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Binomial regression models are commonly applied to proportion data such as those relating to the mortality and infection rates of diseases. However, it is often the case that the responses may exhibit excessive zeros; in such cases a zero‐inflated binomial (ZIB) regression model can be applied instead. In practice, it is essential to test if there are excessive zeros in the outcome to help choose an appropriate model. The binomial models can yield biased inference if there are excessive zeros, while ZIB models may be unnecessarily complex and hard to interpret, and even face convergence issues, if there are no excessive zeros. In this paper, we develop a new test for testing zero inflation in binomial regression models by directly comparing the amount of observed zeros with what would be expected under the binomial regression model. A closed form of the test statistic, as well as the asymptotic properties of the test, is derived based on estimating equations. Our systematic simulation studies show that the new test performs very well in most cases, and outperforms the classical Wald, likelihood ratio, and score tests, especially in controlling type I errors. Two real data examples are also included for illustrative purpose.  相似文献   

Hall DB 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1030-1039
In a 1992 Technometrics paper, Lambert (1992, 34, 1-14) described zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression, a class of models for count data with excess zeros. In a ZIP model, a count response variable is assumed to be distributed as a mixture of a Poisson(lambda) distribution and a distribution with point mass of one at zero, with mixing probability p. Both p and lambda are allowed to depend on covariates through canonical link generalized linear models. In this paper, we adapt Lambert's methodology to an upper bounded count situation, thereby obtaining a zero-inflated binomial (ZIB) model. In addition, we add to the flexibility of these fixed effects models by incorporating random effects so that, e.g., the within-subject correlation and between-subject heterogeneity typical of repeated measures data can be accommodated. We motivate, develop, and illustrate the methods described here with an example from horticulture, where both upper bounded count (binomial-type) and unbounded count (Poisson-type) data with excess zeros were collected in a repeated measures designed experiment.  相似文献   

We discuss the problem of modelling survival/mortality and growth data that are skewed with excess zeros. This type of data is a common occurrence in biological and environmental studies. The method presented here allows us to utilize both the survival/mortality and growth data when both data sets contain a large proportion of zeros. The method consists of four stages. Firstly the original data is divided into two sets; one contains all the surviving organisms and the other all of the mortalities. Secondly we calculate the actual growth of the surviving organisms and of the mortalities. Thirdly we count the number of surviving organisms for which growth has occurred and the number where no growth occurred, and the same count procedure is carried out on the mortalities. Next we model the survival/mortality data and growth/no growth data using logistic regression, and separately model the growth data using an ordinary regression. Finally we combine the three models to estimate the expected growth for a specific set of values of the explanatory variables. If we used another statistical method that did not involve the dead mussels or the ones with no growth, some of the information provided by these mussels would be lost. However, using the method we propose, all of the data collected are used to achieve an optimal estimation of the mussel growth. A case study of survival and growth of blue mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and ribbed mussels (Aulacomya atra maoriana) trans-located from their natural distribution to different depths and sites along the axis of Doubtful Sound, New Zealand, is used for illustration.  相似文献   

For time series of count data, correlated measurements, clustering as well as excessive zeros occur simultaneously in biomedical applications. Ignoring such effects might contribute to misleading treatment outcomes. A generalized mixture Poisson geometric process (GMPGP) model and a zero‐altered mixture Poisson geometric process (ZMPGP) model are developed from the geometric process model, which was originally developed for modelling positive continuous data and was extended to handle count data. These models are motivated by evaluating the trend development of new tumour counts for bladder cancer patients as well as by identifying useful covariates which affect the count level. The models are implemented using Bayesian method with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms and are assessed using deviance information criterion (DIC).  相似文献   

We analyze a real data set pertaining to reindeer fecal pellet‐group counts obtained from a survey conducted in a forest area in northern Sweden. In the data set, over 70% of counts are zeros, and there is high spatial correlation. We use conditionally autoregressive random effects for modeling of spatial correlation in a Poisson generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), quasi‐Poisson hierarchical generalized linear model (HGLM), zero‐inflated Poisson (ZIP), and hurdle models. The quasi‐Poisson HGLM allows for both under‐ and overdispersion with excessive zeros, while the ZIP and hurdle models allow only for overdispersion. In analyzing the real data set, we see that the quasi‐Poisson HGLMs can perform better than the other commonly used models, for example, ordinary Poisson HGLMs, spatial ZIP, and spatial hurdle models, and that the underdispersed Poisson HGLMs with spatial correlation fit the reindeer data best. We develop R codes for fitting these models using a unified algorithm for the HGLMs. Spatial count response with an extremely high proportion of zeros, and underdispersion can be successfully modeled using the quasi‐Poisson HGLM with spatial random effects.  相似文献   

