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Conspicuous coloration is often used in combination with chemical defenses to deter predators from attacking. Experimental studies have shown that the avoidance inducing effect of conspicuous prey coloration increases with increasing size of pattern elements and with increasing body size. Here we use a comparative approach to test the prediction from these findings, namely that conspicuous coloration will evolve in tandem with body size. In our analysis, we use a previously published mitochondrial DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to examine if evolutionary shifts in color pattern have been associated with evolutionary changes in body size in aposematic poison frogs (Anura: Dendrobatidae). Information on body size (snout to vent length) and coloration were obtained from the literature. Two different measures of conspicuousness were used, one based on rankings by human observers and the other based on computer analysis of digitized photographs. The results from comparative analyses using either measure of coloration indicated that avoidance inducing coloration and body size have evolved in concert in poison frogs. Results from reconstruction of character change further indicate that the correlated evolution of size and coloration has involved changes in both directions within each of the different clades of the phylogenetic tree. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that selection imposed by visually guided predators has promoted the evolution of larger body size in species with conspicuous coloration, or enhanced evolution of conspicuous coloration in larger species.  相似文献   

Dendrobatid frogs perform a unique mode of parental care, ranging from egg attendance and tadpole transport to tadpole feeding. It is hypothesized that a behaviour in which the egg attending parent remains with the cluch is the most primitive condition. In more advanced forms or parental care, the male is able to attend several clutches of eggs. Tadpole attendance and feeding, finally, started as deceit; the male induced the female to lay eggs into a bromeliad leaf axil already occupied by a larva. Costs and benefits of the different modes of parental care and possible alternative reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, is an emerging disease of both wild and captive amphibians, posing a threat to their survival in many parts of the world. As the disease can be difficult to diagnose on routine pathologic sections, the purpose of this study was to develop an additional method for visualization. To accomplish this, immunohistochemical staining was applied to histologic skin sections from four experimentally infected Dyeing poison dart frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius). Staining of the positive tissue sections was distinct and readily visualized, making this technique a valuable ancillary diagnostic test for this important disease.  相似文献   

The likelihood of speciation is assumed to increase when sexually selected traits diverge together with ecologically important traits. According to sexual selection theory, the evolution of exaggerated display behavior is driven by increased mating success, but limited by natural selection, for example, through predation. However, the evolution of aposematic coloration (i.e., an ecologically important trait) could relieve the evolution of exaggerated display behavior from the bound of predation, resulting in joint divergence in aposematic coloration and sexual display behavior between populations. We tested this idea by examining conspicuousness, using color contrasts between individuals and their native backgrounds, and sexual display of 118 males from genetically diverged populations of the Strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio. Our results show that the level of conspicuousness of the population predicts the sexual display behavior of males. Males from conspicuous populations used more exposed calling sites. We argue that changes in aposematic coloration may rapidly cause not only postmating isolation due to poorly adapted hybrids, but also premating isolation through shifts in mating behaviors.  相似文献   

Warning signals are often characterized by highly contrasting, distinctive, and memorable colors. Greater chromatic (hue) and achromatic (brightness) contrast have both been found to contribute to greater signal efficacy, making longwave colored signals (e.g., red and yellow), that are perceived by both chromatic and achromatic visual pathways, particularly common. Conversely, shortwave colors (e.g., blue and ultraviolet) do not contribute to luminance perception yet are also commonly found in warning signals. Our understanding of the role of UV in aposematic signals is currently incomplete as UV perception is not universal, and evidence for its utility is at best mixed. We used visual modeling to quantify how UV affects signal contrast in aposematic heliconiian butterflies and poison frogs both of which reflect UV wavelengths, occupy similar habitats, and share similar classes of predators. Previous work on butterflies has found that UV reflectance does not affect predation risk but is involved in mate choice. As the butterflies, but not the frogs, have UV‐sensitive vision, the function of UV reflectance in poison frogs is currently unknown. We found that despite showing up strongly in UV photographs, UV reflectance only appreciably affected visual contrast in the butterflies. As such, these results support the notion that although UV reflectance is associated with intraspecific communication in butterflies, it appears to be nonfunctional in frogs. Consequently, our data highlight that we should be careful when assigning a selection‐based benefit to the presence of UV reflectance.  相似文献   

