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The aim of this study was to assess occupationally induced chromosomal damage in a large population of hospital workers exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation. We used the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay in the peripheral lymphocytes of 132 exposed workers compared with 69 controls matched for gender, age and smoking habits. The CBMN assay was combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization with a human pan-centromeric DNA probe in 32 exposed subjects and 30 controls randomly chosen from the initial populations. Occupational dosimetry records were collected over the last 10-year period and revealed very low exposure levels. The average binucleated micronucleated cell rate (BMCR) was significantly higher in the exposed subjects than in the controls (14.9 per thousand+/-8.1 versus 11.8 per thousand+/-6.5; P=0.011). About one-third of the micronuclei were centromere-negative in the exposed and control groups. BMCR significantly positively correlated with donor age in the exposed population; this correlation was at the border of significance in the control group. In the two groups, BMCR was significantly greater in females than in males, and the significant correlation between age and BMCR was observed in the female population, but not in the male one. No effect of smoking habits emerged. Univariate analysis revealed a possible influence of familial cancer history and diagnostic medical radiation dose (estimated from examinations reported in the questionnaire) on BMCR. Multiple regression analysis, taking into account all the previous confounding factors, showed that only occupational exposure status, gender and age had a significant effect on BMCR. In conclusion, the present study shows that chromosomal damage leading to micronucleated lymphocytes is more frequent in hospital workers exposed to ionizing radiation than in controls, despite the very low levels of exposure.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations frequency was estimated in peripheral lymphocytes from hospital workers occupationally exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation and controls. Chromosome aberrations yield was analyzed by considering the effects of dose equivalent of ionizing radiation over time, and of confounding factors, such as age, gender and smoking status. Frequencies of aberrant cells and chromosome breaks were higher in exposed workers than in controls (P = 0.007, and P = 0.001, respectively). Seven dicentric aberrations were detected in the exposed group and only three in controls, but the mean frequencies were not significantly different. The dose equivalent to whole body of ionizing radiation (Hwb) did appear to influence the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations when the exposed workers were subdivided by a cut off at 50 mSv. The frequencies of chromosome breaks in both subgroups of workers were significantly higher than in controls (< or =50 mSv, P = 0.041; >50 mSv, P = 0.018). On the other hand, the frequency of chromatid breaks observed in workers with Hwb >50 mSv was significantly higher than in controls (P = 0.015) or workers with Hwb < or =50 mSv (P = 0.046). Regarding the influence of confounding factors on genetic damage, smoking status and female gender seem to influence the increase in chromosome aberration frequencies in the study population. Overall, these results suggested that chromosome breaks might provide a good marker for assessing genetic damage in populations exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

In the present study the cytogenetic effects in hospital workers exposed to low-level radiation were evaluated. Samples of peripheral blood were collected from 63 subjects working in radiodiagnostics and from 30 subjects, working in the same hospitals, who were used as controls. A higher number of cells with chromosome-type aberrations (CA) was observed in the exposed workers vs. the controls and the difference was statistically significant (p less than 0.05). No correlation was, on the contrary, found between CA and years of exposure. A significant difference was observed in the incidence of cells with CA between smokers and non-smokers, but in the control group only. In contrast, in the workers exposed to ionizing radiation, the frequency of cells with CA was very similar in smokers and non-smokers.  相似文献   

The obtained data indicate that frequencies of different types of cytogenetic anomalies in investigated children groups living in radionuclide contaminated territories and children irradiated in utero have complicated patterns. The frequency of chromosomal anomalies in the investigated groups of children exceeds the average population level. At the same time, no statistically significant differences in frequencies of various types aberrations between groups of children were revealed.  相似文献   

Radiological personnel represent workers exposed to low cumulative doses of radiation. As their surveillance is generally based on physical dosimetry, there is little or inconclusive information on biological effects due to radiation exposure at these doses. We aimed to explore the extent of chromosomal damage in circulating lymphocytes of hospital workers (technicians, nurses and physicians) chronically exposed to a very low level of radiation using conventional and molecular cytogenetic analyses (chromosome painting with chromosomes #2, #3 and #10 as probe cocktail). Compared with controls, exposed workers displayed a significant increase in the frequency of aberrant lymphocytes (1.26+/-0.11/100 cells versus 1.63+/-0.17/100 cells). In particular, exposed technicians showed significantly higher mean values than nurses or physicians (3.68+/-1.17/100 cells versus 1.36+/-0.18/100 cells and 1.36+/-0.09/100 cells, respectively). Interestingly, we found that the chromosomal damage was prevalently expressed as chromatid-type aberrations. Chromosome painting indicated that the frequency of chromosome rearrangements (CR; translocations and dicentrics pooled together) was approximately comparable between radiological workers and the control group. Moreover, we did not detect any significant difference due to radiation exposure when CR rates were considered separately for each of the three chromosomes in the probe cocktail.  相似文献   

Context: Genotoxicity assays are widely employed in human biomonitoring studies to assess genetic damage inflicted by genotoxic agents.

