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Abstract.  1. Patterns of simuliid species richness were examined over a variety of scales at 532 stream sites in the Nearctic (394) and Neotropical (138) regions. In Nearctic streams, species richness of immature blackflies both within and across ecoregions and over two seasons was examined. Stream variables at each site included seston, width, depth, velocity, discharge, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, dominant streambed-particle size, canopy cover, and riparian vegetation. These variables were subjected to a principal component analysis and derived principal components were related back to richness, using regression analysis. At the level of the stream reach, richness was not highly correlated with single-point measurements of stream conditions.
2. Using data from both Nearctic and Neotropical sites, the effect of regional richness on local richness was examined. As regional richness increased, local diversity reached an asymptote in which further increases in regional richness were not matched by increases in local richness. Hence, simuliid communities are best described as saturated (type II) communities, consistent with the current view of lotic communities as non-equilibrium systems.
3. The well-established pattern of greater species richness in tropical regions was not observed in this study. To the contrary, blackfly richness is higher in temperate streams than in tropical streams at both local and regional scales.  相似文献   

1. The spatial distribution and species richness of blackflies were evaluated at 58 stream sites in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Samples were taken along a north–south axis of approximately 130 km and a east–west axis of approximately 220 km.
2. Based on stream-site characteristics, the occurrence of larvae of the six most frequently collected species was highly predictable (79.3–91.5% accuracy in prediction of occurrence). The predictive value of stream size and the presence of impoundments agrees with results of similar work in the Holarctic Region, suggesting a general responses of blackflies to environmental parameters.
3. Although only 19.0% of interstream variation in species richness was explained by a regression model, results suggested that species richness was greater in larger, cooler, faster, covered streams with rocky beds than in smaller, warmer, slower, open streams with sandy bottoms. Overall, the species richness of blackflies (11 species in total) was lower than in the temperate zone suggesting, for some taxa at least, that aquatic communities do not follow the terrestrial pattern of greater species richness in the tropics.  相似文献   

全球生物多样性逐渐丧失已成为最严重的环境问题之一, 探究各地生物多样性资源及形成机制是生态学和生物地理学领域关注的重要科学问题。生物多样性数据的整合和共享可以为相关研究的开展提供科学依据。昆虫是地球上多样性最高的生物类群, 但是由于目前关于昆虫多样性数据的整理不足, 相关研究较为缺乏。为了促进昆虫类群的多样性数据整理和共享工作的发展, 本研究选取昆虫纲中重要且多样的半翅目作为对象, 通过广泛的数据检索和收集, 系统整理了截至2017年已发表的中国半翅目昆虫的多样性及地理分布信息。数据集中共收集了102科2,090属7,822种半翅目昆虫的分类信息及其39,298条地理分布记录。该数据集可以为今后开展生物多样性格局、生物区系演化和害虫防治等方面的研究工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

Macro-invertebrate drift was measured entering and leaving two pools on the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River, a third order California stream. Drift rates for Baetis spp., Chironomidae, Simulium spp., Capniidae and total drift were calculated. Significant differences in the numbers of organisms entering the two pools were found for Baetis, Chironomidae, and Capniidae. Comparisons of drift rates at the upstream and downstream ends of each pool showed that the abundance of Chironomidae, Simulium, Capniidae and total drift changed in different directions across the pools. The numbers of organisms leaving the two pools, however, were not significantly different for Baetis, Simulium, Capniidae and total drift. These findings lead us to hypothesize that long pools act as barriers, not filters, to stream macro-invertebrate drift. The composition of drift leaving the pools in this experiment appeared to be controlled by the composition of the benthic habitat at the tail of the pool and not by the composition of upstream drift entering the pools.  相似文献   

Todd M. Palmer 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):476-486
Environmental heterogeneity can affect the behavior of organisms, but the consequences of patchiness for organismal energetics (e.g., growth, fitness) are not well understood. This study demonstrates that spatial heterogeneity can affect the growth of aquatic stream insects in laboratory streams, and reveals the behavioral mechanisms for these effects. In a 2×2 factorial design, I experimentally manipulated resource distribution (homogeneous vs. patchy, with the same overall resource levels) and current velocity (fast vs. slow) to investigate the direct and interactive effects of these factors on the drift behavior and growth of two mobile stream grazers, the mayflies Baetis bicaudatis and Epeorus deceptivus. B. bicaudatis nymphs grew larger in environments with homogeneously distributed resources than in patchy environments, and both species grew larger in fast than slow current environments. Patterns of drift behavior over the course of the study corresponded to observed differences in growth. Both species grew to larger body size in treatments where they drifted more successfully among substrates (fast-current treatments) and where they entered the drift less frequently (fast current for both species, and homogeneous treatments for B. bicaudatis). Overall, these results demonstrate that patchiness can significantly influence both the behavior of aquatic insects and the size to which these insects grow. In the light of previously published relationships between nymphal mayfly body mass and fecundity, these results suggest that patchiness in streams may have important consequences for mayfly populations.  相似文献   

Granite‐derived soils are widespread in the farmland of Korea in general. In contrast, Jeju Island has mainly volcanic ash soils. Soils and weather condition in Jeju Island created a unique agricultural system. We identified the features of ground‐dwelling insects in farmlands of Jeju Island. This study was conducted in four areas (Samdal‐ri and Susan‐ri in Seogwipo city, and Dongmyeong‐ri and Suwon‐ri in Jeju city) in Jeju Island, Korea. Field surveys were carried out twice in summer (June) and autumn (September) in 2013. Ground‐dwelling insects were sampled quantitatively by using pitfall traps. As a result, in total 3322 individuals, 137 species, 48 families and 8 orders were investigated in farmlands of Jeju Island. Especially, members of Coleoptera and Hymenoptera accounted for a large proportion of ground‐dwelling insect communities. The numbers of species and individuals for major taxonomic groups showed significant regional and seasonal differences. This study implied that the seasonal and regional differences of ground‐dwelling insect communities were affected by surrounding land use patterns, life history patterns of each taxonomic group and farmland management.  相似文献   

