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cDNA species encoding precursor polypeptides of the chlorophyll a/b/c light-harvesting complex (LHC) of Mantoniella squamata were cloned and sequenced. The precursor polypeptides have molecular weights of 24.2 kDa and are related to the major chlorophyll a/b polypeptides of higher plants. Southern analysis showed that their genes belong to the nuclear encoded Lhc multigene family; the investigated genes most probably do not contain introns. The chlorophyll a/b/c polypeptides contain two highly conserved regions common to all LHC polypeptides and three hydrophobic α-helices, which span the thylakoid membrane. The first membrane-spanning helix, however, is not detected by predictive methods: its atypical hydrophilic domains may bind the chlorophyll c molecules within the hydrophobic membrane environment. Homology to LHC 11 of higher plants and green algae is specifically evident in the C-terminal region comprising helix III and the preceding stroma-exposed domain. The N-terminal region of 29 amino acids resembles the structure of a transit sequence, which shows only minor similarities to those of LHC II sequences. Strikingly, the mature light-harvesting polypeptides of M. squamata lack an N-terminal domain of 30 amino acids, which, in higher plants, contains the phosphorylation site of LHC 11 and simultaneously mediates membrane stacking. Therefore, the chlorophyll a/b/c polypeptides of M. squamata do not exhibit any light-dependent preference for photosystem I or 11. The lack of this domain also indicates that the attractive forces between stacked thylakoids are weak. 相似文献
Summary Irradiation of the principal photosystem II light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein antenna complex, LHC II, with high light intensities brings about a pronounced quenching of the chlorophyll fluorescence. Illumination of isolated thylakoids with high light intensities generates the formation of quenching centres within LHC II in vivo, as demonstrated by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. In the isolated complex it is demonstrated that the light-induced fluorescence quenching: a) shows a partial, biphasic reversibility in the dark; b) is approximately proportional to the light intensity; c) is almost independent of temperature in the range 0–30°C; d) is substantially insensitive to protein modifying reagents and treatments; e) occurs in the absence of oxygen. A possible physiological importance of the phenomenon is discussed in terms of a mechanism capable of dissipating excess excitation energy within the photosystem II antenna.Abbreviations chla
chlorophyll a
- chlb
chlorophyll b
- F0
fluorescence yield with reaction centers open
- Fm
fluorescence yield with reaction centres closed
- Fi
fluorescence at the plateau level of the fast induction phase
light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex II
photosystem II
photosystem I
- Tricine
N-[2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]glycine 相似文献
The chlorina-f2 mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) contains no chlorophyll b in its light-harvesting antenna, whereas the chlorina-103 mutant contains approximately 10% of the chlorophyll b found in wild-type. The absolute chlorophyll antenna size for Photosystem-II in wild-type, chlorina-103 and chlorina-f2 mutant was 250, 58 and 50 chlorophyll molecules, respectively. The absolute chlorophyll antenna size for Photosystem-I in wild-type, chlorina-103 and chlorina-f2 mutant was 210, 137 and 150 chlorophyll molecules, respoectively. In spite of the smaller PS I antenna size in the chlorina mutants, immunochemical analysis showed the presence of polypeptide components of the LHC-I auxiliary antenna with molecular masses of 25, 19.5 and 19 kDa. The chlorophyll a-b-binding LHC-II auxiliary antenna of PS II contained five polypeptide subunits in wild-type barley, termed a, b, c, d and e, with molecular masses of 30, 28, 27, 24 and 21 kDa, respectively. The polypeptide composition of the LHC-II auxiliary antenna of PS II was found to be identical in the two mutants, with only the 24 kDa subunit d present at an equal copy number per PS II in each of the mutants and in the wild-type barley. This d subunit assembles stably in the thylakoid membrane even in the absence of chlorophyll b and exhibits flexibility in its complement of bound chlorophylls. We suggest that polypeptide subunit d binds most of the chlorophyll associated with the residual PS II antenna in the chlorina mutants and that is proximal to the PS II-core complex.Abbreviations CP
