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Developmental patterns of low-temperature tolerance and glycerol production were determined for larval, pupal and adult stages of the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Both diapause and non-diapause-destined flies were reared at relatively high temperatures, 20° or 25°C, prior to testing. Cold tolerance was greatest for diapause pupae aged 12–35 days after pupariation. Among non-diapause-destined flies, pupae exhibited a greater level of low temperature tolerance than larvae or adults. Although diapause pupae were more tolerant than non-diapause pupae maximal cold tolerance was not attained in either group until 10 days after pupariation. Non-diapause-destined feeding and wandering larvae had higher glycerol levels than larvae destined for diapause. During the first 6 weeks after pupariation glycerol titres increased steadily in diapause pupae. Rapid loss of glycerol is associated with the termination of pupal diapause.  相似文献   

The thermoperiodic time cue is known to be one of several zeitgebers (Zt) that entrain an organism's biological rhythms. This study investigated the adult eclosion rhythm of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) under various thermocycles in constant darkness. The insects were exposed to different thermoperiods (e.g. 25.5°C/24.5°C). Thermophase : cryophase ratios (TC) ranged from 4 h : 20 h to 20 h : 4 h. The peak in adult eclosion rhythm occurred at Zt 18.8 ± 4.4 (mean ± SD) on a given day and at Zt 0.7 ± 3.8 on the subsequent day under TC 4 h : 20 h and TC 20 h : 4 h conditions, respectively (start of temperature increase = Zt 0). Thus, longer thermophase periods delayed the peak in eclosion. The regression line obtained was then compared with that obtained under the temperature cycle of 30°C/20°C, and the two lines were found to lie parallel to each other. The peak in adult eclosion rhythm occurred earlier under the 25.5°C/24.5°C conditions than under the 30°C/20°C conditions. The results strongly suggest that the amplitude of the temperature cycle is an important factor determining the temporal position of the peak in adult eclosion. This is a significant finding among insect species.  相似文献   

Replicated lines of Drosophila melanogaster were allowed to evolve in population cage culture at 16.5° C or 25° C for five years. Their larval and pupal development times, larval growth rates, larval critical weights for pupariation and pre-adult survival rates were then measured at both temperatures. Pre-adult survival showed evidence of adaptation of the lines to their thermal selection regimes, with each set of lines showing superior survival when tested at the temperature at which they had been evolving. Pupal periods were similar for all lines when growing at 16.5° C but, at 25° C, the low temperature lines had the longer pupal periods. Irrespective of experimental temperature, low temperature lines grew faster and had shorter larval development periods than the high temperature lines. Larval critical weights for pupariation were higher in the low temperature lines at the low experimental temperature, and higher in the high temperature lines at the higher experimental temperature. The correlations between these traits induced by thermal evolution were in general different from or opposite to the genetic correlations found within a single temperature.  相似文献   

