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Capsule: Changes in abundance of six bird species showed associations with moorland management.

Aims: To assess responses of breeding birds to moorland management over a 14-year period.

Methods: Vegetation and birds were surveyed at 2–3-year intervals and changes examined in relation to sheep and cattle grazing, vegetation burning and cutting.

Results: Seven correlations between change in management and change in bird abundance were detected, and six between change in vegetation and change in bird abundance. On plots where sheep numbers declined, Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria and Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe declined. Where a greater area was burned, Golden Plover increased in the initial post-burning period but Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica declined. Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata and Sky Lark Alauda arvensis increased where a greater area of moorland vegetation was cut. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra declined with increasing cattle numbers on a plot.

Conclusions: Bird populations respond to changes in moorland management, but these changes are not always associated with detectable changes in vegetation. These responses of moorland breeding birds to management could help refine agri-environment options and other conservation interventions on moorland. Responses differed between bird species, ideally requiring site-specific planning where managing for multiple species is a goal.  相似文献   

Capsule: In the Scottish Highlands, Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix females with young broods selected areas rich in wet flushes, grasses and Sphagnum mosses.

Aims: To identify associations between young Black Grouse broods and habitat characteristics.

Methods: We located brood-rearing Black Grouse females in four areas of moorland-forest mosaic in the Scottish Highlands. Each brood was paired with a random reference location 100?m away. We recorded cover of different habitats and fine-scale vegetation and structure within squares of 1 and 0.25?ha, respectively. Associations between brood occurrence and habitat and vegetation variables were examined at the two scales.

Results: Black Grouse broods were positively associated with wet flushes (1?ha), and with Heather Calluna vulgaris, sedges Carex spp., grasses, Sphagnum mosses and taller vegetation with intermediate levels of height variability (0.25?ha).

Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of wet habitats for young Black Grouse chicks. In addition, relatively tall field-layer vegetation comprising Heather, sedges, grasses over a layer of Sphagnum mosses attracted brood-rearing Black Grouse females. Many management practices associated with peatland restoration, including drain-blocking, Sphagnum re-establishment and the avoidance of burning on deep peat soils, are therefore consistent with favourable habitat management for Black Grouse.  相似文献   

Background: Seedling recruitment is widely recognised to be important in the maintenance of diversity and coexistence of species. It is not clear how local abiotic factors mediated by litter and biotic interactions influence plant species recruitment in alpine grasslands.

Aims: To determine how litter and standing vegetation affected seedling recruitment in plant communities in Tibetan alpine grasslands.

Methods: Seedling recruitment was quantified in response to experimental treatments: (1) removal of standing vegetation and litter; (2) removal of standing vegetation with litter intact; (3) intact standing vegetation and removal of litter and (4) control: intact standing vegetation and litter.

Results: Litter removal increased seedling numbers, while standing vegetation removal had no effect. An interaction between litter and standing vegetation removal marginally increased seedling number. Species richness of seedlings was not related to either litter removal or standing vegetation removal. Species composition of seedling differed significantly between removal of both litter and standing vegetation and control.

Conclusions: Litter and its interaction with standing vegetation has an important role in affecting plant species recruitment in this alpine plant community. In contrast, biotic interactions, such as competition or facilitation from standing vegetation, appear to have only minor effects on recruitment.  相似文献   

Background: Although lianas are important in forest ecosystems, information on the environmental factors influencing their diversity, structure and habitat associations is scanty.

Aims: This study had the aim of determining variation in liana diversity, structure and habitat associations across different topographic habitats, and the environmental factors influencing them, in the Penang Hill Forest Reserve, Malaysia.

Methods: Liana diversity, structure and habitat associations were examined in 30 plots, 40 m × 40 m, randomly demarcated within three topographic habitats (flatland, slope and valley). The physico-chemical properties of the soils in the plots were determined and the altitude and slope of the plots recorded.

