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Premature chromosome condensation (PCC) was believed to promote nuclear reprogramming and to facilitate cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) in mammalian species. However, it is still uncertain whether PCC is necessary for the successful reprogramming of an introduced donor nucleus in cattle. In the present study, fused NT embryos were subjected to immediate activation (IA, simultaneous fusion and activation), delayed activation (DA, activation applied 4 h postfusion), and IA with aged oocytes (IAA, activation at the same oocyte age as group DA). The morphologic changes, such as nuclear swelling, the occurrence of PCC, and microtubule/aster formation, were analyzed in detail by laser-scanning confocal microscopy. When embryos were subjected to IA in both IA and IAA groups, the introduced nucleus gradually became swollen, and a pronuclear-like structure formed within the oocyte, but PCC was not observed. In contrast, delaying embryo activation resulted in 46.5%-91.2% of NT embryos exhibiting PCC. This PCC was observed beginning at 4 h postcell fusion and was shown as one, two, or multiple chromosomal complexes. Subsequently, a diversity of pronuclear-like structures existed in NT embryos, characterized as single, double, and multiple nuclei. In the oocytes exhibiting PCC, the assembled spindle structure was observed to be an interactive mass, closely associated with condensed chromosomes, but no aster had formed. Regardless of whether they were subjected to IA, IAA, or DA treatments, if the oocytes contained pronuclear-like structures, either one or two asters were observed in proximity to the nuclei. A significantly higher rate of development to blastocysts was achieved in embryos that were immediately activated (IA, 59.1%; IAA, 40.7%) than in those for which activation was delayed (14.2%). The development rate was higher in group IA than in group IAA, but it was not significant (P = 0.089). Following embryo transfer, there was no statistically significant difference in the pregnancy rates (Day 70) between two of the groups (group IA, 11.7%, n = 94 vs. group DA, 12.3%, n = 130; P > 0.05) or live term development (group IA, 4.3% vs. group DA, 4.6%; P > 0.05). Our study has demonstrated that the IA of bovine NT embryos results in embryos with increased competence for preimplantational development. Moreover, PCC was shown to be unnecessary for the reprogramming of a transplanted somatic genome in a cattle oocyte.  相似文献   

Successful cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) involves an oocyte-driven transition in gene expression from an inherited somatic pattern, to an embryonic form, during early development. This reprogramming of gene expression is thought to require the remodeling of somatic chromatin and as such, faulty and/or incomplete chromatin remodeling may contribute to the aberrant gene expression and abnormal development observed in NT embryos. We used a novel approach to supplement the oocyte with chromatin remodeling factors and determined the impact of these molecules on gene expression and development of bovine NT embryos. Nucleoplasmin (NPL) or polyglutamic acid (PGA) was injected into bovine oocytes at different concentrations, either before (pre-NT) or after (post-NT) NT. Pre-implantation embryos were then transferred to bovine recipients to assess in vivo development. Microinjection of remodeling factors resulted in apparent differences in the rate of blastocyst development and in pregnancy initiation rates in both NPL- and PGA-injected embryos, and these differences were dependent on factor concentration and/or the time of injection. Post-NT NPL-injected embryos that produced the highest rate of pregnancy also demonstrated differentially expressed genes relative to pre-NT NPL embryos and control NT embryos, both of which had lower pregnancy rates. Over 200 genes were upregulated following post-NT NPL injection. Several of these genes were previously shown to be downregulated in NT embryos when compared to bovine IVF embryos. These data suggest that addition of chromatin remodeling factors to the oocyte may improve development of NT embryos by facilitating reprogramming of the somatic nucleus.  相似文献   