The rhythm of adult eclosion in the Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is investigated under various photoperiods and temperatures aiming to determine the nature of the temperature compensation and the free‐running period. Insects that are committed to a nondiapause larval development show diel rhythms of adult eclosion at 30, 25 and 20 °C. At 30 °C, the eclosion peak (i.e. the mean time of eclosion) occurs approximately 20 h after lights off under an LD 4 : 20 h photocycle, and at approximately 15 h under an LD 20 : 4 h photocycle. At 25 °C, the peak of eclosion occurs approximately 19 h after lights off under an LD 2 : 20 h photocycle and at approximately 16 h under an LD 20 : 4 h photocycle. At 20 °C, the eclosion peak is significantly advanced under long days of >12 h (i.e. approximately 20 h after lights off under an LD 4 : 20 h photocycle and approximately 9 h under an LD 20 : 4 h photocycle), indicating an effect of both lights‐off and lights‐on signals on the timing of the adult eclosion. To determine the involvement of a self‐sustained oscillator, the rhythm of adult eclosion is examined under darkness at different temperatures (30 to 21 °C). The mean free‐running periods are 22.4, 22.8, 22.0 and 22.5 h at 30, 24, 23 and 22 °C, respectively, indicating that the eclosion rhythm is temperature‐compensated. However, this rhythm does not free‐run under constant darkness at 21 °C. Because a clear diel rhythm is observed under 24‐h photocycles at 20 °C, the oscillator might be damped out within 24 h at the lower temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the seasonal adaptation strategies of Ophraella communa to new habitats, the effects and regulation mechanisms of photoperiod and temperature on the reproductive diapause in a population collected from Changsha, Hunan were examined. Adults showed obvious reproductive diapause, which was regulated by photoperiod and temperature. At 30°C, there was no adult diapause occurring under either long‐day or short‐day conditions; at 25°C the pre‐oviposition period was short and fecundity was high in adult females under L : D 16 : 8 h, whereas under L : D 12 : 12 h, a few females entered reproductive diapause; at 20°C under short‐day conditions, all female adults entered diapause. The pre‐oviposition period was significantly prolonged when the pupae and adults were transferred from long‐days to short‐days, but the day length influence was not obvious when they were transferred only in the adult stage. However, the fecundity dropped greatly no matter whether the photoperiod shifted to short‐days only in the adult stage or whether the shift occurred in both the pupal and adult stage. The fecundity was extremely low when photoperiod shifted from long‐days to short‐days in both pupal and adult stages. This was an indication that the pupal and adult stages were the photoperiod‐sensitive stage for adult reproductive diapause. This was especially true for the photoperiod in the pupal stage, which has a distinctly significant regulative effect on reproductive diapause. Additionally, this article also addresses the reason for different photoperiodic response patterns in reproductive diapause induction between the Changsha strain and the Tsukuba strain (Japan) of O. communa.  相似文献   

Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was reared on eggs ofRiptortus clavatus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Alydidae) at various temperatures under long-day (L16:D8) or short-day (L10:D14) conditions. There was no diapause during egg, larval or pupal stages under any set of conditions examined. However, at 15°C under short-day conditions, vitellogenesis was arrested in all adult females and they entered diapause. At 15°C under long-day conditions, or at 20°C under short-day conditions, some adult females entered diapause. Under the latter set of conditions, the adult females laid eggs but they laid fewer eggs than under long-day conditions, Even at 25°C, under short-day conditions, adult females laid fewer eggs than under long-day conditions, and this low rate of oviposition was attributed to the retarded development of ovaries. Diapause adults reared at 15°C were more resistant to low temperature than nondiapause adults reared at 25°C.  相似文献   

The development rates and fecundity of three important pests of strawberry in the UK were determined over a range of temperatures. Development time of the strawberry tarsonemid mite, Phytonemus pallidus, from egg lay to adult, ranged from a mean of 28.4 days at 12.5°C to 8.8 days at 25°C. No nymphs developed to adult at 10°C. Females lived for up to 45 days and laid a mean of 24.3 and 28.5 eggs at 20°C and 25°C respectively. Total development time from egg lay to adult for the strawberry blossom weevil, Anthonomus rubi, ranged from a mean of 95.7 days at 10°C to 18.2 days at 25°C. Mean fecundity at 20°C was 157.6 eggs, and the oviposition period averaged 71.6 days. When nymphs were reared on strawberry, development of the European tarnished plant bug, Lygus rugulipennis, from egg lay to adult, ranged from 83.8 days at 15°C to 28.8 days at 25°C. Development times on groundsel were shorter and ranged from 65.6 to 22.2 days at 15°C and 25°C. Only two nymphs developed to adults at 10°C; no eggs hatched at that temperature. Mean fecundity at 20°C was 75.4 eggs, but ranged from 23 to 179. Under a fluctuating temperature regime of 10°C for 12 h:20°C for 12 h, nymphs of L. rugulipennis took 40.3 days to become adult on strawberry, and 33.4 days on groundsel. Simple linear models fitted the developmental rate ‐ constant temperature relationship well for all species, accounting for 95–98% of the total variation in observed developmental rates. Development under fluctuating temperatures illustrated the potential problem of extrapolating linear models beyond the conditions of the experiment.  相似文献   

