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Nonmuscle invasive tumors of the bladder often recur and thereby bladder cancer patients need regular re-examinations which are invasive, unpleasant, and expensive. A noninvasive and less expensive method, e.g. a urine dipstick test, for monitoring recurrence would thus be advantageous. In this study, the complementary techniques mass spectrometry (MS) and Western blotting (WB)/dot blot (DB) were used to screen the urine samples from bladder cancer patients. High resolving MS was used to analyze and quantify the urinary proteome and 29 proteins had a significantly higher abundance (p<0.05) in bladder cancer samples compared with control urine samples. The increased abundance found in urine from bladder cancer patients compared with controls was confirmed with Western blot for four selected proteins; fibrinogen β chain precursor, apolipoprotein E, α-1-antitrypsin, and leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein 1. Dot blot analysis of an independent urine sample set pointed out fibrinogen β chain and α-1-antitrypsin as most interesting biomarkers having sensitivity and specificity values in the range of 66-85%. Exploring the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) also revealed that bladder cancer tumors are the likely source of these proteins. They have the potential of being useful in diagnosis, monitoring of recurrence and thus may improve the treatment of bladder tumors, especially nonmuscle invasive tumors.  相似文献   

Protein biomarkers have the potential to improve diagnosis, stratification of patients into treatment cohorts, follow disease progression and treatment response. One distinct group of potential biomarkers comprises proteins which have been linked to cancer, known as cancer associated proteins (CAPs). We determined the normal variation of 86 CAPs in 72 individual plasma samples collected from ten individuals using SRM mass spectrometry. Samples were collected weekly during 5 weeks from ten volunteers and over one day at nine fixed time points from three volunteers. We determined the degree of the normal variation depending on interpersonal variation, variation due to time of day, and variation over weeks and observed that the variation dependent on the time of day appeared to be the most important. Subdivision of the proteins resulted in two predominant protein groups containing 21 proteins with relatively high variation in all three factors (day, week and individual), and 22 proteins with relatively low variation in all factors. We present a strategy for prioritizing biomarker candidates for future studies based on stratification over their normal variation and have made all data publicly available. Our findings can be used to improve selection of biomarker candidates in future studies and to determine which proteins are most suitable depending on study design.  相似文献   

Given superior analytical features, MS proteomics is well suited for the basic investigation and clinical diagnosis of human disease. Modern MS enables detailed functional characterization of the pathogenic biochemical processes, as achieved by accurate and comprehensive quantification of proteins and their regulatory chemical modifications. Here, we describe how high‐accuracy MS in combination with high‐resolution chromatographic separations can be leveraged to meet these analytical requirements in a mechanism‐focused manner. We review the quantification methods capable of producing accurate measurements of protein abundance and posttranslational modification stoichiometries. We then discuss how experimental design and chromatographic resolution can be leveraged to achieve comprehensive functional characterization of biochemical processes in complex biological proteomes. Finally, we describe current approaches for quantitative analysis of a common functional protein modification: reversible phosphorylation. In all, current instrumentation and methods of high‐resolution chromatography and MS proteomics are poised for immediate translation into improved diagnostic strategies for pediatric and adult diseases.  相似文献   



The proteomic analysis of body fluids is a growing technology for the identification of protein biomarkers of disease. Given that Papanicolaou tests (Pap tests) are routinely performed on over 30 million women annually in the U.S. to screen for cervical cancer, we examined the residual Pap test fluid as a source of protein for analysis by mass spectrometry (MS). In the liquid-based Pap test, cervical cells are collected from the ectocervix and placed into an alcohol-based fixative prior to staining and pathologic examination. We hypothesized that proteins shed by cells of the female genital tract can be detected in the Pap test fixative by MS-based proteomic techniques. We examined the feasibility of using residual fluid from discarded Pap tests with cytologically “normal” results to optimize sample preparation for MS analysis. The protein composition of the cell-free Pap test fluid was determined by silver staining of sodium dodecyl sulfate -polyacrylamide gels, and the abundance of serum proteins was examined by Western immunoblot using an antibody against human serum albumin. Both pooled and individual samples were trypsin digested and analyzed by two-dimensional MS/MS. Proteins were identified by searching against the Human Uniprot database, and characterized for localization, function and relative abundance.


