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The linear nonapeptide hormone bradykinin (Arg1-Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-Pro7-Phe8-Arg9) is involved, either directly or indirectly, in a wide variety of physiological processes, particularly pain and hyperanalgesia. Additional evidence suggests that bradykinin also plays a major role in inflammatory response, asthma, sepsis, and symptoms associated with the rhinoviral infection. It has long been speculated that a β-turn at the C-terminus of bradykinin plays a major role in the biological activity of the neuropeptide. The β-turn forming potential of bradykinin in three vastly different local chemical environments, DMSO, 9 : 1 dioxane/water, and in the presence of 7.4 mM lyso phosphatidylcholine micelles, was investigated using two-dimensional homonuclear nmr experiments coupled with simulated annealing calculations. The results of these investigations show that in all three systems residues 6–9 of the C-terminus adopt very similar β-turn like structures. These results suggest that the β-turn at the C-terminus of bradykinin is an important secondary structural feature for receptor recognition and binding. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

W H Graham  E S Carter  R P Hicks 《Biopolymers》1992,32(12):1755-1764
Proton and 13C chemical shift assignments are reported for the neuropeptide Met-enkephalin (ME) in both aqueous solution and in the presence of 50 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Rotating frame nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy was used to qualitatively describe interproton distances. These distances were then used as restraints in the distance geometry based molecular modeling program Dspace, developed by Hare Research to generate sets of conformations of ME. The resulting aqueous solution conformations of ME were determined to exhibit characteristic of an extended random-coil polypeptide with no distinguishable secondary structure. The resulting set of solution conformations of ME in the presence of 50 mM SDS exhibited characteristics of an amphiphilic type IV beta turn that are stabilized by hydrophobic aromatic-aromatic interactions between the side chains of Tyr1 and Phe4.  相似文献   

This report describes the relationship between the amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate present in a sample solution and the electrophoretic mobility of the protein-dodecyl sulfate complexes. In order to determine the extent of any conformational changes in the proteins and to establish a correlation between any of these structural changes and the electrophoretic behavior, visible absorption spectra and circular dichroism spectra were obtained for heme proteins in the presence of the same amounts of surfactants as used in electrophoresis.From the results obtained, it is apparent that the amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate present in the sample solution must be taken into consideration when performing a separation. Optimum experimental conditions are chosen for attaining enhanced separation and a maximized linear range of molecular weights of proteins that can be accurately determined.  相似文献   

Human alpha-synuclein is a 140-amino acid protein of unknown function abundantly expressed in the brain and found in Lewy bodies, a characteristic feature of Parkinson's disease. Alpha-synuclein is random in water under physiological conditions, but the first approximately 100 residues interact with SDS micelles or acidic phospholipid small unilamellar vesicles and adopt an ordered conformation. The rest of the molecule remains disordered in the bulk of the solution. The conformation of the N-terminal portion of the molecule in lipids was described as an extended helix [Ramakrishnan, M., Jensen, P. H., and Marsh, D. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 12919-12926], as two distinct alpha-helices interrupted by a two-residue break [Chandra, S., Chen, X., Rizo, J., Jahn, R., and Sudhof, T. C. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 15313-15318], or as a noncanonical conformation, the alpha11/3 helix [Bussell, R., Jr., and Eliezer, D. (2003) J. Mol. Biol. 329, 763-778]. We characterized the topology of the different regions of alpha-synuclein relative to the surface of SDS micelles using spin probe-induced broadening of NMR signals, (15)N relaxation measurements, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Our results support the presence of two N-terminal helices, positioned on the surface of the micelle and separated by a flexible stretch. The region of residues 61-95 of the protein also adopts a helical conformation, but it is partially embedded in the micelle. These results could shed some light on the role of the membrane on the aggregation process of alpha-synuclein.  相似文献   

The structure and protein-detergent interactions of apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II) in the presence of SDS micelles have been investigated using circular dichroism and heteronuclear NMR techniques applied to (15)N-labeled protein. Micellar SDS, a commonly used mimetic of the lipoprotein surface, inhibits the aggregation of apoC-II and induces a stable structure containing approximately 60% alpha-helix as determined by circular dichroism. NMR reveals the first 12 residues of apoC-II to be structurally heterogeneous and largely disordered, with the rest of the protein forming a predominantly helical structure. Three regions of helical conformation, residues 16-36, 50-56, and 63-77, are well-defined by NMR-derived constraints, with the intervening regions showing more loosely defined helical conformation. The structure of apoC-II is compared to that determined for other apolipoproteins in a similar environment. Our results shed light on the lipid interactions of apoC-II and its mechanism of lipoprotein lipase activation.  相似文献   

