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Deena I.J. Newman 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):82-106
Divination has been a well‐studied subject in the field of anthropology. Yet diviners within Western societies have been curiously ignored. Van Dijk's and Pels’ (1996) concept of the ‘politics of perception’ is discussed as a means of under‐standing why this is the case. Redressing this gap, I study the practices and experiences of an American psychic. This ethnographic material helps to move us beyond the patient‐client dialogue to address the internal processes of the diviners themselves. The reflexive exegesis of Elizabeth, an American diviner, reveals the spontaneous, visual nature of her practice and also highlights the role of the senses and emotions in divination. Other examples of sensory experience, such as in cases of blindness, show that those senses deemed lower down’ in the hierarchy of perception can be accurate modes of gaining knowledge of the world.  相似文献   

When an Ambonwari person dies divination may be used to consult spirits as to the cause of death. Listening to the tapping of a bamboo pole—where the rhythm reflects totemic signals usually beaten on a slit‐drum—a diviner examines the links between people's wrong doings and other past deeds and events. The aim of post‐mortem divination is to reconstitute and rearrange the relationships between village clans, between clans and their land, between clans and their spirits, both of the dead and of the bush. The aim of divination is to place the events, deeds, relationships, historicity and temporality in good order again, to avoid chaotic unpredictability and the possibility of collective misfortune or even destruction. Though to a lesser degree than in initiation rituals, divination, by reordering and realigning social relationships, reconstructs society at its base. As with initiation, the aim of divination is to reconstruct time.  相似文献   

As people increasingly communicate via asynchronous non-spoken modes on mobile devices, particularly text messaging (e.g., SMS), longstanding assumptions and practices of social measurement via telephone survey interviewing are being challenged. In the study reported here, 634 people who had agreed to participate in an interview on their iPhone were randomly assigned to answer 32 questions from US social surveys via text messaging or speech, administered either by a human interviewer or by an automated interviewing system. 10 interviewers from the University of Michigan Survey Research Center administered voice and text interviews; automated systems launched parallel text and voice interviews at the same time as the human interviews were launched. The key question was how the interview mode affected the quality of the response data, in particular the precision of numerical answers (how many were not rounded), variation in answers to multiple questions with the same response scale (differentiation), and disclosure of socially undesirable information. Texting led to higher quality data—fewer rounded numerical answers, more differentiated answers to a battery of questions, and more disclosure of sensitive information—than voice interviews, both with human and automated interviewers. Text respondents also reported a strong preference for future interviews by text. The findings suggest that people interviewed on mobile devices at a time and place that is convenient for them, even when they are multitasking, can give more trustworthy and accurate answers than those in more traditional spoken interviews. The findings also suggest that answers from text interviews, when aggregated across a sample, can tell a different story about a population than answers from voice interviews, potentially altering the policy implications from a survey.  相似文献   

Gbadegesin S 《Bioethics》1993,7(2-3):257-262
The project of Bioethics seems to me to require paying attention to the cultural realities and assumptive frame of reference of different peoples. I assume that this must be one of the views of the organizers of this conference too and that this is why the idea of country reports is taken seriously. If I am right about this, then it makes sense for me to start my discussion with a very brief discussion of some aspects of the cultural realities of Africa with particular reference to the Yoruba of Nigeria. Then I will discuss how this world view raises issues for bioethics. Two aspects of people's worldview relevant to bioethical issues are their conception of the human person and their conception of cause. What they consider themselves to be, and what they consider to be the principles of causation will normally influence their attitudes to health and illness and their choices regarding health care. I will briefly discuss these issues with regard to the Yoruba worldview.  相似文献   

Acquisition of scientific reasoning is one of the big challenges in education. A popular educational strategy advocated for acquiring deep knowledge is inquiry-based learning, which is driven by emerging ‘good questions’. This study will address the question: ‘Which design features allow learners to refine questions while preserving student ownership of the inquiry process?’ This design-based research has been conducted over several years with advanced high-school biology classes. The results confirm the central role of question elaboration as an interactive process that leads from vague to complex and adequate. To make this happen, the inquiry process must extend over a long time, learners and teachers should share a knowledge improvement goal, and text produced by students should be structured by question–answer pairs addressing a single concept using authentic resources. Further features are discussion with peers, teacher feedback with respect to answer elaboration and conceptual differentiation, and finally, teacher guidance that should fade out in successive inquiry cycles to ensure student responsibility.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles in products – risks and benefits Nanotechnology is using the improved properties of materials in the size range of billionths of a meter. Thus, nanoparticles are used as beneficial additives in many areas of life such as cosmetics or waterproofing agents. In some cases, they can come into direct contact with consumers themselves. Theoretically, their small size allows them to enter the human body and even individual cells, thus possibly causing unwanted effects. In reality however, many factors other than size also influence this process. The question whether nanoparticles are hazardous is similarly difficult to answer as the question whether chemicals are harmful: the term includes too great a variety of forms, materials and sizes to give one answer for all nanomaterials, which have to be regarded separately. Accompanying the developing process of new nanomaterials, safety research has to be carried out in order to identify possible harmful effects.  相似文献   

