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The tassel seed mutations ts4 and Ts6 of maize cause irregular branching in its inflorescences, tassels, and ears, in addition to feminization of the tassel due to the failure to abort pistils. A comparison of the development of mutant and wild-type tassels and ears using scanning electron microscopy reveals that at least four reproductive meristem types can be identified in maize: the inflorescence meristem, the spikelet pair meristem, the spikelet meristem, and the floret meristem. ts4 and Ts6 mutations affect the fate of specific reproductive meristems in both tassels and ears. ts4 mutants fail to form spikelet meristems from spikelet pair meristems. Ts6 mutants are delayed in the conversion of certain spikelet meristems into floret meristems. Once floret meristems are established in both of these mutants, they form florets that appear normal but fail to undergo pistil abortion in the tassel. The abnormal branching associated with each mutant is suppressed at the base of ears, permitting the formation of normal, fertile spikelets. The classification of the different types of reproductive meristems will be useful in interpretation of gene expression patterns in maize. It also provides a framework for understanding meristem functions that can be varied to diversify inflorescence architectures in the Gramineae.  相似文献   

鱼类性别与性别鉴定   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
性别分化和性别决定相互联系又有所区别,具双向潜力的未分化性腺经过程序性发生的一系列事件,发育成精巢或卵巢,并出现第二性征的过程称为性别分化,而性别决定则是确定性分化方向的方式。    相似文献   

Summary The development of the gonad, from hatching through sexual maturity and oviposition, has been studied in Arion ater rufus and Deroceras reticulatum. At hatching, the gonad is comprised of several acini. These acini are hollow structures, the walls of which are generally one or two cell layers thick. This cell layer consists of intermingled germinal and non-germinal cells. Eventually, each acinus is divided into two compartments (cortical and medullar) by a layer of auxiliary cells.The auxiliary cells appear to differentiate into Sertoli and follicle cells. These three non-germinal cell types appear to form an uninterrupted cell barrier that isolates the female germ cells in the cortex from the male germ cells in the medulla. Thus, although these animals are hermaphroditic, the male and female germinal lines differentiate in physiologically isolated compartments.Supported in part by NSF Traineeship Grant GZ-198.1 and NIH Developmental Biology Training Grant, No. 5-T01-HD00266-01.The author extends his thanks to Professors Alan J. Kohn, Edward C. Roosen-Runge, and W. Siang Hsu for their advice, suggestions, and encouragement.  相似文献   

The SRY gene on the mammalian Y chromosome undoubtedly acts to determine testis, but it is still quite unclear how. It was originally supposed that SRY acts directly to activate other genes in the testis-determining pathway. This paper presents an alternative hypothesis that SRY functions indirectly, by interacting with related genes SOX3 (from which SRY evolved) and SOX9 (which appears to be intimately involved in vertebrate gonad differentiation). Specifically, I propose that in females SOX3 inhibits SOX9 function, but in males, SRY inhibits SOX3 and permits SOX9 to enact its testis-determining role. This hypothesis makes testable predictions of the phenotypes of XX and XY individuals with deficiencies or overproduction of any of the three genes, and is able to account for the difficult cases of XX(SRY−) males and transdifferentiation in the absence of SRY. The hypothesis also suggests a way that the dominant SRY sex-determining system of present-day mammals may have evolved from an ancient system relying on SOX3 dosage. BioEssays 20 :264–269, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A simple univariate technique for sexing individuals represented by fragmentary skeletal remains is described. The results obtained were highly consistent (about 90%) with those obtained by conventional analysis of pelvic and cranial morphology. It is suggested that using maximum anteroposterior diameter of the femoral shaft as a sex discriminator has advantages over midshaft circumference even when intact femora are available.  相似文献   

The classical balance concept of sex determination in Drosophila states that the X-chromosome carries dispersed female-determining factors. Besides, a number of autosomal genes are known that, when mutant, transform chromosomal females (XX) into pseudomales (tra), or intersexes (ix, dsx, dsx). To test whether large duplications of the X-chromosome have a feminizing effect on the sexual phenotype of these mutants, we constructed flies that were mutant for ix, dsx, dsx or tra and had two X-chromosomes plus either a distal or a proximal half of an X-chromosome. These or even smaller X-chromosomal fragments had a strong feminizing effect when added to triploid intersexes (XX; AAA). In the mutants, however, no shift towards femaleness was apparent. We conclude that enhancing the female determining signal is ineffective in flies that are mutant for an autosomal sex determining gene, and therefore, that these genes are under hierarchical control of the signal given by the X:A ratio. Parallels between sex-determining and homeotic genes are drawn.  相似文献   