Krishnamani V  Lanyi JK 《Biochemistry》2012,51(6):1061-1069
We report molecular dynamics simulations of the trends in the changes in secondary structure of the seven individual helices of bacteriorhodopsin when inserted into sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles, and their dependence on the amino acid sequence. The results indicate that the partitioning of the helices in the micelles and their stability are dependent on the hydrophobicity of the transmembrane segments. Helices A, B, and E are stable and retain their initial secondary structure throughout the 100 ns simulation time. In contrast, helices C, D, F, and G show structural perturbations within the first 10 ns. The instabilities are localized near charged residues within the transmembrane segments. The overall structural instability of the helix is correlated with its partitioning to the surface of the micelle and its interaction with polar groups there. The in silico experiments were performed to complement the in vitro experiments that examined the partial denaturation of bacteriorhodopsin in SDS described in the preceding article (DOI 10.1021/bi201769z ). The simulations are consistent with the trends revealed by the experimental results but strongly underestimate the extent of helix to extended coil transformation. The reason may be either that the sampling time was not sufficiently long or, more interestingly, that interhelix residue interactions play a role in the unfolding of the helices.  相似文献   

Rozek A  Friedrich CL  Hancock RE 《Biochemistry》2000,39(51):15765-15774
Indolicidin is a cationic, 13-residue antimicrobial peptide (ILPWKWPWWPWRR-NH(2)) which is unusually rich in tryptophan and proline. Its antimicrobial action involves the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra demonstrated the structural similarity of indolicidin in complexes with large unilamellar phospolipid vesicles and with detergent micelles. The structure of indolicidin bound to zwitterionic dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) and anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles was determined using NMR methods and shown to represent a unique membrane-associated peptide structure. The backbone structure in DPC, well defined between residues 3 and 11, was extended, with two half-turns at residues Lys-5 and Trp-8. The backbone structure in SDS, well defined between residues 5 and 11, was also extended, but lacked the bend in the C-terminal half. Indolicidin in complexes with DPC had a central hydrophobic core composed of proline and tryptophan, which was bracketed by positively charged regions near the peptide termini. The tryptophan side chains, with one exception, folded flat against the peptide backbone, thus giving the molecule a wedge shape. Indolicidin in complexes with SDS had an arrangement of hydrophobic and cationic regions similar to that found in the presence of DPC. The tryptophan side chains were less well defined than for indolicidin in DPC and extended away from the peptide backbone. The preferred location of indolicidin in DPC micelles and lipid bilayers, analyzed using spin-label probes, was at the membrane interface.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase (GST) is widely used to prepare and purify GSTtagged fusion proteins. Although GST improves protein solubility, detergents must often be used to achieve protein solubilization from bacterial lysates. However, purification of GST by affinity chromatography cannot be achieved in the presence of even low concentrations of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Here we show that 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) can prevent SDS from interfering with purification of GST, thus enabling purification of proteins that require SDS to improve their solubility.  相似文献   

Thirty-four proteins with molecular weights (MWs) between 1.3 × 104 and 9.5 × 105 and seven polypeptide chains of some of these proteins were incubated in sodium dodecyl sulfate and submitted to electrophoresis in a polyacrylamide gradient gel (3 to 30%; relative percentage of bisacrylamide: 8.4%). Analysis of the results confirmed the reliability of the relationship: log(MW) = alog(T) + b, where T is the polyacrylamide concentration reached by a protein, a is the slope, and b is the Y intercept of the regression line. In fact the mean deviation between the expected and the observed MW was ±5.5%. In addition we have shown that MWs of unreduced and reduced proteins can be estimated with the same accuracy and tha MWs of glycoproteins can also be determined with the same accuracy as other proteins.  相似文献   

Interactions between sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and horse heart myoglobin (Mb) at surfactant concentrations below the critical micelle concentration have been studied using steady-state and transient absorption spectroscopies and photoacoustic calorimetry. SDS binding to Mb induces a heme transition from high-spin five-coordinate to low-spin six-coordinate in met- and deoxyMb, with the distal His residue likely to be the sixth ligand. The transition is complete at an SDS concentration of approximately 350 microM and approximately 700 microM for met- and deoxyMb, respectively. DeltaG(H(2)O) and m values determined from equilibrium SDS-induced unfolding curves indicate similar stability of met- and deoxyMb toward unfolding; however, the larger m value for the deoxyMb equilibrium intermediate indicates that its structure differs from that of metMb. Results from transient absorption spectroscopy show that CO rebinding to Fe(2+)-Mb in the presence of SDS is a biphasic process with the rate constant of the first process approximately 5.5 x 10(3) s(-1), whereas the second process displays a rate similar to that for CO rebinding to native Mb (k(obs) = 7.14 x 10(2) s(-1)) at 1 mM CO. Results of photoacoustic calorimetry show that CO dissociation from deoxyMb occurs more than 10 times faster in the presence of SDS than in native Mb. These data suggest that the heme binding pocket is more solvent-exposed in the SDS-induced equilibrium intermediate relative to native Mb, which is likely due to the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between surfactant molecules and the protein matrix.  相似文献   

