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A gas chromatographic mass spectrometric assay for (N-dicyclopropylmethyl) amino-2-oxazoline in plasma with a detection limit of 0.1 ng ml-1 was required. Various fluoroaryl derivatives of this compound (code name S3341) were synthesized and their positive ion chemical ionization and electron capture negative ion chemical ionization mass spectra recorded. While fluorobenzyl derivatives of S3341 could be made by heating with the requisite benzyl bromide and diisopropylethylamine in acetonitrile, initial efforts to synthesize corresponding fluorobenzoyl derivatives using a benzoyl chloride in dry ethyl acetate at 60 degrees C were unsuccessful. Mass spectral data indicated that only a fragment of the oxazoline ring was retained in the reaction product and that an N-(2-chloroethyl)benzamide was formed. However, when diisopropylethylamine was included in the reaction mixture, a benzoyl derivative of the complete molecule was obtained. The mechanisms of these reactions are discussed. The negative ion mass spectrum of the 3,5-bistrifluoromethylbenzoyl derivative of S3341 has a base peak at m/z 420 (the molecular ion) and, when this ion is specifically monitored, an amount of derivative equivalent to 1 pg of S3341 can be detected. This allowed the development of an assay for S3341 in plasma with a precision of 9% (SD) at 0.2 ng ml-1 and a lower limit for quantitative determination of 0.1 ng ml-1.  相似文献   

3,5-Bis-trifluoromethylbenzoyl derivatives of eight monohydroxy steroids and eight dihydroxy steroids were synthesised. Under the reaction conditions described, the monohydroxy steroids each gave a single derivative while the dihydroxy steroids, with the exception of corticosterone, showed multiple product formation. The reactivity of hydroxyl groups relative to their stereochemistry is discussed. The electron capture negative ion chemical ionisation mass spectra of these derivatives were recorded. When the derivatised hydroxyl group was alicyclic or aromatic, a molecular ion was normally the base peak in the mass spectrum. Selected ion monitoring of molecular ions indicated that, in certain cases, as little as 1 pg of the parent steroid could be detected. The potential use of this derivative in the quantitative analysis of steroids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is discussed.  相似文献   

A quantitative method for the determination of allopregnanolone (5alpha,3alpha-THP) and related neurosteroids in CSF and plasma was established using gas chromatography/electron capture negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC/ECNCI/MS). Neurosteroids were converted to carboxymethoxime, pentafluorobenzyl and trimethylsilyl derivatives and detected as intense (M-181)(-) fragment ions generated under the negative ion chemical ionization process. The response curves constructed using d(4)-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and d(4)-5alpha,3alpha-THP as internal standards showed linearity in the concentration range of 10-1000 pg/ml. The variation of response ratios determined against internal standards over a 2-month period was less than 10%. Instrumental detection limits for most neurosteroids were in the low picogram range with the exception of progesterone and dihydroprogesterone (DHP) which were detected with approximately 10 times less sensitivity in comparison to other steroids. In conjunction with solid-phase extraction, this method allowed the quantification of at least four neurosteroids, including androsterone, testosterone, 5alpha,3alpha-THP, and pregnenolone in 1-2 ml of human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). While the level of 5alpha, 3alpha-THP in human CSF was comparable to that in the human plasma, other steroid levels were significantly lower. Although individual CSF and plasma samples showed widely varying neurosteroid levels, species specificity appeared to exist. The levels of 5alpha, 3alpha-THP and pregnenolone in human CSF were higher than those of monkey CSF where these steroids were often not detected with our current detection limit. In comparison to human plasma, rat plasma samples contained considerably lower levels of androsterone and pregnenolone. Among THP stereoisomers, 5beta,3alpha-THP and 5alpha, 3beta-THP were observed only in human plasma, while 5beta,3beta-THP was detected only in rat plasma.  相似文献   

