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中国苦苣苔科植物的多样性与地理分布(附表)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许为斌  郭婧  盘波  张强  刘演 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1226-1226
物种多样性编目是开展生物多样性保护的重要基础,该研究结合最新分子系统学研究成果以及近年来发表的新资料,对中国苦苣苔科植物多样性和地理分布数据进行了统计和分析.结果表明:中国苦苣苔科植物共有44属671种(含种下单位,下同),其中特有属11个;特有种573种,占总种数的85.39%.种数最多的10个属依次为广义报春苣苔属(180种)、广义马铃苣苔属(122种)、石蝴蝶属(39种)、半蒴苣苔属(39种)、芒毛苣苔属(38种)、长蒴苣苔属(35种)、石山苣苔属(31种)、吊石苣苔属(31种)、蛛毛苣苔属(28种)、汉克苣苔属(22种).在地理分布上,种数排名前10的省份(区)有广西(260种,33属)、云南(236种,30属)、贵州(96种,28属)、广东(93种,17属)、四川(85种,21属)、湖南(58种,13属)、西藏(39种,9属)、湖北(29种,15属)、福建(26种,13属)、江西(25种,9属).含中国特有苦苣苔科植物的属中排前10位的分别为广义报春苣苔属(178种)、广义马铃苣苔属(119种)、石蝴蝶属(37种)、半蒴苣苔属(35种)、石山苣苔属(30种)、长蒴苣苔属(29种)、吊石苣苔属(23种)、蛛毛苣苔属(19种)、芒毛苣苔属(19种)、汉克苣苔属(11种).这表明中国南部和西南部是苦苣苔科植物的一个分布中心,特别是石灰岩地区有着高度的物种多样性和特有性,广义报春苣苔属、广义马铃苣苔属、石蝴蝶属、半蒴苣苔属、石山苣苔属、吊石苣苔属等为我国典型的优势属.此外,根据目前的研究现状,还对我国苦苣苔科植物资源的调查、分类学和系统发育研究、保护和可持续利用等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

对中国圆顶瓢蜡蝉属Thabena Stl,1861进行了分类回顾,共有4种:海南圆顶瓢蜡蝉T.hainanensis(Ran & Liang,2006)(中国海南)、兰坪圆顶瓢蜡蝉T.lanpingensis sp.nov.(中国云南)、黎桃圆顶瓢蜡蝉T.litaoensis(Yang,1994)(中国台湾、海南)和云南圆顶瓢蜡蝉T.yunnanensis(Ran & Liang,2006)(中国云南)。对其中2个种兰坪圆顶瓢蜡蝉T.lanpingensis和黎桃圆顶瓢蜡蝉T.litaoensis进行了描记或重新描记,绘制了特征图。提供了中国圆顶瓢蜡蝉属全部已知种的检索表。  相似文献   

记述锤角细蜂科中国及东洋区1新纪录属:扁锤角细蜂属Pentapria Kieffer,1905,并描述采自云南的1新种:中华扁锤角细蜂Pentapria sinica sp.nov.。提供了形态描述、特征图以及新种与分布于古北区相似种类的鉴别检索表。模式标本保存于华南农业大学膜翅目标本室(SCAU)。  相似文献   

A total of 14 species of genus Aphelocheirus Westw. from China are listed in this paper. One new species, Aphelocheirus brunneus sp. n., is described from Hubei Province. Aphelocheirus carinatus (Royer, 1920) is reported from China for the first time. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin (300071), China.  相似文献   

对中国小叶蝉属栎小叶蝉种团研究进行了追溯。记述栎小叶蝉种团3新种:周氏小叶蝉T.choui sp.nov.,大理小叶蝉T.daliensis sp.nov.,三斑小叶蝉T.trimaculata sp.nov.及1中国新记录种:栎小叶蝉T.quercus(Fabricius,1777),并提供中国栎小叶蝉种团雄虫检索表。模式标本及观察标本存放于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

Dolichocephala guangdongensis sp. n., a new aquatic dance fly (Diptera, Empididae), is described from Guangdong province in China. The relationships with its sister species are discussed. A key to the species of the genus Dolichocephala from China is presented.  相似文献   

