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Aim To understand the relative contributions of environmental factors, dispersal limitations and the presence of sperm donors in determining the distribution of the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa), a sperm‐dependent unisexual fish species of hybrid origin. To explore niche similarities and/or differences between the hybrid and parental species. To evaluate whether large‐scale abiotic factors can explain a successful introduction of both P. formosa and Poecilia latipinna. Location South‐east United States, Mexico and Central America. Methods We used abiotic variables in ecological niche modelling (ENM) to identify regions with suitable conditions for the presence of the Amazon molly and its two parental species (P. latipinna and Poecilia mexicana). We also used a recently developed metric to calculate the degree of niche overlap between the hybrid and its parental species. Results ENM produced highly significant models [all area under the curve (AUC) > 0.99 for the three species]. Annual mean temperature and minimum temperature of the coldest month were the variables that best explained the distribution of the Amazon molly. With the exception of south Florida, few areas beyond the known distribution of the species were predicted to have suitable environmental conditions. The hybrid species niche overlaps partially with the parental species. However, given the available data, it is neither more similar nor more different than expected by chance. Main conclusions Two different processes are acting to limit the distribution of P. formosa. At the northern limit, although a sperm donor species is present further north, suitable environmental conditions are absent from nearby locations. At the southern limit, a sperm donor species is present and areas with good environmental conditions are present at nearby locations, suggesting that dispersal ability is the limiting factor. We found that the hybrid species overlaps in a similar way with both parental species while still having its own niche identity. This result may be explained by the fact that hybrid species inherit characteristics of two ecologically divergent species, which can result in intermediate or even transgressive phenotypes. These results support recent work on the role of hybridization in diversification.  相似文献   

Ecological niche models are widely used in ecology and biogeography. Maxent is one of the most frequently used niche modeling tools, and many studies have aimed to optimize its performance. However, scholars have conflicting views on the treatment of predictor collinearity in Maxent modeling. Despite this lack of consensus, quantitative examinations of the effects of collinearity on Maxent modeling, especially in model transfer scenarios, are lacking. To address this knowledge gap, here we quantify the effects of collinearity under different scenarios of Maxent model training and projection. We separately examine the effects of predictor collinearity, collinearity shifts between training and testing data, and environmental novelty on model performance. We demonstrate that excluding highly correlated predictor variables does not significantly influence model performance. However, we find that collinearity shift and environmental novelty have significant negative effects on the performance of model transfer. We thus conclude that (a) Maxent is robust to predictor collinearity in model training; (b) the strategy of excluding highly correlated variables has little impact because Maxent accounts for redundant variables; and (c) collinearity shift and environmental novelty can negatively affect Maxent model transferability. We therefore recommend to quantify and report collinearity shift and environmental novelty to better infer model accuracy when models are spatially and/or temporally transferred.  相似文献   

The application of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding as a biomonitoring tool has greatly increased, but studies have focused on temperate aquatic macro-organisms. We apply eDNA metabarcoding to detecting the mammalian community in two high-biodiversity regions of Brazil: the Amazon and Atlantic Forests. We identified Critically Endangered and Endangered mammalian species and found overlap with species identified via camera trapping. We highlight the potential for using eDNA monitoring for mammals in biodiverse regions and identify challenges: we need a better understanding of the ecology of eDNA within variable environments and more appropriate reference sequences for species identification in these anthropogenically impacted biomes.  相似文献   