Epigenetic reprogramming in mammalian nuclear transfer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With the exception of lymphocytes, the various cell types in a higher multicellular organism have basically an identical genotype but are functionally and morphologically different. This is due to tissue-specific, temporal, and spatial gene expression patterns which are controlled by genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Successful cloning of mammals by transfer of nuclei from differentiated tissues into enucleated oocytes demonstrates that these genetic and epigenetic programs can be largely reversed and that cellular totipotency can be restored. Although these experiments indicate an enormous plasticity of nuclei from differentiated tissues, somatic cloning is a rather inefficient and unpredictable process, and a plethora of anomalies have been described in cloned embryos, fetuses, and offspring. Accumulating evidence indicates that incomplete or inappropriate epigenetic reprogramming of donor nuclei is likely to be the primary cause of failures in nuclear transfer. In this review, we discuss the roles of various epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, imprinting, X chromosome inactivation, telomere maintenance, and epigenetic inheritance in normal embryonic development and in the observed abnormalities in clones from different species. Nuclear transfer represents an invaluable tool to experimentally address fundamental questions related to epigenetic reprogramming. Understanding the dynamics and mechanisms underlying epigenetic control will help us solve problems inherent in nuclear transfer technology and enable many applications, including the modulation of cellular plasticity for human cell therapies.  相似文献   

体细胞核移植后核重编程的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李雁  冯云  孙贻娟 《生命科学》2006,18(4):355-360
近年来,人类核移植胚胎干细胞建系成为一项炙手可热的研究,用再生医学的理念治疗退行性疾病及器官移植为这一研究带来无穷的魅力和生命力;但是核重编程仍是核移植技术的瓶颈,制约了重构胚胎干细胞的研究。核重编程是指供体细胞核移入卵母细胞后必须停止本身的基因表达程序并恢复为胚胎发育所必需的特定的胚胎表达程序。只有供核发生完全重编程,重构胚胎才能正常发育。核重编程与供核者的年龄,供核细胞的组织来源、分化状态、细胞周期、传代次数,供核的表遗传标记以及供卵者的年龄、卵子的成熟度等因素有关。一般来说,颗粒细胞作为核供体最易被核重编程。供核者为胎体或新生体,供核细胞处于低分化状态或已传数代,供核细胞经过去表遗传标记处理,供卵者性成熟且年龄轻、卵子核与胞浆都成熟等均为有利于核重编程的因素。重构胚胎的培养方法对核重编程也至关重要,目前主张使用序贯培养及体细胞化培养。创造各种适于核重编程的条件有利于从更高的起点开展核移植胚胎干细胞研究,提高重构胚胎干细胞建系效率。  相似文献   



Cloning of cattle by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is associated with a high incidence of pregnancy failure characterized by abnormal placental and foetal development. These abnormalities are thought to be due, in part, to incomplete re-setting of the epigenetic state of DNA in the donor somatic cell nucleus to a state that is capable of driving embryonic and foetal development to completion. Here, we tested the hypothesis that DNA methylation patterns were not appropriately established during nuclear reprogramming following SCNT. A panel of imprinted, non-imprinted genes and satellite repeat sequences was examined in tissues collected from viable and failing mid-gestation SCNT foetuses and compared with similar tissues from gestation-matched normal foetuses generated by artificial insemination (AI).  相似文献   

牛体细胞核移植显微操作环节的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从牛卵母细胞去核方法(纺锤体观测仪法&Hoechst33342染色法)、供体细胞核引入去核卵细胞质的方法(卵细胞质注射法和电融合法)和重构胚胎电融合(3组参数)等3个环节对牛体细胞核移植的显微操作过程及相关参数进行了筛选优化。以核移植胚胎的卵裂率、囊胚发育率作为检测指标,对不同的方法所获得的克隆胚胎的卵分裂率与囊胚发育率进行比较,最后筛选获得1个优化的牛体细胞核移植操作程序,即采用Spindle view系统对牛卵母细胞进行去核操作,将供核体细胞注射到卵周隙,然后通过电融合法将供体核引入去核卵细胞质(电融合参数为1.9kV/cm,脉冲时程10μs,方波2次间隔2s)。以此核移植程序进行牛体细胞核移植实验,自获得克隆胚胎中筛选80枚优质囊胚移植到33头受体牛子宫内,最后2头母牛产下2头克隆牛犊,结果表明利用该优化的显微操作环节进行牛体细胞核移植可以获得体细胞克隆牛犊。  相似文献   

