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22-MeV neutrons affecting the culture of human peripheral blood lymphocytes have been studied for their cytogenetic peculiarities. Linear character of the dependence of chromosome aberrations yield within the dose range of 0.2-4.0 Gy is noted. Relative biological efficiency of 22-MeV neutrons reaches the highest values at low doses (18.8-2.4). Pair fragments and dicentrics prevail in spectrum of aberrations.  相似文献   

Comparisons of national standard of air kerma for conventional and mammographic diagnostic X-ray radiation qualities were conducted by the IAEA. Eleven secondary standards dosimetry laboratories provided calibration data for Exradin A3 and Radcal RC6M transfer ionization chambers circulated. Each comparison result expressed as the ratio of the participant and IAEA calibration coefficient were within the acceptance limit of ±2.5%. From the 67 results of 11 participants and 10 available beam qualities, the comparison result was within its standard uncertainty in 63 cases, and within the expanded (k = 2) uncertainty in four cases. Detailed calibration uncertainty budgets from participant laboratories are presented. The relative standard calibration uncertainty of each participant was in the range of 0.5–1.3%. These results indicate that the calibration related uncertainty component is reasonable low for a clinical measurement. In addition to the calibration coefficient, other corrections should be applied for clinical measurement to achieve the recommended accuracy.  相似文献   


We investigate a method for determining the elemental composition of biological samples that uses prompt gamma rays induced by 14.7-MeV neutrons. Alpha particles are produced simultaneously with the neutrons, which exit opposite the alpha detector through the vacuum chamber wall. The sample under investigation is irradiated and emits gamma radiations in a spectral energy distribution characteristic of the material. Barium-fluoride (BaF2) and high-purity germanium (HPGe) gamma detectors view the sample and record the spectrum of gamma radiation.


The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) were determined in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the induction of gene conversion (the product of recombinational repair) and mutation (the product of error prone repair) by 14.5-MeV neutrons in comparison with 60Co gamma rays and 150 KVp X rays. Neutron irradiation in oxic or anoxic conditions induced significantly higher yields of convertants and mutants than sparsely ionizing radiations under the same conditions. RBEs for both gene conversion and mutation under anoxia were significantly higher than under oxic conditions. RBEs for mutant induction under anoxia were lower than the RBEs for gene conversion under the same conditions. The data support the hypothesis that the production of lesions leading to the genetic consequences of gene conversion and mutation differ in their dependence upon LET and the presence of oxygen during irradiation, and therefore the two DNA repair processes which produce these end points recognize, at least in part, different classes of damage.  相似文献   

Anderson TG  Tan A  Ganz P  Seelig J 《Biochemistry》2004,43(8):2251-2261
Cyclodextrins are able to bind hydrophobic molecules in their interior cavity and as such have received a great deal of attention as carriers of cholesterol, lipophilic drugs, and other sparingly soluble compounds. Despite the importance of these biochemical applications, relatively little is known about the interactions of cyclodextrins with phospholipid membranes. Here we characterize the binding of randomly methylated beta-cyclodextrin (m beta CD) to 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) using right-angle light scattering and isothermal titration calorimetry. Existing models of lipophile-membrane interactions are inadequate to describe the observed binding; we introduce a modified chemical reaction model in which the chemical activity of the phospholipid is independent of its concentration. We find that an average of four m beta CD molecules bind to each POPC molecule with an enthalpy of reaction of 46 kJ mol(-1) and an equilibrium constant of 90 M(-3). These results are consistent with earlier qualitative observations and suggest that disruption of phospholipid membranes may be minimized if the concentration of m beta CD is kept below about 15 mM.  相似文献   

The RBE coefficient of neutrons (0.85 MeV) was 1.87 in comparison with that of electron radiation (8 MeV) as determined by the death rate of guinea pigs with the cerebral form of radiation sickness. LD50/1.5 amounted to 43.2 and 80.7 Gy. The dynamics of clinical symptoms at the height of the disease is discussed.  相似文献   

Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) coefficient of 0.85 MeV neutrons was 1.87 in comparison with 0.66 MeV gamma radiation (137Cs) when estimated by the death rate of guinea pigs with intestinal form of radiation sickness. LD50/5 was 5.9 and 11.06 respectively. Features of the mortality rate dynamics, clinical picture and pathoanatomical changes are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the induction of dicentric chromosomes in human lymphocytes irradiated in vitro with nearly monoenergetic neutrons at energies in the range of 36 keV–15.0 MeV. For the assessment of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) both 220 kV x-rays and 60Co -rays were used as reference radiations. To avoid potential confounding factors that would influence the outcome of the experiments, only blood from one individual was used. The neutron RBE culture conditions ensured that the chromosome analysis could be performed exclusively in metaphases of the first cell cycle in vitro. For the reference radiation of 220 kV x-rays, the values of RBEM were found to increase from 16.6 (En=36 keV) to the maximum value of 23.4 (En=385 keV). For 60Co -rays utilized as the reference radiation, the corresponding RBEM values were found to be higher by a factor of 4. These results agree well with the previously published large data sets of three laboratories on dose-response relationships for dicentrics or dicentrics plus centric rings. They show a similar dependence of RBE on neutron energy.  相似文献   

PurposePatient dose estimation in X-ray computed tomography (CT) is generally performed by Monte Carlo simulation of photon interactions within anthropomorphic or cylindrical phantoms. An accurate Monte Carlo simulation requires an understanding of the effects of the bow-tie filter equipped in a CT scanner, i.e. the change of X-ray energy and air kerma along the fan-beam arc of the CT scanner. To measure the effective energy and air kerma distributions, we devised a pin-photodiode array utilizing eight channels of X-ray sensors arranged at regular intervals along the fan-beam arc of the CT scanner.MethodsEach X-ray sensor consisted of two plate type of pin silicon photodiodes in tandem – front and rear photodiodes – and of a lead collimator, which only allowed X-rays to impinge vertically to the silicon surface of the photodiodes. The effective energy of the X-rays was calculated from the ratio of the output voltages of the photodiodes and the dose was calculated from the output voltage of the front photodiode using the energy and dose calibration curves respectively.ResultsThe pin-photodiode array allowed the calculation of X-ray effective energies and relative doses, at eight points simultaneously along the fan-beam arc of a CT scanner during a single rotation of the scanner.ConclusionsThe fan-beam energy and air kerma distributions of CT scanners can be effectively measured using this pin-photodiode array.  相似文献   

Bakers yeast enolase A binds 2 moles of magnesium with a total enthalpy of +11,000 ± 1,100 cal/mol of protein at 25 °C in 0.05 ionic strength Tris buffer, pH 7.8. Measurements of the pH of unbuffered solutions of enolase indicate that at 0.05 ionic strength, 2 moles of protons are released per 2 moles of metal bound. The binding of magnesium to yeast enolase is consequently produced by a favorable entropy change. The enthalpies of binding observed in Tris buffer appear to be different at 0–1 and 1–2 moles of metal per mole of protein, suggesting a difference in binding sites.  相似文献   

Dicentric and total aberration yields induced in human lymphocytes by 15-MeV neutrons under conditions of oxygenation and of anoxia have been fitted to a dose-response curve using the function Y = D + βD2. An oxygen-enhancement ratio (OER) ranging from 3.7 at low yields to 1.6 at high yields was calculated from the co-efficients of the dicentric yield curves and evidence is presented which suggests that oxygen does not act as a dose-modifying agent in this system. High dose RBE values of 1.2 and 2.1 with respect to 250 kVp X-rays for oxygenated and anoxic conditions were also obtained. Coefficients for total aberration yield gave similar values to dicentrics for both OER and RBE  相似文献   

Summary Calorimetric estimates of the utilization efficiency of the free-energy derived from substrate oxidation by cell suspensions of two nitrifying bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, provided two ranges of values: 11 to 27% and 15 to 51%, respectively. About 15 to 30% of the utilized free-energy is used for driving endergonic reactions other than CO2 fixation, probably the synthesis of polyphosphates.The molar heat of substrate oxidation does not seem to be influenced by the age of cells harvested during growth or by the length of the incubation period during which cells have been kept in a buffer suspension in a starved condition. The loss of respiratory activity measured either by oxygen uptake or heat evolution in the presence of the specific substrate, nitrite or ammonium, decreases according to kinetics which are influenced by the aerobiosis of the suspension. The viability of the starved cells decreases in a way which is similar to that of the respiratory activity. It seemed impossible to obtain cells which had lost their viability but kept the ability to oxidize their substrate.Two inhibitors of the respiratory chain, quinacrine and cyanide, are without effect on the molar heat of substrate oxidation and consequently on the free-energy utilization efficiency. 2.4 dinitrophenol did decrease the rate of heat evolution during substrate oxidation at concentrations at which the rate of oxygen uptake was not depressed, with the consequences that free-energy efficiency was apparently increased.  相似文献   