Gauging the potential impacts of environmental change on the geographic distributions of species is a central area of modern biogeographic analysis, often involving complex models of species–environment interactions. The geographic distribution of fossil species can also provide a framework to test the impact of environmental change on biogeography and ecological niches of species, yet few paleontological analyses have attacked this question in deep time. Herein we present a quantitative biogeographic analysis to examine the stability of ecological niches and geographic ranges of rhynchonelliform brachiopods during an interval of sea level change preserved in Upper Ordovician strata of the Cincinnati Arch.The intensive sampling, excellent preservation, and numerous prior paleoecological and sedimentological analyses within the tri-state region of Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio provide a robust framework for detailed paleobiogeographic study. Quantitative biogeographic modeling methods incorporating GIS (Geographic Information Systems) are utilized in order to spatially analyze the geographic ranges of brachiopod species of the Corryville and Mt. Auburn Formations of the C3 (uppermost Maysvillian) depositional sequence.This study employs the ecological niche modeling program GARP (Genetic Algorithm using Rule-set Prediction) to predict the geographic distribution of eight brachiopod species during three time slices within the C3 sequence. This method estimates a species’ geographic range by modeling the ecological niche of the species based on a set of known species occurrence data coupled with environmental data inferred from sedimentologic proxies. Once environmental tolerances for a species are modeled; the species is predicted to occur wherever its preferred set of environmental conditions occurs within the study region.Distributional patterns were reconstructed for three time slices during the C3 sequence. Recovered range predictions were quantitatively analyzed for evidence of temporal range changes. Results indicate that average species range within the study area decreased and species tracked their preferred niche with high fidelity during the transition from the early to middle portions of the C3 depositional sequence, an interval of rapid relative sea level change. However, during the transition from the middle to late portions of the sequence, gradual shallowing within the basin and development of discontinuous habitat patches correlates with niche evolution of five of the eight species modeled. The average area a species occupied within the basin increased during this interval, but there is a mixed response including both increases and decreases in range size within the study group. In general, the species that exhibit niche evolution increased their geographic range size while those that continue to track their niche with high fidelity experience a decrease in geographic range size. During the latter half of the C3 sequence, previously continuous habitats become fragmented, thereby isolating individual populations and providing a mechanism for niche evolution. The rate of sea level change and the corresponding fragmentation of previously continuous habitats into isolated patches appear to be the primary controls on both mean geographic range size and relative degree of niche evolution.  相似文献   

The Amazon and Atlantic Forest are considered the world's most biodiverse biomes. Human and climate change impacts are the principal drivers of species loss in both biomes, more severely in the Atlantic Forest. In response to species loss, the main conservation action is the creation of protected areas (PAs). Current knowledge and research on the PA network's conservation efficiency is scarce, and existing studies have mainly considered a past temporal view. In this study, we tested the efficiency of the current PA network to maintain climatically stable areas (CSAs) across the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. To this, we used an ecological niche modeling approach to biome and paleoclimatic simulations. We propose three categories of conservation priority areas for both biomes, considering CSAs, PAs and intact forest remnants. The biomes vary in their respective PA networks' protection efficiency. Regarding protect CSAs, the Amazon PA network is four times more efficient than the Atlantic Forest PA network. New conservation efforts in these two forest biomes require different approaches. We discussed the conservation actions that should be taken in each biome to increase the efficiency of the PA network, considering both the creation and expansion of PAs as well as restoration programs.  相似文献   