Age, longevity, and growth in mink frogs Rana septentrionalis from two latitudes in Quebec, Canada, were assessed by skeletochronological and back-calculation methods in order to document proximate causes for intraspecific variations in adult body size. In both study sites, females grew faster and were on average 11% larger than males. Mean age and maximal longevity were significantly higher in females than in males only in the southern populations. There was thus an interpopulation difference in the relative contribution of age and growth to sexual size dimorphisms. Sex-ratio also favored females (males sulfering higher mortality) only in the southern populations. Specimens from the northern population had higher mean ages (but not higher longevities) and were 17% larger than specimens from the southern populations. Annual growth rate appeared similar at the two study sites despite a shorter growing season at the northern locality. Maturity was reached by both sexes after 1 yr of post-metamorphic life (PML) in the southern populations but after 2 yr of PML in the northern population. There are indications that tadpoles metamorphose at larger body size at the northern locality after a prolonged larval period. It is concluded that growth rate, delayed maturity, greater mean ages, and eventually size at transformation, all contribute to the larger size of adult mink frogs at northern localities.  相似文献   

The diurnal, brightly colored, and toxic frogs of the genus Mantella are among the most prominent representatives of the endemic anuran fauna of Madagascar. Especially three closely related species, M. aurantiaca, M. crocea, and M. milotympanum, are intensively collected for the pet trade, although basic data on their natural history and genetic diversity are still lacking. Our phylogenetic analyses based on 2.8 kbp of partial 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, cytochrome b, and rhodopsin DNA sequences confirmed that these species belong to one of the five major clades in Mantella, the M. madagascariensis group. A haplotype network constructed using 830 bp of cytochrome b in 49 individuals from seven populations revealed that M. milotympanum and M. crocea have largely similar haplotypes sharing, confirming doubts about the species validity of M. milotympanum and indicating independent evolution of bright orange pattern in M. milotympanum and M. aurantiaca. Further, clustering of four individuals of M. aurantiaca from Andranomena with M. crocea suggests incomplete lineage sorting or introgression resulting from secondary contact of refugial populations. AMOVA confirmed significant intrapopulation nucleotide diversity (>20%). These diversity patterns and our field observations indicate relatively large population sizes. Hence, overcollecting is probably a minor problem and conservation efforts should rather focus on saving some large populations from habitat destruction through logging and forest fires.  相似文献   

Acoustic and visual signals like mating calls or colour patterns, which are involved in courtship displays, can be affected by the health status of an individual. For example, infection with parasites can result in sexual signals that are less intense or conspicuous than in healthy individuals; thus it is generally assumed that sexual signals indicate the quality of the holder. We use strawberry poison frogs from Costa Rica to find out (1) whether there is variation in the parasite load among individuals, (2) whether the parasite load varies over time, (3) whether the parasite load has an effect on acoustic and visual signals, which are supposed to be important for female mate choice and (4) whether the parasite load influences the reproductive behaviour. We found that 60 % of our focal males were infested with an intestinal nematode of the genus Cosmocerca while the parasite load changed considerably over time. We found slight associations between the intensity of acoustic signals (advertisement calls), visual signals (colour and brightness contrasts) and parasite load. Non-infected males produced significantly lower pulse rates than parasitised males. As pulse rate has been shown to decrease with age, we suggest that males without parasites become older than infected males. Moreover, the visual contrasts of the frogs varied across natural backgrounds. An interaction between parasite infection and the background of the calling place affected the ventral colour contrast. This finding suggests that at least some males without parasites defend calling places that render them more conspicuousness to conspecifics than other potential positions would. There were no differences in several elements of reproductive behaviour between parasitised and healthy males. Further studies are necessary to find out whether parasite infection varies among populations, and whether at higher levels it would have a stronger influence on sexual signals, behaviour and lifetime fitness.  相似文献   

Microscopic observation of the skin of Plestiodon lizards, which have body stripes and blue tail coloration, identified epidermal melanophores and three types of dermal chromatophores: xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores. There was a vertical combination of these pigment cells, with xanthophores in the uppermost layer, iridophores in the intermediate layer, and melanophores in the basal layer, which varied according to the skin coloration. Skin with yellowish-white or brown coloration had an identical vertical order of xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores, but yellowish-white skin had a thicker layer of iridophores and a thinner layer of melanophores than did brown skin. The thickness of the iridophore layer was proportional to the number of reflecting platelets within each iridophore. Skin showing green coloration also had three layers of dermal chromatophores, but the vertical order of xanthophores and iridophores was frequently reversed. Skin showing blue color had iridophores above the melanophores. In addition, the thickness of reflecting platelets in the blue tail was less than in yellowish-white or brown areas of the body. Skin with black coloration had only melanophores.  相似文献   