A quantitative method for determination of nitroglycerin in human plasma was developed. Nitroglycerin and the internal standard (butane-1,2,4-triyl trinitrate) were extracted from plasma with pentane. The extracts were analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry using fused silica capillary columns and electron capture negative ion chemical ionization. The quantitation limit of the method was about 50 pg ml-1. Linear calibration curves were obtained in the range of 50-1600 pg ml-1. Precision at the level of 100 pg ml-1 was 4%.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific assay based on gas chromatography/electron capture negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry has been developed for the analysis of the enantiomers of hexobarbital and its major metabolites in human urine and plasma. S-(+)-(5-2H3)hexobarbital and R-(-)-(5-2H3)hexobarbital were synthesized for clinical studies along with (+/-)-(1,5-2H6)hexobarbital and the deuterated major metabolites for use as internal and reference standards. Hexobarbital enantiomers and their metabolites were analyzed after pentafluorobenzyl and trimethylsilyl derivatization, following solid-phase extraction from plasma and urine. Intense negative ion spectra were observed for all of the derivatives. The base peak in the spectra corresponded to the M-pentafluorobenzyl anion [M-PFB]- except for 1,5-dimethylbarbituric acid, where M-. was the most abundant ion. The applicability of the method was demonstrated by following the plasma concentration-time profiles and urinary excretion in a male extensive metabolizer of mephenytoin who was given a pseudoracemic oral dose of hexobarbital containing equal 50 mg amounts of S-(+)-2(H0)hexobarbital and R-(-)-(2H3)hexobarbital. Marked stereoselective disposition was observed, with the R-(-)-enantiomer being more efficiently metabolized, primarily by alicyclic oxidation and ring cleavage.  相似文献   

An ultrasensitive method capable of detection and quantification of beta-phenylethylamine in 1 ml of human plasma has been developed using gas chromatography/electron capture negative ion mass spectrometry. Phenylethylamine and tetra-deutero phenylethylamine internal standard in plasma were acetylated, extracted into organic solvent and then further acylated with pentafluorobenzoyl chloride. The N-acetyl-N-pentafluorobenzoyl-phenylethylamines were detected by high-resolution single ion monitoring of the molecular ions. Normal plasma levels were found to be 41.5 +/- 10.7 pg ml-1, in accordance with results of a previous high-performance liquid chromatographic method.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of residues of the antibiotic chloramphenicol in biological samples. The method is based on gas chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry and uses (37Cl2)chloramphenicol as internal standard. Selective ion monitoring of four analyte-specific ions enables the determination of chloramphenicol levels in urine of 3 micrograms l-1 with a coefficient of variation of 8%. The limit of detection of the method is 0.1 p.p.b. for urine, muscle and egg.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific quantitative assay for the determination of albuterol in human plasma, based on selected ion monitoring gas chromatography chemical ionization mass spectrometry, has been developed. The [MH]+ ions from the tri-TMS derivatives of albuterol (m/z 456) and the internal standard (2H3)albuterol (m/z 459), were assayed simultaneously by selected ion monitoring. The lower limit of quantitation is 0.25 ng ml-1 and the average assay precision (CV) for albuterol concentrations ranging from 0.25 ng ml-1 to 25 ng ml-1 is approximately 4%. This method is currently being employed for the routine quantitation of albuterol in plasma following the administration of doses therapeutically effective to man.  相似文献   