两个相关基因表达量和SNP与玉米雄穗大小相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米雄穗通常较发达,散粉量大于授粉需要,过量消耗能量会影响光合产物向果穗的分配,过于发达的雄穗还会影响群体透光性、降低光合效率。生产实践和育种研究证明,由于雄穗大小与玉米籽粒产量负相关,因此成为品种选育的间接选择指标。该研究根据前人的报道,从11个雄穗大小不同的玉米自交系中扩增角蛋白相关蛋白基因KAP5-4和受体样蛋白激酶基因CLV1的基因组序列,多重比较后用以分析其开放阅读框、保守结构和单核苷酸多态性,用荧光实时定量PCR检测其在雄穗原基中的差异表达,并与雄穗分枝数和雄穗干重两个度量雄穗小的指标进行了相关分析。结果表明:KAP5-4基因的相对表达量与雄穗分枝数(r=0.77,P0.01)和雄穗干重正相关(r=0.83,P0.01)。11个自交系的CLV1基因开放框在2 104 bp存在单核苷酸多态性,其中5个自交系的2 014~2 016 bp核苷酸组成密码子GAC,编码受体样蛋白第702位酸性的天冬氨酸,另6个自交系的2 014~2 016 bp核苷酸组成密码子AAC,编码受体样蛋白第702位极性天冬氨酰胺。在前5个自交系中,CLV1基因的相对表达量与雄穗分枝数(r=-0.92,P0.01)和雄穗干重(r=-0.91,P0.05)负相关;而在后6个自交系中,仅与雄穗干重负相关(r=-0.91,P0.05)。综上所述,KAP5-4和CLV1基因的表达和单核苷酸多态性与玉米雄穗大小关系密切,可开发功能性的DNA标记用于玉米育种的分子标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

When environments differentially influence male and female performance, environmental sex determination (ESD) might evolve. The conclusion from several previous theoretical models was that reaction norms for sex determination should have a single, sharp threshold, with only females being produced in some environments and only males in others. These reaction norms can be disadvantageous in fluctuating environments, however, because they lead to sex-ratio fluctuations. We analysed the evolution of ESD, looking for equilibrium strategies in unconstrained as well as constrained strategy spaces. We identified situations where a single-threshold reaction norm is not evolutionarily stable. In these cases, we found stable strategies in the form of complex reaction norms, showing an oscillatory pattern of sex determination with respect to variation in an environmental variable. Considering that constraints could prevent such phenotypes from being realized, we found that certain randomized reaction norms, with probabilistic sex determination for a range of environments, would achieve nearly the same fitness. We also investigated reaction norms constrained to have a single threshold and found that genetic polymorphism in the environmental threshold value could evolve, producing a similar effect as a randomized reaction norm. We argue that the appearance of genetic variation can be regarded as an alternative outcome when constraints prevent the evolution of a more complex or a randomized strategy.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analyses were performed on 22 size measurements of the humerus from five sample populations: Sudanese Nubians, Arikara, Pecos Pueblos, American blacks, and American whites. The effects of muscle use ("occupational" differences) on identification of sex in this long bone are examined, particularly at points of muscle origins and insertions. The ramifications of the results of this research on sexual dimorphism studies of other bones are discussed.  相似文献   