The average volume of the residual Pap test fluid was 1.5 ml and the average protein concentration was 0.14 mg/ml. By Western immunoblot we showed that the amount of albumin in each sample was significantly reduced compared to normal serum. By MS/MS, we identified 714 unique proteins in pooled Pap test samples and an average of 431 proteins in individual samples. About 40% of the proteins identified were extracellular or localized to the plasma membrane. Almost 20% of the proteins identified were involved in immunity and defense, characteristic of the healthy cervical-vaginal proteome. By merging the protein sets from the individual and pooled Pap test samples, we created a “Normal Pap test Core Proteome” consisting of 153 proteins.


Residual Pap test fluid contains a sufficient amount of protein for analysis by MS and represents a valuable biospecimen source for the identification of protein biomarkers for gynecological diseases.  相似文献   

Ding J  Okada S  Jørgensen JO  Kopchick JJ 《Proteomics》2011,11(17):3565-3571
The detection of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) is difficult due to its short half‐life; therefore, novel and robust biomarkers of rhGH abuse are needed. In this study, serum samples derived from subjects treated with rhGH in a randomized, double blind, placebo‐controlled crossover study were analyzed by 2‐DE coupled with MS. Eight healthy male subjects aged 23.2±0.6 years were injected with rhGH (2 mg/day) or saline for 7 days with serum samples drawn at days 0, 3, and 8. Protein intensities were quantified and analyzed for differences between rhGH and placebo treatments. Proteins that showed significant changes were identified and confirmed by Western blotting. These included specific isoforms of α‐1 antitrypsin and transthyretin that increased; and inter‐α‐trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4, apolipoprotein A‐1, and hemoglobin β chain that decreased. These proteins represent novel biomarkers of short‐term rhGH exposure and may lead to a new method for detecting rhGH doping.  相似文献   

For years, many studies have been conducted to investigate the intracellular response of cells challenged with toxic metal(s), yet, the corresponding secretome responses, especially in human lung cells, are largely unexplored. Here, we provide a secretome analysis of human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS‐2B) treated with cadmium chloride (CdCl2), with the aim of identifying secreted proteins in response to Cd toxicity. Proteins from control and spent media were separated by two‐dimensional electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. Differentially‐secreted proteins were identified by MALDI‐TOF‐MS analysis and database searching. We characterized, for the first time, the extracellular proteome changes of BEAS‐2B dosed with Cd. Our results unveiled that Cd treatment led to the marked upregulation of molecular chaperones, antioxidant enzymes, enzymes associated with glutathione metabolic process, proteins involved in cellular energy metabolism, as well as tumor‐suppressors. Pretreatment of cells with the thiol antioxidant glutathione before Cd treatment effectively abrogated the secretion of these proteins and prevented cell death. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Cd causes oxidative stress‐induced cytotoxicity; and the differentially‐secreted protein signatures could be considered as targets for potential use as extracellular biomarkers upon Cd exposure.  相似文献   

A method for quantitative protein profiling has been developed utilising multidimensional liquid phase protein separations in conjunction with stable isotope labelling. This approach combines the advantages of high throughput, automated, reproducible protein separations with accurate protein quantitation performed in the mass spectrometer. Escherichia coli cells were grown in the presence and absence of the DNA methylation inhibitor 5-Azacytidine on 14N and 15N enriched media. Protein separations were performed using ion exchange chromatography in the first dimension and RP capillary chromatography in the second dimension. UV absorbance measurements were used for the initial semiquantitative identification of differentially expressed proteins. Selected peaks from the mixed 15N/14N lysates were used for the accurate quantitation performed in the mass spectrometer using the ratios of the stable isotopes. Using this approach, a number of differentially expressed proteins have been identified. Moreover, this approach overcomes a number of caveats associated with multidimensional liquid phase protein separations, including the presence of multiple proteins present in a single chromatographic peak.  相似文献   



