenoxuron (0.167 kg/ha) and chlorpyrifos/Dowco‐439 (0.911 kg/ha) caused >73% control of E. zinckenella larvae through day 21 posttreatment. The best control of cowpea weevil, Callosobru‐chus spp., adults (>83%), on day 3 after spraying, was obtained in treatments of cyanophos (1.19 kg/ha), prothiofos (1.43 kg/ha), flufenoxuron (0.119 kg/ha), and chlorpyrifos/Dowco‐439 (0.911 kg/ha). The IGR flufenoxuron applied alone or in mixture, methomyl/flufenoxuron (0.164 kg/ ha) exhibited satisfactory residual activity against Callosobruchus adults through day 21 posttreatment. Percentage seed damage by the larvae of cowpea weevils was significantly lower in most treatments than that of control. Populations of insect predators found in all treated plots were extremely reduced than those found in untreated plots. By day 21 after spraying, the IGRs flufenoxuron, XRD‐473, and Dowco‐439, applied at the low rate of 0.071 kg/ha, seemed to be less effect against insect predators than other insecticides used.  相似文献   

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