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Two new gibberellins, gibberellins A26 and A27 were isolated from immature seeds of Japanese morning-glory (Pharbitis nil) and their structures were elucidated as I and IX.  相似文献   

A new gibberellin, gibberellin A20 (GA20), was isolated from immature seeds of morning-glory (Pharbitis nil). Its structure was established as 4aα, 7α-dihydroxy-1β-methyl-8-methylenegibbane-1α, 10β-dicarboxylic acid-1→4a lactone (I) on the basis of its physicochemical analysis as well as chemical evidences. GA20 shows marked growth promoting activities on dwarf maize d2 and d5 but weak activities on d1, rice seedling and dwarf pea.  相似文献   

Rhythmicity of Flowering in Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When young seedlings of Pharbitis nil are grown under continuous light, except for a single inductive dark period, they flower to a varying degree, depending on when this dark period is given. Plants become sensitive to this induction approximately three days after the seedlings emerge from the soil. The expression of flowering varies in a rhythmic fashion for three or more cycles, when an inductive dark period is given at progressively later times. The time between maximum expression of flowering is 24 hours or somewhat longer. It appears necessary that the inductive dark period be of sufficient duration, to only partially induce the plants to flower for this rhythm to be expressed. Under the conditions employed in this study, this duration is 12 hours. If this rhythm is endogenous, it exists at least from when the plants emerged from the soil since no environmental cues are given after that time, and it raises questions of the interpretations of data from previous studies with this organism.  相似文献   

Carbon Dioxide and Flowering in Pharbitis nil Choisy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of photoperiod on floral and vegetative development of Pharbitis nil were modified by atmospheric CO2 concentrations maintained during plant growth. Short day (SD) photoperiods caused rapid flowering in Pharbitis plants growing in 0.03 or 0.1% CO2, while plants in long day (LD) conditions remained vegetative. At 1 or 5% CO2, however, flower buds were developed under both the SD and LD photoperiods. Flowering was earliest in the plants exposed to SD at low CO2 concentrations which formed floral buds at stem node 3 or 4. At high CO2 concentrations, floral buds did not form until stem node 6 or 7. Both high CO2 concentrations and LD photoperiods tended to enhance stem elongation and leaf formation.  相似文献   

The effect of methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) on the floral bud formation and elongation growth in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil was investigated. The placing of 4-day-old seedlings of P. nil in a solution of JA-Me for a period of 24 h before an inductive (16 h or 14 h of darkness) night led to a dramatic reduction in the number of flower buds formed by the plant. Plants treated with JA-Me also totally lost their capacity to form a generative terminal bud. JA-Me applied after photoinduction does not inhibit flowering. Gibberellic acid (GA3) partly reverses the inhibitory effect of JA-Me. Plants treated simultaneously with JA-Me and GA3 formed about 3 flower buds more than plants treated with JA-Me only. JA-Me at a concentration of 10-7 M stimulates slightly, but at higher concentrations it inhibits root growth and shoot growth. A distinct lack of correlation between the effect of JA-Me on inhibition of flowering and shoot and root growth was noted. This indicates the independent action of JA-Me in controlling both processes.  相似文献   

The effect of methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) on the floral bud formation and elongation growth in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil was investigated. The placing of 4-day-old seedlings of P. nil in a solution of JA-Me for a period of 24 h before an inductive (16 h or 14 h of darkness) night led to a dramatic reduction in the number of flower buds formed by the plant. Plants treated with JA-Me also totally lost their capacity to form a generative terminal bud. JA-Me applied after photoinduction does not inhibit flowering. Gibberellic acid (GA3) partly reverses the inhibitory effect of JA-Me. Plants treated simultaneously with JA-Me and GA3 formed about 3 flower buds more than plants treated with JA-Me only. JA-Me at a concentration of 10-7 M stimulates slightly, but at higher concentrations it inhibits root growth and shoot growth. A distinct lack of correlation between the effect of JA-Me on inhibition of flowering and shoot and root growth was noted. This indicates the independent action of JA-Me in controlling both processes.  相似文献   