the chlorophyll a-b binding light-harvesting complex
- LHC-II subunit a
the Lhcb4/5 gene product
- subunit b
the Lhcb1 gene product
- subunit c
Lhcb2 the gene product
- subunit d
the Lhcb3 gene product
- subunit e
the Lhcb6 gene product
phenylmethane sulphonyl fluoride
- RC
reaction center
- QA
the primary quinone electron acceptor of Photosystem-II
- P700
the reaction center of PS I 相似文献
Bernard Teyssendier de la Serve Michèle Axelos Claude Péaud-Lenoël 《Plant molecular biology》1985,5(3):155-163
Summary Tobacco cell suspension cultures responded to cytokinins (for instance kinetin) by full chloroplast differentiation. The hormone had the effect of stimulating the appearance of a few prominent plastid proteins. Synthesis of the light-harvesting chlorophyl a/b-binding protein (LHCP) in response to kinetin was noteworthy (Axelos M. et al.: Plant Sci Lett 33:201–212, 1984).Poly(A)+RNAs were prepared from cells grown in the presence of or without added kinetin. Poly(A)+RNA recovery and translation activity were not quantitatively altered by the hormone treatment. In vitro translation of polyadenylated mRNA into precursor polypeptides of LHCP (pLHCP) was quantified by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE fractionation of pLHCP immunoprecipitates: pLHCP-mRNA translating activity was found to be stimulated in parallel to mature LHCP accumulation by kinetin-induced cells.Dot-blot and northern-blot hybridizations of poly(A)+RNA were carried out, using as a probe a pea LHCP-cDNA clone (Broglie R. et al.: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78: 7304–7308, 1981). A ten-fold increase of the level of pLHCP-encoding sequences was observed in poly(A)+RNA prepared from 9-d kinetin-stimulated cells, compared to control cells. Oligo(dT)-cellulose-excluded RNA fractions exhibited very low hybridization levels, in the same ratios as those obtained with poly(A)+RNA.Thus, the expression of LHCP-gene activity, in response to kinetin addition to tobacco cell suspension cultures, is regulated by the level of pLHCP-encoding mRNA rather than by translational or post-translational controls. re]19850218 rv]19850605 ac]19850613 相似文献
Marvin W. Fawley Kenneth D. Stewart Karl R. Mattox 《Journal of molecular evolution》1986,23(2):168-176
Summary A light-harvesting pigment-protein complex has been isolated fromMantoniella squamata (Micromonadophyceae, Chlorophyta) by nondenaturing polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The complex runs as two bands of molecular weights 54,000 and 55,000. There are two constituent polypeptides of molecular weights 20,500 and 22,000. Antibodies were raised to the 20,500-dalton polypeptides from this complex and to the 24,500-dalton polypeptide from the analogous complex ofPedinomonas minor (Micromonadophyceae). The antibodies to theM. squamata polypeptide are specific for both polypeptides of theM. squamata light-harvesting complex, as well as for a 27,000-dalton polypeptide of undetermined function. The antibodies to theP. minor polypeptide are specific for polypeptide components of the light-harvesting complex of that alga. The antibodies specific for theM. squamata light-harvesting complex polypeptides do not cross react with any polypeptides ofP. minor thylakoid membranes, as demonstrated by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Similarly, no polypeptides ofM. squamata thylakoids cross react with the antibodies specific forP. minor light-harvesting complex polypeptides. These results indicate that the light-harvesting complex ofM. squamata is structurally very different from that ofP. minor. In a survey of several land plants and green algae, including representatives of all classes of green algae, a light-harvesting complex homologous to that ofM. squamata was found only inMicromonas pusilla. All other organisms tested possessed a lightharvesting complex homologous to that ofP. minor. The evolutionary and taxonomic implications of the novelM. squamata light-harvesting complex are discussed. 相似文献
A cytochrome b
f deficient mutant of Lemna perpusilla maintains a constant and lower level of the light-harvesting chl a/b-binding protein complex II (LHC II) as compared to the wild type plants at low-light intensities. Inhibition of the plastoquinone
pool reduction increases the LHC II content of the mutant at both low- and high-light intensities but only at high-light intensity
in the wild type plants. Proteolytic activity against LHC II appears during high-light photoacclimation of wild type plants.