One of the five most important global biodiversity hotspots, the Neotropical Atlantic forest supports a diverse community of birds that nest in tree cavities. Cavity‐nesting birds may be particularly sensitive to forestry and agricultural practices that remove potential nest trees; however, there have been few efforts to determine what constitutes a potential nest tree in Neotropical forests. We aimed to determine the characteristics of trees and cavities used in nesting by excavators (species that excavate their own nest cavity) and secondary cavity‐nesters (species that rely on existing cavities), and to identify the characteristics of trees most likely to contain suitable cavities in the Atlantic forest of Argentina. We used univariate analyses and conditional logistic regression models to compare characteristics of nest trees paired with unused trees found over three breeding seasons (2006–2008). Excavators selected dead or unhealthy trees. Secondary cavity‐nesters primarily selected cavities that were deep and high on the tree, using live and dead cavity‐bearing trees in proportion to their availability. Nonexcavated cavities suitable for birds occurred primarily in live trees. They were most likely to develop in large‐diameter trees, especially grapia Apuleia leiocarpa and trees in co‐dominant or suppressed crown classes. To conserve cavity‐nesting birds of the Atlantic forest, we recommend a combination of policies, economic assistance, environmental education, and technical support for forest managers and small‐scale farmers, to maintain large healthy and unhealthy trees in commercial logging operations and on farms.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluate phylogeographic patterns and predictions of ecological niche modelling (ENM) for Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae), a widely distributed taxon in the Atlantic forest domain, to understand the effect of past climatic oscillations on the demographic history of this species. An analysis of phylogeographic population structure and demography was conducted on E. uniflora from 46 localities in natural environments across the distribution range of the species based on three plastid markers. ENM was also performed to predict suitable environments and areas of dramatic decrease in future suitability for the species under distinct representative concentration pathways (RCPs). Eugenia uniflora exhibited higher haplotype and nucleotide diversity in the southern part of its distribution than in the northern part. Two divergent lineages were revealed in the phylogenetic analysis of haplotypes, with an estimated divergence at c. 4.9 Mya. The populations in the northern and central regions of the range probably experienced population growth, whereas populations in the southern region are marked by historical demographic stability. ENM results indicate that the distribution of E. uniflora was fragmented in cool periods and was broader and more connected during warm periods during Pleistocene. The results suggest distinct evolutionary histories in southern to northern populations, indicating region‐specific responses to changes.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim To examine how the genetic diversity of selected taxa of forest‐dwelling small mammals is distributed between and within the major rain forest domains of Amazonia and Atlantic Forest and the intervening interior forests of Brazil, as inferred by the relationships between gene genealogies and geography. I also addressed the historical importance of the central Brazilian forests in connecting Amazon and Atlantic Forest populations of rodents and marsupials. Methods I evaluated variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to estimate the levels of sequence divergence between those taxa occurring throughout the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, and forests in the Cerrado and Caatinga regions. I inferred the hierarchical relationships between haplotypes, populations and formal taxa using the cladistic approach of maximum parsimony. I compared areas and the clades identified by superimposing cladograms on the geographical distribution of samples. The degree of concordance both in phylogeny and the depth of the nodes in these phylogenies, in addition to patterns of geographical distribution of clades, permitted me to make inferences on how, when and where the taxa differentiated. Results Sequence similarity is often greater between samples from the Atlantic Forest and either Amazon or central Brazilian forests than it is within each of the two rain forest domains. The Atlantic Forest clades are either not reciprocally monophyletic or are the sister group to all the other clades. There is some indication of northern and southern components in the Atlantic Forest. Given the geographical distribution of clades and the relatively deep levels of divergence, the central Brazilian area does not behave as a separate region but is complementary to either Amazon or Atlantic Forest. Patterns of area relationships differ across taxa, suggesting that different processes and/or historic events affected the diversification within each lineage. Main conclusions The Amazon and the Atlantic forests are not exclusive in terms of their small mammal faunas; both overlap broadly with taxa occurring in gallery forests and dry forests in central Brazil. Central Brazilian forests are an integral part of the evolutionary scenario of lowland small mammals, playing an important role as present and past habitats for rain forest species. Therefore, representatives from this area should always be included in analyses of the evolutionary history of lowland rain forest faunas. The incongruence of branching patterns among areas is in agreement with recent results presented for Neotropical passerine birds and indicates that a single hypothesis of Neotropical area relationships is unlikely. These findings reinforce the idea that speciation in the Neotropics will not be explained by any single model of vicariance or climatic changes.  相似文献   

We compared predictive success in two common algorithms for modeling species' ecological niches, GARP and Maxent, in a situation that challenged the algorithms to be general – that is, to be able to predict the species' distributions in broad unsampled regions, here termed transferability. The results were strikingly different between the two algorithms – Maxent models reconstructed the overall distributions of the species at low thresholds, but higher predictive levels of Maxent predictions reflected overfitting to the input data; GARP models, on the other hand, succeeded in anticipating most of the species' distributional potential, at the cost of increased (apparent, at least) commission error. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) tests were weak in discerning models able to predict into broad unsampled areas from those that were not. Such transferability is clearly a novel challenge for modeling algorithms, and requires different qualities than does predicting within densely sampled landscapes – in this case, Maxent was transferable only at very low thresholds, and biases and gaps in input data may frequently affect results based on higher Maxent thresholds, requiring careful interpretation of model results.  相似文献   