In addition to photoperiod, thermoperiod (or thermocycle) might be an important Zeitgeber for entraining the circadian oscillator controlling adult eclosion rhythm in the Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). This is confirmed by exposing larvae receiving diapause‐preventing treatments to various thermocycles with different means and amplitudes of temperature. The thermocycles investigated in the present study are TC 8 : 16 h, TC 12 : 12 h, TC 16 : 8 h and TC 20 : 4 h, where T and C represent thermophase (30 °C) and cryophase (20 °C), respectively. For all thermocycles, the peak of adult eclosion rhythm occurs at around the mid‐thermophase. This indicates that the larvae use both ‘temperature‐rise’ and ‘temperature‐fall’ signals to adjust the eclosion phase in each thermocycle. The absence (DD) or presence (LL) of light affects this time‐keeping system slightly under the given thermocycle. The rhythmic adult eclosion noted after exposure of larvae to 30 °C DD for 14 days is recorded in the thermocycles (TC 12 : 12 h, DD; mean temperature = 25 °C) with different amplitudes of 27.5/22.5 °C, 26.5/23.5 °C and 25.5/24.5 °C. The peak in adult eclosion advances in time as the amplitude of the temperature cycle decreases. In the temperature cycle of 25.5/24.5 °C, a peak occurs at the end of the cryophase, 2 h before the temperature‐rise. The adult eclosion rhythm is also observed under various thermocycles (TC 12 : 12 h, DD) consisting of different temperature levels (30 to 20 °C) with different amplitudes. It is found that the temporal position of the peak advances significantly when the amplitude of the thermocycle becomes lower.  相似文献   

Thripobius javae (Girault) was introduced in 1995 from Israel into Italy to control the greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché). Following introduction, successive augmentative releases of this parasitoid gave unsatisfactory and contradictory results, mainly due to the difficulty in synchronising its availability in sufficient number at the time of release. Efficient storage of this biological control agent could improve its current production and use. The effects of different sets of storage techniques at a single temperature and with a combination of different temperatures and instars on several fitness traits (residual developmental time to adult emergence after the end of storage, pupal mortality, longevity with and without hosts and progeny of emerged adults) were evaluated in order to determine the best conditions for storing the parasitoid.

For the pupal stage, increasing storage up to 14 days, at 10°C, gave only a moderate reduction (33%) of a modified composite quality index of its fitness. In contrast, when adults were stored for more than 10 days, at 15°C, residual longevity and progeny were reduced significantly. A combination of two temperatures (10 and 15°C) for pupal storage and a combination of pupal (10°C) and adult (15°C) storage had detrimental effects on parasitoid fitness. Temperatures of storage lower than 15 and 10°C had detrimental effects on adults and pupae, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and mycological media on mycelial growth and estimates of spore production of an indigenous entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria sp., found during natural epizootics on whiteflies in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, were investigated. The radial growth (mm/day) of Isaria sp. as a function of temperature fits a linear model; with faster growth on Sabouraud dextrose agar with yeast extract, SDAY slopes (0.23) than on Sabouraud maltose agar, SMA slopes (0.14) from 20 to 30°C, with an optimal temperature of 30°C (SDAY: 4.1 mm, SMA: 3.1 mm). Moderate growth occurred at 25°C (SDAY: 3.4 mm, SMA: 2.7 mm). Growth was lowest at 20°C (SDAY: 1.9 mm, SMA: 1.8 mm). No fungal growth was observed at 35°C and 40°C. However, when Isaria sp. was exposed to 35°C for the first 7 days, it could recover and grow when transferred to 25°C (SDAY: 3.5 mm, SMA: 2.8 mm). No recovery or growth occurred after transfer from 40°C to 25°C. The average conidial production on SDAY after 20 days incubation at 25°C and a photoperiod of 14:10 h light: dark was 1.2 × 108 conidia/cm2 with 100% spore viability. When compared on SDAY at 25°C, the radial growth rate of I. javanica ex type CBS 134.22 (5.1 mm/day) was greater than seven Isaria isolates including Isaria sp.; but maximum growth rates were similar among all related Isaria isolates (90–97%). The Isaria sp. fungus tolerates high temperatures (35°C), suggesting that it is naturally selected for the subtropical semi-arid environment, where it could serve as an important natural control agent of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B, one of the most invasive and economically damaging insects to agriculture. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