Results: Liana species richness, diversity and structure varied significantly among the topographic habitats. Liana species richness, diversity and abundance variations were related to soil moisture, phosphorus content, pH and altitude, whereas liana diameter and basal area were associated with soil magnesium and slope. A total of eight species had a positive association with the habitat and a further six showed a negative association. Four species had a positive association with the flatland habitat, but only three and two species, respectively, with slope and valley habitats. The slope habitat gave the highest number of species that showed a negative association.

Conclusions: Liana diversity and structure varied between habitats. Some liana species showed different associations with specific habitats. Environmental variables were identified that influence liana diversity, structure and habitat associations. The study provides important information about the factors influencing liana success, and these will be of value in liana conservation and management in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Background: Knowledge about vegetation and soil seed bank composition and the processes that contribute to vegetation recovery after the removal of heavy grazing is lacking in sub-alpine ecosystems.

Aims: In order to assess the effects of large herbivores on above-ground vegetation (AGV) and soil seed bank (SSB) characteristics, intensively sheep-grazed areas were compared to adjacent areas where grazing had been removed 10 years previously in a sub-alpine grassland of northern Iran.

Methods: A total of 40 4-m2 (2 m × 2 m) plots were established in each treatment, and soil samples were collected from each plot within a depth of 10 cm. Plant species composition was determined for each plot during the flowering stage of herbaceous species in June 2011. The seedling emergence method was used to estimate SSB composition.

Results: A total of 45 species (23 annuals and 22 perennials) emerged from the soil samples of the grazed area, while the number of species emerged from the soil samples of the previously grazing area was 76 (37 annuals and 39 perennials). The removal of grazing led to a significant increase in species richness and seed density in the SSB. Species turnover of AGV was higher, and that of the SSB was similar for grazed areas compared with areas that were formerly grazed. Detrended correspondence analysis ordination of AGV composition showed a clearly separate structure between grazed plots and plots where grazing has been removed, while the segregation was less clear for SSB composition.

Conclusions: We concluded that restoration of locally degraded sites cannot rely on the SSB when grazing is stopped simultaneously and unvegetated gaps are colonised by vegetative growth rather than by seed.  相似文献   

Background: The occurrence of shrub patches, alternating with either bare soil or low herbaceous cover, is a common feature in arid and semi-arid shrublands throughout the world. This patchy pattern of vegetation may result from water limitation, modulated by plant interactions; grazing (offtake and tramping) by livestock may cause further patchiness vegetation structure.

Aims: We hypothesised that vegetation patchiness in the semi-arid shrublands of north-eastern Patagonia would be increased by livestock grazing, but not by positive interactions between adult plants of shrubs and grasses.

Methods: We compared vegetation cover and pattern at three grazing intensities (exclosure, light and heavy grazing) and measured the growth of a representative shrub and grass in the presence and absence of the other to quantify the role of plant-to-plant interactions and its interaction with grazing for vegetation structure.

Results: In the grazing exclosure and in moderately grazed areas, vegetation cover among shrub patches was larger, whereas the top cover of shrubs was lower than in the heavily grazed areas. We did not find any evidence of positive interactions between shrub and grass life forms.

Conclusions: Our results were consistent with the hypothesis that livestock grazing increased the formation of patchy vegetation cover in arid and semi-arid shrublands.  相似文献   

Background: Most work in Amazonia has concentrated on dense lowland evergreen rain forest, a vegetation type with >40% cover. Large parts of southern Amazonia are covered by open evergreen lowland rain forest, physiognomically dominated by high abundance of palms. This vegetation type has received relatively little attention so far. Understanding the key predictors of above-ground biomass (AGB) across scales is important to accurately quantify the impacts of land cover change on the terrestrial carbon budget.

Aims: We assessed the structure of southern Amazonian forests, Brazil, to quantify the relative importance of variation in AGB caused by the abundance/density of palm species and by forest structure.

Methods: We stratified the landscape into homogeneous units in terms of vegetation types and elevation for using as a guide for plot establishment. We used the variation partitioning technique to decompose the relative contribution of forest structure and palm abundance.

