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The ability of Romanomermis culicivorax to infect, develop, and emerge from Kenyan mosquito hosts was evaluated in the laboratory. Host species tested were Aedes aegypti, Ae. dentatus, Ae. hirsutus, Anopheles arabiensis, An. coustani, An. funestus, An. gambiae, An. pharoensis, Culex duttoni, Cu. ethiopicus, Cu. poicilipes, Cu. quinquefasciatus, Cu. tigripes, Cu. univittatus, Coquillettidia metallica, Mansonia africana, Ma. uniformis, Mimomyia splendens, Mi. uniformis, Toxorhyncites brevipalpis, and Uranotaenia balfouri. R. culicivorax penetrated all the host species tested and developed and emerged from most of the hosts. Both penetration and some development, but not nematode emergence, were observed from all instars of Ma. uniformis. T. brevipalpis exhibited signs of resistance in the form of melanization of R. culicivorax within 48 hours of infection in all four instar stages. Nematode melanization, especially in older hosts, was observed in Ae. dentatus, Ae. hirsutus, Cu. duttoni, Cu. tigripes, and Mi. splendens. When melanization occurred, the melanized carcass of the nematode was passed on from instar to instar. The implications for field release of R. culicivorax in Kenya are still good, especially in habitats where different mosquito species occupy the same niche at different times, which would allow for nematode recycling.  相似文献   

Sulaiman  I. M. 《Annals of botany》1995,76(3):323-326
Scanning electron microscopic studies of seed coat patternswere carried out on 16 populations of the endangered genus Meconopsis,the Himalayan poppy. Two different types of testa can be distinguishedin the five species of Meconopsis (M. horridula, M. paniculata,M. simplicifolia, M. sinuata, M. villosa ) investigated: (a)rugose, and (b) reticulate. The results indicate the absenceof intra- and inter-population variation in all five speciesof Meconopsis. However, seed coat patterns show a marked inter-specificdifference suggesting that they are species-specific.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Himalayan poppy, Meconopsis horridula, Meconopsis paniculata, Meconopsis simplicifolia, Meconopsis sinuata, Meconopsis villosa, endangered species, seed coat patterns, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mosquito control evaluations of the granular formulation of 0.5% pyriproxyfen were undertaken in marshes and a pond in Busan during the period of July through September, 2001. In marsh condition where Culex pipiens pattens were predominantly breeding, the treatment of pyriproxyfen produced over an average of 95% mosquito larval reduction at a concentration of 0.05 mg/1 for the first 4 weeks in spite of heavy precipitation (total 274.4 mm) during the period. Reduction rates of 72.6% and 32.3% appeared in the 5th and 7th weeks probably due to heavy input of sewage and flood. However, the reduction rate increased again at the 8th week, showing a 94.5% reduction, probably because of the slow releasing of pyriproxyfen granular formulation. In the second treatment of pyriproxyfen, complete mortality was obtained at the 1st and 3rd weeks. Also, a satisfactory level of Cx. pipiens larval reduction of 96.6% was observed at the 4th week. In a pond assessment, the treatment of pyriproxyfen at a concentration of 0.05 mg/1 produced a complete reduction of Cx. pipiens pattens from the 1st week through the 4th week after treatment. In the second treatment, 100.0% reduction was obtained at the 1st and 2nd weeks in the same sites. The treatment resulted in 84.4% and 97.9% reduction of mosquitoes at the 3rd and 4th weeks, respectively.  相似文献   



Although they are important disease vectors mosquito biodiversity in Pakistan is poorly known. Recent epidemics of dengue fever have revealed the need for more detailed understanding of the diversity and distributions of mosquito species in this region. DNA barcoding improves the accuracy of mosquito inventories because morphological differences between many species are subtle, leading to misidentifications.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sequence variation in the barcode region of the mitochondrial COI gene was used to identify mosquito species, reveal genetic diversity, and map the distribution of the dengue-vector species in Pakistan. Analysis of 1684 mosquitoes from 491 sites in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during 2010–2013 revealed 32 species with the assemblage dominated by Culex quinquefasciatus (61% of the collection). The genus Aedes (Stegomyia) comprised 15% of the specimens, and was represented by six taxa with the two dengue vector species, Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti, dominant and broadly distributed. Anopheles made up another 6% of the catch with An. subpictus dominating. Barcode sequence divergence in conspecific specimens ranged from 0–2.4%, while congeneric species showed from 2.3–17.8% divergence. A global haplotype analysis of disease-vectors showed the presence of multiple haplotypes, although a single haplotype of each dengue-vector species was dominant in most countries. Geographic distribution of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus showed the later species was dominant and found in both rural and urban environments.