对亚草叶蝉属进行系统研究并首次报道其在中国分布,共记述5种:E. acarifer (Lethierry),E. hilaris (Melichar),E. magnus Mitjaev,E. medius (Mulsant & Rey) 和E. pratensis Emeljanov,其中E. hilaris (Melichar) 和E. medius (Mulsant & Rey) 为中国新记录种。文中提供了分种检索表和雄性外生殖器特征图,并首次记述和提供雌性生殖器特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an investigation and listing of tick species found in China during a survey in all 28 provinces. This will be a step towards a definitive list of tick species and their distribution. To date, the tick fauna of this area consists of 117 species in the following families: Argasidae-Argas (7 species), Carios (4 species) and Ornithodoros (2 species); Ixodidae-Amblyomma (8 species), Anomalohimalaya (2 species), Dermacentor (12 species), Haemaphysalis (44 species), Hyalomma (6 species), Ixodes (24 species) and Rhipicephalus (8 species). Some well known ticks carrying and transmitting many infectious agents to man and domestic animals are also found in China. These include Ixodes persulcatus, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, R. (Boophilus) microplus and Hyalomma asiaticum. It is worth mentioning that Ixodes rangtangensis Teng and Haemaphysalis xinjiangensis Teng should be relegated to a synonym of I. moschiferi and Hae. danieli, respectively. The distribution of ticks over the provinces of China is also discussed. The information on ticks in some areas such as Henan is not exhaustive.  相似文献   

庄剑云 《菌物学报》1991,10(Z1):73-86
作者对中国毛茛目植物(毛茛科,木通科和小檗科)上柄锈菌属的种进行了较详细的研究,对过去的错误报告和鉴定作了订正,共获得9个种,其中有3个新记录,即赛铁线莲柄锈菌Puccinia atragenes Hausm.,宽叶牛姆瓜柄锈菌Puccinia holboelliae-lat如liae Cumm.和鬼臼柄锈菌Puccinia podophylli Schw.。文中对每个种作了描述和讨论并附图和分种检索表。  相似文献   

NGUYEN Khang Sinh  温放 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1422-1427
漏斗苣苔属(Raphiocarpus Chun)是分布于中国至中南半岛一带的小属,主要产于中国华南西南抵越南北部至中部,但之前中越两国共有分布的该属物种仅有3个种。大苞漏斗苣苔[Raphiocarpus begoniifolius(Lévl.)Burtt]一度被认为是中国的特有种,仅分布在中国的广西西北部、贵州西南部、云南东南部和湖北西北部,尚未见有在越南的相关研究报道。该文首次报道了越南植物区系中大苞漏斗苣苔的国家级分布新记录,使得中越两国共有分布的该属物种上升到了4个种,并着重讨论了大苞漏斗苣苔与其近缘种长筒漏斗苣苔[Raphiocarpus macrosiphon(Hance)Burtt]的区别特征,进一步完善了越南所分布的漏斗苣苔属植物检索表。根据中越两国的各自与联合野外考察工作对该种的濒危现状进行了讨论,为中越两国开展该种乃至该属植物的保育提供了直接证据。凭证标本保存于越南生物资源与生态研究所标本馆(HN)中。  相似文献   

首次报道了黄瓣蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra lutea H.-J.Tillich)和吉婆岛蜘蛛抱蛋(A.arnautovii H.-J.Tillich)在中国的分布。这两种植物分别被发现于广西西南部的靖西县、龙州县。文中提供了形态学描述和图片。凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

Vaccinium damingshanense (Ericaceae), a new species from Daming Mountain, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China is described, illustrated and placed in a new key for the identification of species of V. sect. Eococcus Sleumer in China. The new species is similar to V. carlesii Dunn, but differs in leaf shape, leaf margin character and details of anther thecae. Information on its distribution and ecology is also provided.  相似文献   