Neurotrauma or injuries to the central nervous system (CNS) are a serious public health problem worldwide. Approximately 75% of all traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are concussions or other mild TBI (mTBI) forms. Evaluation of concussion injury today is limited to an assessment of behavioral symptoms, often with delay and subject to motivation. Hence, there is an urgent need for an accurate chemical measure in biofluids to serve as a diagnostic tool for invisible brain wounds, to monitor severe patient trajectories, and to predict survival chances. Although a number of neurotrauma marker candidates have been reported, the broad spectrum of TBI limits the significance of small cohort studies. Specificity and sensitivity issues compound the development of a conclusive diagnostic assay, especially for concussion patients. Thus, the neurotrauma field currently has no diagnostic biofluid test in clinical use.


We discuss the challenges of discovering new and validating identified neurotrauma marker candidates using proteomics-based strategies, including targeting, selection strategies and the application of mass spectrometry (MS) technologies and their potential impact to the neurotrauma field.


Many studies use TBI marker candidates based on literature reports, yet progress in genomics and proteomics have started to provide neurotrauma protein profiles. Choosing meaningful marker candidates from such ‘long lists’ is still pending, as only few can be taken through the process of preclinical verification and large scale translational validation. Quantitative mass spectrometry targeting specific molecules rather than random sampling of the whole proteome, e.g., multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), offers an efficient and effective means to multiplex the measurement of several candidates in patient samples, thereby omitting the need for antibodies prior to clinical assay design. Sample preparation challenges specific to TBI are addressed. A tailored selection strategy combined with a multiplex screening approach is helping to arrive at diagnostically suitable candidates for clinical assay development. A surrogate marker test will be instrumental for critical decisions of TBI patient care and protection of concussion victims from repeated exposures that could result in lasting neurological deficits.  相似文献   

Glycans are cell-type-specific, posttranslational protein modifications that are modulated during developmental and disease processes. As such, glycoproteins are attractive biomarker candidates. Here, we describe a mass spectrometry-based workflow that incorporates lectin affinity chromatography to enrich for proteins that carry specific glycan structures. As increases in sialylation and fucosylation are prominent among cancer-associated modifications, we focused on Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) and Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL), lectins which bind sialic acid- and fucose-containing structures, respectively. Fucosylated and sialylated glycopeptides from human lactoferrin served as positive controls, and high-mannose structures from yeast invertase served as negative controls. The standards were spiked into Multiple Affinity Removal System (MARS) 14-depleted, trypsin-digested human plasma from healthy donors. Samples were loaded onto lectin columns, separated by HPLC into flow-through and bound fractions, and treated with peptide: N-glycosidase F to remove N-linked glycans. The deglycosylated peptide fractions were interrogated by ESI HPLC-MS/MS. We identified a total of 122 human plasma glycoproteins containing 247 unique glycosites. Importantly, several of the observed glycoproteins (e.g., cadherin 5 and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin) typically circulate in plasma at low nanogram per milliliter levels. Together, these results provide mass spectrometry-based evidence of the utility of incorporating lectin-separation platforms into cancer biomarker discovery pipelines.  相似文献   

Proteomics is the complete evaluation of the function and structure of proteins to understand an organism’s nature. Mass spectrometry is an essential tool that is used for profiling proteins in the cell. However, biomarker discovery remains the major challenge of proteomics because of their complexity and dynamicity. Therefore, combining the proteomics approach with genomics and bioinformatics will provide an understanding of the information of biological systems and their disease alteration. However, most studies have investigated a small part of the proteins in the blood. This review highlights the types of proteomics, the available proteomic techniques, and their applications in different research fields.  相似文献   

Brain cholesterol is mainly involved in the cell membrane structure, in signal transduction, neurotransmitter release, synaptogenesis and membrane trafficking. Impairment of brain cholesterol metabolism was described in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer and Huntington Diseases. Since the blood–brain barrier efficiently prevents cholesterol uptake from the circulation into the brain, de novo synthesis is responsible for almost all cholesterol present there. Cholesterol is converted into 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24OHC) by cholesterol 24-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) expressed in neural cells.  相似文献   

