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Walter T. Federer 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1995,37(8):899-907
In order to maximize control of heterogeneity within complete blocks, an experimenter could use incomplete blocks of size k = 2 or 3. In certain situations, incomplete blocks of this nature would eliminate the need for such spatial types of analyses as nearest neighbor. The intrablock efficiency factors for such designs are relatively low. However, with recovery of interblock information, FEDERER and SPEED (1987) have presented measures of design efficiency factors which demonstrate that efficiency factors approach unity for certain ratios of the intrablock and interblock variance components. Hence with recovery of interblock information, even incomplete block designs with k = 2 or 3 have relatively high efficiency factors. The reduction in the intrablock error variance over the complete block error variance in many situations will provide designs with high efficiency. A simple procedure for constructing incomplete blocks of sizes 2 and 3 is presented. It is shown how to obtain additional zero-one association confounding arrangements when v = 4 t, t an integer, and for v = pk, k ≤ p. It is indicated how to do the statistical analysis for these designs. 相似文献
Peter A. Lachenbruch Robert F. Woolson 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1984,26(3):295-303
A procedure for analyzing randomized blocks experiments for uncensored exponential random variables is presented. Its small sample behavior is studied in several simulations. Sample size requirements are given. 相似文献
Summary Diagonal discriminant rules have been successfully used for high‐dimensional classification problems, but suffer from the serious drawback of biased discriminant scores. In this article, we propose improved diagonal discriminant rules with bias‐corrected discriminant scores for high‐dimensional classification. We show that the proposed discriminant scores dominate the standard ones under the quadratic loss function. Analytical results on why the bias‐corrected rules can potentially improve the predication accuracy are also provided. Finally, we demonstrate the improvement of the proposed rules over the original ones through extensive simulation studies and real case studies. 相似文献
目的:比较不同方法制作胸腹水细胞块的效果以优化胸腹水细胞块制作程序,并对其临床价值进行探讨。方法:以2014年3月至2015年3月我科收集的胸腹水标本120例为研究对象,将每样标本平均分成三组,使用三种不同方法(试管包埋法、直接离心法、细胞块试剂盒法)制作胸腹水细胞块。对不同方法制作细胞块的成功率、完整性及细胞切片恶性细胞的检出率进行考察与比较。结果:细胞块试剂盒法成功率最高,为96.67%,试管包埋法次之,成功率为92.50%,二者相比无显著差异(P0.05)。直接离心法制作成功率为80.83%,远远低于试管包埋法及细胞块试剂盒法,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。细胞块试剂盒法制作的细胞块完整性最高,完整标本所占比例为96.67%,试管包埋法次之,完整率为94.17%,二者相比无显著差异(P0.05)。直接离心法制作完整率为68.33%,远远低于试管包埋法及细胞块试剂盒法,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。三种方法恶性细胞检出率以细胞块试剂盒最高,与其他两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:细胞块试剂盒法制作胸腹水细胞块具有最高的成功率及完整性,并且可以显著提高恶性细胞检出率,值得广泛使用。 相似文献
Wieslaw Wagner Henryk Brzeskwiniewicz 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1994,36(5):603-610
In this paper, we verify our assumption about multivariate normality in series experiments of incomplete blocks by the generalized Shapiro-Wilk test. This test utilizes transformations of mean yields of the investigated varieties and the generated random variables according to Durbin's randomization principle. 相似文献
Nonparametric tests for ordered alternatives in randomised block designs based on within block rankings have been proposed by many authors. This note is concerned with the optimality of the choice of so-called regression constants usually considered in such rank tests. Some examples are discussed. 相似文献
Abstract We analysed complete or almost complete nucleotide sequences of the human, chimp, mouse, rat, chicken, dog, and other genomes to find that they contain extremely long (A+T) a (G+C) blocks that do not occur at all in the corresponding randomized sequences. The longest is an (A+T) block containing 1040 consecutive AT pairs that occurs in the 16th human chromosome. The longest human (G+C) block has 261 bp in length. About a half of the longest blocks occur in introns. The (A+T) blocks are discrete units whereas the (G+C) blocks are diffuse. They are embeeded in the genome through connectors longer than 1 kilobase where the (G+C) content gradually decreases to the value of 50%. Remarkably, the (A+T) as well as (G+C) blocks are substantially shorter in the chimp genome. Chicken is characteristic by very long (G+C) blocks that are even longer than in the human genome. Though much shorter, long (G+C) and especially (A+T) blocks occur in lower organisms as well, which means that AT and GC pair clustering is an ancient property that has evolved into large scales in higher eukaryote genomes and the human genome in particular. Very long (A+T) and (G+C) blocks confer specific biophysical properties on DNA that are likely to influence genome folding in cell nuclei and its functional properties. 相似文献