As the first DNA-based analysis of mosquitoes in Pakistan, this study has begun the construction of a barcode reference library for the mosquitoes of this region. Levels of genetic diversity varied among species. Because of its capacity to differentiate species, even those with subtle morphological differences, DNA barcoding aids accurate tracking of vector populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two acetylcholinesterases (AChEs), AChE1 and AChE2, differing in substrate specificity and in some aspects of inhibitor sensitivity, have been characterized in the mosquito Culex pipiens . The results of ultracentrifugation in sucrose gradients and nondenaturing gel electrophoresis of AChE activity peak fractions show that each AChE is present as two molecular forms: one amphiphilic dimer possessing a glycolipid anchor and one hydrophilic dimer that does not interact with nondenaturing detergents. Treatment by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C converts each type of amphiphilic dimer into the corresponding hydrophilic dimer. Molecular forms of AChE1 have a lower electrophoretic mobility than those of AChE2. However, amphiphilic dimers and hydrophilic dimers have similar sedimentation coefficients (5.5S and 6.5S, respectively). AChE1 and AChE2 dimers, amphiphilic or hydrophilic, resist dithiothreitol reduction under conditions that allow reduction of Drosophila AChE dimers. In the insecticide-susceptible strain S-LAB, AChE1 is inhibited by 5 × 10−4 M propoxur (a carbamate insecticide), whereas AChE2 is resistant. All animals are killed by this concentration of propoxur, indicating that only AChE1 fulfills the physiological function of neurotransmitter hydrolysis at synapses. In the insecticide-resistant strain, MSE, there is no mortality after exposure to 5 × 10−4 M propoxur: AChE2 sensitivity to propoxur is unchanged, whereas AChE1 is now resistant to 5 × 10−4 M propoxur. The possibility that AChE1 and AChE2 are products of tissue-specific posttranslational modifications of a single gene is discussed, but we suggest, based on recent results obtained at the molecular level in mosquitoes, that they are encoded by two different genes.  相似文献   

Abstract  Previously existing sources of data regarding mosquitoes in inland areas of south-west Western Australia are few and qualitative in nature. This is the first attempt to quantitatively investigate mosquito fauna in this region. The existing data are reviewed and compared with the results of the quantitative surveys presented in this paper. Temporal comparisons appear to indicate that mosquito community structure in the region may have changed since the initial surveys in the 1950s from a combination of freshwater-breeding species towards a strong dominance of Aedes camptorhynchus (Thomson), a major vector of Ross River virus in southern Australia. It is speculated that this shift may have been brought about by the increasing area and severity of dryland salinity in the region over the last century, and also may increase the potential for Ross River virus disease transmission.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the head end and surface structure of the cuticle of Syphacia petrusewiczi, S. nigeriana, S. frederici and S. stroma was studied. These species may be easily separated on the basis of the differences in their morphology: S. frederici possesses longitudinal septa on the body surface, a row of denticles on each of the three main teeth, and cervical alae; S. nigeriana has longitudinal septa and denticles but lack cervical alae; S. petrusewiczi has longitudinal septa and cervical alae but lacks denticles; S. stroma lacks these three characters.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the susceptibility of Anopheles sinensis larvae, malaria vector, from Paju‐shi (Gyonggi‐do) to 24 pesticides including 11 pyrethroids, 11 organophosphates, 1 pyrazole analogue and another pesticide. The mosquito larvae showed the most highly susceptible to chlorfenapyr with LC50 of 0.0063 ppm followed by spinosad, temephos, fenthion and beta‐cyfluthrin with 0.03, 0.0366, 0.0367 and 0.0998 ppm, respectively, and fluvalinate (>128 ppm) was the least susceptible. Also, 11 pesticides of them were compared with Goyang strain (Gyonggi‐do) of data 1992. The development of resistance was noticed to cypermethrin and permethrin as much of 73.59 and 6.23 folds at LC50, respectively, and also fluvalinate was showed high resistance development. In generally, the pyrethroid insecticides were showed higher development of resistance than organophosphorus insecticides.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A bibliographic review on the Korean mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) resulted in the recognition of 51 species and two forms of adult mosquitoes belonging to 10 genera, three subfamilies. Revised keys to genera and species of female adults of Korean mosquitoes are provided using available macro-characters. Pictorial keys are also provided for easy usage.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Geographic variability of the thoracic chaetome in females of Coquillettidia richiardii (Ficalbi, 1889) and Culex modestus Ficalbi, 1890 was revealed for the first time. We...  相似文献   

