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Quantitative footprinting analysis of the netropsin-DNA interaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The results of a series of quantitative footprinting experiments of the netropsin-DNA interaction as studied using two different DNA cleaving probes, the enzyme DNase I and a cationic manganese porphyrin complex, are described. Plots of the relative change in oligonucleotide concentration as a function of drug concentration, covering approximately 110 base pairs of a DNA restriction fragment, revealed netropsin induced changes in the cleavage rates of both probes. These appeared as inhibitions for the binding sites, enhancements where no binding took place, and enhancement/inhibitions for the weak binding sites. Determination of the concentration of drug necessary to reduce the amount of a particular oligomer to half of its initial value allowed a ranking of the affinities of the various binding sites on the fragment. In addition to uncovering the location of a number of overlapping netropsin binding sites, the data allowed additional insight on the manner in which both probes alter their DNA cleavage rates in the drug-footprinting experiment.  相似文献   

The results of quantitative footprinting studies involving the antiviral agent netropsin and a DNA-cleaving cationic metalloporphyrin complex are presented. An analysis of the footprinting autoradiographic spot intensities using a model previously applied to footprinting studies involving the enzyme DNase I [Ward, B., Rehfuss, R., Goodisman, J., & Dabrowiak, J. C. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 1198-1205] led to very low values for netropsin binding constants on a restriction fragment from pBR-322 DNA. In this work, we show that, because the porphyrin binds with high specificity to DNA, it does not report site loading information in the same manner as does DNase I. We elucidate a model involving binding equilibria for individual sites and include competitive binding of drug and porphyrin for the same site. The free porphyrin and free drug concentrations are determined by binding equilibria with the carrier (calf thymus DNA) which is present in excess and acts as a buffer for both. Given free porphyrin and free netropsin concentrations for each total drug concentration in a series of footprinting experiments, one can calculate autoradiographic spot intensities in terms of the binding constants of netropsin to the various sites on the 139 base pair restriction fragment. The best values of these binding constants are determined by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between calculated and experimental footprinting autoradiographic spot intensities. Although the determined netropsin binding constants are insensitive to the value assumed for the porphyrin binding constant toward its highest affinity sites, the best mean-square deviation between observed and calculated values, D, depends on the choice of (average) drug binding constant to carrier DNA, Kd.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Quantitative footprinting analysis. Binding to a single site   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The theory for measuring ligand binding constants from footprinting autoradiographic data associated with a single binding site is derived. If the ligand and DNA cleavage agent compete for a common site, the spot intensities are not proportional to the amount of DNA not blocked by ligand. The analysis of a single site is experimentally illustrated by using results for the anticancer drug actinomycin D interacting with the duplex d(TAGCGCTA)2 as probed with the hydrolytic enzyme DNase I.  相似文献   

Chromomycin A3 (CHR) binding to the duplex d(CAAGTCTGGCCATCAGTC).d(GACTGATGGCCAGACTTG) has been studied using quantitative footprinting methods. Previous NMR studies indicated CHR binds as a dimer in the minor groove. Analysis of autoradiographic spot intensities derived from DNase I cleavage of the 18-mer in the presence of various amounts of CHR revealed that the drug binds as a dimer to the sequence 5'-TGGCCA-3',3'-ACCGGT-5' in the 18-mer with a binding constant of (2.7 +/- 1.4) x 10(7) M-1. Footprinting and fluorescence data indicate that the dimerization constant for the drug in solution is approximately 10(5) M-1. Since it has been suggested that CHR binding alters DNA to the A configuration, quantitative footprinting studies using dimethyl sulfate, which alkylates at N-7 of guanine in the major groove, were also carried out. Apparently, any drug-induced alteration in DNA structure does not affect cleavage by DMS enough to be observed by these experiments.  相似文献   

Theoretical analysis of the footprinting experiment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the footprinting experiment, an end-radiolabeled DNA restriction fragment is subjected to digest by an endonuclease in the presence and absence of a ligand which alters the endonuclease cleavage rate at sites of ligand-DNA contact. The location of these sites, and the strength of the ligand binding, are then deduced from the measured concentrations of the different oligonucleotides produced by the digest. We analyze the experiment in terms of coupled kinetic equations which take into account the cutting rates of endonuclease for sites with ligand present and absent, and the rates of binding and dissociation of the ligand to a site. As long as the ligand concentration remains essentially constant (which occurs, for example, if digest is terminated early enough to assure that all fragments result from single cuts by the endonuclease), the oligonucleotide concentrations reflect only the ligand binding equilibrium constant (ratio of rate constants) and the cutting rates in the presence and absence of ligand. We also show how the measured oligonucleotide concentrations (from, e.g. an autoradiogram) can be used to deduce the ligand equilibrium binding constants for the various sites on the polymer.  相似文献   