Fossil evidence suggests that the seastar genus Asterias arrived in the North Atlantic during the trans-Arctic interchange around 3.5 Ma. Previous genetic and morphological studies of the two species found in the Atlantic today suggested two possible scenarios for the speciation of A. rubens and A. forbesi. Through phylogenetic and population genetic analysis of data from a portion of the cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial gene and a fragment of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region, I show that the formation of the Labrador Current 3.0 Ma was probably responsible for the initial vicariance of North Atlantic Asterias populations. Subsequent adaptive evolution in A. forbesi was then possible in isolation from the European species A. rubens. The contact zone between these two species formed recently, possibly due to a Holocene founding event of A. rubens in New England and the Canadian Maritimes.  相似文献   

The relationship between lineage formation and variation in the ecological niche is a fundamental evolutionary question. Two prevailing hypotheses reflect this relationship: niche conservatism and niche divergence. Niche conservatism predicts a pattern where sister taxa will occupy similar niche spaces; whereas niche divergence predicts that sister taxa will occupy different niche spaces. Widely distributed species often show distinct phylogeographic structure, but little research has been conducted on how the environment may be related to these phylogenetic patterns. We investigated the relationship between lineage divergence and environmental space for the closely related species Peromyscus maniculatus and P. polionotus utilizing phylogenetic techniques and ecological niche modeling (ENM). We estimated the phylogenetic relationship among individuals based on complete cytochrome b sequences that represent individuals from a majority of the species ranges. Niche spaces that lineages occupy were estimated by using 12 environmental layers. Differences in niche space were tested using multivariate statistics based on location data, and ENMs were employed using maximum entropy algorithms. Two similarity indices estimated significant divergence in environmental space based on the ENM. Six geographically structured lineages were identified within P. maniculatus. Nested within P. maniculatus we found that P. polionotus recently diverged from a clade occupying central and western United States. We estimated that the majority of the genetic lineages occupy distinct environmental niches, which supports a pattern of niche divergence. Two sister taxa showed niche divergence and represent different ecomorphs, suggesting morphological, genetic and ecological divergence between the two lineages. Two other sister taxa were observed in the same environmental space based on multivariate statistics, suggesting niche conservatism. Overall our results indicate that a widely distributed species may exhibit both niche conservatism and niche divergence, and that most lineages seem to occupy distinct environmental niches.  相似文献   

Carex section Ceratocystis (Cyperaceae) is a group of recently evolved plant species, in which hybridization is frequent, introgression is documented, taxonomy is complex, and morphological boundaries are vague. Within this section, a unified taxonomic treatment of the Carex jemtlandicaCarex lepidocarpa species complex does not exist, and Norway may currently be the sole country accepting species rank for both. Carex jemtlandica is mainly confined to Fennoscandia and is thus a Fennoscandian conservation responsibility. This motivated us to test the principal hypothesis that both C. jemtlandica and C. lepidocarpa represent evolutionary significant units, and that both deserve their current recognition at species level. We investigated their evolutionary distinctiveness in Norway,using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing and ecological niche modeling. Our genomic results reveal two genetic clusters, largely corresponding to C. jemtlandica and C. lepidocarpa that also remain distinct in sympatry, despite clear indications of ongoing hybridization and introgression. The ecological niche modeling suggests that they occupy different environmental niches. Jointly, our results clearly show that C. jemtlandica and C. lepidocarpa represent separately evolving entities that should qualify recognition as evolutionary significant units. Given the high level of introgression compared to other hybridizing species pairs in Carex we recommend treating C. jemtlandica as a subspecies of C. lepidocarpa.  相似文献   