Mosquito collections with CDC light traps using dry ice and pigeon‐baited traps were carried out in south Moravia (Czech Republic) from April to October in 2007 and 2008 at two study sites. In 2007, 11 two‐day captures were carried out in two‐week intervals, and 1,490 female mosquitoes of nine species were caught. In 2008, 15 two‐day trappings of mosquitoes were carried out: 6,778 females of 22 species of mosquitoes were trapped. The results showed marked differences in abundance and species composition of mosquitoes between both study sites and between the trapping methods. In the floodplain forest ecosystem of the Soutok study area, Aedes vexans predominated. The species composition in the Nesyt study site was more varied and the most common species was Culex pipiens. At the latter study site, Anopheles hyrcanus (var. pseudopictus) and Uranotaenia unguiculata, mosquito species with largely southern Eurasian distribution, were repeatedly demonstrated. The largest capture of mosquitoes was in traps with CO2 placed at a height 1 m above the ground. The capture of mosquitoes in the pigeon‐baited traps as well as in the traps with CO2 placed in the canopy of trees was markedly lower in both study sites, with the predominant species being Culex pipiens.  相似文献   

对独龙局限蚊 Topom yia ( Suaym yia) d ulongensis Gong et Lu, 1995 的雄性进行首次记述,并对四龄幼虫的部分形态作了补充。全部标本保存于云南省流行病研究所。  相似文献   

Culicid larvae were collected in snow-melt pools during the first half of June from 1975-1977 and 1995-1996 in the Abisko Valley, Torne Lapmark, northern Sweden. Twelve species were collected from 102 pools and 81 localities with 7,914 specimens (elevations from 300 to 650 m a.s.l.). Fourteen species are now known from the area. Ten types of larval habitats were classified and ten species were statistically analyzed on pooled values over all years for abundance, coexistence, and diversity. The greatest abundance of individuals had pools with Carex spp. on the bottom. Most widespread and abundant were Oc. hexodontus (Dyar), Oc. communis (DeGeer), Oc. pullatus (Coquillett), and Oc. punctor (Kirby). The two circumpolar, arctic species, Oc. nigripes (Zetterstedt) and Oc. impiger (Walker), were mainly confined to elevations above 400 m a.s.l. In such marginal habitats as these pools, exposed to variable abitotic conditions, the phenology of species was rather constant. Species diversity varied somewhat between habitats. Oc. hexodontus, Oc. communis, and Oc. pullatus most often occupied pools as single species. Oc. communis and Oc. hexodontus had the highest values for coexistence and also occurred with Oc. punctor. The habitats that were richest in species were those without vegetation or with detritus on the bottom and surrounded by Empetrum nigrum and Betula nana. These habitats contained between eight and ten species. Species abundance and coexistence over the years showed no stable species patterns for the habitat types in the area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology of Blastocrithidia triatomae, when colonizing the rectum of Triatoma infestans, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The posterior end of the epimastigote's body is tapered and often rolled up. The “straphangers” (cyst stages) are connected with the flagellum by “cytoplasmic bridges”; after “straphanger” detachment these bridges persist as remnants. A comparison of colonization densities of B. triatomae and Trypanosoma cruzi shows that both prefer to colonize the rectal gland, but minor density differences are apparent for B. triatomae in other rectal regions. The colonization density in established infections of B. triatomae is always greater than that of T. cruzi, especially near the midgut exit.  相似文献   