Jasmonates Inhibit Flowering in Short-Day Plant Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of jasmonates in the photoperiodic flower induction of short-day plant Pharbitis nil was investigated. The plants were grown in a special cycle: 72 h of darkness, 24 h of white light with lowered intensity, 24-h long inductive night, 14 days of continuous light. At 4 h of inductive night the cotyledons of non-induced plants contained about two times the amount of endogenous jasmonates (JA/JA-Me) compared to those induced. A 15-min long pulse of far red light (FR) applied at the end of a 24-h long white light phase inhibited flowering of P. nil. The concentration of jasmonates at 2 and 4 h of inductive night in the cotyledons of the plants treated with FR was similar. Red light (R) could reverse the effect of FR. R light applied after FR light decreased the content of jasmonates by about 50%. Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) applied to cotyledons, shoot apices and cotyledon petioles of P. nil inhibited the formation of flower buds during the first half of a 24-h long inductive or 14-h long subinductive night. Application of JA-Me to the cotyledons was the most effective. None of the plants treated with JA-Me on the cotyledons in the middle of the inductive night formed terminal flower buds. The aspirin, ibuprofen and phenidone, jasmonates biosynthesis inhibitors partially reversed the effect of FR, stimulating the formation of axillary and terminal flower buds. Thus, the results obtained suggests that phytochrome system control both the photoperiodic flower induction and jasmonates metabolism. Jasmonates inhibit flowering in P. nil.  相似文献   

The role of gibberellins in the photoperiodic flower induction of short-day plant Pharbitis nil has been investigated. It has been found that the endogenous content of gibberellins in the cotyledons of P. nil is low before and after a 16-h-long inductive dark period. During the inductive night the content of gibberellins is high at the beginning of darkness and about the middle of the dark period. Exogenous GA3 when applied to the cotyledons of non-induced plants does not replace the effect of the inductive night but it can stimulate the intensity of flowering in plants cultivated on suboptimal photoperiods. GA3 could also reverse the inhibitory effect of end-of-day far-red light irradiation on P. nil flowering. 2-Chloroethyltri-methylammonium chloride (CCC) applied to the cotyledons during the inductive night also inhibited flowering. GA3 could reverse the inhibitory effect of CCC. The obtained results strongly suggest that gibberellins are involved in the phytochrome controlled transition of P. nil to flowering. Their effect could be additive to that of photoperiodic induction.  相似文献   

Flowering of seedlings of Pharbitis nil, strains Violet andTendan, cultured in modified White's medium, was promoted bymedium dilution, the critical dark period being shortened byabout 15 min. Dilution of the N source alone was enough to causethe medium-dilution effect. Dilution of the culture medium duringthe day before and on the day of exposure to the dark-period(a total of two days) caused the maximum dilution effect. TheC and N contents of the cotyledons and of the shoot apices changedrapidly in response to medium dilution. In 1/2-strength White'smedium with 1/1,000 strength NO3 which was most effectivefor flower promotion, the C-N ratio was highest. In 1/2-strengthmodified White's medium, in which flowering was lowest withthe longest critical dark period, the C-N ratio was lowest.Thus, there is a close relation between flowering response andthe C-N ratio in cotyledons or shoot apices of Pharbitis nil. (Received September 14, 1984; Accepted January 26, 1985)  相似文献   

Flowering and dwarfism induced by 5‐azacytidine and zebularine, which both cause DNA demethylation, were studied in a short‐day (SD) plant Pharbitis nil (synonym Ipomoea nil), var. Violet whose photoinduced flowering state does not last for a long period of time. The DNA demethylating reagents induced flowering under non‐inductive long‐day (LD) conditions. The flower‐inducing effect of 5‐azacytidine did not last for a long period of time, and the plants reverted to vegetative growth. The progeny of the plants that were induced to flower by DNA demethylation did not flower under the non‐inductive photoperiodic conditions. These results suggest that the flowering‐related genes were activated by DNA demethylation and then remethylated again in the progeny. The DNA demethylation also induced dwarfism. The dwarfism did not last for a long period of time, was not heritable and was overcome by gibberellin A3 but not by t‐zeatin or kinetin. The change in the genome‐wide methylation state was examined by methylation‐sensitive amplified fragment length polymorphism (MS‐AFLP) analysis. The analysis detected many more polymorphic fragments between the DNA samples isolated from the cotyledons treated with SD than from the cotyledons under LD conditions, indicating that the DNA methylation state was altered by photoperiodic conditions. Seven LD‐specific fragments were extracted from the gel of the MS‐AFLP and were sequenced. One of these fragments was highly homologous with the genes encoding ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