玉米雄穗分枝数与主轴长的QTL鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高世斌  赵茂俊  兰海  张志明 《遗传》2007,29(8):1013-1013―1017
在包含103个SSR标记的连锁图谱基础上, 运用复合区间作图法检测玉米组合(N87-1×9526 )F3家系在正常与干旱胁迫环境下的雄穗分枝数与主轴长性状QTL。雄穗分枝数在正常环境下被检测到2个QTL座位, 分别位于第5和7连锁群上; 在胁迫环境下被检测到4个QTL座位分别位于 2、5、7和10连锁群上, 其中位于第5和7连锁群上的QTL不仅具有一致性而且与本作图群体中曾检测到的耐旱相关性状QTL存在连锁。雄穗主轴长在正常环境下被检测到2个QTL位于第2和第6连锁群上, 在干旱胁迫环境下被检测到了3个QTL分别于第2、4和10连锁群上, 其中位于第2染色体上的QTL是两种环境下所共同检测到的QTL。分析QTL的遗传作用方式表明, 雄穗分枝数以部分加性效应为主, 而雄主轴长全部表现为显性和超显性。  相似文献   

Decline in fertility of high-producing dairy cattle has become a global challenge to the dairy industry. Because of low heritability and complexity, it is difficult to find genetic markers for fertility traits in cattle. Here, we report the use of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) system and candidate gene approach to test genetic associations of a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in bovine placental lactogen (bPL), and its interactions with SNPs in the prolactin receptor (PRLR) and growth hormone receptor genes with fertility traits in an IVF system. The associations suggest a possible involvement of genetic interactions between bPL and PRLR in the fertilization and embryonic development processes, and the potential for application in a marker-assisted selection program.  相似文献   

 First results from two strategies aimed at elucidating the genetics of sex in the dioecious genus Actinidia Lindl. (Actinidiaceae) support the hypothesis that sex-determining genes are localized in a pair of chromosomes which, although cytologically indistinguishable, function like an XX/XY system with male heterogamety. A. chinensis Planch., a close relative of the kiwifruit [A. deliciosa (A. Chev.) CF Liang et AR Ferguson], has diploid and tetraploid races. Bulk segregant analysis to find sex-linked markers revealed two markers whose inheritance patterns in three diploid families showed X and Y linkage and indicated that the male is the heterogametic sex. Some recombination between the markers and the sex-determining loci was also demonstrated. Sex ratios in 12 progenies from controlled crosses varied around 1:1, as expected for an XX/XY system. Received: 20 December 1995 / Revision accepted: 24 April 1997  相似文献   