Results: The AGBcommunity (including trees, palms and lianas) and AGBtree (excluding palms and lianas) significantly decreased with increasing abundance of palms. The Attalea speciosa, a large-leaved palm species, was the most important for explaining the variance of AGB. The total variance of AGBtree was partially explained by a redundant effect of A. speciosa and trees (28%) and by trees alone (62%), based on models of basal area. The redundant effect, alongside with additional analyses, indicated (1) competition between A. speciosa and small trees and (2) covariation between A. speciosa and large trees.

Conclusions: The abundance of palms plays a minor but significant role in predicting the AGB at the local scale in southern Amazonia.  相似文献   

Capsule: Forb-rich and diverse, annually mown vegetation is the preferred Corncrake Crex crex breeding habitat in floodplains.

Aims: To identify habitat preferences of female Corncrakes and characteristics of breeding sites in floodplain habitats and derive recommendations for management.

Methods: We tracked six female Corncrakes and compared vegetation characteristics at 78 male calling sites with regard to breeding records and diurnal call activity of males, because we expect the latter to indicate female occurrence. Additionally, we analysed how practice and timing of land use in the preceding year affected vegetation structure.

Results: Females preferred areas with high cover of forbs and a distinct relief heterogeneity, which was associated with overall vegetation diversity. All calling sites with breeding records and diurnal call incidence of males showed high forb and low sedge cover, low litter heights and a close location to ditches. Favourable conditions were best provided by mowing in the preceding year.

Conclusion: In eutrophic habitats, female Corncrakes preferred a vegetation structure created by annual mowing. Because nests and unfledged chicks are threatened by mowing operations, we recommend an alternating management regime based on the identification of breeding sites using male diurnal calling activity.  相似文献   

Background: Climate warming has been causing an increase in tall shrub cover around the Arctic, however, mammalian herbivory has been shown to inhibit shrub expansion. Though the effect of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and many other mammals has been widely studied in this context, the role of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) in subarctic Scandinavia remains unknown.

Aims: To quantify browsing from mountain hare and reindeer on tall shrubs in different vegetation types and to investigate differences in shrub preference between the two.

Methods: In the summers of 2013 and 2014, we counted signs of browsing by hare and reindeer on tall shrub species in 31 study plots at three alpine locations in the Scandes range, Sweden.

Results: Hare browsing was significantly more frequent than that by reindeer in two (dry-mesic heath and dry meadow) out of seven vegetation types studied. Reindeer browsing was significantly higher in the low herb meadow and Långfjället shrub heath. Two shrub species, Betula nana and Salix hastata, were significantly more browsed by hare, while reindeer browsing was significantly higher on S. phylicifolia and S. lapponum.

Conclusions: Our results show that mountain hares can cause extensive damage to tall shrubs in the subarctic and may have a stronger impact on shrub communities than previously recognised.  相似文献   

Background: In Southern Brazil, large areas of grassland have been replaced by Eucalyptus plantations. Vegetation is scarce under plantations which may be associated with Eucalyptus releasing of allelochemicals.

Aims: To investigate effects of Eucalyptus saligna leaf litter on the colonisation and development of the ground layer by grassland species and if these effects were related to allelopathy.

Methods: We assessed the effects of Eucalyptus litter on the establishment of species of the native grassland community and on seeded test species (Paspalum notatum and Lotus corniculatus – introduced). We tested the impact of the addition of E. saligna leaf litter, artificial leaves (shading and mechanical impediment) and shading. We also tested the phytotoxicity of the soil from E. saligna plantations.

Results: Species richness, diversity, plant height, cover and biomass were lower in E. saligna leaves and artificial leaves treatments than in the control (absence of litter). The test species showed lower biomass and higher mortality in treatment plots with E. saligna leaves, artificial leaves and shading treatments than in the control. Allelochemicals did not accumulate in soil at phytotoxic levels.