Footprinting is a powerful and widely used tool for characterizing the structure, thermodynamics, and kinetics of nucleic acid folding and ligand binding reactions. However, quantitative analysis of the gel images produced by footprinting experiments is tedious and time-consuming, due to the absence of informatics tools specifically designed for footprinting analysis. We have developed SAFA, a semi-automated footprinting analysis software package that achieves accurate gel quantification while reducing the time to analyze a gel from several hours to 15 min or less. The increase in analysis speed is achieved through a graphical user interface that implements a novel methodology for lane and band assignment, called "gel rectification," and an optimized band deconvolution algorithm. The SAFA software yields results that are consistent with published methodologies and reduces the investigator-dependent variability compared to less automated methods. These software developments simplify the analysis procedure for a footprinting gel and can therefore facilitate the use of quantitative footprinting techniques in nucleic acid laboratories that otherwise might not have considered their use. Further, the increased throughput provided by SAFA may allow a more comprehensive understanding of molecular interactions. The software and documentation are freely available for download at http://safa.stanford.edu.  相似文献   

Protein footprinting provides detailed structural information on protein structure in solution by directly identifying accessible and hydroxyl radical-reactive side chain residues. Radiolytic generation of hydroxyl radicals using millisecond pulses of a synchrotron "white" beam results in the formation of stable side chain oxidation products, which can be digested with proteases for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Liquid chromatography-coupled MS and tandem MS methods allow for the quantitation of the ratio of modified and unmodified peptides and identify the specific side chain probes that are oxidized, respectively. The ability to monitor the changes in accessibility of multiple side chain probes by monitoring increases or decreases in their oxidation rates as a function of ligand binding provides an efficient and powerful tool for analyzing protein structure and dynamics. In this study, we probe the detailed structural features of gelsolin in its "inactive" and Ca2+-activated state. Oxidation rate data for 81 peptides derived from the trypsin digestion of gelsolin are presented; 60 of these peptides were observed not to be oxidized, and 21 had detectable oxidation rates. We also report the Ca2+-dependent changes in oxidation for all 81 peptides. Fifty-nine remained unoxidized, five increased their oxidation rate, and two experienced protections. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the specific side chain probes responsible for the Ca2+-insensitive and Ca2+-dependent responses. These data are consistent with crystallographic data for the inactive form of gelsolin in terms of the surface accessibility of reactive residues within the protein. The results demonstrate that radiolytic protein footprinting can provide detailed structural information on the conformational dynamics of ligand-induced structural changes, and the data provide a detailed model for gelsolin activation.  相似文献   

A system comprised of a linear scanning microdensitometer interfaced to a personal computer has been developed to facilitate analysis of ligand-DNA footprinting autoradiograms. The system, which can be used to record density and sequence information from autoradiographic films, enables the user to relate the area under an autoradiographic band to the concentration of radiolabeled molecules present in the electrophoresis gel. This report describes the computer program which performs the calculations and discusses the ability of the system to accurately determine oligonucleotide concentration, as a function of band separation, photographic response, and the computational algorithm used to calculate band areas.  相似文献   

Methods of structural mass spectrometry have become more popular to study protein structure and dynamics. Among them, fast photochemical oxidation of proteins (FPOP) has several advantages such as irreversibility of modifications and more facile determination of the site of modification with single residue resolution. In the present study, FPOP analysis was applied to study the hemoglobin (Hb) – haptoglobin (Hp) complex allowing identification of respective regions altered upon the complex formation. FPOP footprinting using a timsTOF Pro mass spectrometer revealed structural information for 84 and 76 residues in Hp and Hb, respectively, including statistically significant differences in the modification extent below 0.3%. The most affected residues upon complex formation were Met76 and Tyr140 in Hbα, and Tyr280 and Trp284 in Hpβ. The data allowed determination of amino acids directly involved in Hb – Hp interactions and those located outside of the interaction interface yet affected by the complex formation. Also, previously modeled interaction between Hb βTrp37 and Hp βPhe292 was not confirmed by our data. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD021621.  相似文献   

The use of capillary electrophoresis with fluorescently labeled nucleic acids revolutionized DNA sequencing, effectively fueling the genomic revolution. We present an application of this technology for the high-throughput structural analysis of nucleic acids by chemical and enzymatic mapping ('footprinting'). We achieve the throughput and data quality necessary for genomic-scale structural analysis by combining fluorophore labeling of nucleic acids with novel quantitation algorithms. We implemented these algorithms in the CAFA (capillary automated footprinting analysis) open-source software that is downloadable gratis from https://simtk.org/home/cafa. The accuracy, throughput and reproducibility of CAFA analysis are demonstrated using hydroxyl radical footprinting of RNA. The versatility of CAFA is illustrated by dimethyl sulfate mapping of RNA secondary structure and DNase I mapping of a protein binding to a specific sequence of DNA. Our experimental and computational approach facilitates the acquisition of high-throughput chemical probing data for solution structural analysis of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The MIKC MADS-box gene family has been shaped by extensive gene duplications giving rise to subfamilies of genes with distinct functions and expression patterns. However, within these subfamilies the functional assignment is not that clear-cut, and considerable functional redundancy exists. One way to investigate the diversity in regulation present in these subfamilies is promoter sequence analysis. With the advent of genome sequencing projects, we are now able to exert a comparative analysis of Arabidopsis and poplar promoters of MADS-box genes belonging to the same subfamily. Based on the principle of phylogenetic footprinting, sequences conserved between the promoters of homologous genes are thought to be functional. Here, we have investigated the evolution of MADS-box genes at the promoter level and show that many genes have diverged in their regulatory sequences after duplication and/or speciation. Furthermore, using phylogenetic footprinting, a distinction can be made between redundancy, neo/nonfunctionalization, and subfunctionalization.  相似文献   