For dark-grown seedlings of Pharbitis nil capacity to flower in response to a single inductive dark period was established by 24 h white, far-red (FR) or ruby-red (BCJ) light and by a skeleton photoperiod of 10 min red (R)-24 h dark-10 min R. FR alone was ineffective without a brief terminal (R) irradiation, confirming that the form of phytochrome immediately prior to darkness is a crucial factor for flowering in Pharbitis. The magnitude of the flowering response was significantly greater after 24 h FR or white light (WL) (at 18° C and 27° C) than after two brief skeleton R irradiations, but the increased flowering response was not attributable to photosynthetic CO2 uptake because this could not be detected in seedlings exposed to 24 h WL at 18° C. Photophosphorylation could have contributed to the increased flowering response as photosystem I fluorescence was detectable in plants exposed to FR, BCJ, or WL, but there were large differences between flowering response and photosystem I capacity as indicated by fluorescence. We conclude that phytochrome plays a major role in photoresponses regulating flowering. There was no simple correlation between developmental changes, such as cotyledon expansion and chlorophyll formation during the 24-h irradiation period, and the capacity to flower in response to a following inductive dark period. Changes in plastid ultrastructure were considerable in light from fluorescent lamps and there was complete breakdown of the prolamellar body with or without lamellar stacking at 27 or 18° C, respectively, but plastid reorganization was minimal in FR-irradiated seedlings.Abbreviations BCJ irradiation from photographic ruby-red lamps - FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing from of phytochrome - P total phytochrome content - R red light - WL white light from fluorescent lamps  相似文献   

Permeant weak acids and auxins have been shown to reduce the cytosplasmic pH in several systems. Lactic, citric, formic, butyric, salicylic, parahydroxybenzoic, propionic acid, and sodium propionate inhibited the flowering response of Pharbitis nil seedlings when applied immediately before an inductive dark period. The acidic auxins IAA, indolebutyric, and α-naphtaleneacetic acid, as well as the nonacidic auxin α-naphtaleneaceteamid, also inhibited the flowering response. Inhibition was generally more pronounced with a 12-hour than with a 16-hour dark period. Salicylic acid and sodium propionate shifted the response curve of the dark period by about 2 hours. Salicyclic acid, sodium propionate, and indolebutyric acid were inhibitory when applied during the first few hours of the dark period. The permeant weak bases NH4Cl, procaine, and trisodium citrate enhanced the flowering response. NH4Cl reduced the length of the critical dark period. The inhibition of flowering by acids and auxins as well as the promotion of flowering by bases was obtained even when only the cotyledons had been treated. The inhibition of floral induction by auxins may not be dependent on their effect on the cytoplasmic pH.  相似文献   

Gibberellin A3 (GA3) stimulated flowering when it was appliedto the shoot apex of seedlings of Pharbitis nil, dwarf strainKidachi; but, not when it was applied to the cotyledons. GA3applied to the plumule before or shortly after the start ofan inductive dark period promoted both flowering and shoot elongation;but, the later the time of application during the dark periodless the promotion of flowering, although marked promotion ofshoot elongation always took place. The variation with time in the response of flowering to GA3indicates that early floral processes at the apex are stimulatedby GA3, but that subsequent processes are insensitive to it.The early processes of floral stimulus produced by a 16 hr inductivedark period probably are completed within 20 hr at 28°Cafter the end of the dark period. At low temperatures, suchas 15 and 20°C, early floral processes continued for morethan 40 hr. When cotyledons were removed at various times, the export ofthe floral stimulus to the shoot apex was apparent within hoursof the generation of the floral stimulus in the cotyledons,which started with the passage of the critical 9-hr dark period. (Received February 18, 1981; Accepted March 24, 1981)  相似文献   

An extract of cotyledons of Pharbitis nil, which had been exposedto short-day conditions, was tested for flower-promoting activityin a shoot-tip assay system in vitro. The crude extract hadno flower-promoting activity, however, after partitioning ofthe crude extract with dichloromethane, the resulting aqueousfraction had flower-promoting activity. This activity was separatedinto two fractions by column chromatography on Toyopearl HW-40.One active fraction was identified as dihydrokaempferol-7-O-rß-D-glucoside(DHK-glc). This compound exhibited flower-promoting activityat the extremely low concentration of 4.4x10-9. (Received April 25, 1995; Accepted August 11, 1995)  相似文献   