Conclusions: Eucalyptus saligna leaf litter suppresses the establishment of grassland vegetation, but the effects are mainly physical. Field evaluations with appropriate controls should be more extensively used in allelopathy investigations.  相似文献   

Background: Species composition of plant communities is shaped by the interplay between dispersal limitation, environmental filters and stochastic events.

Aims: The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of dispersal limitation and environmental filtering on tree recruitment. To accomplish this, we employed the unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography to examine migration within the metacommunity, defined as a set of interacting local communities linked by the dispersal of multiple potentially interacting species.

Methods: We sampled 12,975 individuals with dbh ≥ 1 cm in 26 1-ha permanent plots, including habitats of terra firme, transitional forests, várzea and campinarana, on the upper Madeira River, Brazilian Amazon.

Results: Campinarana drew individuals from outside the metacommunity species pool at a mean probability of recruitment of 0.06, a much lower probability than terra firme (0.31), transitional (0.21) and várzea forests (0.22). Environmental variables, such as water table depth, soil texture and fertility, were related to differences in community assembly.

Conclusions: Species abundance distribution and diversity patterns of plant assemblages in a large river landscape in the Amazon highlight the importance of environmental heterogeneity that conditions beta-diversity. The high variation in recruitment probabilities from the metacommunity species pool to local communities suggests high habitat variability in the process of maintaining patterns of local diversity.  相似文献   

Background: The flora of serpentine/ultramafic soils provides an excellent model system for the study of natural selection in plant populations. Streptanthus polygaloides is a nickel hyperaccumulator that is endemic to serpentine soils in the Sierra Nevada of California, and has four floral morphs (yellow, purple, yellow-to-purple and undulate).

Aims: We investigate three hypotheses: (1) the purple morph occurs in colder, wetter climates than the yellow morph; (2) tissue–soil ionic relationships differ among morphs; and (3) morphs occur on soils with differing elemental concentrations.

Methods: We queried herbarium records to investigate patterns of occurrence among the yellow and purple floral morphs, and analysed soil and tissue samples from wild populations of all four morphs.

Results: The purple morph inhabited serpentine outcrops with colder temperatures and greater precipitation levels than the yellow morph. Concentrations of elements in leaf tissue and rhizosphere soil differed little among populations of the morphs, but showed substantial within-site variation.

Conclusions: Our results suggest that a climatic gradient may be responsible for divergence in floral colour among populations of S. polygaloides. Because of the large within-site variation in soil and tissue elemental concentrations, plants appear to have a varied physiological response to edaphic factors, regardless of morph membership.  相似文献   

Background: High plateaux in the Scottish Highlands are vulnerable to disturbance and erosion, but there is a lack of quantitative measurements of terrain sensitivity.

Aims: To apply new quantitative methods to assess the sensitivity of such terrain to physical stress.

Methods: We investigated two components of the mechanical properties of the terrain on 10 plateaux underlain by several different lithologies: the tensile strength of the vegetation mat and underlying root zone, and the shear and compressional strengths of the substrate.

Results: Significant differences in tensile strength occur amongst plant communities, but there is also large within-site and between-site variation for particular communities. A significant component of such variability is attributable to the proportional representation of co-dominant species within communities, and inter-site variability is partly explained by substrate granulometry: particular communities exhibit lower strength characteristics when rooted in sandy substrates derived from coarse-grained lithologies than the same communities on silt-rich soils derived from fine-grained lithologies.

Conclusions: Terrain sensitivity to physical stress is conditioned by the interaction of vegetation and substrate characteristics. Generally, grass-dominated (particularly Nardus-dominated) communities tend to be most robust, and communities dominated by bryophytes and prostrate Calluna vulgaris are typically most sensitive. We identify a continuum of substrate strength: peat is the most sensitive substrate type, followed by other organic-rich soils, sandy matrix-supported substrates and silt-rich matrix-supported substrates. Clast-supported substrates and openwork blockfields are the most robust substrate types. Because the near-surface layers of mineral substrates are weakest, erosion is likely to remove these to expose the underlying robust but sterile clast-supported layers, altering soil status and inhibiting plant recolonisation on eroded substrates.  相似文献   

Background: High-mountain ecosystems are centres of plant diversity that are particularly sensitive to land-use and climate change.