During early development, many aposematic species have bright and conspicuous warning appearance, but have yet to acquire chemical defenses, a phenotypic state which presumably makes them vulnerable to predation. Body size and signal luminance in particular are known to be sensitive to variation in early nutrition. However, the relative importance of these traits as determinants of predation risk in juveniles is not known. To address this question, we utilized computer‐assisted design (CAD) and information on putative predator visual sensitivities to produce artificial models of postmetamorphic froglets that varied in terms of body size and signal luminance. We then deployed the artificial models in the field and measured rates of attack by birds and unknown predators. Our results indicate that body size was a significant predictor of artificial prey survival. Rates of attack by bird predators were significantly higher on smaller models. However, predation by birds did not differ between artificial models of varying signal luminance. This suggests that at the completion of metamorphosis, smaller froglets may be at a selective disadvantage, potentially because predators can discern they have relatively low levels of chemical defense compared to larger froglets. There is likely to be a premium on efficient foraging, giving rise to rapid growth and the acquisition of toxins from dietary sources in juvenile poison frogs.  相似文献   

Unpalatable species are often brightly coloured. Such aposematic coloration may have evolved because predators can learn to avoid conspicuous prey more readily than cryptic prey. Experiments on young male chicks are described and the results are consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Aposematic signals represent one of the classical systems to study evolution and, as such, they have received considerable empirical and theoretical investigation. Despite the extensive literature on aposematic coloration, much uncertainty remains about genetic changes responsible for the repeated evolution of similar signals in multiple lineages. Here, we study the diversification and convergence of coloration among lineages of aposematic harlequin poison frogs (Oophaga histrionica complex). Our results suggest that different background phenotypes, showing different color and/or luminance contrast, have evolved independently at least twice in this group. We suggest that cellular arrangements are behind the striking diversity of color and patterns in this group and propose that differences in dorsal background color may be related to either or both, the presence/absence of xanthophores and the dispersion of melanosomes. Our genetic analyses support a role for the melanocortin receptor MC1R in melanosome aggregation, and we show evidence that two different mutations (?433 and C432A) are responsible for the darker phenotypes that may display a more detectable, easier to learn, aposematic signal.  相似文献   

The processes affecting species diversification may also exert an influence on patterns of genetic variability within species. We evaluated the contributions of five variables potentially influencing clade diversification (body size, reproductive mode, range size, microhabitat and skin texture) on mtDNA divergence and polymorphism among populations of 40 species of frogs (Mantellidae) from two rainforest communities in Madagascar. We report an inverse association between body size and nucleotide divergence between populations but find no influence of other variables on genetic variation. Body size explained ca. 11% of the variation in nucleotide divergence between populations and was coupled with high FST levels and an absence of haplotype sharing in small‐bodied and medium‐sized frogs. Low dispersal ability is likely the proximate mechanism producing higher population differentiation in small mantellids. The lack of genetic cohesion among populations establishes regional genetic fragmentation which in turn has the potential to accelerate rates of allopatric speciation in small frogs relative to large species. However, there is little evidence of increased speciation rates in these or other small‐bodied organisms. We reconcile these contradictory observations by suggesting that lower dispersal ability also curbs colonization of new areas, decelerating diversification in weak dispersers. Our results imply that the intermediate dispersal model also applies to amphibians and may explain inconsistent previous results on the correlation of body size and speciation rate.  相似文献   

Aim There is substantial residual scatter about the positive range size–body size relationship in Australian frogs. We test whether species’ life history and abundance can account for this residual scatter. Location Australia. Methods Multiple regressions were performed using both cross‐species and independent contrasts analyses to determine whether clutch size, egg size and species abundance account for variation in range size over and above the effects of body size. Results In both cross‐species and independents contrasts models with body size, clutch size and egg size as predictors, partial r2 values revealed that only egg size was significantly and uniquely related to range size. Contrary to expectation, neither body size nor clutch size could account for significant variation in range size. Incorporating species abundance as a predictor in further multiple regression analysis demonstrated that while abundance accounted for a significant proportion of range size variation, the contribution of egg size was reduced but still significant. Notably, non‐significant relationships persisted between range size and both body size and clutch size. Conclusions The weak positive correlation between body size and range size in Australian frogs disappears after accounting for species abundance and egg size. Our findings demonstrate that species with both high local abundance and small eggs occupy comparatively wider geographical ranges than species with low abundance and large eggs.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution is simultaneously paced by mutation rate, genetic drift, and natural selection. Life history traits also affect the speed of accumulation of nucleotide changes. For instance, small body size, rapid generation time, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and high resting metabolic rate (RMR) are suggested to be associated with faster rates of molecular evolution. However, phylogenetic correlation analyses failed to support a relationship between RMR and molecular evolution in ectotherms. In addition, RMR might underestimate the metabolic budget (e.g., digestion, reproduction, or escaping predation). An alternative is to test other metabolic rates, such as active metabolic rate (AMR), and their association with molecular evolution. Here, I present comparative analyses of the associations between life history traits (i.e., AMR, RMR, body mass, and fecundity) with rates of molecular evolution of and mitochondrial loci from a large ectotherm clade, the poison frogs (Dendrobatidae). My results support a strong positive association between mass-specific AMR and rates of molecular evolution for both mitochondrial and nuclear loci. In addition, I found weaker and genome-specific covariates such as body mass and fecundity for mitochondrial and nuclear loci, respectively. No direct association was found between mass-specific RMR and rates of molecular evolution. Thus, I provide a mechanistic hypothesis of the link between AMRs and the rate of molecular evolution based on an increase in ROS within germ line cells during periodic bouts of hypoxia/hyperoxia related to aerobic exercise. Finally, I propose a multifactorial model that includes AMR as a predictor of the rate of molecular evolution in ectothermic lineages.  相似文献   

