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In fungi, aminoadipate reductase converts 2-aminoadipate to 2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde. However, other organisms have no homologue to the aminoadipate reductase gene and this pathway appears to be restricted to fungi. In this study, we designed degenerate primers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a large fragment of the aminoadipate reductase gene for divergent fungi.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is an effective approach for gene function analysis, which is well developed in mammal cell lines. However, RNAi has rarely been reported in marine bivalve species. To provide support on functional analysis of bivalve genes, for the first time to our knowledge, we conducted RNAi assay on primary cell of clam Meretrix meretrix in this study. Firstly we explored the method of culturing primary cells of M. meretrix to ensure the cells to live at high activity for at least 2 weeks. Ferritin gene was chosen as the target gene and RNAi assay was conducted through soaking the primary cells of M. meretrix digestive gland in medium containing dsRNA of ferritin gene. Realtime PCR, western blot and immunocytochemistry analysis were used to analyze the inhibition of gene expression after RNAi. Results showed the ferritin mRNA was significantly down-regulated by 66.11% after RNAi. Western blot result showed that the expression level of ferritin protein was also depressed post RNAi. The method developed in this study proved to be reliable and effective for RNAi assay on marine bivalve cells. It would be an efficient tool for gene function analysis in marine bivalves and more studies based on primary cells of marine bivalves can be expected.  相似文献   

InterPro, an integrated documentation resource for protein families, protein domains, and functional sites, was developed to amalgamate the individual efforts of the PROSITE, PRINTS, Pfam, and ProDom databases. InterPro can be used for the computational functional classification of newly determined amino acid sequences that lack biochemical characterization and for comparative genome analysis. InterPro contains over 3500 entries for more than 1 000 000 hits in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL. The database is accessible for text-and sequence-based searches at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/. InterPro was used for the complete analysis of the proteome of the pathogenic microorganism Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the comparison with the predicted protein-coding sequences of the complete genomes of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. It was found that 64.8% of proteins in the proteome of M. tuberculosis matched InterPro entries and can be classified by their functions. The comparison with B. subtilis and E. coli provided information on the most common protein families and domains and on the most highly represented protein families in each organism. Thus, InterPro is a useful tool for general comparison of complete proteomes and their compositions.  相似文献   

基因鉴定集成法:全基因组基因表达研究的新策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类基因组包含的核苷酸数目庞大,基因鉴定(识别)的技术策略是基因克隆研究至为重要的基础。在全基因组基因表达分析策略方面,已相继建立了mRNA差异显示、代表性差异分析、抑制性消减杂交、基因表达系列分析和cDNA微阵列等技术。基因鉴定集成法是新近在综合上述技术的优缺点的基础上建立的全基因组分析新策略,具有充分利用生物基因信息数据库进行基因鉴定(识别),并能提高稀有拷贝基因鉴定效率的优点。本文简要介绍其  相似文献   

Silicateins found in spicules of siliceous sponges are proteins that take part in biogenic silica precipitation and determine the morphological features of spicules. The exon-intron structure of the genes encoding four silicatein-α isoforms (−α1, −α2, −α3, and −α4) from an endemic Baikalian sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis was studied. For eight sponge species, including both cosmopolitan (Spongilla lacustris, Ephydatia muelleri, E. fluviatilis) and endemic Baikalian (L. baicalensis, L. incrustans, Baikalospongia intermedia, B. fungiformis, Sw. papyracea) species, seventeen partial sequences of different silicatein isoform genes were determined. It was shown that cosmopolitan and endemic Baikalian sponges differ from each other in gene structure, in particular, in intron length. Among Baikalian sponges, silicatein-α1 genes had the highest variation of intron length, and silicatein-α4 genes were the most conservative. A phylogenetic analysis based on amino acid sequences of different silicatein isoforms identified four distinct clusters within the freshwater sponge clade. An analysis based on exon-intron gene sequences enables discrimination between different sponge species within the clusters.  相似文献   

Horizontally transferred DNA is largely responsible for the dissemination of virulence traits amongst bacteria. Rapid identification of acquired DNA remains difficult as whole-genome sequencing of outbreak strains is impractical, and microarray-based approaches, while powerful, are limited to genes present only in the reference strains. Here we present a novel bacterial comparative genomic hybridization method that directly compares the genomes of related strains at sub-kilobase resolution in order to identify acquired DNA. Bacterial comparative genomic hybridization utilizes the concept of metaphase chromosome comparative genomic hybridization, and exploits the resolving power of two-dimensional DNA electrophoresis. Comparison of isogenic variants of the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa detected a single-copy gene insertion responsible for gentamicin resistance.  相似文献   

A new approach is described for analyzing disulfide linkage patterns in peptides containing tightly clustered cystines. Such peptides are very difficult to analyze with traditional strategies, which require that the peptide chain be split between close or adjacent Cys residues. The water-soluble tris-(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphine (TCEP) reduced disulfides at pH 3, and partially reduced peptides were purified by high performance liquid chromatography with minimal thiol-disulfide exchange. Alkylation of free thiols, followed by sequencer analysis, provided explicit assignment of disulfides that had been reduced. Thiol-disulfide exchange occurred during alkylation of some peptides, but correct deductions were still possible. Alkylation competed best with exchange when peptide solution was added with rapid mixing to 2.2 M iodoacetamide. Variants were developed in which up to three alkylating agents were used to label different pairs of thiols, allowing a full assignment in one sequencer analysis. Model peptides used included insulin (three bridges, intra- and interchain disulfides; -Cys.Cys- pair), endothelin and apamin (two disulfides; -Cys.x.Cys- pair), conotoxin GI and isomers (two disulfides; -Cys.Cys- pair), and bacterial enterotoxin (three bridges within 13 residues; two -Cys.Cys- pairs). With insulin, all intermediates in the reduction pathway were identified; with conotoxin GI, analysis was carried out successfully for all three disulfide isomers. In addition to these known structures, the method has been applied successfully to the analysis of several previously unsolved structures of similar complexity. Rates of reduction of disulfide bonds varied widely, but most peptides did not show a strongly preferred route for reduction.  相似文献   