Because of the recognized inaccuracy and unreliability of currently available methods for the quantification of histamine in biological fluids, a method for quantification of urinary histamine by stable isotope dilution assay with negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry has been developed. Following the addition of [2H4]histamine to 1 ml of urine, histamine is extracted into butanol, back-extracted into HCl, derivatized to the pentafluorobenzyl derivative (CH2C6F5)3-histamine, extracted into methylene chloride, and then quantified with negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry by selected ion monitoring of the ratio of ions mz430434. Twenty samples can be assayed in 2 days. Precision of the assay is ±2.7% and the accuracy is 97.6%. Lower limits of sensitivity are approximately 100–500 fg injected on-column. This assay provides a very sensitive, accurate, and efficient method for the quantification of histamine in human urine.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic-negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometric (GC-NCI-MS) method for the determination of flumazenil in plasma is described. The GC of flumazenil (Mr 303) is considered to be difficult as it is readily adsorbed in the GC column. Therefore, preconditioning the GC column with reconstituted extract from plasma and Silyl-8 was required to cover the active sites on the column. Monitoring the maximum mass peak (m/z 275) of the flumazenil resulted in a tenfold enhancement of sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio (concentration = 1 ng/ml). Isotopically labeled flumazenil-d3 (Mr 306, m/z 278) was used as the internal standard. The detection limit for flumazenil was found to be 0.1 ng/ml with an injection volume of 2 μl. The signal-to-noise ratio was about 10. The routine quantification limit was set at 2 ng/ml for dog plasma and 1 ng/ml for human plasma. The sample volumes in both instances were 1 ml.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone, as some other synthetic corticosteroids, is licensed for therapy in veterinary practice, but its misuse as a growth promotor, often in combination with beta-agonists, is forbidden. In this report an analytical method is described for the detection and confirmation of very low concentrations of dexamethasone in urine. The influence of enzymatic hydrolysis time of samples with glucuronidase was studied. The proposed method consisted of the enzymatic hydrolysis of urine samples, which were then extracted and concentrated using solid-phase cartridges with mixed reversed-phase materials (OASIS). No further clean-up step was found to be necessary. Eluates were derivatized following a previously described method [Analyst 119 (1994) 2557]. Detection, identification and quantification of residues of this compound was carried out by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry in the negative chemical ionization mode. The proposed procedure permits the determination of dexamethasone in urine at levels as low as 0.2 ng ml(-1)  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic-negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometric (GC-NCI-MS) method for the quantitative analysis of clonazepam in human plasma is described. Clonazepam (Mr = 315) was derivatized by N,O-bis-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide with 1% trimethylchlorosilane. A pre-conditioning procedure involving injection of a silyl-8 and ethyl acetate extraction solution from plasma reduces the interaction between clonazepam-TMS and the analytical system. The routine limit of quantification was set to be 0.25 ng/ml with an injection volume of 2 μl and a sample volume of 1 ml. The signal-to-noise ratio was greater than five. The detection limit for clonazepam can reach 0.1 ng/ml. The isotope clonazepam-d5 was used as the internal standard.  相似文献   

Serum levels of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in cancer treated patients were measured by gas chromatography mass spectrometry under chemical ionization conditions; 1-(2-deoxy-beta-D-lyxofuranosyl)-5-fluorouracil (3'-epi-5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine) was used as an internal standard. The drug and internal standard were quantitatively isolated from the serum sample by a mini-column anion exchange method and the extract permethylated using potassium-tert-butoxide in dimethylsulphoxide and methyl iodide. The derivatized nucleosides were then re-extracted from the reaction mixture and analysed on a glass capillary column coated with Superox-4. The column was coupled directly to the chemical ionization source of the mass spectrometer; NH3 was used as the reagent gas. The gas chromatographic effluent was monitored at m/z 289, the [MH]+ ion of the N,O-permethyl derivatives of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine and the internal standard. Recovery of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine from serum in the 0-1 microgram ml-1 concentration range averaged 93 +/- 2% (SD); a linear detector response was observed up to 50 ng 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine ml-1. At the 10 ng ml-1 level, a within-run assay precision of 10% (CV) (n = 5) was found, while a detection limit of about 1 ng 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine ml-1 of serum was attained. The method was applied to the measurement of disappearance curves of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine in the serum of treated patients.  相似文献   

20-Hydroxy-arachidonic acid (20-HETE) was determined in urine by an isotope dilution assay using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). After addition of 18O2-internal standard, 20-HETE was extracted from urine with hexane either directly or after treatment with glucuronidase. 20-HETE was derivatized to the pentafluorobenzylester and the sample was applied to thin layer chromatography with iso-octane/iso-propanol 9:1 (v/v) as the developing solvent. The corresponding zone was extracted and 20-HETE was hydrogenated. After derivatization to the trimethylsilylether, 20-HETE was determined by GC/MS using the [M-pentafluorobenzyl]- -ion in the negative ion chemical ionization mode. Excretion rates of free and glucuronide conjugated 20-HETE was determined in healthy children and in children with hyperprostaglandin-E-syndrome/antenatal Bartter syndrome (HPS/aBS) with or without indomethacin treatment. Compared to the controls, the HPS/aBS children showed higher excretion rates of 20-HETE, which were suppressed to normal values under indomethacin medication. Free and glucuronide conjugated 20-HETE do not correlate with PGE2 excluding any participation in HPS/aBS.  相似文献   

delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and two of its metabolites, 11-hydroxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, can be measured in a single 1-ml sample of blood, plasma, or urine by a new assay which combines a relatively rapid extraction procedure with capillary column gas chromatography and negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Deuterium-labeled analogs of each cannabinoid are added to the physiological specimen as internal standards. Two extracts are obtained from each sample: a neutral fraction containing delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-hydroxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and an acid fraction containing 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The neutral fraction is derivatized by treatment with trifluoroacetic anhydride; the acid fraction is first treated with BF3-methanol followed by reaction with trifluoroacetic anhydride. Under electron-capture chemical ionization conditions the derivatized delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol give abundant molecular anions ideally suited for selected ion monitoring. The negative ion chemical ionization spectrum of the HO-THC-trifluoroacetate shows no molecular anion. Consequently, quantitation of the hydroxy metabolite is achieved by monitoring a fragment ion formed by loss of CF3CO2 from its molecular anion. The limits of reliable measurement are judged to be 0.1 ng ml-1 for 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, 0.2 ng ml-1 for delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 0.5 ng ml-1 for 11-hydroxy-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Four examples are given of the application of the assay to the analysis of specimens of medico-legal importance.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography/electron capture negative ion chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (GC/ECNICI-MS) combined with pentafluorobenzoyl derivatization (PFBoyl) is frequently used for the sensitive detection of fatty alcohols (FOH). However, this derivatization technique suffers from a lack of established reaction protocols, time-consuming reactions, and the presence of reagent artifacts or unwanted derivatization by-products which can hinder analyte detection. Here, strategies are presented to reduce the problems associated with PFBoyl-derivatization, including (1) the optimization of reaction conditions (derivatization time and temperature) for a variety of PFBoyl-derivatized FOH, (2) an investigation of microwave-accelerated derivatization (MAD) as a rapid alternative heating mechanism for the PFBoyl-derivatization of FOH, and (3) an analysis of an alternative strategy employing a solvent extraction procedure post-derivatization to reduce the detrimental effects commonly associated with PFBoyl derivatization reagents. The optimal reaction conditions for the PFBoyl-derivatization of FOH were determined to be 60°C for 45 min. The investigation in MAD demonstrated the potential of obtaining comparable PFBoyl-derivatizations to those obtained using traditional heating methods, albeit in a reaction time of 3 min. An examination of several solvents for post-derivatization extraction revealed improved relative response factors in comparison to those obtained without solvent extraction. The best solvents for the PFBoyl-FOH extraction, dichloromethane and tert-butyl methyl ether, were also compared to the no solvent extraction samples with standard response curves and PFBoyl-derivatized FOH in Bligh-Dyer extracted rat plasma.  相似文献   

By use of negative ion chemical ionization and collision-activated decomposition in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer a method has been developed for the quantification of ergotamine in human plasma at levels down to 2 pg ml-1.  相似文献   

Presented here is a stable isotope dilution technique for determining cortisol production rate (CPR). The method involves extraction and derivatization of cortisol isoforms from serum (0.5 ml), separation of derivatives by gas chromatography, and detection by using negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry. This method provides 50-100-fold greater sensitivity than positive ion mass spectrometry and allows for estimations of cortisol production rate with the use of small amounts of pooled serum, even in the presence of high concentrations of lipophilic contaminants. The area under the curve for the total selected ion chromatogram of fluoroacyl derivatives of cortisol (d0, m/z 782) and deuterated cortisol (d3, m/z 785) were used to determine the isotopic dilution ratio in three types of samples: 1) standards: d0/d3 ratios ranging from 1 to 8%; 2) controls: d3-cortisol added to serum with known cortisol concentration; 3) subjects: 24-h pooled serum samples (q 30 min over 24 h) from healthy children (male 10-13 years; female 7-11 years) receiving continuous infusions of d3-cortisol at 2-4% of their estimated CPR. Recovery after the solid phase extraction and derivatization process was >90%, as determined by thin-layer chromatography. Expected versus measured ratios for d3/d0 in standards and serum controls were highly correlated (r2(standard) = 0.99; r2(control) = 0.99) over a wide range of d3-cortisol enrichment (1.0-10.0%). Mean 24-h CPRs were 4.8 +/- 0.6 mg/m2/24 h (mean +/- SEM, n = 7) in male children and 4.4 +/- 0.5 mg/m2/24 h in female children (n = 4). These CPR values are lower than those derived by radio tracer methods, but are in agreement with previous isotopic dilution studies. This technique is an important tool for assessing CPRs in a wide range of disease states affecting cortisol production.  相似文献   

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