Adult animal cloning has progressed to allow the production of offspring cloned from adult cells, however many cloned calves die prenatally or shortly after birth. This study examined the expression of three important metabolic enzymes, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), citrate synthase, and phosphofructokinase (PFK), to determine if their detection in nuclear transfer (NT) embryos mimics that determined for in vitro produced embryos. A day 40 nuclear transfer produced fetus derived from an adult cell line was collected and fetal fibroblast cultures were established and maintained. Reconstructed NT embryos were then produced from this cell line, and RT-PCR was used to evaluate mRNA reprogramming. All three mRNAs encoding these enzymes were detected in the regenerated fetal fibroblast cell line. Detection patterns were first determined for IVF produced embryos (1-cell, 2-cell, 6-8 cell, morula, and blastocyst stages) to compare with their detection in NT embryos. PFK has three subunits: PFK-L, PFK-M, and PFK-P. PFK-L and PFK-P were not detected in bovine oocytes. PFK subunits were not detected in 6-8 cell embryos but were detected in blastocysts. Results from NT embryo RT-PCR demonstrated that PFK was not detected in 8-cell NT embryos but was detected in NT blastocysts indicating that proper nuclear reprogramming had occurred. Citrate synthase was detected in oocytes and throughout development to the blastocyst stage in both bovine IVF and NT embryos. LDH-A and LDH-B were detected in bovine oocytes and in all stages of IVF and NT embryos examined up to the blastocyst stage. A third subunit, LDH-C was not detected at the blastocyst stage in IVF or NT embryos but was detected in all earlier stages and in mature oocytes. In addition, LDH-C mRNA was detected in gonad isolated from the NT and an in vivo produced control fetus. These results indicate that the three metabolic enzymes maintain normal expression patterns and therefore must be properly reprogrammed following nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

Using an interwoven-loop experimental design in conjunction with highly conservative linear mixed model methodology using estimated variance components, 18 genes differentially expressed between nuclear transfer (NT)- and in vitro fertilization (IVF)-produced embryos were identified. The set is comprised of three intermediate-filament protein genes (cytokeratin 8, cytokeratin 19, and vimentin), three metabolic genes (phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1, mitochondrial acetoacetyl-coenzyme A thiolase, and alpha-glucosidase), two lysosomal-related genes (prosaposin and lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2), and a gene associated with stress responses (heat shock protein 27) along with major histocompatibility complex class I, nidogen 2, a putative transport protein, heterogeneous nuclear ribonuclear protein K, mitochondrial 16S rRNA, and ES1 (a zebrafish orthologue of unknown function). The three remaining genes are novel. To our knowledge, this is the first report comparing individual embryos produced by NT and IVF using cDNA microarray technology for any species, and it uses a rigorous experimental design that emphasizes statistical significance to identify differentially expressed genes between NT and IVF embryos in cattle.  相似文献   