在害虫生物防治研究中,选择适合的天敌种类或类型是能否有效控制害虫的关键.虽然传统的功能反应试验能够为评价天敌的捕食行为与猎物(或寄主)密度的关系提供有益的依据,但不能根据这些结果对天敌捕食能力进行统计比较.本文在Michaelis-Menten模型的基础上,提出多级层次结构的功能反应模型,使试验习子(如天敌类型、猎物种类等)对捕食行为的影响,表达为模型参数的改变.并根据Ibralim和Rahman(1997)发表的12组功能反应试验结果,应用这一多层次结构模型统计比较不同天敌类型的捕食行为、及猎物种类、猎物生长期对试验结果的影响.取得如下结论:1.根据模型预测值与试验观测结果的吻合程度及模型误差的分布,说明以Michaelis-Menton为基础的多层次结构的功能反应模型能够用于统计比较捕食螨种类间的捕食行为,以及猎物类型、猎物生长阶段和其它环境因子对天敌捕食行为的影响作用.2.这一模型的分析结果不仅从统计角度证实了Ibahim和Rahman(1997)的推测,即红色叶螨是更适于这种捕食螨的猎物.同时为捕食螨种类的选择及田间释放技术提供统计依据. 相似文献
W. Oktaba A. Kornacki J. Wawrzosek 《Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift》1985,27(7):733-740
Several theorems on estimation and verification of linear hypotheses in some Zyskind-Martin (ZM) models are given. The assumptions are as follows. Let y = Xβ + e or (y, Xβ, σ2V) be a fixed model where y is a vector of n observations, X is a known matrix nXp with rank r(X) = r ≦ p < n, where p is a number of coordinates of the unknown parameter vector β, e is a random vector of errors with covariance matrix σ2V, where σ2 is unknown scalar parameter, V is a known non-negative definite matrix such that R(X) ? R(V). Symbol R(A) denotes a vector space generated by columns of matrix A. The expected value of y is Xβ. In this paper four following Zyskind-Martin (ZM) models are considered: ZMd, ZMa, ZMc and ZMqd (definitions in sec. 1) when vector y y1 y2 involves a vector y1 of m missing values and a vector y2 with (n — m) observed values. A special transformation of ZM model gives again ZM model (cf. theorem 2.1). Ten properties of actual (ZMa) and complete (ZMc) Zyskind-Martin models with missing values (cf. theorem 2.2) test functions F are given in (2.11)) are presented. The third propriety constitutes a generalization of R. A. Fisher's rule from standard model (y, Xβ, σ2I) to ZM model. Estimation of vector y1 (cf. 3.3) of vector β (cf. th. 3.2) and of scalar σ2 (cf. th. 3.4) in actual ZMa model and in diagonal quasi-ZM model (ZMqd) are presented. Relation between y? 1 and β is given in theorem 3.1. The results of section 2 are illustrated by numerical example in section 4. 相似文献
Shared random effects joint models are becoming increasingly popular for investigating the relationship between longitudinal and time‐to‐event data. Although appealing, such complex models are computationally intensive, and quick, approximate methods may provide a reasonable alternative. In this paper, we first compare the shared random effects model with two approximate approaches: a naïve proportional hazards model with time‐dependent covariate and a two‐stage joint model, which uses plug‐in estimates of the fitted values from a longitudinal analysis as covariates in a survival model. We show that the approximate approaches should be avoided since they can severely underestimate any association between the current underlying longitudinal value and the event hazard. We present classical and Bayesian implementations of the shared random effects model and highlight the advantages of the latter for making predictions. We then apply the models described to a study of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) to investigate the association between AAA diameter and the hazard of AAA rupture. Out‐of‐sample predictions of future AAA growth and hazard of rupture are derived from Bayesian posterior predictive distributions, which are easily calculated within an MCMC framework. Finally, using a multivariate survival sub‐model we show that underlying diameter rather than the rate of growth is the most important predictor of AAA rupture. 相似文献
多水平贝叶斯方法阐明了预测中观测值、模型和参数的不确定性,被越来越多的生态学家所使用.应用多水平贝叶斯方法建立了北京八达岭地区森林土壤全氮模型,分析了模型参数及其不确定性,并对该区不同土壤层(A、B、C)全氮含量进行了预测.得到如下结论:(1)该区森林土壤全氮多水平贝叶斯模型为yi~N(β0j[i],k[j]+β1j[i],k[j]xi,σ2y).(2)对模型参数和其曲线不确定性分析表明,该模型能够很好的预测该区土壤全氮含量.(3)模型预测表明:土壤A层,随着海拔的增加,全氮含量递增.土壤B层,随着海拔的升高,植被类型0、1、2、3土壤全氮含量递增,而植被类型4土壤全氮含量出现递减现象.土壤C层,随着海拔的增加,植被类型0土壤全氮含量递增,而植被类型1、2、3、4土壤全氮含量均表现为递减.各植被类型土壤全氮含量都随着土层的深度而减少. 相似文献
A semiparametric Bayesian model for randomised block designs 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The last 20 years have seen lots of work in the area of surrogate marker validation, partly devoted to frame the evaluation in a multitrial framework, leading to definitions in terms of the quality of trial- and individual-level association between a potential surrogate and a true endpoint (Buyse et al., 2000, Biostatistics 1, 49-67). A drawback is that different settings have led to different measures at the individual level. Here, we use information theory to create a unified framework, leading to a definition of surrogacy with an intuitive interpretation, offering interpretational advantages, and applicable in a wide range of situations. Our method provides a better insight into the chances of finding a good surrogate endpoint in a given situation. We further show that some of the previous proposals follow as special cases of our method. We illustrate our methodology using data from a clinical study in psychiatry. 相似文献