Sensitive and cost‐effective indicators of aquatic ecosystem condition in Amazon streams are necessary to assess the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on those systems in a viable and ecologically meaningful manner. We conducted the present study in the municipality of Paragominas, state of Pará, northern Brazil, where we sampled adult dragonflies in 50 100‐m‐long wadeable stream sites in 2011. We collected 1769 specimens represented by 11 families, 41 genera and 97 species. The suborder Zygoptera contributed 961 individuals and Anisoptera 808. Among the 97 recorded species, nine were classified as useful indicators of ecological condition, with four species being associated with more degraded streams (three Anisoptera, one Zygoptera) and five with more preserved streams (all were Zygoptera). Anisoptera (dragonflies) tend to provide more useful indicators of more degraded environments because they have more efficient homeostatic mechanisms and are more mobile, enabling them to tolerate a wider range of environmental conditions. By contrast, Zygoptera (damselflies) tend to provide a more useful role as indicators of more preserved environments and high levels of environmental heterogeneity because of their smaller body sizes and home ranges and greater ecophysiological restrictions. We conclude from our assessment of this low‐order Amazonian stream system that (i) the occurrence of specific odonate species is strongly associated with the configuration of riparian vegetation, (ii) agricultural activities appear to be the main factor determining changes in the composition of odonate assemblages and (iii) these insects can act as useful indicators of the ecological consequences of riparian habitat loss and disturbance. Because generalist species invade moderately degraded areas, those areas may have high species richness but host few species of Zygoptera. Therefore, preserving dense riparian vegetation is necessary to maintain aquatic ecological condition, and that condition can be rehabilitated by planting new trees. Both require enforcing existing environmental regulations, various types of incentives and educating local communities.  相似文献   

Ecological niche models and species distribution models are used in many fields of science. Despite their popularity, only recently have important aspects of the modeling process like model selection been developed. Choosing environmental variables with which to create these models is another critical part of the process, but methods currently in use are not consistent in their results and no comprehensive approach exists by which to perform this step. Here, we compared seven heuristic methods of variable selection against a novel approach that proposes to select best sets of variables by evaluating performance of models created with all combinations of variables and distinct parameter settings of the algorithm in concert. Our results were that—except for the jackknife method for one of the 12 species and fluctuation index for two of the 12 species—none of the heuristic methods for variable selection coincided with the exhaustive one. Performance decreased in models created using variables selected with heuristic methods and both underfitting and overfitting were detected when comparing their geographic projections with the ones of models created with variables selected with the exhaustive method. Using the exhaustive approach could be time consuming, so a two-step exercise may be necessary. However, using this method identifies adequate variable sets and parameter settings in concert that are associated with increased model performance.  相似文献   

The effects of global glaciations on the distribution of organisms is an essential element of many diversification models. However, the empirical evidence supporting this idea is mixed, in particular with respect to explaining tropical forest evolution. In the present study, we evaluated the impacts of range shifts associated with Pleistocene global glacial cycles on the evolution of tropical forests. In particular, we tested the predictions: (1) that population genetic structure increases with fragmentation variation between the present and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and also (2) with geographical range instability; and (3) that genetic diversity increases with range stability and (4) decreases with fragmentation variation between periods. To address our predictions, we studied population genetic structures and modelled present and past distributions of 15 Atlantic Forest (AF) endemic birds. Afterwards, we evaluated the relationship of population genetic parameters with metrics of species range shifts between the present and the LGM. We found that geographical ranges of AF birds changed in concert with Pleistocene glacial cycles but, unexpectedly, our findings suggest the novel idea that ranges during glacial maxima were slightly larger on average, as well as equally fragmented and displaced from the interglacial ranges. Our findings suggest that range shifts over the late Pleistocene impacted on the diversification of forest organisms, although they did not show that those range shifts had a strong effect. We found that a combination of fragmentation variation across time, small current range size, and range stability increased population genetic structure. However, neither fragmentation, nor range stability affected genetic diversity. Our study showed that evolutionary responses to range shifts across AF birds have a high variance, which could explain the mixed support given by single‐species studies to the action of Pleistocene range shifts on population evolution.  相似文献   

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