A new species, Allium pseudosenescens, belonging to sect. Rhizirideum (Alliaceae), is described from northeastern China. It is easily distinguished from A. senescens by the slender pedicels, pale pink perianths, narrower tepals and ovaries, yellowish anthers, and sometimes toothed subulate filaments. Also, A. senescens var. minus in sect. Rhizirideum is raised to the rank of species, as A. minus. This Korean endemic taxon is shown to be a biologically distinct species based on morphological and cytological characters. Taxonomic keys for the species of Allium sect. Rhizirideum in northeastern China and Korea are provided.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudostegania Butler is revised. In addition to the two species known, four species are described as new: P. lijiangensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Province, P. qinlingensis sp. nov. from Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces, P. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan Province (China) and P. burmaensis sp. nov. from Burma (Myanmar); two species are newly combined with Pseudostegania: P. distinctaria (Leech, 1897), comb. nov. and P. yargongaria (Oberthür, 1916), comb. nov. All the known species are redescribed and lectotypes are designated for P. defectata (Christoph, 1881), P. distinctaria and P. yargongaria. The generic characters, based on all species, are summarized. The tribal placement of Pseudostegania is discussed. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):231-232
该文描述了自青海南部发现的罂粟科绿绒蒿属一新种,短丝绿绒蒿。此种可能隶属琴叶绿绒蒿亚属,滇西绿绒蒿组,滇西绿绒蒿系,与此系其它种的区别在于此种的披针状条形花瓣,较少、较短的雄蕊(花丝长1~5 mm),无花柱的雌蕊,和被具短毛的硬毛的子房。  相似文献   

中国合耳菊属(菊科-千里光族)两新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道了红脉合耳菊[Synotis rufinervis(DC.)C.JeffreyY.L.Chen]和须弥合耳菊[S.kunthiana(Wall.ex DC.)C.JeffreyY.L.Chen](菊科-千里光族)在中国的分布记录。两种植物都在中国西藏南部有分布。提供了它们的详细形态描述、形态特征图及其在中国的地理分布,同时报道了两种植物的花药领构型和花药内壁细胞增厚方式。  相似文献   

The new genus, Acryptolechia (Lepidoptera, Cryptolechiidae), with the type species Cryptolechia malacobyrsa Meyrick, 1921 is described. The differences between this species and the type species of the genus Cryptolechia, Zeller 1852 (C. straminella Zeller, 1852) are shown. The genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 is the closest to the new one. In addition to the type species, the new genus includes Acryptolechia facunda (Meyrick, 1910) comb. n. from India and A. torophanes (Meyrick, 1935) comb. n. from China.  相似文献   

该文描述了罂粟科绿绒蒿属三新种。(1)自四川西北部发现的二新种:肋蕊绿绒蒿,此种可能与拉萨绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为此种叶片较狭,全缘,子房具4条纵肋;狭瓣绿绒蒿,此种可能与川西绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为此种叶片较小,无毛,花瓣呈条状倒披针形。(2)自青海南部发现的一新种:短丝绿绒蒿,此种可能隶属于琴叶绿绒蒿亚属、滇西绿绒蒿组、滇西绿绒蒿系,与此系其他种的区别在于此种的披针状条形花瓣和较少、较短的雄蕊(花丝长1~5 mm)以及无花柱的雌蕊和被具短毛的硬毛子房。  相似文献   

Neotapirissus gen. nov. , in the tribe Issini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae), is described from China, and type species Neotapirissus reticularis sp. nov. (China: Hainan) is described and illustrated. The female internal reproductive organs of the new species are also described and illustrated. The new genus is compared to the superficially similar genus Tapirissus Gnezdilov. The morphological diversity of the issids distributed in Hainan Island is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(5):541-546
该文描述了荨麻科三新种:(1)自中国重庆市发现的荨麻科荨麻属一新种,城口荨麻。此种与异株荨麻有亲缘关系,区别特征为此种的茎被少数刺毛,叶片多为心形,雄、雌花序均不分枝,瘦果在中央稍凹陷。(2)自中国广西发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种,来宾赤车。此种与特产云南东南部的富宁赤车相近缘,与后者的区别在于本种茎的毛开展或向上弯曲,叶片长椭圆形,基部斜楔形,雌花具3~4枚花被片,其中1~2枚较大花被片在背面顶端具一长筒状突起。(3)自缅甸北部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种,克钦楼梯草。此种在体态上与骤尖楼梯草甚为相似,与后者的区别在于本种的每一茎节具正常叶和一退化叶,托叶狭披针状条形和无脉,雌总苞苞片无角状突起,雌小苞片较大,呈楔状长圆形,雌花具一小花被片,以及雌蕊具一宽倒卵球形柱头。  相似文献   

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