Effect of telophase enucleation on bovine somatic nuclear transfer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Liu JL  Wang MK  Sun QY  Xu Z  Chen DY 《Theriogenology》2000,54(6):989-998
Telophase enucleation has been proven to be an efficient method for preparing recipient cytoplasts in bovine embryonic nuclear transfer (2, 11). This research was designed to study in vitro development of bovine oocytes containing transferred somatic cell nuclei, reconstructed by using enucleated in vitro-matured oocytes 32 h of age at telophase II stage as recipient cytoplasts, compared with those 24 h of age at metaphase II stage. Two protocols for donor cell injection were adopted, i.e., subzonal injection (SUZI) and intracytoplasmic injection (ICI). Bovine oviduct epithelial cells (BOECs) and bovine cumulus cells (BCCs) from an adult cow were used as nuclear donors for these experiments. In SUZI groups, the fusion rate of donor cells, both BOECs and BCCs, with MII enucleated oocytes were higher than those with TII enucleated oocytes (54% vs. 41% and 53% vs. 39%, respectively; P<0.05), but the development rates to morula plus blastocyst stage in MII groups were lower than those in TII groups (22% vs. 39% and 21% vs. 41%, respectively; P<0.05). In ICI groups, about 26% of enucleated MII oocytes injected with BOECs or BCCs cleaved and only small parts of them developed to blastocyst stage (4% and 3%, respectively; P>0.05). When BOECs or BCCs were intracytoplasmically injected into oocytes enucleated at TII stage, no blastocyst was formed in either donor cell group and no cleavage occurred in BOEC group. Our data demonstrated that telophase enucleation is beneficial to early embryo development when bovine somatic nuclei are transferred by subzonal injection. However, it is harmful when donor cells are directly injected into the cytoplast of the enucleated oocytes.  相似文献   

罗金平  徐少甫  成国祥 《生命科学》2000,12(3):142-144,F003
核移植牛的研究具有巨大的经济价值,国外对此的研究不断深入,但国内开展此项研究相对滞后。本文就牛卵母细胞的成熟、去核与激活作一综述,重点介绍目前国外常用的方法,包括其效率和影响因素,其中涉及到一些常用的参数,这对从事核移植牛的同仁们会有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Epigenetic modifications of the genome play a significant role in the elaboration of the genetic code as established at fertilisation. These modifications affect early growth and development through their influence on gene expression especially on imprinted genes. Genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming in germ cells is essential in order to reset the parent-of-origin specific marking of imprinted genes, but may have a more general role in the restoration of totipotency in the early embryo. In a similar way, on somatic nuclear cloning, a differentiated cell must become 'reprogrammed' restoring totipotency in order to undergo development. Here we discuss the dynamic epigenetic reprogramming that takes place during normal development and highlight those areas with relevance to somatic nuclear cloning and the possibility of improving the efficiency of this process. We propose the concept of 'epigenetic checkpoints' for normal progression of development and the loss of totipotency.  相似文献   

A transcriptional logic for nuclear reprogramming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rodolfa KT  Eggan K 《Cell》2006,126(4):652-655

Nuclear transfer experiments in mammals have attempted to reprogram a donor nucleus to a state equivalent to the zygotic one. Reprogramming of the donor nucleus is, among other features, indicated by a synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The initiation of rRNA synthesis is simultaneously reflected in nuclear morphology as a transformation of the nucleolus precursor body into a functional rRNA synthesising nucleolus with a characteristic ultrastructure. We examined nucleolar ultrastructure in bovine in vitro produced (control) embryos and in nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from a MII phase (nonactivated) or S phase (activated) cytoplasts. Control embryos were fixed at the two-, four-, early eight- and late eight-cell stages; nuclear transfer embryos were fixed at 1 and 3 hr post fusion and at the two-, four-, and eight-cell stages. Control embryos possessed a nucleolar precursor body throughout all three cell cycles. In the eight-cell stage embryo, a primary vacuole appeared as an electron lucid area originating in the centre of the nucleolar precursor body. In nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from nonactivated cytoplasts, the nuclear envelope was fragmented or completely broken down at 1 hr after fusion and, by 3 hr after fusion, it was restored again. At this time, the reticulated fibrillo-granular nucleolus had an almost round shape. The nucleolar precursor body seen in the two-cell stage nuclear transfer embryos consisted of intermingled filamentous components and secondary vacuoles. A nucleolar precursor body typical for the two-cell stage control embryos was never observed. None of the reconstructed embryos of this group reached the eight-cell stage. Nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from activated cytoplasts, in contrast, exhibited a complete nuclear envelope at all time intervals after fusion. In the two-cell stage nuclear transfer embryo, the originally reticulated nucleolus of the donor blastomere had changed into a typical nucleolar precursor body consisting of a homogeneous fibrillar structure. A primary vacuole appeared in the four-cell stage nuclear transfer embryos, which was one cell cycle earlier than in control embryos. Only nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed from activated cytoplasts underwent complete remodelling of the nucleolus. The reorganisation of the donor nucleolar architecture into a functionally active nucleolus was observed as early as in the four-cell stage nuclear transfer embryo. These ultrastructural observations were correlated with our autoradiographic data on the initiation of RNA synthesis in nuclear transfer embryos.  相似文献   