Bright colorations in animals are sometimes an antipredatory signal meant to startle, warn, or deter a predator from consuming a prey organism. Freshwater turtle hatchlings of many species have bright ventral coloration with high internal contrast that may have an antipredator function. We used visual modeling and field experiments to test whether the plastron coloration of Chrysemys picta hatchlings deters predators. We found that bird predators can easily distinguish hatchling turtles from their backgrounds and can easily see color contrast within the plastron. Raccoons cannot easily discriminate within-plastron color contrast but can see hatchlings against common backgrounds. Despite this, we found that brightly-colored, high contrast, replica turtles were not attacked less than low contrast replica turtles, suggesting that the bright coloration is not likely to serve an antipredatory function in this context. We discuss the apparent lack of innate avoidance of orange coloration in freshwater turtles by predators and suggest that preference and avoidance of colors are context-dependent. Since the bright colors are likely not a signal, we hypothesize that the colors may be caused by pigments deposited in tissue from maternal reserves during development. In most species, these pigments fade ontogenetically but they may have important physiological functions in species that maintain the bright coloration throughout adulthood.  相似文献   

1. Differences in body size between mainland and island populations have been reported for reptiles, birds and mammals. Despite widespread recognition of insular shifts in body size in these taxa, there have been no reports of such body size shifts in amphibians. 2. We provide the first evidence of an insular shift in body size for an amphibian species, the rice frog Rana limnocharis. We found significant increases in body size of rice frogs on most sampled islands in the Zhoushan archipelago when compared with neighbouring mainland China. 3. Large body size in rice frogs on islands was significantly related to increased population density, in both breeding and non-breeding seasons. Increases in rice frog density were significantly related to higher resource availability on islands. Increased resource availability on islands has led to higher carrying capacities, which has subsequently facilitated higher densities and individual growth rates, resulting in larger body size in rice frogs. We also suggest that large body size has evolved on islands, as larger individuals are competitively superior under conditions of harsh intraspecific competition at high densities. 4. Increases in body size in rice frogs were not related to several factors that have been implicated previously in insular shifts in body size in other taxa. We found no significant relationships between body size of rice frogs and prey size, number of larger or smaller frog species, island area or distance of islands from the mainland. 5. Our findings contribute to the formation of a broad, repeatable ecological generality for insular shifts in body size across a range of terrestrial vertebrate taxa, and provide support for recent theoretical work concerning the importance of resource availability for insular shifts in body size.  相似文献   

Protective colouration in animals includes camouflage (i.e., crypsis), that decreases the risk of detection, and conspicuous colouration, which is often used in combination with chemical defences to deter predators from attacking. Experiments have shown that the efficacy of conspicuous colouration increases with increasing size of pattern elements and larger body size. Prey species that have acquired avoidance inducing colouration therefore may be exposed to selection for larger body size, and such colouration may more easily evolve in large than in small prey species. Here we test for a difference in body size between species with different colouration modes and perform a comparative analysis based on phylogenetically independent contrasts to examine if evolutionary shifts in colour pattern have been associated with evolutionary changes in body size, using data for 578 species of moths. Larval body size did not differ between species with signalling and non-signalling larvae, and results from the comparative analysis suggest that these two traits have not evolved in parallel. The lack of association between evolutionary changes in colouration and body size may reflect a confounding influence of lifestyle, because evolutionary shifts from solitary to group-living larvae were associated with decreased larval body length and adult wing span. Because evolutionary changes in larval body size were associated with evolutionary changes in adult wing span the predicted association between colouration and size may have been confounded also by conflicting selection on body size in larvae and adults.  相似文献   

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