Process models specified by non-linear dynamic differential equations contain many parameters, which often must be inferred from a limited amount of data. We discuss a hierarchical Bayesian approach combining data from multiple related experiments in a meaningful way, which permits more powerful inference than treating each experiment as independent. The approach is illustrated with a simulation study and example data from experiments replicating the aspects of the human gut microbial ecosystem. A predictive model is obtained that contains prediction uncertainty caused by uncertainty in the parameters, and we extend the model to capture situations of interest that cannot easily be studied experimentally. 相似文献
We present a general hidden Markov model framework called reconstructing ancestry blocks bit by bit (RABBIT) for reconstructing genome ancestry blocks from single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data, a required step for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. The framework can be applied to a wide range of mapping populations such as the Arabidopsis multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC), the mouse Collaborative Cross (CC), and the diversity outcross (DO) for both autosomes and X chromosomes if they exist. The model underlying RABBIT accounts for the joint pattern of recombination breakpoints between two homologous chromosomes and missing data and allelic typing errors in the genotype data of both sampled individuals and founders. Studies on simulated data of the MAGIC and the CC and real data of the MAGIC, the DO, and the CC demonstrate that RABBIT is more robust and accurate in reconstructing recombination bin maps than some commonly used methods. 相似文献
Age-related and aged memory deficit changes in Nestin-immunoreactive (Nestin-IR) neurons were studied following recent evidence of distinct Nestin-IR neurons within adult rat basal forebrain. Morris water maze task assessed spatial learning capacity of 3- and 24-month rats (aged-impaired and aged-unimpaired groups). Nestin-IR neuron distributional and morphological features were investigated by immunohistochemistry and positive neuronal number calculation. Nestin-IR neuron number declined with aging, especially aged-impaired. Significant negative correlations existed between average escape latencies and Nestin-IR neuron number in medial septum-diagonal band of Broca (MS-DBB). Correlations of rostral portion [medial septum (MS) and vertical limb diagonal band (vDB)] were higher than caudal portion [horizontal limb diagonal band (hDB)]. Aged-impaired showed reduced complexity of Nestin-IR neuron dendrite arborization and dendritic length. Nestin-IR astrocyte-like cells appeared scattered among Nestin-IR neurons on some aged-impaired slices. In conclusion, aged-impaired rats showed worse cognitive spatial performance and less Nestin-IR neuronal number compared to aged-unimpaired. Nestin-IR neuronal loss and morphological changes are some pathological characteristics of rat aged basal forebrain and may be important in neurobiological mechanisms of brain aging and aged memory deficit. 相似文献
Michael. J. Smith Keely M. Ough Michael P. Scroggie E. Sabine G. Schreiber Michele Kohout 《Aquatic Botany》2009
Bayesian modeling techniques (which accounted for imperfect detection) were used to assess changes in macrophyte assemblages in 58 wetlands along a typical salinity gradient in Western Victoria, Australia. By incorporating detectability into our predictions, an unbiased estimate was made of the relationship between salinity and both individual species occupancy and the expected number of species. When compared to the freshest wetlands, macrophyte species number was predicted to decrease by as much as 60–70% at conductivities of around 6.0 mS cm−1 (11% seawater), a value often considered the upper salinity tolerance for many freshwater aquatic plants. The model also predicted a 40–50% drop in species number at conductivities of around 1.5 mS cm−1 (3% seawater). It was also found that 25 out of 76 freshwater species were unlikely to occur at conductivities above 1.0 mS cm−1. Consequently, secondary salinisation of fresh non-riverine wetlands is highly likely to markedly and negatively impact upon non-riverine wetland macrophyte assemblages. 相似文献
To obtain different amino acids with varying lipophilicity and that can carry up to three positive charges we have developed a number of new triamino acid building blocks. One set of building blocks was achieved by aminoethyl extension, via reductive amination, of the side chain of ortnithine, diaminopropanoic and diaminobutanoic acid. A second set of triamino acids with the aminoethyl extension having hydrocarbon side chains was synthesized from diaminobutanoic acid. The aldehydes needed for the extension by reductive amination were synthesized from the corresponding Fmoc-L-2-amino fatty acids in two steps. Reductive amination of these compounds with Boc-L-Dab-OH gave the C4-C8 alkyl-branched triamino acids. All triamino acids were subsequently Boc-protected at the formed secondary amine to make the monomers appropriate for the N-terminus position when performing Fmoc-based solid-phase peptide synthesis. 相似文献