Microarrays measure values that are approximately proportional to the numbers of copies of different mRNA molecules in samples. Due to technical difficulties, the constant of proportionality between the measured intensities and the numbers of mRNA copies per cell is unknown and may vary for different arrays. Usually, the data are normalized (i.e., array-wise multiplied by appropriate factors) in order to compensate for this effect and to enable informative comparisons between different experiments. Centralization is a new two-step method for the computation of such normalization factors that is both biologically better motivated and more robust than standard approaches. First, for each pair of arrays the quotient of the constants of proportionality is estimated. Second, from the resulting matrix of pairwise quotients an optimally consistent scaling of the samples is computed.  相似文献   

: Evolutionary trace report_maker offers a new type of service for researchers investigating the function of novel proteins. It pools, from different sources, information about protein sequence, structure and elementary annotation, and to that background superimposes inference about the evolutionary behavior of individual residues, using real-valued evolutionary trace method. As its only input it takes a Protein Data Bank identifier or UniProt accession number, and returns a human-readable document in PDF format, supplemented by the original data needed to reproduce the results quoted in the report.  相似文献   

Recently, new methods for determining time-evolving structures using infrared analogs of NMR spectroscopy have been introduced that have outstanding potential in structural biology. Already, within the past two years, structures of dipeptides, tripeptides and pentapeptides have been determined on much faster timescales than the conformational dynamics. Also, two-dimensional infrared correlation spectra of some proteins and isotopically edited alanine-rich helices have been examined.  相似文献   

A new method of hydrating protein structures, which we call Dowser++, is presented. The method is based on a semi‐empirical modification of a popular program for protein hydration Dowser, and the usage of protocols AutoDock Vina, and WaterDock. The positions of water molecules predicted by Dowser++ were compared with experimental data for a set of 14 high‐resolution crystal structures of oligopeptide‐binding protein (OppA) containing a large number of resolved internal water molecules, as well as for the D‐ and K‐channels of cytochrome c oxidase, and the recent data on PSII. Comparison is also made with the predictions of the original Dowser, and its improved version, Dowser+, described in our previous publication. We also present a model for quantitative estimation of the quality of water molecules placement made by a program, which includes an assumption of possible false negative data from the crystallographic analysis. The comparison of predictions made by Dowser++, Dowser and Dowser+ demonstrates significant improvement of predictive power of the new method. Proteins 2016; 84:1347–1357. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Social learning has been documented in a wide diversity of animals. In free-living animals, however, it has been difficult to discern whether animals learn socially by observing other group members or asocially by acquiring a new behaviour independently. We addressed this challenge by developing network-based diffusion analysis (NBDA), which analyses the spread of traits through animal groups and takes into account that social network structure directs social learning opportunities. NBDA fits agent-based models of social and asocial learning to the observed data using maximum-likelihood estimation. The underlying learning mechanism can then be identified using model selection based on the Akaike information criterion. We tested our method with artificially created learning data that are based on a real-world co-feeding network of macaques. NBDA is better able to discriminate between social and asocial learning in comparison with diffusion curve analysis, the main method that was previously applied in this context. NBDA thus offers a new, more reliable statistical test of learning mechanisms. In addition, it can be used to address a wide range of questions related to social learning, such as identifying behavioural strategies used by animals when deciding whom to copy.  相似文献   

A new spectrofluorimetric method for protein estimation has been developed and applied to study the renin-angiotensin system. The fluorometric reagent, 1-4-diamino-2-3-dichloro-anthraquinone, is introduced in this field and used for the first time. Renal semipurified rat renin is incubated with a synthetic substrate (N-acetyl-tetra-decapeptide) at 0 degrees C and 37 degrees C, at optimal pH, during 3 hours. The incubated mixture is studied by bioassay (BA), radioimmunoassay (RIA) and spectrofluorimetric analysis (SFA), and values obtained with these methods are compared. Blank samples for spectrofluorimetric analysis were prepared by substituting the incubated mixture with the unincubated components of the reaction. Its fluorescence values were subtracted from those of the incubated mixture. Precision and sensitivity for RIA and SFA were similar in both cases, but different in the case of BA. Renal renin activity (RRA) values for RIA (7.15 x 10-(3) nM/ml angio. I/3 h) and SFA (7.08 x 10-(3) nM/ml angio. I/h) were statistically equal (t = 1.05; p less than 0.05), while RRA values for BA (6.23 x 10-(2) nM/ml angio. I/3 h), were higher and significantly different from the statistical point of view. The graphical representation of RRA values for RIA versus SFA values gives an objective expression where RRA(RIA) = 0.78 RRA(SFA) + 0.02.  相似文献   

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