调查温度在柑橘凤蝶Papillio xuthus L.滞育蛹解除中的作用。结果显示,羽化温度在15,20,25和30℃时,滞育蛹最早羽化分别在第45,16,11和第5天,发育历期分别为60.3,26.0,15.2和11.6d,羽化持续时间分别为35,19,14和15d。同时低温处理(10℃)显示,25℃时,低温处理0,20和40d后,滞育蛹分别在处理后第38,第14和第13天开始羽化,羽化时间持续分别为40,71和16d,发育历期分别为60.9,28.5和19.0d。结果表明,随着羽化温度升高和低温处理时间延长,滞育蛹羽化时间提前,发育历期缩短。但当羽化温度超过25℃后,滞育蛹发育历期差异已不显著。  相似文献   

Abstract. Larvae of the butterfly Lycaena tityrus (Poda) are reared at 20 or 27 °C until adult eclosion, after which they are maintained at the same temperature or are transferred to the alternate temperature. The resulting adults are exposed to −20 °C for 8 min, returned to ambient temperature, and the recovery time to standing position is recorded. On the day of eclosion, individuals reared at 20 °C show 19% shorter recovery times than individuals reared at 27 °C. This effect of developmental temperature disappears when the same animals are tested 3 and 6 days later. However, adult temperature did not affect recovery time in these animals, presumably due to over-riding effects of previous cold shocks. This is suggested by another set of animals, not having experienced previous cold shocks, demonstrating recovery times that are 28% shorter in individuals maintained as adults for 3 days at 20 compared to 27 °C. Thus, L. tityrus appears to be capable of adapting to local temperatures.  相似文献   