Hydroxyl radical footprinting is a powerful technique often employed in characterization of the tertiary interactions between proteins and nucleic acids. Following the generation of a nucleic acid "ladder" either by chemical or enzymatic reactions, the radiolabeled products are traditionally separated by denaturing gel electrophoresis and further quantified by phosphorimaging techniques. Here we report the use of ion pair reverse phase liquid chromatography to analyze the products of an RNA footprinting reaction using fluorescently labeled RNA molecules. This technique offers several advantages over existing procedures, including rapid analysis, automation, and direct quantification of the cleavage products without the need to employ radiolabeling. To illustrate the resolving power of this technique, we have analyzed the products of base hydrolysis, generated from a fluorescently labeled RNA molecule and have subsequently used this method to define the solvent accessibility of the substrate strand as it docks with the hairpin ribozyme.  相似文献   

For the analysis of protein-DNA interactions by coupled gel-shift/footprinting, DNA fragments need to be extracted from polyacrylamide gels and subsequently separated on high resolution gels. Due to impurities in the extracted DNA, single nucleotide resolution is frequently not achieved. We now describe an improved experimental strategy that employs transient coupling of DNA fragments to a solid support in order to extract DNA of high purity quantitatively, rapidly and reliably. As an example, we describe the application of our protocol to the 'in-gel footprinting' by copper phenanthroline. The method should also find application to the chemical interference assays.  相似文献   

In RNA, function follows form. Mapping the surface of RNA molecules with chemical and enzymatic probes has revealed invaluable information about structure and folding. Hydroxyl radicals (()OH) map the surface of nucleic acids by cutting the backbone where it is accessible to solvent. Recent studies showed that a microfluidic chip containing pyrite (FeS(2)) can produce sufficient ()OH to footprint DNA. The 49-nt Diels-Alder RNA enzyme catalyzes the C-C bond formation between a diene and a dienophile. A crystal structure, molecular dynamics simulation and atomic mutagenesis studies suggest that nucleotides of an asymmetric bulge participate in the dynamic architecture of the ribozyme's active center. Of note is that residue U42 directly interacts with the product in the crystallized RNA/product complex. Here, we use powdered pyrite held in a commercially available cartridge to footprint the Diels-Alderase ribozyme with single nucleotide resolution. Residues C39 to U42 are more reactive to ()OH than predicted by the solvent accessibility calculated from the crystal structure suggesting that this loop is dynamic in solution. The loop's flexibility may contribute to substrate recruitment and product release. Our implementation of pyrite-mediated ()OH footprinting is a readily accessible approach to gleaning information about the architecture of small RNA molecules.  相似文献   

In vivo genetic footprinting was developed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to simultaneously assess the importance of thousands of genes for the fitness of the cell under any growth condition. We have developed in vivo genetic footprinting for Escherichia coli, a model bacterium and pathogen. We further demonstrate the utility of this technology for rapidly discovering genes that affect the fitness of E. coli under a variety of growth conditions. The definitive features of this system include a conditionally regulated Tn10 transposase with relaxed sequence specificity and a conditionally regulated replicon for the vector containing the transposase and mini-Tn10 transposon with an outwardly oriented promoter. This system results in a high frequency of randomly distributed transposon insertions, eliminating the need for the selection of a population containing transposon insertions, stringent suppression of transposon mutagenesis, and few polar effects. Successful footprints have been achieved for most genes longer than 400 bp, including genes located in operons. In addition, the ability of recombinant proteins to complement mutagenized hosts has been evaluated by genetic footprinting using a bacteriophage lambda transposon delivery system.  相似文献   



A review of readily available quantitative environmental data was conducted in order to determine the state of sustainability reporting and identify possible future research areas in Portugal.


Internet searches of articles written in English and published between 2001 and 2015 were conducted using the keywords “life-cycle assessment,” “LCA,” “water footprint,” “carbon footprint,” and “Portugal.” Additionally, reports from the Global Reporting Initiative (2015 only) were included in the search.

Results and discussion

It was found that 79% of reports found were published in the period 2011–2015. Several reports were found for the forestry, paper and pulp, food and beverage, energy and electricity, waste management, and automotive industries, while no reports were found for the textile, footwear and clothing, and base metal and mineral industries. As such, these are industries on which future studies might focus. No reports found were published by governmental organizations, although it is thought that expanding the search to include Portuguese language results would yields more results. The majority (68%) of companies reporting to the GRI adhered to the relevant guidelines.


A total of 72 reports were found (41 LCAs, water- or carbon footprints, and 31 GRI reports). It is unclear if there are other reports that may be restricted to “hidden” datasets or company specific archives. The aim of this report was to highlight those that were available to a non-specialist or international audiences trying to gain a greater understanding of the LCA space in Portugal.

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