Fundamental, unresolved questions in biology include how a bacterium generates coherent phenotypes, how a population of bacteria generates a coherent set of such phenotypes, how the cell cycle is regulated and how life arose. To try to help answer these questions, we have developed the concepts of hyperstructures, competitive coherence and life on the scales of equilibria. Hyperstructures are large assemblies of macromolecules that perform functions. Competitive coherence describes the way in which organisations such as cells select a subset of their constituents to be active in determining their behaviour; this selection results from a competition between a process that is responsible for a historical coherence and another process responsible for coherence with the current environment. Life on the scales of equilibria describes how bacteria depend on the cell cycle to negotiate phenotype space and, in particular, to satisfy the conflicting constraints of having to grow in favourable conditions so as to reproduce yet not grow in hostile conditions so as to survive. Both competitive coherence and life on the scales deal with the problem of reconciling conflicting constraints. Here, we bring together these concepts in the common framework of hyperstructures and make predictions that may be tested using a learning program, Coco, and secondary ion mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Human societies utilize mollusks for myriad material and spiritual ends. An example of their use in a religious context is found in Brazil's African-derived belief systems. Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion introduced during the 18th-19th centuries by enslaved Yoruba, includes various magical and liturgical uses of mollusks. This work inventoried the species utilized by adherents and to analyzed their symbolic and magical context. Data were obtained from Candomblé temples in two cities in the northeast of Brazil-Caruaru, in the state of Pernambuco, and Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba. Questionnaires administered to eleven adepts revealed that at least nineteen mollusk species are being used. Shells from Monetaria moneta, M. annulus and Erosaria caputserpentis were cited by all of the interviewees. Three uses stood out: divination (jogo de búzios); utilization as ritual objects; and employment as sacrificial offerings (Igbin or Boi-de-Oxalá). The jogo de búzios (shell toss), employed in West Africa, Brazil and Cuba, is of fundamental importance to the cult, representing the means by which the faithful enter in contact with the divinities (Orixás) and consult people's futures (Odu). The utilization of mollusks in Candomblé is strongly influenced by ancient Yoruba myths (Itãs) which, having survived enslavement and generations of captive labor, continue to guide the lives of Brazil's African Diaspora.  相似文献   

Soil contamination with heavy metals is a widespread problem, especially prominent on grounds lying in the vicinity of mines, smelters, and other industrial facilities. Many such areas are located in Southern Poland; they are polluted mainly with Pb, Zn, Cd, or Cu, and locally also with Cr. As for now, little is known about most bacterial species thriving in such soils and even less about a core bacterial community—a set of taxa common to polluted soils. Therefore, we wanted to answer the question if such a set could be found in samples differing physicochemically and phytosociologically. To answer the question, we analyzed bacterial communities in three soil samples contaminated with Pb and Zn and two contaminated with Cr and lower levels of Pb and Zn. The communities were assessed with 16S rRNA gene fragments pyrosequencing. It was found that the samples differed significantly and Zn decreased both diversity and species richness at species and family levels, while plant species richness did not correlate with bacterial diversity. In spite of the differences between the samples, they shared many operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and it was possible to delineate the core microbiome of our sample set. The core set of OTUs comprised members of such taxa as Sphingomonas, Candidatus Solibacter, or Flexibacter showing that particular genera might be shared among sites ~40 km distant.  相似文献   

Matthews G 《Neuron》2004,44(2):223-226
What happens to synaptic vesicles after they release their neurotransmitter content? Recent work on a variety of synaptic systems shows that there is no single answer to this question. Rather, it seems that neurons use a variety of methods to retrieve and reuse synaptic vesicles after they have undergone exocytosis. The challenge now is to establish the molecular mechanisms and to decipher the rules that govern which cycling pathway is used in a given functional context.  相似文献   



This essay highlights critical aspects of the plausibility of pre-Darwinian evolution. It is based on a critical review of some better-known open, far-from-equilibrium system-based scenarios supposed to explain processes that took place before Darwinian evolution had emerged and that resulted in the origin of the first systems capable of Darwinian evolution. The researchers’ responses to eight crucial questions are reviewed. The majority of the researchers claim that there would have been an evolutionary continuity between chemistry and “biology”. A key question is how did this evolution begin before Darwinian evolution had begun? In other words the question is whether pre-Darwinian evolution is plausible.


Strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed scenarios are presented. They are distinguished between metabolism-first, replicator-first and combined metabolism-replicator models. The metabolism-first scenarios show major issues, the worst concerns heredity and chirality. Although the replicator-first scenarios answer the heredity question they have their own problems, notably chirality. Among the reviewed combined metabolism-replicator models, one shows the fewest issues. In particular, it seems to answer the chiral question, and eventually implies Darwinian evolution from the very beginning. Its main hypothesis needs to be validated with experimental data.