The influence on photoperiodic flowering of (2-chloroethyl)trimethylmmonium chloride (CCC), an inhibitor of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis, was studied in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil cv. Violet. The cotyledons contained high levels of endogenous bioactive gibberellins, whereas in the plumules and first leaves the levels were low or undetectable. The first leaf responded to a single'dark treatment by inducing flowering when it was 10 mm or wider. Similar seedlings, but without cotyledons, were used as the assay plants to study the effect of CCC on photoperiodic flowering. Treatment with CCC had no effect on flowering of seedlings without cotyledons, although stem elongation was inhibited. By contrast. CCC inhibited flowering of the intact seedlings with cotyledons. Gibberellic acid applied to the shoot apex or to the first leaf promoted flowering in the CCC-treated seedlings without cotyledons. The results indicate thai gibberellins are not essential for the flower induction process in leaves, but that they promote flower initiation and/or later processes in the shoot apices.  相似文献   

Ogawa Y  King RW 《Plant physiology》1979,63(4):643-649
Benzyladenine (BA) brushed on the cotyledons of 4-day-old seedlings of Pharbitis nil Chois. markedly stimulates flowering. Greates response is obtained for concentrations between 44 and 440 micromolar. The action of BA is on processes in the cotyledon as shown by the response to its site of application, to the dosage applied and to the requirement for its application prior to the dark period. There was little or no effect of BA treatment on either the time measurement processes of photoperiodic induction or on the generation of floral stimulus. Transport of photosynthetic assimilate from the cotyledons to the shoot apex was altered.  相似文献   

Enzymic formation of 14C-kaurene from 2-14C-mevalonate was carried out with a cell-free system of Cucurbita pepo L. It was shown that either heating of the enzyme system or the addition of the growth retardants (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride and 2′-isopropyl-4′ (trimethylammonium chloride)-5′-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate prevented the synthesis of 14C-kaurene. Experiments in which 14C-kaurene was applied to seedlings of Pharbitis nil revealed that the kaurene is converted to at least two compounds present in the acidic ethyl acetate fraction, containing free gibberellins, as well as in the second acidic ethyl acetate fraction, containing the released bound gibberellins. One of the compounds cochromatographed with gibberellic acid; the other compound is possibly a break-down product of gibberellic acid with no biological activity.  相似文献   

The Inhibition of Flowering by Non-Induced Cotyledons of Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inhibitory effects on flowering of a non-induced cotyledon havebeen examined in Pharbitis nil seedlings. The photoperiodicinduction of one cotyledon was accomplished by wrapping it inaluminium foil for 13 to 15 h while the seedling remained inthe light. The presence of the other cotyledon in the lightblocked this inductive stimulus. The timing of its inhibitoryeffect suggested that its action was to block the expressionof the inductive stimulus, presumably at the shoot apex. Byvarying the area of the non-induced cotyledon parallel inhibitoryeffects were shown on export of stimulus and of 14C-labelledassimilate to the apex from the induced cotyledon. Thus, partof the inhibition was by interference with assimilate/stimulusco-transport in the phloem. However, an additional inhibitoryeffect was also evident and for this second component therewas no relationship between assimilate and stimulus transport.This latter inhibition was generated by brief light interruptionsof darkness given to one cotyledon only whilst the other waswrapped. The control treatment, removal of the unwrapped cotyledon,did not alter flowering compared to seedlings with intact, darkenedcotyledons. Thus, these studies show that the brief night interruptionsacted to trigger a photoperiodically sensitive inhibitor notto block induction. The implications of these findings are discussedin relation to models of time measurement in the photoperiodiccontrol of flowering. (Received March 20, 1989; Accepted November 16, 1989)  相似文献   

Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) inhibited photoperiodically inducedflowering in Pharbitis nil. The application of AOA to the plumulejust after an inductive period was the most effective in inhibitingflowering. A correlation between inhibition of flowering andinhibition of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase activity wasobserved with fifteen aminooxy derivatives. (Received April 18, 1992; Accepted June 25, 1992)  相似文献   

Abstract Flowering of Pharbitis nil after an inductive dark period is greatly influenced by far-red (FR) irradiation during the preceding light period. The response to FR is rhythmic in otherwise constant conditions, and the period of the oscillation is approximately 12 h (i.e. semidian). The rhythm also appears to operate under daily light-dark cycles. The expression of this novel rhythm depends on the time from the beginning of FR pretreatment to the onset of the inductive dark period. The cotyledons are the site of response to both the pretreatment and inductive darkness, and both these conditions must be perceived by the same cotyledon.  相似文献   

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