Nowadays a number of endemic mosquito species are known to possess vector abilities for various diseases, as e.g. the sibling species Culex pipiens and Culex torrentium. Due to their morphological similarity, ecology, distribution and vector abilities, knowledge about these species'' population structure is essential. Culicidae from 25 different sampling sites were collected from March till October 2012. All analyses were performed with aligned cox1 sequences with a total length of 658 bp. Population structure as well as distribution patterns of both species were analysed using molecular methods and different statistical tests like distance based redundancy analysis (dbDRA), analysis of molecular variances (AMOVA) or McDonald & Kreitman test and Tajima''s D. Within both species, we could show a genetic variability among the cox1 fragment. The construction of haplotype networks revealed one dominating haplotype for Cx. pipiens, widely distributed within Germany and a more homogeneous pattern for Cx. torrentium. The low genetic differences within Cx. pipiens could be a result of an infection with Wolbachia which can induce a sweep through populations by passively taking the also maternally inherited mtDNA through the population, thereby reducing the mitochondrial diversity as an outcome of reproductive incompatibility. Pairwise population genetic differentiation (FST) ranged significantly from moderate to very great between populations of Cx. pipiens and Cx. torrentium. Analyses of molecular variances revealed for both species that the main genetic variability exists within the populations (Cx. pipiens [88.38%]; Cx. torrentium [66.54%]). Based on a distance based redundancy analysis geographical origin explained a small but significant part of the species'' genetic variation. Overall, the results confirm that Cx. pipiens and Cx. torrentium underlie different factors regarding their mitochondrial differentiation, which could be a result of endosymbiosis, dispersal between nearly located populations or human introduction.  相似文献   

The are two morphological types of mesenchyme cells, bipolar and multipolar, and both are derived from the tip of the archenteron at the gastrula stage. Some of the cells form larval muscle and others may be involved in the stomodeum and coelomic pouch formation.  相似文献   

Structure? activity relationships of nine thiophenes, 2,2′: 5′,2″‐terthiophene ( 1 ), 2‐chloro‐4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yn‐1‐yl acetate ( 2 ), 4‐(2,2′‐bithiophen‐5‐yl)but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diyl diacetate ( 3 ), 4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diyl diacetate ( 4 ), 4‐(2,2′‐bithiophen‐5‐yl)‐2‐hydroxybut‐3‐yn‐1‐yl acetate ( 5 ), 2‐hydroxy‐4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yn‐1‐yl acetate ( 6 ), 1‐hydroxy‐4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yn‐2‐yl acetate ( 7 ), 4‐(2,2′‐bithiophen‐5‐yl)but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diol ( 8 ), and 4‐[5‐(penta‐1,3‐diyn‐1‐yl)thiophen‐2‐yl]but‐3‐yne‐1,2‐diol ( 9 ), isolated from the roots of Echinops transiliensis, were studied as larvicides against Aedes aegypti. Structural differences among compounds 3, 5 , and 8 consisted in differing AcO and OH groups attached to C(3″) and C(4″), and resulted in variations in efficacy. Terthiophene 1 showed the highest activity (LC50, 0.16 μg/ml) among compounds 1 – 9 , followed by bithiophene compounds 3 (LC50, 4.22 μg/ml), 5 (LC50, 7.45 μg/ml), and 8 (LC50, 9.89 μg/ml), and monothiophene compounds 9 (LC50, 12.45 μg/ml), 2 (LC50, 14.71 μg/ml), 4 (LC50, 17.95 μg/ml), 6 (LC50, 18.55 μg/ml), and 7 (LC50, 19.97 μg/ml). These data indicated that A. aegypti larvicidal activities of thiophenes increase with increasing number of thiophene rings, and the most important active site in the structure of thiophenes could be the tetrahydro‐thiophene moiety. In bithiophenes, 3, 5 , and 8 , A. aegypti larvicidal activity increased with increasing number of AcO groups attached to C(3″) or C(4″), indicating that AcO groups may play an important role in the larvicidal activity.  相似文献   

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