Semiparametric analysis of zero-inflated count data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lam KF  Xue H  Cheung YB 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):996-1003
Medical and public health research often involve the analysis of count data that exhibit a substantially large proportion of zeros, such as the number of heart attacks and the number of days of missed primary activities in a given period. A zero-inflated Poisson regression model, which hypothesizes a two-point heterogeneity in the population characterized by a binary random effect, is generally used to model such data. Subjects are broadly categorized into the low-risk group leading to structural zero counts and high-risk (or normal) group so that the counts can be modeled by a Poisson regression model. The main aim is to identify the explanatory variables that have significant effects on (i) the probability that the subject is from the low-risk group by means of a logistic regression formulation; and (ii) the magnitude of the counts, given that the subject is from the high-risk group by means of a Poisson regression where the effects of the covariates are assumed to be linearly related to the natural logarithm of the mean of the counts. In this article we consider a semiparametric zero-inflated Poisson regression model that postulates a possibly nonlinear relationship between the natural logarithm of the mean of the counts and a particular covariate. A sieve maximum likelihood estimation method is proposed. Asymptotic properties of the proposed sieve maximum likelihood estimators are discussed. Under some mild conditions, the estimators are shown to be asymptotically efficient and normally distributed. Simulation studies were carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed method. For illustration purpose, the method is applied to a data set from a public health survey conducted in Indonesia where the variable of interest is the number of days of missed primary activities due to illness in a 4-week period.  相似文献   

We consider models for hierarchical count data, subject to overdispersion and/or excess zeros. Molenberghs et al. ( 2007 ) and Molenberghs et al. ( 2010 ) extend the Poisson‐normal generalized linear‐mixed model by including gamma random effects to accommodate overdispersion. Excess zeros are handled using either a zero‐inflation or a hurdle component. These models were studied by Kassahun et al. ( 2014 ). While flexible, they are quite elaborate in parametric specification and therefore model assessment is imperative. We derive local influence measures to detect and examine influential subjects, that is subjects who have undue influence on either the fit of the model as a whole, or on specific important sub‐vectors of the parameter vector. The latter include the fixed effects for the Poisson and for the excess‐zeros components, the variance components for the normal random effects, and the parameters describing gamma random effects, included to accommodate overdispersion. Interpretable influence components are derived. The method is applied to data from a longitudinal clinical trial involving patients with epileptic seizures. Even though the data were extensively analyzed in earlier work, the insight gained from the proposed diagnostics, statistically and clinically, is considerable. Possibly, a small but important subgroup of patients has been identified.  相似文献   

Bivariate time series of counts with excess zeros relative to the Poisson process are common in many bioscience applications. Failure to account for the extra zeros in the analysis may result in biased parameter estimates and misleading inferences. A class of bivariate zero-inflated Poisson autoregression models is presented to accommodate the zero-inflation and the inherent serial dependency between successive observations. An autoregressive correlation structure is assumed in the random component of the compound regression model. Parameter estimation is achieved via an EM algorithm, by maximizing an appropriate log-likelihood function to obtain residual maximum likelihood estimates. The proposed method is applied to analyze a bivariate series from an occupational health study, in which the zero-inflated injury count events are classified as either musculoskeletal or non-musculoskeletal in nature. The approach enables the evaluation of the effectiveness of a participatory ergonomics intervention at the population level, in terms of reducing the overall incidence of lost-time injury and a simultaneous decline in the two mean injury rates.  相似文献   

The environmental legislation of many countries increasingly requires the continuous monitoring of fish assemblages to evaluate the success of river and stream restorations. Predicting species–environment relationships on the basis of monitoring data is central in the evaluation of ecological integrity and planning of rehabilitation strategies. Monitoring data are, however, often plagued by a substantial proportion of zeros (no catch at single sampling points) which are caused by relevant ecological processes, but complicate the use of commonly used statistical methods. This study compares mere count regression models, mixture and hurdle models based on Poisson and negative binomial distribution and logistic regressions with respect to their ability to cope with large zero-inflated data sets obtained by point abundance sampling of young-of-the-year fish from three large German rivers. Only mixture and hurdle models based on negative binomial distribution could satisfactorily be fitted to the zero-inflated and overdispersed count data. The logistic regression models applied to transliterated catch data simplified the computational procedure and yielded qualitative similar results to the count regression models indicating that the use of more complex count data did not generally provide better predictions. Therefore, presence/absence sampling may be a suitable and less costly alternative to abundance surveys for identifying environmental factors which affect the spatial distribution of fish populations at least if information on subtly abundance fluctuations is not needed. Mixture or hurdle models are particularly worth the additional effort if it is reasonable to distinguish between those environmental factors influencing the occurrence probability and others affecting the abundance. All models showed low sensitivity to rare guilds pointing to the need for a further development of statistical models for rare species whose management is a matter of growing environmental concern.  相似文献   