Aims: We investigated the ecological trends associated with land use and climate change since the 1950s in different vegetation types in high-mountain habitats in the central Apennines.

Methods: We analysed temporal changes in: Pinus mugo scrub, calcareous subalpine grasslands and alpine scree vegetation, comparing historical and recent vegetation records from vegetation plots from two periods (1955–1980 and 1990–2014) for their ecological indicator values (Landolt temperature and nutrient indicators) and structural traits (growth forms) over time using generalised linear models (GLMs).

Results: We observed significant temporal differences in the ecology and structure of the analysed habitats. In the Pinus mugo scrub we detected a reduction of subalpine and herbaceous species and in calcareous alpine screes we observed an increment of the lower montane, montane and subalpine species and of dwarf shrubs. Conversely, subalpine grasslands were stable over time.

Conclusions: Ecological changes that have occurred in the Central Apennines, following changes in type and intensity of land use and recent warming are consistent with those observed in other European mountains, for which climate and land-use changes are claimed as the main driving forces.  相似文献   

Background: Liverwort heath is considered in Scotland to be one of the vegetation types most vulnerable to environmental change, yet detailed insights into its dynamics are lacking.

Aims: To assess the nature and extent of plant compositional changes in liverwort heath over 50 years and relate this to environmental change drivers.

Methods: Vegetation plots previously recorded 20 and 50 years ago were re-surveyed to assess changes in species composition, plot-level species richness and between-plot variability, using several β-diversity indices and partitioning. The environmental indicator values of the species that showed most change were used to identify the environmental drivers of change.

Results: Liverwort heath in north-west Scotland has undergone compositional changes over 50 years, becoming more heterogeneous, and losing some of its distinct character. Dwarf shrubs and specialist liverworts have decreased, while graminoids have increased. Partitioning of change in β diversity indicated that mainly changes in species richness, rather than species turnover, have driven the taxonomic differentiation over time. Grazing, eutrophication and warmer and drier conditions were found to be potentially important drivers of the observed vegetation change.

Conclusions: Our results highlight the vulnerability of liverwort heath to environmental change.  相似文献   

Background: Large areas of heathland landscapes in Galicia, north-west Spain, have traditionally been extensively grazed by free-ranging cattle and wild ponies. Recently, a large reduction in the number of these larger herbivores has been observed, with unknown consequences for the habitat.

Aims: To evaluate the effects of grazing and herbivore density on plant diversity, community composition and vegetation structure of the endemic wet heathlands dominated by Erica mackayana in Galicia.

Methods: Field sampling of vascular plants, generalised linear models (GLMs), non-metric multidimensional distance scaling (NMDS).

Results: Grazed sites had significantly higher total and rare species richness and diversity than ungrazed sites. Higher densities of cattle resulted in lower numbers of rare species, while wild pony density had no effect on rare species richness. In grazed sites, vegetation was lower with greater variation in height, resulting in greater heterogeneity of the habitat. Precipitation and summer temperatures were related to plant diversity, mainly beta diversity. Soil organic matter negatively correlated with rare species.

Discussion: Grazing, mostly by wild ponies, was demonstrated to be positively related to plant diversity and vegetation structure. Lack of grazing or high cattle densities resulted in a negative effect on total and rare species richness and diversity. Future climate change may negatively affect heathland plant diversity. Galician wild ponies represent a unique case of sustainable management of a wild species and an invaluable cultural heritage. Moreover, they have a significant role in maintaining the endemic E. mackayana heathlands, what would justify specific conservation actions for these large herbivores.  相似文献   

Capsule: Whinchat Saxicola rubetra foraging behaviour was significantly influenced by habitat structure and grazing.