The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) has been known for over a century, but its origin remains poorly understood. Because both latitude and species richness are broadly related to temperature, environmental temperature has been proposed as a driver of the LDG. Recently, Wang et al. (2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106 ,13388–13392) used datasets compiled from tree distributions in eastern Asia and North America to compare the species richness?temperature relationship between the two regions at several spatial scales and framed their analyses in the context of the metabolic theory of ecology. Here, we show that their datasets lack comparability between eastern Asia and North America and that some aspects of their analyses probably biased their results, casting doubt on some of their conclusions.  相似文献   

Bracket fungi are seen mainly as the cause of economic losses in forestry, and their role as creators of biodiversity is relatively poorly understood. The aim of the study was defining the manner in which the degree of decay (DD) of the fruiting bodies determines the character of the invertebrate assemblages colonising them. The effect of this group of fungi on the modification of biodiversity of invertebrates (Aranae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpionida, two groups of mites—Mesostigmata and Oribatida, and Collembola and Insecta) was investigated by analyzing 100 fruiting bodies of 10 species of bracket fungi divided into four DD classes. The material was collected at Białowieża National Park, which is considered to be the largest area of natural forests in the North European Plain. 16 068 invertebrate individuals classified into 224 species were obtained. Oribatid mites (12 543 individuals) constituted the largest group of individuals, which were classified into 115 species with the most numerous Carabodes femoralis (8,811 individuals). Representatives of this group of mites have been reported previously in the publications on bracket fungi; however, the contributions of Oribatida and other groups of invertebrates were not broadly compared. Moreover, the species such as Hoploseius mariae and H. oblongus, which were predominantly found in fruiting bodies of bracket fungi, have also been discerned. The invertebrate fauna differs depending on DD of the samples: In the more decayed samples, a higher number of both individuals and species were recorded compared to the samples with lower DDs; however, this trend proved to be nonlinear. The DCA and cluster analysis revealed a similarity of the invertebrate assemblages from the 2 DD and 4 DD samples. They also indicated that the group 3 DD differed the most from all the other samples. The indicator species analysis identified species characteristic to individual DDs: For group 1 DD, it was, for example, Hoploseius oblongus; for 2 DD—Orchesella bifasciata; and for 3 DD—Chernes cimicoides, while for 4 DD—Dinychus perforatus.  相似文献   

A five-year macroinvertebrate study was conducted on a 55 km river (le Rupt-de-Mad, Lorraine region, north-eastern France), a standard for the region. A list of 300 species was drawn up, and remarkable species were listed for some better known orders: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata. Some faunistic results are emphasised: about 42% of the identified species were more or less ubiquitous, 26% were meso- to polysaprobic species of potamon, present only in the main course of the river, while 31% were rather stenoecious species restricted to certain tributaries. Fifty-one remarkable species were listed, taking into account their regional status, according to IUCN categories: more than three quarters were hosted in the small tributaries, and 55% found exclusively in these latter (versus 23.5% only present in the main course of the river). Calcareous lotic tributaries were hosting particularly original communities with many remarkable species. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were pertinent groups to assess the global faunistic interest of lotic habitats, but lentic habitats are probably better evaluated using other groups, e.g. Odonata and Coleoptera; the latter unfortunately poorly known from an ecological point of view.  相似文献   

The long‐term impacts of wildfires on animal populations are largely unknown. We used time‐series data based on a tracking index, from coastal NSW spanning 28 years after a wildfire, to investigate the relative influence of habitat structure, species interactions and climate on post‐fire animal population dynamics. The fire had an immediate impact on habitat structure, reducing and simplifying vegetation cover, which then underwent post‐fire successional change including an increase and plateau in tree canopy cover; an increase, stabilization and then decline in shrub cover; and an increase in ground litter cover. Population changes of different animal species were influenced by different components of successional change, but there was also evidence that species interactions were important. For example, bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus and Perameles nasuta combined) increased concurrent with an increase in shrub cover then declined at a faster rate than a direct association with senescing shrub cover would suggest, while the feral cat (Felis catus) population changed with the bandicoot population, suggesting a link between these species. Potoroos (Potorous tridactylus) increased 10 years after the fire concurrent with the closing tree canopy, but there was also evidence of a negative association with feral foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Variation in rainfall did not have significant effects on the population dynamics of any species. Our results suggest that changes in habitat structure play a key role in the post‐fire dynamics of many ground‐dwelling animals and hence different fire regimes are likely to influence animal dynamics through their effects on habitat structure. However, the role of predator–prey interactions, particularly with feral predators, is less clear and further study will require manipulative experiments of predators in conjunction with fire treatments to determine whether feral predator control should be integrated with fire management to improve outcomes for some native species.  相似文献   

The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) endeavours to explain ecosystem structure and function in terms of the effects of temperature and body size on metabolic rate. In a recent paper (Wang et al., 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106 , 13388), we tested the MTE predictions of species richness using tree distributions in eastern Asia and North America. Our results supported the linear relationship between log‐transformed species richness and the inverse of absolute temperature predicted by the MTE, but the slope strongly depends on spatial scale. The results also indicate that there are more tree species in cold climate at high latitudes in North America than in eastern Asia, but the reverse is true in warm climate at low latitudes. Qian & Ricklefs (2011, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20 , 362–365) recently questioned our data and some of the analyses. Here we reply to them, and provide further analyses to show that their critiques are primarily based on unsuitable data and subjective conjecture.  相似文献   

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