Two-part regression models are frequently used to analyze longitudinal count data with excess zeros, where the same set of subjects is repeatedly observed over time. In this context, several sources of heterogeneity may arise at individual level that affect the observed process. Further, longitudinal studies often suffer from missing values: individuals dropout of the study before its completion, and thus present incomplete data records. In this paper, we propose a finite mixture of hurdle models to face the heterogeneity problem, which is handled by introducing random effects with a discrete distribution; a pattern-mixture approach is specified to deal with non-ignorable missing values. This approach helps us to consider overdispersed counts, while allowing for association between the two parts of the model, and for non-ignorable dropouts. The effectiveness of the proposal is tested through a simulation study. Finally, an application to real data on skin cancer is provided.  相似文献   

This article presents two‐component hierarchical Bayesian models which incorporate both overdispersion and excess zeros. The components may be resultants of some intervention (treatment) that changes the rare event generating process. The models are also expanded to take into account any heterogeneity that may exist in the data. Details of the model fitting, checking and selecting alternative models from a Bayesian perspective are also presented. The proposed methods are applied to count data on the assessment of an efficacy of pesticides in controlling the reproduction of whitefly. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Investigation of microbial communities, particularly human associated communities, is significantly enhanced by the vast amounts of sequence data produced by high throughput sequencing technologies. However, these data create high-dimensional complex data sets that consist of a large proportion of zeros, non-negative skewed counts, and frequently, limited number of samples. These features distinguish sequence data from other forms of high-dimensional data, and are not adequately addressed by statistical approaches in common use. Ultimately, medical studies may identify targeted interventions or treatments, but lack of analytic tools for feature selection and identification of taxa responsible for differences between groups, is hindering advancement. The objective of this paper is to examine the application of a two-part statistic to identify taxa that differ between two groups. The advantages of the two-part statistic over common statistical tests applied to sequence count datasets are discussed. Results from the t-test, the Wilcoxon test, and the two-part test are compared using sequence counts from microbial ecology studies in cystic fibrosis and from cenote samples. We show superior performance of the two-part statistic for analysis of sequence data. The improved performance in microbial ecology studies was independent of study type and sequence technology used.  相似文献   

Han  Yongli  Baker  Courtney  Vogtmann  Emily  Hua  Xing  Shi  Jianxin  Liu  Danping 《Statistics in biosciences》2021,13(2):243-266

Longitudinal microbiome studies have been widely used to unveil the dynamics in the complex host-microbial ecosystems. Modeling the longitudinal microbiome compositional data, which is semi-continuous in nature, is challenging in several aspects: the overabundance of zeros, the heavy skewness of non-zero values that are bounded in (0, 1), and the dependence between the binary and non-zero parts. To deal with these challenges, we first extended the work of Chen and Li [1] and proposed a two-part zero-inflated Beta regression model with shared random effects (ZIBR-SRE), which characterize the dependence between the binary and the continuous parts. Besides, the microbiome compositional data have unit-sum constraint, indicating the existence of negative correlations among taxa. As ZIBR-SRE models each taxon separately, it does not satisfy the sum-to-one constraint. We then proposed a two-part linear mixed model (TPLMM) with shared random effects to formulate the log-transformed standardized relative abundances rather than the original ones. Such transformation is called “additive logistic transformation”, initially developed for cross-sectional compositional data. We extended it to analyze the longitudinal microbiome compositions and showed that the unit-sum constraint can be automatically satisfied under the TPLMM framework. Model performances of TPLMM and ZIBR-SRE were compared with existing methods in simulation studies. Under settings adopted from real data, TPLMM had the best performance and is recommended for practical use. An oral microbiome application further showed that TPLMM and ZIBR-SRE estimated a strong correlation structure in the binary and the continuous parts, suggesting models without accounting for this dependence would lead to biased inferences.