Aims: To assess how foraging habitats selected by breeding Whinchats differed from wider territory attributes under contrasting grazing management in multiple upland areas in Scotland: principally sheep grazed, Red Deer grazed or ungrazed, and to identify how differing land use may limit suitable foraging areas.

Methods: We compared fine-scale vegetation structure in patches chosen for foraging by Whinchats in contrasting grazing management regimes.

Results: Whinchats were less likely to forage in patches with a greater cover of bracken and tall non-bracken vegetation, regardless of grazing regime. Grass cover influenced foraging behaviour in ungrazed habitats only, where Whinchats were less likely to forage in areas with high grass cover.

Conclusion: Whinchats appear to require a mosaic or range of sward structures within breeding territories, highlighting the importance of establishing how vegetation structure influences breeding birds at different spatial scales. Our results suggest that suitable foraging patches were plentiful within grazed habitats but potentially limited in ungrazed habitats. Further work is needed to identify management regimes and interventions to maintain conditions suitable for breeding Whinchats that are compatible with other land use and conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Background: Diversity patterns of plant communities are related to the environment, including productivity and patchiness of habitat.

Aims: To determine differences in diversity patterns between serpentine and non-serpentine communities.

Methods: A two-year study was conducted in native eastern Mediterranean grasslands. For each year 40 0.25 m2 plots were sampled across four pairs of sites, each of which contained a serpentine and an adjacent non-serpentine plant community. Alpha and beta diversity (variation in species composition among plots within localities), species composition and biomass production were determined. Total soil elemental concentrations and pH were also measured.

Results: Serpentine habitats were shown to support a lower alpha diversity relative to non-serpentine habitatas on a per plot basis. Differences in alpha diversity between the two substrates were associated with variation in soil chemistry rather than above-ground biomass production. Serpentine habitats also exhibited lower beta diversity, which was unrelated to variation in biomass production. The two contrasting communities presented distinct species composition.

Conclusions: Differences in diversity patterns between serpentine and non-serpentine communities in the eastern Mediterranean are influenced by soil chemistry rather than biomass production.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the dynamic variation in H3K4me3 and HP1 with employment length in nickel smelting workers.

Methods: Blood samples were collected from 140 nickel smelting workers and 140 age-matched office workers to test for H3K4me3, and HP1 levels.

Results: H3K4me3 was statistically significantly different (p?<?0.05) between the two groups and positively correlated with employment length (rs?=?0.267). HP1 was not correlated with employment length (p?=?0.066) but was significantly different between the two groups.

Conclusions: Chronic exposure to nickel can induce oxidative damage, and increase H3K4me3 expression and inhibit HP1 expression.  相似文献   

Background: Biserrula pelecinus is an annual legume native to the Mediterranean basin, found in pastureland, alone or in association with other legumes (Leguminosae) and grasses (Poaceae). It has been used in revegetation programmes of mining wastes showing phytoremediation potentials and thus becoming potentially highly attractive for plant ecology and restoration management of natural ecosystems.

Aims: To characterise native root-nodule bacteria isolated from B. pelecinus from the Iberian Peninsula, and to select suitable N fixers for field-application and soil rehabilitation.

Methods: Strains were isolated and molecularly identified by 16S rRNA amplification and sequencing. Strains were phenotypically characterised in different abiotic conditions (acidity, salinity and heavy metals) and tested for their ability to fix atmospheric N2. The most suitable N fixers were applied in greenhouse experiments with B. pelecinus under different fertilization levels to assess their tolerance to fertilized and polluted soils, commonly encountered in restoration projects.

Results: B. pelecinus root-nodule isolates tolerated pH from 4.5 to 9.5 grew in saline conditions (2.5% of NaCl), and tolerated 50 µM of Al3+ and Mn2+. Three isolates efficient in N2 fixation, relative to the reference Mesorhizobium strain, were considered excellent candidates for the amelioration of nutrient poor sites.

Conclusions: These results provide valuable information for the potential use in soil restoration of B. pelecinus in a wide-range of conditions, exploiting the natural variability of its root-nodule bacteria.  相似文献   

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