Objective: Evaluation of micronuclei (MN) as a screening marker of occupational ionizing radiation (IR) exposure.

Materials and methods: Using micronucleus test, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of 402 control and exposed subjects were screened for genetic damage.

Results: The mean frequencies of micronucleus test parameters were significantly higher in exposed persons. Increase of micronucleus yield with duration of exposure (DOE) by 0.303MN/year was revealed.

Discussion and conclusion: The obtained data encourage us to consider MN as valuable markers for preventive medical screening of occupationally exposed groups.  相似文献   

An occupationally exposed population has been studied to evaluate the suitability of FISH painting techniques to detect chronic exposures to very low doses of ionizing radiation by the analysis of translocations. Whole-chromosome painting probes for chromosomes 1, 4 and 11 in combination with a pancentromeric probe have been employed. For comparison, a matched control population has also been studied. The mean genomic frequencies per 100 cells of total translocations in the control and exposed populations were 0.90 +/- 0.12 and 1.04 +/- 0.11, respectively. In the occupationally exposed population, no correlation between the frequencies of translocations and the doses received was found. When the two populations were compared, no significant differences were observed for the frequencies of the different chromosomal abnormalities examined. The absence of differences between control and exposed populations could be attributed to the very low-dose exposures recorded in the occupationally exposed population and to the wide range of individual frequencies of translocations observed.  相似文献   

The probability of losses of different chromosome aberrations during the dicentric chromosome assay of metaphase cells with incomplete sets of chromosome centromeres was estimated using a mathematical model for low doses of ionizing radiation. A dicentric assay of human blood lymphocytes without determination of the total amount of chromosome centromeres in cells without chromosome aberrations (rapid dicentric assay) has been proposed. The rapid dicentric analysis allows to register chromosome aberrations in full compliance with the conventional classification. The experimental data have shown no statistically significant difference between the frequencies of dicentric chromosomes detected by rapid and classical dicentric chromosome assays of human lymphocytes exposed to 0.5 Gy of 60Co gamma-rays. The rate of the rapid dicentric assay was almost twice as high as that of the classical dicentric assay.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation from incorporated tritiated thymidine or from X-rays become less susceptible to the induction of chromatid breaks by high doses of X-rays. This response can be induced by 0.01 Gy (1 rad) of X-rays, and has been attributed to the induction of a repair mechanism that causes the restitution of X-ray-induced chromosome breaks. Because the major lesions responsible for the induction of chromosome breakage are double-strand breaks in DNA, attempts have been made to see if the repair mechanism can affect various types of clastogenic lesions induced in DNA by chemical mutagens and carcinogens. When cells exposed to 0.01 Gy of X-rays or to low doses of tritiated thymidine were subsequently challenged with high doses of tritiated thymidine or bleomycin, which can induce double-strand breaks in DNA, or mitomycin C, which can induce cross-links in DNA, approximately half as many chromatid breaks were induced as expected. When, on the other hand, the cells were challenged with the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), which can produce single-strand breaks in DNA, approximately twice as much damage was found as was induced by MMS alone. The results indicate that prior exposure to 0.01 Gy of X-rays reduces the number of chromosome breaks induced by double-strand breaks, and perhaps even by cross-links, in DNA, but has the opposite effect on breaks induced by the alkylating agent MMS. The results also show that the induced repair mechanism is different from that observed in the adaptive response that follows exposure to low doses of alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Objectives: Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including superoxide (O2??), play an important role in the biological effects of ionizing radiation. The human body has developed different antioxidant systems to defend against excessive levels of ROS. The aim of the present study is to investigate the redox status changes in the blood of radiologic technologists and compare these changes to control individuals.

Methods: We enrolled 60 medical workers: 20 occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation (all radiologic technologists), divided in three subgroups: conventional radiography (CR), computerized tomography (CT), and interventional radiography (IR) and 40 age- and gender-matched unexposed controls. Levels of O2?? and malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood were measured as an index of redox status, as were the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Redox status was also assessed by measuring levels of reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH, GSSG, respectively).

Results: Levels of O2?? and MDA, and SOD activity in the blood of IR and CT-exposed subjects were significantly higher than both the CR-exposed subjects and control individuals. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the levels of catalase, GSH and ratio of GSH/GSSG between exposed workers and control individuals.