As the growing season is expected to begin earlier under climate change, insects should initiate reproduction several days or weeks earlier than they used to. In eastern Canada, hemlock looper (HL) Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) females generally oviposit in September, with eggs entering an obligatory diapause quickly after their deposition. We therefore simulated an early start of the HL reproduction cycle of 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks to examine the extent to which freshly laid eggs from two populations (island and mainland) can withstand exposure to four temperature conditions (15, 20, 25 °C, or fluctuating temperature in an outdoor insectary), with all treatments ending on 1 September 2007. On this date, half the eggs from each population were immediately incubated at 15 °C, while the rest were stored in an outdoor insectary until their incubation at 15 °C the following spring. In a separate experiment, the effect of temperature on pre‐diapause duration was determined from the number of days required for eggs to change colour after oviposition. The pre‐diapause phase was completed faster as temperature increased. Regardless of incubation date and population, percent hatch decreased significantly after 6‐8 weeks of exposure to 25 °C or in the outdoor insectary. Under most treatments, the odds of dying as pharate larvae increased with exposure duration. When eggs were incubated at 15 °C immediately after treatment, time to hatch and diapause duration remained constant over treatments, except at 25 °C when they both decreased. After 8 weeks of exposure to 15 or 20 °C, eggs transferred outdoors were more likely to hatch precociously than those exposed to 25 °C or insectary conditions. Globally, mortality seemed greater among eggs stored outdoors than among those kept indoors. Most eggs that survived the winter hatched synchronously after incubation in spring. Overall, larger eggs from the island population survived better than smaller eggs from the mainland population.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique has been used for more than 50 years to control a range of insects around the world. Sterile insect technique is rapidly becoming a major component of many area‐wide fruit fly management programmes. Irradiation of immature life stages induces sterility in adults, which are then distributed over large areas to mate with wild flies, resulting in no viable offspring. However, irradiation in normal air results in declining adult quality. To optimize the quality of sterile adult flies, several techniques are available to lower the levels of oxygen in fruit fly tissues prior to irradiation. The simplest method is to seal pupae in plastic bags and allow the oxygen consumption of pupae to minimize oxygen in both the air and pupal tissue. Some fruit fly species have rapid decreases in eclosion as a result of low oxygen atmospheres. We tested the tolerance of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), to low oxygen for the first time. In the first two experiments, unirradiated B. tryoni pupae were tested for different periods in sealed plastic bags at 17, 21, and 26 °C. Optimum eclosion occurred at 21 °C with the lowest eclosion at 26 °C. In general, mean full eclosion declined at ca. 0.1% eclosion per hour sealed in plastic bags during the first 96 h for all temperatures. In the third and fourth experiments at 17 °C, there was a decline in average eclosion for irradiated and unirradiated pupae of about 13.4% after they were sealed in plastic bags for 192 h. In general, B. tryoni eclosion declined at 0.1% per hour inside sealed plastic bags for periods up to 192 h at 17 °C. Queensland fruit flies can tolerate long periods of conditions found inside sealed plastic bags and current practices for sterile B. tryoni release programmes will result in minimum decrease in eclosion. The possible evolution of tolerance of these conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Cold storage of parasitoids to be used in biological control programs is desirable but risky for the performance of the stored parental generation as well as for its offspring. We studied the performance of cold stored and unstored parasitoids after release at different temperature regimes in the laboratory at the level of two subsequent generations in Hyssopus pallidus (Askew) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). This gregarious ectoparasitoid is a candidate biocontrol agent of Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Cydia molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae, two fruit pests of high economic significance in apple cultivation. Cold storage for 14 days at 4°C imposed to the pupal stage of the parasitoid did not reduce the parasitism capacity of the parental generation, nor did it alter the female biased sex ratio of the progeny. Remarkably, this short-term storage of the parental generation exhibited a significant and consistently positive effect on offspring weight throughout all ambient temperature regimes, resulting in an increased offspring weight. Furthermore, offspring number was only reduced after release at low ambient temperatures, but not at 25°C and 30°C. Irrespective of whether the parasitoids originated from the stored or unstored group, highest parasitism rate was achieved at temperatures above 20°C. In conclusion, this candidate biocontrol agent can be cold stored for short periods without any measurable quality loss after release at most except at low ambient temperatures. Our findings suggest that H. pallidus is a thermophilous parasitoid that will perform best when applied at warm ambient temperatures in fruit orchards.  相似文献   

The dynamics of adult eclosion inTrichogramma evanescens Westw. were studied under (1) constant light and temperature of 20 °C, (2) photoperiods L12:D12 and L16:D8 at 20 °C, (3) thermoperiod 4 h 27 °/20 h 20 °C at constant light, (4) joint action of photo- and thermoperiod. The emergence was arhythmic in constant light combined with constant temperature, while a sharp monophasic rhythm was observed with the isolated action of photo- or thermoperiod. The ‘light-on’ and ‘temperature step-up’ signals were shown to act in one direction. When both signals were combined, they manifested themselveses competing entraining stimuli which, in turn, revealed an apparent individual variation in relative reactivity to the light and temperature signals. Some perspectives which follow from these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

L. Boye Jensen 《BioControl》1990,35(2):277-281
The effects of temperature on survival and development of immature stages ofBembidion lampros were examined under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The duration of development was examined at 5°C, 12°C, 17°C, 19°C, 22°C, 25°C, 30°C and 32°C and found to be inversely related to temperature. Between 12°C and 30°C there was a significant difference in duration of egg development, but no significant difference in percentage of eggs hatched. The upper and lower lethal limits for egg development were estimated (c 31°C and 4°C respectively). There are 3 larval instars and one pupal stage. Development of larva plus pupa required a minimum of 20.9 days at 30°C. Between 22°C and 30°C survival from larva to the adult stage was 80%.   相似文献   