Papaya meleira virus (PMeV) is so far the only described laticifer-infecting virus, the causal agent of papaya (Carica papaya L.) sticky disease. The effects of PMeV on the laticifers' regulatory network were addressed here through the proteomic analysis of papaya latex. Using both 1-DE- and 1D-LC-ESI-MS/MS, 160 unique papaya latex proteins were identified, representing 122 new proteins in the latex of this plant. Quantitative analysis by normalized spectral counting revealed 10 down-regulated proteins in the latex of diseased plants, 9 cysteine proteases (chymopapain) and 1 latex serine proteinase inhibitor. A repression of papaya latex proteolytic activity during PMeV infection was hypothesized. This was further confirmed by enzymatic assays that showed a reduction of cysteine-protease-associated proteolytic activity in the diseased papaya latex. These findings are discussed in the context of plant responses against pathogens and may greatly contribute to understand the roles of laticifers in plant stress responses.  相似文献   

Bovine colostrum is well known for its large content of bioactive components and its importance for neonatal survival. Unfortunately, the colostrum proteome is complicated by a wide dynamic range, because of a few dominating proteins that hamper sensitivity and proteome coverage achieved on low abundant proteins. Moreover, the composition of colostrum is complex and the proteins are located within different physical fractions that make up the colostrum. To gain a more exhaustive picture of the bovine colostrum proteome and gather information on protein location, we performed an extensive pre-analysis fractionation of colostrum prior to 2D-LC-MS/MS analysis. Physical and chemical properties of the proteins and colostrum were used alone or in combination for the separation of proteins. ELISA was used to quantify and verify the presence of proteins in colostrum. In total, 403 proteins were identified in the nonfractionated colostrum (NF) and seven fractions (F1-F7) using six different fractionation techniques. Fractionation contributed with 69 additional proteins in the fluid phase compared with NF. Different fractionation techniques each resulted in detection of unique subsets of proteins. Whey production by high-speed centrifugation contributed most to detection of low abundant proteins. Hence, prefractionation of colostrum prior to 2D-LC-MS/MS analysis expanded our knowledge on the presence and location of low abundant proteins in bovine colostrum.  相似文献   

Despite a key role of amyloid‐beta (Aβ) in Alzheimer's disease (AD), mechanisms that link Aβ plaques to tau neurofibrillary tangles and cognitive decline still remain poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to quantify proteins in the sarkosyl‐insoluble brain proteome correlated with Aβ and tau insolubility in the asymptomatic phase of AD (AsymAD) and through mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and symptomatic AD. Employing label‐free mass spectrometry‐based proteomics, we quantified 2711 sarkosyl‐insoluble proteins across the prefrontal cortex from 35 individual cases representing control, AsymAD, MCI and AD. Significant enrichment of Aβ and tau in AD was observed, which correlated with neuropathological measurements of plaque and tau tangle density, respectively. Pairwise correlation coefficients were also determined for all quantified proteins to Aβ and tau, across the 35 cases. Notably, six of the ten most correlated proteins to Aβ were U1 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (U1 snRNPs). Three of these U1 snRNPs (U1A, SmD and U1‐70K) also correlated with tau consistent with their association with tangle pathology in AD. Thus, proteins that cross‐correlate with both Aβ and tau, including specific U1 snRNPs, may have potential mechanistic roles in linking Aβ plaques to tau tangle pathology during AD progression.  相似文献   