Before fertilization, chromatins of both mouse oocytes and spermatozoa contain very few acetylated histones. Soon after fertilization, chromatins of both gametes become highly acetylated. The same deacetylation-reacetylation changes occur with histones of somatic nuclei transferred into enucleated oocytes. The significance of these events in somatic chromatin reprogramming to the totipotent state is not known. To investigate their importance in reprogramming, we injected cumulus cell nuclei into enucleated mouse oocytes and estimated the histone deacetylation dynamics with immunocytochemistry. Other reconstructed oocytes were cultured before and/or after activation in the presence of the highly potent histone deacetylase inhibitor trychostatin A (TSA) for up to 9 h postactivation. The potential of TSA-treated and untreated oocytes to develop to the blastocyst stage and to full term was compared. Global deacetylation of histones in the cumulus nuclei occurred between 1 and 3 h after injection. TSA inhibition of histone deacetylation did not affect the blastocyst rate (37% with and 34% without TSA treatment), whereas extension of the TSA treatment beyond the activation point significantly increased the blastocyst rate (up to 81% versus 40% without TSA treatment) and quality (on average, 59 versus 45 cells in day 4 blastocysts with and without TSA treatment, respectively). TSA treatment also slightly increased full-term development (from 0.8% to 2.8%). Thus, deacetylation of somatic histones is not important for reprogramming, and hyperacetylation might actually improve reprogramming.  相似文献   

Bovine nuclear transfer embryos reconsitituted from in vitro-matured recipient oocyte cytoplasm and different sources of donor nuclei (in vivo, in vitro-produced or frozen-thawed) were evaluated for their ability to develop in vitro. Their cleavage rate and blastocyst formation are compared with those of control IVF embryos derived from the same batches of in vitro-matured oocytes that were used for nuclear transfer and were co-cultured under the same conditions on bovine oviducal epithelial cell monolayers for 7 d. Using fresh donor morulae as the source of nuclei resulted in 30.2% blastocyst formation (150 497 ), which was similar to that of control IVM-IVF embryos (33.8% blastocysts, 222 657 ). When IVF embryos were used as the source of nuclei for cloning, a slightly lower blastocyst formation rate (22.6%, 41 181 ) was obtained but not significantly different from that using fresh donor morulae. Nuclear transfer embryos derived from vitrified donor embryos showed poor development in vitro (7.1%, 11 154 ). No difference in morphology or cell number was observed after 7 d of co-culture between blastocysts derived from nuclear transfer or control IVF embryos. The viability of 34 in vitro-developed nuclear transfer blastocysts was tested in vivo and resulted in the birth of 11 live calves (32.3%).  相似文献   