In this paper, a Bayesian method for inference is developed for the zero‐modified Poisson (ZMP) regression model. This model is very flexible for analyzing count data without requiring any information about inflation or deflation of zeros in the sample. A general class of prior densities based on an information matrix is considered for the model parameters. A sensitivity study to detect influential cases that can change the results is performed based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Simulation studies are presented in order to illustrate the performance of the developed methodology. Two real datasets on leptospirosis notification in Bahia State (Brazil) are analyzed using the proposed methodology for the ZMP model.  相似文献   

In health services and outcome research, count outcomes are frequently encountered and often have a large proportion of zeros. The zero‐inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression model has important applications for this type of data. With many possible candidate risk factors, this paper proposes new variable selection methods for the ZINB model. We consider maximum likelihood function plus a penalty including the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD), and minimax concave penalty (MCP). An EM (expectation‐maximization) algorithm is proposed for estimating the model parameters and conducting variable selection simultaneously. This algorithm consists of estimating penalized weighted negative binomial models and penalized logistic models via the coordinated descent algorithm. Furthermore, statistical properties including the standard error formulae are provided. A simulation study shows that the new algorithm not only has more accurate or at least comparable estimation, but also is more robust than the traditional stepwise variable selection. The proposed methods are applied to analyze the health care demand in Germany using the open‐source R package mpath .  相似文献   

Daniel R. Kowal  Bohan Wu 《Biometrics》2023,79(2):1520-1533
‘‘For how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?” The responses to this question measure self-reported mental health and can be linked to important covariates in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). However, these count variables present major distributional challenges: The data are overdispersed, zero-inflated, bounded by 30, and heaped in 5- and 7-day increments. To address these challenges—which are especially common for health questionnaire data—we design a semiparametric estimation and inference framework for count data regression. The data-generating process is defined by simultaneously transforming and rounding (star ) a latent Gaussian regression model. The transformation is estimated nonparametrically and the rounding operator ensures the correct support for the discrete and bounded data. Maximum likelihood estimators are computed using an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm that is compatible with any continuous data model estimable by least squares. star regression includes asymptotic hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, variable selection via information criteria, and customized diagnostics. Simulation studies validate the utility of this framework. Using star regression, we identify key factors associated with self-reported mental health and demonstrate substantial improvements in goodness-of-fit compared to existing count data regression models.  相似文献   

Unlike zero‐inflated Poisson regression, marginalized zero‐inflated Poisson (MZIP) models for counts with excess zeros provide estimates with direct interpretations for the overall effects of covariates on the marginal mean. In the presence of missing covariates, MZIP and many other count data models are ordinarily fitted using complete case analysis methods due to lack of appropriate statistical methods and software. This article presents an estimation method for MZIP models with missing covariates. The method, which is applicable to other missing data problems, is illustrated and compared with complete case analysis by using simulations and dental data on the caries preventive effects of a school‐based fluoride mouthrinse program.  相似文献   

我国林火发生预测模型研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献回顾,总结了国内林火发生预测模型的研究现状,并从林火发生驱动因子、林火发生概率预测模型、林火发生频次预测模型和模型检验方法等方面进行归纳分析。得出以下结论: 1)气象、地形、植被、可燃物、人类活动等因素是影响林火发生及模型预测精度的主要驱动因子;2)林火发生概率模型中,地理加权逻辑斯蒂回归模型考虑了变量之间的空间相关性,Gompit回归模型适宜非对称结构的林火数据,随机森林模型不需要多重共线性检验,在避免过度拟合的同时提高了预测精度,是林火发生概率预测模型的优选方法之一;3)林火发生频次模型中,负二项回归模型更适合对过度离散数据进行模拟,零膨胀模型和栅栏模型可以处理林火数据中包含大量零值的问题;4)ROC检验、AIC检验、似然比检验和Wald检验方法是林火概率和频次模型的常用检验方法。林火发生预测模型研究仍是我国当前林火管理工作的重点,预测模型的选择需要依据不同地区林火数据特点。此外,构建林火预测模型时需要考虑更多的影响因素,以提高模型预测精度;未来,需要进一步探索其他数学模型在林火发生预测中的应用,不断提高林火发生预测模型的准确度。  相似文献   

This paper presents new methods, using a Bayesian approach, for analyzing longitudinal count data with excess zeros and nonlinear effects of continuously valued covariates. In longitudinal count data there are many problems that can make the use of a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model ineffective. These problems are unobserved heterogeneity and nonlinear effects of continuously valued covariates. Our proposed semiparametric model can simultaneously handle these problems in a unified framework. The framework accounts for heterogeneity by incorporating random effects and has two components. The parametric component of the model which deals with the linear effects of time invariant covariates and the non-parametric component which gives an arbitrary smooth function to model the effect of time or time-varying covariates on the logarithm of mean count. The proposed methods are illustrated by analyzing longitudinal count data on the assessment of an efficacy of pesticides in controlling the reproduction of whitefly.  相似文献   

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