From this critical review it is that the concept of “pre-Darwinian evolution” appears questionable, in particular because it is unlikely if not impossible that any evolution in complexity over time may work without multiplication and heritability allowing the emergence of genetically and ecologically diverse lineages on which natural selection may operate. Only Darwinian evolution could have led to such an evolution. Thus, Pre-Darwinian evolution is not plausible according to the author. Surely, the answer to the question posed in the title is a prerequisite to the understanding of the origin of Darwinian evolution.


This article was reviewed by Purificacion Lopez-Garcia, Anthony Poole, Doron Lancet, and Thomas Dandekar.

Alanine scanning is a powerful experimental tool for understanding the key interactions in protein–protein interfaces. Linear scaling semiempirical quantum mechanical calculations are now sufficiently fast and robust to allow meaningful calculations on large systems such as proteins, RNA and DNA. In particular, they have proven useful in understanding protein–ligand interactions. Here we ask the question: can these linear scaling quantum mechanical methods developed for protein–ligand scoring be useful for computational alanine scanning? To answer this question, we assembled 15 protein–protein complexes with available crystal structures and sufficient alanine scanning data. In all, the data set contains ΔΔGs for 400 single point alanine mutations of these 15 complexes. We show that with only one adjusted parameter the quantum mechanics‐based methods outperform both buried accessible surface area and a potential of mean force and compare favorably to a variety of published empirical methods. Finally, we closely examined the outliers in the data set and discuss some of the challenges that arise from this examination. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Yoruba are an important ethnic group mainly occupying Southwestern Nigeria. Mainly for genetic reasons, this very large tribe happens to present the highest dizygotic twinning rate in the world (4.4 % of all maternities). The high perinatal mortality rate associated with such pregnancies has contributed to the integration of a special twin belief system within the African traditional religion of this tribe. The latter is based on the concept of a supreme deity called Olodumare or Olorun, assisted by a series of secondary gods (Orisha) while Yoruba religion also involves immortality and reincarnation of the soul based on the animistic cult of ancestors. Twins are therefore given special names and believed to detain special preternatural powers. In keeping with their refined artistic tradition, the Yoruba have produced numerous wooden statuettes called Ibejis that represent the souls of deceased newborn twins and are involved in elaborate rituals. Among Yoruba traditional beliefs and lore some twin-related themes are represented which are also found in other parts of the world. Basic features of the original Yoruba beliefs have found their way into the religious traditions of descendants of African slaves imported in the West Indies and in South America.  相似文献   

Matthew Hanser 《Bioethics》2020,34(9):912-917
There is no quick and easy answer to the question whether research activities that endanger bystanders without their consent ever thereby violate those bystanders’ rights. We cannot dismiss the idea that bystanders possess strong rights against researchers simply on the grounds that they are, after all, merely bystanders. Indeed, it is easy to imagine scenarios in which researchers would be morally required to gain the informed consent of bystanders whom they risk harming. Whether bystander consent is required in any particular real-world case will depend, in part, upon exactly how the research activity endangers them.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an upsurge of interest and debate about whether social insects-central-place foragers such as bees and ants-acquire and use cognitive maps, which enable the animal to steer novel courses between familiar sites . Especially in honey bees, it has been claimed that these insects indeed possess such "general landscape memories" and use them in a "map-like" way . Here, we address this question in Australian desert ants, Melophorus bagoti, which forage within cluttered environments full of nearby and more distant landmarks. Within these environments, the ants establish landmark-based idiosyncratic routes from the nest to their feeding sites and select different one-way routes for their outbound and inbound journeys. Various types of displacement experiments show that inbound ants when hitting their inbound routes at any particular place immediately channel in and follow these routes until they reach the nest, but that they behave as though lost when hitting their habitual outbound routes. Hence, familiar landmarks are not decoupled from the context within which they have been acquired and are not knitted together in a more general and potentially map-like way. They instruct the ants when to do what rather than provide them with map-like information about their position in space.  相似文献   

I have previously argued that the other viewing the Self highlights the ramifications of the question “Who are they?” vis-à-vis notions of “Who are we?” and that the answer to the former directly shapes and informs the latter, as Fourth World people are forced to negotiate their identity upon exposure to First World television. In this article, I examine a particular group of subaltern viewers who reassign the roles of self and Other in order to preserve, defend, and construct their own selfhood. Because they look and act differently from those in the mediated mainstream, Navajo television viewers create oppositional identities by understanding themselves first in relation to and then opposed to standardized models. Subverting the televisual gaze is their way of articulating experiences of powerlessness in a white-dominated society as well as a means of communicating a discourse of resistance to the dominant ideology.  相似文献   

Tännsjö T 《Bioethics》1992,6(4):288-296
Is it defensible that society spends money on medical or research projects intended to help people solve their fertility problems? Suppose that we want to answer this question from the point of view of a utilitarian cost-benefit analysis. The answer to the question then depends, of course, on how expensive these projects turn out to be, relative to the costs of other possible projects. But it depends also on how we assess the benefits of these projects. To whom do they accrue? Who are the beneficiaries of these projects?  相似文献   

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