Cloning of bovine embryos by multiple nuclear transfer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The in vitro development of multiple generation bovine nuclear transferred embryos to blastocysts and their survival ability after freezing and thawing were examined. Parent donor embryos which had 20 to 50 cells were recovered from superovulated cows. Follicular oocytes matured in vitro were used as recipient oocytes. The recipient oocytes enucleated at 22 to 24 h after the onset of maturation were preactivated at 33 h. Enucleated oocytes with a donor blastomere were fused 9 h after activation by an electric stimulus and the fused oocytes were cultured in vitro (first generation). Reconstituted oocytes that had developed to the 8- to 16-cell stage 3 to 4 d after fusion were used as donor embryos for the next generation. Recloning procedures were performed twice (second and third generations). The proportion of recipient oocytes successfully fused with a blastomere increased with the cycle of nuclear transfer. Eighty to 86% of fused oocytes developed to the 2-cell stage and there was no significant difference with the generation. The proportion of reconstituted embryos receiving blastomeres derived from first generation embryos had higher developmental ability in vitro, than those derived from other generations (43 vs 31% for 8 to 16-cell stage, 37 vs 20 and 21% for blastocyst stage). The number of cloned blastocysts increased with repeated nuclear transfer (once: 6.2 +/- 4.3, twice: 19.8 +/- 9.2 and three times: 30.0 +/- 14.7) but varied greatly with each parent donor embryo. The in vitro viability of cloned blastocysts after freezing and thawing (59%) was low but not significantly different from that obtained for in vitro fertilized blastocysts (72%). After transfer of either fresh or frozen-thawed cloned blastocysts to 21 recipients, 10 of them were pregnant on Day 60. Four and 3 offspring were produced from 20 fresh and 14 frozen-thawed blastocysts,respectively.  相似文献   

Interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) involves the transfer of a nucleus or cell from one species into the cytoplasm of an enucleated oocyte from another. Once activated, reconstructed oocytes can be cultured in vitro to blastocyst, the final stage of preimplantation development. However, they often arrest during the early stages of preimplantation development; fail to reprogramme the somatic nucleus; and eliminate the accompanying donor cell's mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in favour of the recipient oocyte's genetically more divergent population. This last point has consequences for the production of ATP by the electron transfer chain, which is encoded by nuclear and mtDNA. Using a murine-porcine interspecies model, we investigated the importance of nuclear-cytoplasmic compatibility on successful development. Initially, we transferred murine fetal fibroblasts into enucleated porcine oocytes, which resulted in extremely low blastocyst rates (0.48%); and failure to replicate nuclear DNA and express Oct-4, the key marker of reprogramming. Using allele specific-PCR, we detected peak levels of murine mtDNA at 0.14±0.055% of total mtDNA at the 2-cell embryo stage and then at ever-decreasing levels to the blastocyst stage (<0.001%). Furthermore, these embryos had an overall mtDNA profile similar to porcine embryos. We then depleted porcine oocytes of their mtDNA using 10 μM 2',3'-dideoxycytidine and transferred murine somatic cells along with murine embryonic stem cell extract, which expressed key pluripotent genes associated with reprogramming and contained mitochondria, into these oocytes. Blastocyst rates increased significantly (3.38%) compared to embryos generated from non-supplemented oocytes (P<0.01). They also had significantly more murine mtDNA at the 2-cell stage than the non-supplemented embryos, which was maintained throughout early preimplantation development. At later stages, these embryos possessed 49.99±2.97% murine mtDNA. They also exhibited an mtDNA profile similar to murine preimplantation embryos. Overall, these data demonstrate that the addition of species compatible mtDNA and reprogramming factors improves developmental outcomes for iSCNT embryos.  相似文献   

We have examined the reprogramming ability of donor fibroblast nuclei in various phases of the cell cycle, upon transfer to cytoplasts, using a bovine nuclear transfer (NT) model. Bovine fetal fibroblasts were cultured in reduced serum and conditioned medium to induce quiescence (G0) and treated with nocodazole to induce M phase arrest. Unsynchronized actively dividing cells (control) were mainly in G1. Cells synchronized in G0, M, and G1 phase were transferred to enucleated bovine MII oocytes by direct injection using the Piezo-Drill microinjector. NT oocytes were artificially activated following injection. Cells at the M phase were also transferred to enucleated oocytes after artificial activation. Cells induced into quiescence by serum starvation and unsynchronized donor cells produced the highest rates of development to the morula/blastocyst stage (20% and 18%, respectively). Development to blastocyst was significantly higher in parthenogenetic controls compared to NT embryos. The transfer of M phase nuclei to MII cytoplasts was not associated with high development to the blastocyst stage. Nevertheless, determining the viability of these embryos requires transfer to recipient animals and assessment of in vivo development.  相似文献   

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