Discussion: This study suggests that healthcare workers in CT and IR occupationally exposed to radiation have an elevated circulating redox status as compared to unexposed individuals.  相似文献   

To evaluate the application of the cytokinesis-block (CB) micronucleus (MN) assay as a biological dosimeter following in vivo exposure to ionising radiation we determined the micronucleus frequency in spleen and peripheral blood lymphocytes of the mouse, serially, for 14 days following acute whole-body irradiation. The baseline MN frequency of spleen lymphocytes (7.86 +/- 0.68, mean +/- 1 SD) was significantly (p less than 0.001) elevated when compared to that for peripheral blood lymphocytes (4.10 +/- 0.53). Immediately after irradiation there was a substantial dose-related increase in MN, but the MN frequencies in spleen lymphocytes (120.2 +/- 9.4 for 1 Gy; 409.5 +/- 38.4 for 2 Gy) were significantly (p less than 0.009) elevated compared to those in peripheral blood lymphocytes (78.0 +/- 7.0 for 1 Gy; 200.2 +/- 10.9 for 2 Gy). During the 14 days after irradiation, the MN frequency in spleen lymphocytes declined gradually to approximately half of the value observed immediately after irradiation. By contrast the MN frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes increased during the week after irradiation, but ultimately MN frequencies in blood and spleen became approximately the same by day 14. Study of isolated murine lymphocytes irradiated in vitro showed that the number of MN generated by a given dose of radiation was approximately 2-3 times greater than the number generated by in vivo irradiation. These results suggest that measurement of MN in vivo after irradiation can be used as an in vivo dosimeter. However, precise dosimetry is probably affected by factors such as kinetic changes in different lymphocyte populations and possibly by in vivo factors which influence sensitivity of cells to radiation.  相似文献   

Spontaneous discharges of hippocampal pacemaker-like neurons are induced by X- and gamma-rays doses lower than 0.8 cGy. The effect is direct and connected with the activation of an endogenous mechanism of unit activity generation.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is known as a classical mutagen capable of inducing various kinds of stable and unstable chromosomal aberrations. The percentage of cells with chromosomal aberrations was analyzed in peripheral blood lymphocytes of occupationally exposed workers in radiotherapy, CT-scan, angiography and healthy controls. The incidence of all types of aberrations (gap, acentric fragment, dicentric and ring) in exposed subjects were higher than those observed in healthy controls (P = 0.0001). However, the frequency of aberrant cells with dicentric and ring chromosome in exposed subjects were not significantly different from those in controls. To see whether there is a significant difference in the incidence of chromosomal aberrations among three groups, they were compared for all types of observed aberrations. No significant difference was found between radiotherapy and CT-scan groups (P = 0.838). The percentage of aberrant cells observed, for angiography groups were significantly higher than radiotherapy (P = 0.0001) and CT-scan (P = 0.0001) group. Taken together these data suggest that the cumulative effects of low level chronic exposure to ionizing radiation is higher for those who occupationally exposed in angiography.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the incidence of solid tumors from various long-term mouse studies performed at the Casaccia laboratories over several years were reconsidered, limiting the analysis to the results available for doses equal to or less than 17 cGy of neutrons and 32 cGy of X rays since these dose limits are reasonably close to the generally accepted low-dose levels for high- and low-LET radiation (i.e. D(high-LET) < 5 cGy and D(low-LET) < 20 cGy, respectively). The following long-term experiments with BC3F1 mice were reviewed: (a) females treated with single doses of 1.5 MeV neutrons or 250 kVp X rays, (b) males treated with fractionated doses of fission neutrons, and (c) mice of both sexes irradiated in utero 17.5 days post coitus with single doses of fission neutrons or X rays. An experiment with CBA mice of both sexes treated with single doses of fission neutrons was also included in this study. Analysis was done on animals at risk; thus all incidences of tumor-bearing animals were expressed as the percentage excess incidence with respect to the controls. Ovarian tumors and other solid neoplasms were considered. The percentage frequencies and mean survival times of tumor-free mice were also recalculated. The results indicate the existence of a region at low doses where the final incidence of solid neoplasms is indistinguishable from the background incidence. These data reinforce the idea that at low doses the effectiveness of ionizing radiation in inducing solid neoplasms in laboratory mice is very low.  相似文献   