The abundance profile of the human urinary proteome is known to change as a result of diseases or drug toxicities, particularly of those affecting the kidney and the urogenital tract. A consequence of such insults is the ability to identify proteins in urine, which may be useful as quantitative biomarkers. To succeed in discovering them, reproducible urine sample preparation methods and good protein resolution in two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) gels for parallel semiquantitative protein measurements are desirable. Here, we describe a protein fractionation strategy enriching proteins of molecular masses (M(r)) lower than 30 kDa in a fraction separate from larger proteins. The fraction containing proteins with M(r)s higher than 30 kDa was subsequently subjected to immunoaffinity subtraction chromatography removing most of the highly abundant albumin and immunoglobulin G. Following 2-DE display, superior protein spot resolution was observed. Subsequent high-throughput mass spectrometry analysis of ca. 1400 distinct spots using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight peptide mass fingerprinting and liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry lead to the successful identification of 30% of the proteins. As expected from high levels of post-translational modifications in most urinary proteins and the presence of proteolytic products, ca. 420 identified spots collapsed into 150 unique protein annotations. Only a third of the proteins identified in this study are described as classical plasma proteins in circulation, which are known to be relatively abundant in urine despite their retention to a large extent in the glomerular blood filtration process. As a proof of principle that our urinary proteome display effort holds promise for biomarker discovery, proteins isolated from the urine of a renal cell carcinoma patient were profiled prior to and after nephrectomy. Particularly, the decrease in abundance of the kininogen 2-DE gel spot train in urine after surgery was striking.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated approach that couples stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture to acetic acid-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (AU-PAGE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for the quantitation and dynamics of histone H4 acetylation. The 697 acute lymphoblastic cell lines were grown in regular medium and in medium in which lysine was substituted with deuterium-labeled lysine. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity was inhibited by addition of the HDAC inhibitor depsipeptide to the culture medium for different exposure times. Histones were extracted from cells pooled from unlabeled, untreated cells and from labeled, treated cells, followed by AU-PAGE separation. Gel bands corresponding to different acetylation states of H4 were excised, in-gel digested with trypsin, and analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. Detailed information was obtained for both the change of histone H4 acetylation specific to the N terminus and the global transformation of H4 from one acetylation state to another following treatment with the HDAC inhibitor depsipeptide. The kinetics of H4 acetylation was also assessed. This study provides a quantitative basis for developing potential therapies by using epigenetic regulation and the developed methodology can be applied to quantitation of change for other histone modifications induced by external stimuli.  相似文献   

Targeting of tumoral tissues is one of the most promising approaches to improve both the efficacy and safety of anticancer treatments. The identification of valid targets, including proteins specifically and abundantly expressed in cancer lesions, is of utmost importance. Despite state-of-the-art technologies, the discovery of cancer-associated target proteins still faces the limitation, in human tissues, of antigen accessibility to suitable high-affinity ligands such as human mAb bound to bioactive molecules. Terminal perfusion of tumor-bearing mice or ex vivo perfusion of human cancer-bearing organs with a reactive biotin ester solution has successfully led to the identification of novel accessible biomarkers. This methodology is however restricted to perfusable organs, and excludes most of the tissues of interest to targeted therapies, e.g. primary breast cancer and metastases. Herein, we report on the development of a new chemical proteomic method that bypasses the perfusion step and thus offers the potential to identify accessible molecular targets in virtually all types of animal and human tissues. We have validated our new procedure by identifying biomarkers selectively expressed in human breast carcinoma. Overall, this powerful technology may lay the ground not only for custom-made therapies in cancer, but also for the development of therapies that need to be selectively delivered in a specific tissue.  相似文献   

Aging induces morphological changes of the kidney and reduces renal function. We analyzed the low molecular weight urinary proteome of 324 healthy individuals from 2–73 years of age to gain insight on human renal aging. We observed age‐related modification of secretion of 325 out of over 5000 urinary peptides. The majority of these changes were associated with renal development before and during puberty, while 49 peptides were related to aging in adults. We therefore focussed the remainder of the study on these 49 peptides. The majority of these 49 peptides were also markers of chronic kidney disease, suggesting high similarity between aging and chronic kidney disease. Blinded evaluation of samples from healthy volunteers and diabetic nephropathy patients confirmed both the correlation of biomarkers with aging and with renal disease. Identification of a number of these aging‐related peptides led us to hypothesize that reduced proteolytic activity is involved in human renal aging. Finally, among the 324 supposedly healthy individuals, some had urinary aging‐related peptide excretion patterns typical of an individual significantly older than their actual age. In conclusion, these aging‐related biomarkers may allow noninvasive detection of renal lesions in healthy persons and show high resemblance between human aging and chronic kidney disease. This similarity has to be taken into account when searching for biomarkers of renal disease.  相似文献   

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