Two loci, Idd5.1 and Idd5.2, that determine susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the NOD mouse are on chromosome 1. Idd5.1 is likely accounted for by a synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 2 of Ctla4: the B10-derived T1D-resistant allele increases the expression of the ligand-independent isoform of CTLA-4 (liCTLA-4), a molecule that mediates negative signaling in T cells. Idd5.2 is probably Nramp1 (Slc11a1), which encodes a phagosomal membrane protein that is a metal efflux pump and is important for host defense and Ag presentation. In this study, two additional loci, Idd5.3 and Idd5.4, have been defined to 3.553 and 78 Mb regions, respectively, on linked regions of chromosome 1. The most striking findings, however, concern the evidence we have obtained for strong interactions between these four disease loci that help explain the association of human CTLA4 with T1D. In the presence of a susceptibility allele at Idd5.4, the CTLA-4 resistance allele causes an 80% reduction in T1D, whereas in the presence of a protective allele at Idd5.4, the effects of the resistance allele at Ctla4 are modest or, as in the case in which resistance alleles at Idd5.2 and Idd5.3 are present, completely masked. This masking of CTLA-4 alleles by different genetic backgrounds provides an explanation for our observation that the human CTLA-4 gene is only associated with T1D in the subgroup of human T1D patients with anti-thyroid autoimmunity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is a monoecious species of the palm subfamily Arecoideae. It may be qualified as 'temporally dioecious' in that it produces functionally unisexual male and female inflorescences in an alternating cycle on the same plant, resulting in an allogamous mode of reproduction. The 'sex ratio' of an oil palm stand is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. In particular, the enhancement of male inflorescence production in response to water stress has been well documented. SCOPE: This paper presents a review of our current understanding of the sex determination process in oil palm and discusses possible insights that can be gained from other species. Although some informative phenological studies have been carried out, nothing is as yet known about the genetic basis of sex determination in oil palm, nor the mechanisms by which this process is regulated. Nevertheless new genomics-based techniques, when combined with field studies and biochemical and molecular cytological-based approaches, should provide a new understanding of the complex processes governing oil palm sex determination in the foreseeable future. Current hypotheses and strategies for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Most flowering plant species are hermaphroditic, but a small number of species in most plant families are unisexual (i.e., an individ-ual will produce only male or female gametes). Because species with unisexual flowers have evolved repeatedly from hermaphroditic progenitors, the mechanisms controlling sex determination in flowering plants are extremely diverse. Sex is most strongly determined by genotype in all species but the mechanisms range from a single controlling locus to sex chromosomes bearing several linked locirequired for sex determination. Plant hormones also influence sex expression with variable effects from species to species. Here, we review the genetic control of sex determination from a number of plant species to illustrate the variety of extant mechanisms. We emphasize species that are now used as models to investigate the molecular biology of sex determination. We also present our own investigations of the structure of plant sex chromosomes of white campion (Silene latifolia - Melan-drium album). The cytogenetic basis of sex determination in white campion is similar to mammals in that it has a male-specific Y-chromosome that carries dominant male determining genes. If one copy of this chromosome is in the genome, the plant is male. Otherwise it is female. Like mammalian Y-chromosomes, the white campion Y-chromosome is rich in repetitive DNA. We isolated repetitive sequences from microdissected Y-chromosomes of white campion to study the distribution of homologous repeated sequences on the Y-chromosome and the other chromosomes. We found the Y to be especially rich in repetitive sequences that were generally dispersed over all the white campion chromosomes. Despite its repetitive character, the Y-chromosome is mainly euchromatic. This may be due to the relatively recent evolution of the white campion sex chromosomes compared to the sex chromosomes of animals. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several flatfish species exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination. This research investigated the effects of rearing temperature on sex ratio in Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, a species in which females grow larger and faster than males under culture conditions. Previous research has shown that ovarian differentiation occurs in Atlantic halibut in the size interval of 38–50 mm, and precedes the differentiation of testes. In the current study, triplicate groups of juvenile Atlantic halibut were reared at each of three temperatures (7, 12 and 15°C) from an initial mean size of 21 mm to a final mean size of 80 mm (total length). The sex of each fish was then determined by macroscopic and histological examination of the gonads. Sex ratios were not significantly different from 1:1 in any group, suggesting that sex in this species is not influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is one of the most taxonomically conserved traits, yet sex‐determining mechanisms (SDMs) are quite diverse. For instance, there are numerous forms of environmental sex determination (ESD), in which an organism’s sex is determined not by genotype, but by environmental factors during development. Important questions remain regarding transitions between SDMs, in part because the organisms exhibiting unique mechanisms often make difficult study organisms. One potential solution is to utilize mutant strains in model organisms better suited to answering these questions. We have characterized two such strains of the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. These strains harbour temperature‐sensitive mutations in key sex‐determining genes. We show that they display a sex ratio reaction norm in response to rearing temperature similar to other organisms with ESD. Next, we show that these mutations also cause deleterious pleiotropic effects on overall fitness. Finally, we show that these mutations are fundamentally different at the genetic sequence level. These strains will be a useful complement to naturally occurring taxa with ESD in future research examining the molecular basis of and the selective forces driving evolutionary transitions between sex determination mechanisms.  相似文献   

Germ line control of female sex determination in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A major transition during development of the gonad is commitment from an undifferentiated “bi-potential” state to ovary or testis fate. In mammals, the oogonia of the developing ovary are known to be important for folliculogenesis. An additional role in promoting ovary fate or female sex determination has been suggested, however it remains unclear how the germ line might regulate this process. Here we show that the germ line is required for the ovary versus testis fate choice in zebrafish. When the germ line is absent, the gonad adopts testis fate. These germ line deficient testes have normal somatic structures indicating that the germ line influences fate determination of surrounding somatic tissues. In germ line deficient animals the expression of the ovary specific gene cyp19a1a fails to be maintained whereas the testis genes sox9a and amh remain expressed. Furthermore, we observed decreased levels of the ovary specific genes cyp19a1a and foxL2 in germ line deficient animals prior to morphological sex differentiation of the gonad. We propose that the germ line has a common role in female sex determination in fish and mammals. Additionally, we show that testis specification is sufficient for masculinization of the fish pointing to a direct role of hormone signaling from the gonad in directing sex differentiation of non-gonadal tissues.  相似文献   

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