The developmental rates of various life stages ofRhagoletis completa Cresson (Diptera: Tephritidae) were determined in the laboratory at seven different constant temperatures: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32±1°C, RH 80±10%, photoperiod L 16∶D8. Preoviposition developmental rate was fastest at 28°C (10±1 days, mean±SD) and slowest at 12°C (26±1 days). About 83% of the females deposited eggs at 20 and 24°C and only 25% oviposited at 32°C. Females laid the highest number of eggs at 24°C and the lowest at 8°C. Egg development increased with increasing temperatures up to 28°C, then declined. The fastest egg development was noticed at 28°C (55±1 h) and slowest at 8°C (389±2 h). Over 90% egg hatch was observed at temperatures between 12 and 32°C, but decreased to 73% at 8°C. Larval development was fastest also at 28°C (20±0.2 days). Over 65% pupation was recorded at 20 and 24°C, but decreased to 15% at 32°C and 12% at 8°C. Pupal development was most rapid at 24°C (53±1 days) and slowest at 8°C (162±2 days). More than 70% of adult emergence was noticed in treatments between 16 and 24°C but decreased to 20% at 8°C. Based on a linear regression model of temperature-development rate relationship, the lower developmental thresholds were determined to be 6.6, 5.3, 2.9, and 5°C for preoviposition, egg, larval, and pupal stages, respectively. Based on a non-linear developmental rate model, the upper developmental thresholds were 34°C for preoviposition, egg, and larval stages and 30°C for pupal stage.  相似文献   

The duration of the development of the aphelinidEncarsia tricolor Föerster (a parasitoid of the aleyrodidTrialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), adult size and number of mature oocytes at emergence were determined under constant and variable temperature regimes. Females developed successfully from 14 to 32°C, but a 100% of pupal mortality was observed at 34°C. Males developed successfully from 16 to 28°C and they developed faster than females. Female and male, egg to adult development at constant temperatures ranged from 51.1 (14°C) to 14.3 (28°C) days and from 32.6 (16°C) to 11.8 (28°C) days, respectively. Predictions of the rate of development at variable temperatures were more accurate when made from 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials than from linear regressions. The number of mature oocytes at emergence ranged from 0.1 (30°C) to 2.2 (20°C). FemaleE. tricolor attained the greatest size at 20–24°C. The comparison with literature data shows thatE. tricolor develops faster thanT. vaporariorum at temperatures above 15°C.  相似文献   

The codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a serious pest of pome fruit crops. A natural enemy of codling moth, the larval ectoparasitoid Mastrus ridibundus (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) has been imported into South America from the USA but little is known about the biology and ecology of the wasp, knowledge that is needed to design an efficient strategy of release and establishment. Experiments were carried out to assess important traits of the biology of the parasitoid in relation to its possible use as a biocontrol agent for codling moth. When M. ridibundus females were offered larvae ranging in weight from 37 to 78 mg, they oviposited more eggs on heavier hosts. In another study, the adult wasps were offered honey, diluted honey (10%) or pollen in paired choice tests and both males and females preferred honey over the other two foods. Females preferred 10% honey over pollen, while the males showed the opposite preference. Honey‐fed females lived longer than starved females. Adults died rapidly at 35°C, while they lived 20 days at 25°C and 12–17 days at 15°C. Female wasps had on average 25 ± 14 and 18 ± 11 progeny at 15 and 25°C, respectively, but they did not had progeny at 35°C. The development time (egg to adult emergence) was on average 44 ± 7 and 24 ± 2 days at 15 and 25°C respectively. Immature insects did not reach the adult stage at 35°C.  相似文献   

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