The successive enthalpy changes for the four steps of oxygen binding by diphosphoglycerate-free adult human hemoglobin have been measured by direct calorimetry at pH 7.4 and 6°. Average results in kcal/(mole O2) are: ΔH1 = ?25.1 ± 2.8; ΔH2 = ?12.6 ± 3.0, ΔH3 = ?12.5 ± 3.0, and ΔH4 = ?10.1 ± 1.4. These results imply a substantial temperature dependence for the cooperativity of O2 binding by the protein and generally resemble the van't Hoff results by Roughton et al. [Roy. Soc. of London Proc., B 144, 29 (1955)] for sheep hemoglobin at pH 9.1 and a temperature range of 2° to 19°.  相似文献   

V A Lisin 《Radiobiologiia》1988,28(3):343-346
An analytical equation was obtained to describe the therapeutic effectiveness factor (TEF) as a function of radiation dose. By this equation TEF function of dose was found for rhabdomyosarcoma that showed a considerable dependence of TEF upon dose fractionation schedule. At the same time, TEF gave no unique information on the advantage of neutron therapy since doses at which TEF was maximum did not correspond to those providing the highest effectiveness of the treatment.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Established in 1992, the European Union Ecolabel, that is briefly called “the Flower” because of the mark, is a voluntary ecological product award issued by the 1980/2000 Regulation (EC 2000). Adopting the ISO classification, the EU Ecolabel belongs to the “Type I environmental labelling” (ISO 14024:1999). The possibility to include GreenHouse Gases (GHG) emissions (as of CO2 equivalents) among the EU Ecolabel criteria is a news that is justified to the consideration that, in the last 30 years, their management and limitation assumed a relevant and strategic importance for greenhouse effect control. This paper introduces results of a project for the European Commission that aimed at developing and checking a carbon footprint calculator procedure suitable for the inclusion of the GHG emission issue in the EU Ecolabel criteria. The output tool is primarily aimed at the policy maker, i.e. the European Commission, the European Union Ecolabel Board and the Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG, created to develop a transparent and wide discussion with reference stakeholders, see Fig. 2 for more details), but, in this step, not directly to the applicant yet.  相似文献   

P Y Chou  H A Scheraga 《Biopolymers》1971,10(4):657-680
The heat ΔH° for converting an uncharged lysine residue from a coil to an α-helical state in poly-L -lysine in 0.1N KCl has been determined calorimetrically to be ?1200 cal/mole at both 15°C and 25°C. Essentially the same value has been obtained for the conversion of an uncharged residue from a coil to a β-pleated sheet state. Titration data provided information about the state of charge of the polymer in the calorimetric experiments, and optical rotatory dispersion data about its conformation. In order to compute ΔH°, the observed Calorimetric heat was corrected for the heat of breaking the sample cell, the heal of dilution of HCl, the heat of neutralization of OH? ion, and the heat of ionization of the ε-amino group in the random coil. The latter was obtained from similar Calorimetric measurements on poly-D ,L -lysine, which was shown to be a good model for the random coil form of poly-L -lysine. The measured transition heat was ~0.7 cal., which is only 7% of the total heat liberated when a 40 ml solution of 0.25% w/v poly-L -lysine is brought, from pH 11 to pH 7; nevertheless it could be determined with a precision of ±8%. The conformation of poly-L -lysine at pH 11 appears to be completely helical at 15°C, but a mixture of 90% α-helix, 5% β form, and 5% coil at 25°C. Since ΔH° ~ 0 for the α ? β conversion, the polymer behaves like one of 95% α-helix and 5% coil in the calorimeter at 25°C. At neutral pH, poly-L -lysine is an extended coil, like poly-D ,L -lysine.  相似文献   

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