However, the acclimative protease is present in the mutant at both light intensities. These and additional results suggest
that the plastoquinone redox state serves as the major signal-transducing component in the photoacclimation process affecting
both, synthesis and degradation of LHC II and appearance of acclimative LHC II proteolysis. The plastoquinol pool cannot be
oxidized by linear electron flow in the mutant plants which are locked in a ‘high light’ acclimation state. The cytochrome
f complex may be involved indirectly in the regulation of photoacclimation via 1) regulation of the plastoquinone redox state;
2) regulation of the redox-controlled thylakoid protein kinase allowing exposure of the dephosphorylated LHC II to acclimative
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Dark-grown cucumber seedlings were exposed to intermittent light (2 min light and 98 min dark) and then cotyledons were incubated with 50 mM CaCl2 in the dark. Chlorophyll (Chl) a was selectively accumulated under intermittent light and Chl b was accumulated during the subsequent dark incubation with CaCl2. The change in chlorophyll-protein complexes during Chl b accumulation induced by CaCl2 in the dark was investigated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Chlorophyll-protein complex I and free chlorophyll were major chlorophyll-containing bands of the cotyledons intermittently illuminated 10 times. When these cotyledons were incubated with CaCl2 in the dark, the light-harvesting Chl
complex was formed. When the number of intermittent illumination periods was extended to 55, small amounts of Chl b and light-harvesting Chl
complex were recognized at the end of intermittent light treatment, and these two pigments were further increased during the subsequent incubation of the cotyledons with CaCl2 in the dark compared to water controls. 相似文献
The effect of light on the biosynthesis of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) is investigated in wild-type barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and in the chlorophyll b-less mutant chlorina f2. In dark-grown plants a short red light pulse triggers the appearance of mRNA activity for the LHCP. While the accumulation of this mRNA is controlled by phytochrome (Apel (1979) Eur. J. Biochem. 97, 183–188), the red light treatment is not sufficient to induce the appearance of the LHCP within the membrane. Thus, at least one of the subsequent steps in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the assembly of the LHCP is controlled by light. The red light-induced mRNA is taken up into the polysomes during the subsequent dark period and is translated in vitro in a cell-free protein synthesizing system. However, an accumulation of the freshly synthesized polypeptide within the plant is not observed. The apparent instability of the polypeptide might be explained by the deficiency of chlorophyll in the red light-treated plants. In the chlorophyll b-less barley mutant chlorina f2 an accumulation of the freshly synthesized apoprotein of the LHCP can be observed in the light. Thus, chlorophyll a formation seems to be a light-dependent step which is required for the stabilization of the LHCP.Abbreviations mRNA
messenger RNA
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
sodium dodecylsulfate
light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein 相似文献
T. Kuczius T. Eitinger R. D''Ari H. Castorph D. Kleiner 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1991,229(3):479-482
Summary From a gene bank of Klebsiella pneumoniae M5a1, a 1.7 kb gene fragment was isolated which was able to restore the Ntr+ phenotype and ammonium (methylammonium) transport, but not glutamate synthase in an Escherichia coli glt mutant (glutamate synthase deficiency). The fragment strongly hybridized with the gltF regulatory gene from E. coli. After subcloning the fragment into an overexpression vector, a protein with a molecular weight of 27000 dalton was identified as the gene product. The results indicate that the fragment cloned contains the gltF gene from K. pneumoniae. 相似文献
The Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene: Molecular cloning, nucleotide sequence and genetic expression in Escherichia coli 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
Vitreoscilla hemoglobin is involved in oxygen metabolism of this bacterium, possibly in an unusual role for a microbe. We have isolated the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin structural gene from a pUC19 genomic library using mixed oligodeoxy-nucleotide probes based on the reported amino acid sequence of the protein. The gene is expressed in Escherichia coli from its natural promoter as a major cellular protein. The nucleotide sequence, which is in complete agrecment with the known amino acid sequence of the protein, suggests the existence of promoter and ribosome binding sites with a high degree of homology to consensus E. coli upstream sequences. In the case of at least some amino acids, a codon usage bias can be detected which is different from the biased codon usage pattern in E. coli. The down-stream sequence exhibits homology with the 3 end sequences of several plant leghemoglobin genes. E. coli cells expressing the gene contain greater than fivefold more heme than controls. 相似文献
A cDNA library was constructed from mRNA prepared from light-treated seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and cDNAs for the chlorophyll a/b-binding protein LHC-II were identified using a pea gene as the heterologous probe. Three cDNA clones were sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of two of the genes corresponded to Type I and one to Type II LHC-II proteins which were ca. 90% homologous to their angiosperm counterparts. The transit peptides of the Scots pine preLHC-II showed features common to angiosperm transit peptides. The three cDNAs had a 70 to 75% preference for G+C in the third base position. CpG and GpC profiles and degenerate codon position bias suggested that two of the corresponding genes lie within CpG islands. 相似文献
K. Goethals M. Gao K. Tomekpe M. Van Montagu M. Holsters 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1989,219(1-2):289-298