The growth of Enterobacter cloacae in 25% sodium dodecyl sulfate is described. The bacteria appeared to tolerate sodium dodecyl sulfate rather than metabolize it. The process was energy dependent, and cell lysis occurred during stationary phase. Extreme detergent resistance may be characteristic of the genus Enterobacter.  相似文献   

Hydrogenases catalyze the reversible activation of dihydrogen. We have previously demonstrated that the purified hydrogenase from the nitrogen-fixing microorganism Azotobacter vinelandii is an alpha beta dimer (98,000 Da) with subunits of 67,000 (alpha) and 31,000 (beta) daltons and that this enzyme contains iron and nickel. The enzyme can be purified anaerobically in the presence of dithionite in a fully active state that is irreversibly inactivated by exposure to O2. Analysis of this hydrogenase by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) following boiling in SDS yields two protein staining bands corresponding to the alpha and beta subunits. However, when this enzyme was treated with SDS (25-65 degrees C) for up to 30 min under anaerobic/reductive conditions and then analyzed by anaerobic SDS-PAGE, a protein staining band corresponding to an apparent molecular mass of 58,000 Da was observed that stained for hydrogenase activity. Analysis of the 58,000-Da activity staining band by a Western immunoblot or a second aerobic SDS-polyacrylamide gel revealed that this protein actually consisted of both the alpha and beta subunits. Thus, the activity staining band (apparent 58,000 Da) represents the 98,000-Da dimer migrating abnormally on SDS-PAGE. Treatment of the anaerobically purified hydrogenase with SDS under aerobic conditions or under anaerobic conditions with electron acceptors prior to electrophoresis resulted in no activity staining band and the separated alpha and beta subunits. A. vinelandii hydrogenase was also purified under aerobic conditions in an inactive O2 stable form that can be activated by removal of oxygen followed by addition of reductant. This enzyme (as isolated), the activated form, and the reoxidized form were analyzed for their stability toward denaturation by SDS. We conclude that the dissociation of the A. vinelandii hydrogenase subunits in SDS is controlled by the redox state of the enzyme suggesting an important role of one or more redox sites in controlling the structure of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The free energies of transfer for indole and tryptophan derivatives and pentapeptides having single tryptophan residues from aqueous to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micellar phases have been systematically studied using the conventional method of ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry. The free energies for the position isomers of methyl indoles varied depending on the substitution positions. Thus, the contribution of the methyl group to the binding affinity of the 4-methyl indole to the micelle was about twice that of the 2- and 7-methyl indoles. The free energy changes with the introduction of halogen groups to the indole rings were correlated to the nonpolar water-accessible surface area (DeltaA(np)) of the halogen moieties, which were regarded as hydrophobic. The relationships followed straight lines passing through the origins. Position dependence having tendencies similar to the methyl indoles was observed among the magnitudes of the slopes of the straight lines. These results strongly suggest that the indole rings of the derivatives residing in the micellar interface regions direct their imino moieties --NH-- toward the micellar surfaces. Experiments using model tryptophan pentapeptides showed that the magnitude of free energy change per methylene unit of an alkyl amino acid residue in the pentapeptide increased with elongation of the alkyl moiety and was not a constant value as reported for various alkyl compounds. When the peptides distribute to the SDS micelles, the peptide backbones are anchored in aqueous phases and the amino acid side chains in the interfaces extend their alkyl groups toward the micellar centers. Thus, the free energy changes can be connected to the positions of the alkyl groups of the amino acid residues in the micelles.  相似文献   

Townsley LE  Tucker WA  Sham S  Hinton JF 《Biochemistry》2001,40(39):11676-11686
Gramicidins A, B, and C are the three most abundant, naturally occurring analogues of this family of channel-forming antibiotic. GB and GC differ from the parent pentadecapeptide, GA, by single residue mutations, W11F and W11Y, respectively. Although these mutations occur in the cation binding region of the channel, they do not affect monovalent cation specificity, but are known to alter cation-binding affinities, thermodynamic parameters of cation binding, conductance and the activation energy for ion transport. The structures of all three analogues incorporated into deuterated sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles have been obtained using solution state 2D-NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. For the first time, a rigorous comparison of the 3D structures of these analogues reveals that the amino acid substitutions do not have a significant effect on backbone conformation, thus eliminating channel differences as the cause of variations in transport properties. Variable positions of methyl groups in valine and leucine residues have been linked to molecular motions and are not likely to affect ion flow through the channel. Thus, it is concluded that changes in the magnitude and orientation of the dipole moment at residue 11 are responsible for altering monovalent cation transport.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for species heterogeneity of the gly-11 analog of gramicidin A incorporated into sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles. The evidence for species heterogeneity has been obtained using one-dimensional (1D) 1H NMR spectroscopy. The 1D spectra of the indole NH moiety of tryptophans 9, 13, and 15 show the presence of more than one species. It has been found that the heterogeneity is dependent upon the gly-11/SDS molar ratio. At high SDS concentration (i.e., gly-11/SDS of 3 mM/700 mM) the heterogeneity almost completely disappears. The temperature dependence of these 1H NMR signals suggests that the two species do not interconvert. The results of nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy NMR experiments indicate that one species is embedded within the micelle, while the other is nearer the aqueous interface. The importance of side chain interactions with the membrane environment in producing stable, solubilized species of small peptides in SDS micelles is illustrated.  相似文献   