We examined levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) (an end-product of lipid peroxidation) and paraoxonase (PON1) (an antioxidant enzyme) activity and PON1 phenotypes in people who were exposed to ionizing radiation for different time periods and doses. A total of 78 individuals (mean age 34 +/- 7 years) were included in the study. Fifty-one of them were radiology workers whereas the control group was composed of 27 healthy volunteers who had never worked in a radiology-related job. Paraoxon was used as substrate for measurement of PON1 activity levels (basal and NaCl-stimulated). Phenylacetate was used as substrate for measurement of arylesterase activity levels. Cumulative levels of serum NaCl-stimulated PON1/arylesterase activities were utilized for phenotypic differentiation. In radiology workers, three different phenotypes were determined based on paraoxonase/arylesterase ratio. The ratios were 1.09 +/- 0.30 for AA (homozygote low activity); 2.91 +/- 1.07 for AB (heterozygote activity) and 4.97 +/- 1.21 for BB (homozygote high activity). There was a statistically meaningful negative correlation between serum MDA levels and PON1 activity levels in all phenotypes (p < 0.05). PON1 activity levels were found to be 25-35% lower in people who were exposed to long-term ( > 5 years) radiation compared to controls. There was no statistically significant correlation between serum arylesterase activity and MDA levels in these subjects (r = -0.185, p > 0.05). PON1 activity levels were decreased whereas serum MDA levels were increased in individuals exposed to radiation for a long period. PON phenotypes of people employed in jobs which expose them to radiation should be determined and based on these findings they should be advised to avoid risk factors inducing oxidative stress, such as smoking, and to consume foods rich in vitamins and trace elements to increase their antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

A decreased oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) at lower radiation doses has been previously reported (B. Palcic, J. W. Brosing, and L. D. Skarsgard, Br. J. Cancer 46, 980-984 (1984]. The question remained whether or not this effect is due to a possible oxygen contamination at low doses, which was not the case at high doses. To ensure a sufficient degree of hypoxia prior to the start of irradiation, Chinese hamster cells (CHO) were made hypoxic by gas exchange combined with metabolic consumption of oxygen at 37 degrees C. At the same time oxygen levels in cell suspension were measured using a Clark electrode. It was found that under experimental conditions used in this laboratory for hypoxic irradiations, the oxygen levels before the start of irradiation are always below the levels which could give any significant enhancement to radiation inactivation by X rays. Full survival curves were determined in the dose range 0-30 Gy using the conventional survival assay and in the dose range 0-3 Gy using the low dose survival assay. The results confirmed the earlier finding that the OER decreases at low doses. It is therefore believed that the dose-dependent OER is a true radiobiological phenomenon and not an artifact of the experimental method used in the low dose survival assay.  相似文献   

The F1-progeny of BALB/c male mice chronically exposed to low-dose gamma-radiation (0.1; 0.25 and 0.5 Gy; dose rate 0.01 Gy/day) as well as the F1-progeny of females exposed to acute X-radiation (0.5; 1.0 and 2.0 Gy; dose rate 0.1 Gy/min) shown the significant elevated micronuclei frequencies in bone marrow erythrocytes, as compared to the F1-progeny of unirradiated males and females. The increase in the micronuclei frequency in the F1-progeny was determined by the dose of irradiation of parents. The values of elevated micronuclei frequency in the F1-progeny of chronically irradiated males and acutely irradiated females for a dose of 0.5 Gy were comparable. The micronuclei frequencies in the F1-progeny of irradiated females and males for this dose were in 1.5 and in 1.6 times higher than ones in the F1-progeny of unirradiated mice correspondingly. The results suggest the possibility of transfer of genome instability from irradiated parents to the somatic cells of the F1-progeny via non-lethally damaged germ cells of parents.  相似文献   

The oxidative status (effective contents of a superoxide anion-radical (O2*-) in assay with methyltetrazolium compound MTT and the contents of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in assay with dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA), the state of DNA structure and the nature of correlation connection between these indexes in cells of a peripheral blood for 26 healthy donors and 26 patients (including exposed in emergency on Chernobyl power plant), examined in many years after the radiation exposure in clinically significant doses are investigated. The method of polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism in the same cells out the search of mutation changes in 5-8 exons of TP53 gene for 10 patients was carried. It was established, that the state of the oxidative status for the patients is characterized by lowered (in relation to the donor control of equal age) contents O2*- in a general fraction of leucocytes and in mononuclear cells accordingly on 25% (p < 0.001) and 30% (p < 0.003) and ROS in mononuclear more, than on 40% (p < 0.008). During 5-hour incubation of cells the positive correlation connection (unidirectional changes) between indexes of DNA nativity and of oxidative status of leucocytes for 36.4% of the donors and 13.3% of the patients and in mononuclears for 38.5% of the donors and for 20% of the patients (p < 0.05) was detected. The general part of the individuals with a direct correlation in any of above named cell fractions among the donors in 2 times was higher (61.5%), than among the patients (26.7%, p = 0.038). The mutation replacements in nucleotide sequences of 5-8 exones of TP53 genes for the inspected patients were not detected. The obtained data indicate the existence of such changes in a metabolism and in systems of its regulation in nuclear blood cells after irradiation, which can be conditioned or can mirror a state of radiation-induced genome instability. The presence for the majority of the patients on the moment of the examination of several chronic diseases does not eliminate the connection of the detected biomolecular changes with these pathologies.  相似文献   

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