Azorhizobium caulinodans strain ORS571 induces nitrogen-fixing nodules on roots and stem-located root primordia of Sesbania rostrata. Two essential Nod loci have been previously identified in the bacterial genome, one of which (Nod locus 1) shows weak homology with the common nodC gene of Rhizobium mehloti. Here we present the nucleotide sequence of this region and show that it contains three contiguous open reading frames (ORFA, ORFB and ORFC) that are related to the nodABC genes of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium species. ORFC is followed by a fourth (ORF4) and probably a fifth (ORF5) open reading frame. ORF4 may be analogous to the nod[ gene of R. leguminosarum, whereas ORF5 could be similar to the rhizobial nodF genes. Coordinated expression of this set of five genes seems likely from the sequence organization. There is no typical nod promoter consensus sequence (nod box) in the region upstream of the first gene (ORFA) and there is no nodD-like gene. LacZ fusions constructed with ORFA, ORFB, ORFC, and ORF4 showed inducible -galactosidase expression in the presence of S. rostrata seedlings as well as around stem-located root primordia. Among a series of phenolic compounds tested, the flavanone naringenin was the most efficient inducer of the expression of this ORS571 nod gene cluster. 相似文献
A 711-bp cDNA encoding a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (cystatin) was isolated from a cDNA library prepared from 7–10 cmSorghum bicolor seedlings. The nearly full-length cDNA clone encodes 130 amino acid residues, which include the Gln-Val-Val-Ala-Gly motif, conserved among most of the known cystatins as a probable binding site for cysteine proteinases. The amino acid sequence of sorghum cystatin deduced from the cDNA clone shows significantly homology to those of other plant cystatins. The sorghum cystatin expressed inE. coli showed a strong papain-inhibitory activity. 相似文献
The light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC II) contains one major (LHC IIb) and at least three minor chlorophyll-protein components. The apoproteins of LHC IIb (LHCP) are encoded by nuclear genes and synthesized in the cytoplasm as a higher molecular weight precursor(s) (pLHCP). Several genes coding for pLHCP have been cloned from various higher plant species. The expression of these genes is dependent upon a variety of factors such as light, the developmental stage of the plastids and the plant. After its synthesis in the cytoplasm, pLHCP is imported into plastids, inserted into thylakoids, processed to its mature form, and assembled into LHC IIb. The pathway of assembly of LHC IIb in the thylakoid membranes is currently being investigated in several laboratories. We present a model that gives some details of the steps in the assembly process. Many of the steps involved in the synthesis and assembly are dependent on light and the stage of plastid development.Abbreviations PS
Light-harvesting complex of PS II
Apoproteins of LHC IIb
Precursor of LHCP
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 相似文献
Summary A recombinant phage carrying the recA gene of Rhizobium phaseoli was isolated from a R. phaseoli genomic library by complementation of the Fec– phenotype of the recombinant phage in Escherichia coli. When expressed in E. coli, the cloned recA gene was shown to restore resistance to both UV irradiation and the DNA alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate (MMS). The R. phaseoli recA gene also promoted homologous recombination in E. coli. The cloned recA gene was only weakly inducible in E. coli recA strains by DNA damaging agents. The DNA sequence of the R. phaseoli recA gene was determined and compared with published recA sequences. No LexA-binding site was detected in the R. phaseoli recA upstream region. 相似文献
Bernhard J. Eikmanns Max T. Follettie Martin U. Griot Anthony J. Sinskey 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1989,218(2):330-339
Summary The ppc gene of Corynebacterium glutamicum encoding phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase was isolated by complementation of a ppc mutant of Escherichia coli using a cosmid gene bank of chromosomal c. glutamicum DNA. By subsequent subcloning into the plasmid pUC8 and deletion analysis, the ppc gene could be located on a 3.3 kb SalI fragment. This fragment was able to complement the E. coli ppc mutant and conferred PEP carboxylase activity to the mutant. The complete nucleotide sequence of the ppc gene including 5 and 3 flanking regions has been determined and the primary structure of PEP carboxylase was deduced. The sequence predicts a 919 residue protein product (molecular weight of 103154) which shows 34% similarity with the respective E. coli enzyme.
Present address: Institut für Biotechnologie 1 der Kernforschungsanlage, Postfach 1913, D-5170 Jülich, Federal Republic of Germany 相似文献
Beth J. DiDomenico Nathaniel H. Brown John Lupisella Jonathan R. Greene Michaela Yanko Yigal Koltin 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1994,242(6):689-698
Morphogenesis in the yeast Saccharomyes cerevisiae consists primarily of bud formation. Certain cell division cycle (CDC) genes, CDC3, CDC10, CDC11, CDC12, are known to be involved in events critical to the pattern of bud growth and the completion of cytokinesis. Their products are associated with the formation of a ring of neck filaments that forms at the region of the mother cell-bud junction during mitosis. Morphogenesis in Candida albicans, a major fungal pathogen of humans, consists of both budding and the formation of hyphae. The latter is thought to be related to the pathogenesis and invasiveness of C. albicans. We have isolated and characterized C. albicans homologs of the S. cerevisiae CDC3 and CDC10 genes. Both C. albicans genes are capable of complementing defects in the respective S. cerevisiae genes. RNA analysis of one of the genes suggests that it is a regulated gene, with higher overall expression levels during the hyphal phase than in the yeast phase. Not surprisingly, DNA sequence analysis reveals that the proteins share extensive homology at the amino acid level with their respective S. cerevisiae counterparts. Related genes are also found in other species of Candida and, more importantly, in filamentous fungi such as Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa. A database search revealed significant sequence similarity with two peptides, one from Drosophila and one from mouse, suggesting strong evolutionary conservation of function. 相似文献