A precipitin effect has been observed with mixtures of cerebroside sulfate and the neuropeptide substnace P. This phenomenon is attributed to multivalency of the lipid due to its existence in micellar form, and to bivalency of substance P. One of those neuropeptide sites is almost certainly the basic residue(s) located at the N-terminal of substance P, whereas the hydrophobic residues at the C-terminus are suggested as candidates for the other site on the basis of turbidimetric, circular dichroic, and fluorometric studies. An intrinsic association constant of 3.6 x 10(4)M-1 has been obtained from the cerebroside sulfate concentration associated with maximal turbidity of mixtures containing a fixed concentration of the neuropeptide.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the conformational behaviour of salmon calcitonin bound to sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles by means of restrained molecular dynamics simulations with both static and time-averagen NMR distance restraints. A more realistic picture of the inherent flexibility of the hormone is obtained when using time averaging. With this apprach. long-range NOEs are interpreted better considering a dynamical exchange among different conformations.  相似文献   

Schibli DJ  Hwang PM  Vogel HJ 《FEBS letters》1999,446(2-3):213-217
Lactoferricin B (LfcinB) is a 25-residue antimicrobial peptide released from bovine lactoferrin upon pepsin digestion. The antimicrobial center of LfcinB consists of six residues (RRWQWR-NH2), and it possesses similar bactericidal activity to LfcinB. The structure of the six-residue peptide bound to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles has been determined by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics refinement. The peptide adopts a well defined amphipathic structure when bound to SDS micelles with the Trp sidechains separated from the Arg residues. Additional evidence demonstrates that the peptide is oriented in the micelle such that the Trp residues are more deeply buried in the micelle than the Arg and Gln residues.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxidation of D-fructose by chromic acid in aqueous and aqueous surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS, and alkylphenyl polyethylenglykol, TX-100) media have been investigated in the presence of HClO(4). The reaction is acid catalyzed and is associated with an induction period which is dependent on [H(+)], [surfactant] and temperature. The order of oxidation during induction under [D-fructose]>[chromic acid] conditions is fractional in each reagent in both media. The rate constant was found to increase with [Mn(II)]. A mechanism has been proposed for the reaction. The micelles produce a catalytic effect in the range of SDS and TX-100 concentrations used, and the effect is explained by means of the pseudo-phase mass-action model. In the presence of SDS, the reaction is inhibited by electrolytes (NH(4)Br, NaBr, LiBr), and the inhibition order Na(+)>Li(+)>NH(4)(+) is explained on the basis of electrostatic considerations. The rate constant (k(m)), binding constants (K(S) and K(F)), and corresponding activation parameters (E(a), delta H( not equal ) and delta S( not equal )) have been evaluated and discussed. The order of reactivities of different sugars is found as: D-fructose>D-arabinose>D-xylose approximately D-glucose.  相似文献   

S Mammi  E Peggion 《Biochemistry》1990,29(22):5265-5269
Human little gastrin is a 17 amino acid peptide that adopts a random conformation in water and an ordered structure in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles as well as in trifluoroethanol (TFE). The circular dichroism spectra in these two media have the same shape, indicative of a similar preferred conformation [Mammi, S., Mammi, N. J., Foffani, M. T., Peggion, E., Moroder, L., & Wünsch, E. (1987) Biopolymers 26, S1-S10]. We describe here the assignment of the proton NMR resonances and the conformational analysis of [Ahx15]little gastrin in SDS micelles. Two-dimensional correlation techniques form the basis for the assignment. The conformational analysis utilized NOE's, NH to C alpha H coupling constants, and the temperature coefficients of the amide chemical shifts. The NMR data indicate a helical structure in the N-terminal portion of the peptide. These results are compared with the conformation that we recently proposed for a minigastrin analogue (fragment 5-17 of [Ahx15]little gastrin) in TFE.  相似文献   

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