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Objective: To examine behavioral characteristics associated with being lean and weight stable during adulthood. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants included 165 white married couples who were part of a larger longitudinal study. Participants’ height and weight were measured on three occasions at 2‐year intervals. Men and women were classified as being lean and weight stable (the target group) if they had a BMI < 25 at baseline and maintained their weight within 5% of baseline at 2nd and 4th year follow‐up. Individuals not fulfilling these criteria were included in the comparison group. Group differences in background characteristics including childhood weight status, BMI at each occasion, dieting history, and mental and physical health history were examined. In addition, multiple measures of dietary intake and physical activity were obtained and used to predict the likelihood of being in the target group. Results: Men (N = 22) and women (N = 36) in the target group had lower mean BMI scores at each occasion, were less overweight during childhood, were less likely to have dieted in the past year, and rated themselves as being more healthy than men and women in the comparison group. No differences were identified in mental health. Relative to the comparison group, women in the target group reported higher levels of physical activity and higher levels of physical activity among their spouses, and men in the target group reported healthier dietary patterns. Discussion: Results from this study suggest that being lean and weight stable in adulthood is linked to childhood weight status in combination with dietary and activity patterns during adulthood.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of exercise on the long-term maintenance of weight loss, two types of literature were reviewed - correlational studies of predictors of long-term weight loss, and randomized trials comparing diet, exercise, and the combination of diet plus exercise. Both literatures were striking in the consistency with which activity emerged as a determinant of long-term maintenance of weight loss. The benefits of exercise for long-term weight maintenance were observed with different types of populations, diets, and exercise interventions. Several possible explanations for these positive effects of diet plus exercise are presented, and suggestions made for future research on ways to maximize the benefit of this approach to weight control. Since adherence to exercise may ultimately prove to be the cornerstone for long-term weight maintenance, studying ways to improve exercise adherence is recommended.  相似文献   

The present study prospectively examined changes in dietary intake, physical activity and weight associated with self-reported efforts to lose weight in a cohort of 3671 men and women sampled from the general population. Dieting efforts, dietary intake, physical activity and weight were measured at two points in time, 24 months apart. At baseline, current dieters reported consuming fewer dairy products, sweets, meat, soft drinks and fried potatoes (all p's < .0001), and engaging more frequently in high-intensity physical activity (p < .0001) than those not currently dieting. At follow-up, current dieters reported consuming fewer sweets (p < .0001) and fried potatoes (p < .0008), and engaging more frequently in moderate-intensity physical activity (p < .02) than those not currently dieting. Prospectively, those who initiated weight-loss diets showed the largest decrease in consumption of sweets (p < .0001), soft drinks (p < .0001), and fried potatoes (p < .01), and increase in frequency of high-intensity physical activity (p < .0001) and moderate-intensity physical activity (p < .007). Those initiating weight-loss diets were the only group to lose weight (1 lb.). Those dieting at baseline but not at follow-up gained the most weight (4 lbs.). Self-reports of current dieting correspond to reported changes in dietary intake and physical activity, and to measured changes in weight over the same time period. Individuals who report dieting to lose weight have healthier eating and exercise patterns than those who do not report dieting.  相似文献   

Objective: Little is known about behaviors associated with successful weight loss during adolescence. The first objective of the current study was to identify meaningful weight loss, weight maintenance, and weight gain in male and female adolescents. The second objective of this study was to apply these methods to U.S. adolescents from the National Health and Nutrition Survey 1999 to 2002 data and to identify factors associated with these weight change outcomes. Research Methods and Procedures: The current analyses include 1726 (female, 836; male, 890) 16‐ to 18‐year‐old adolescents who completed the questionnaire components and interview for either the 1999–2000 or the 2001–2002 National Health and Nutrition Survey study. Dietary intake, physical activity, and dieting attitudes were compared across the weight loss (L), maintain (M), and gain (G) groups in the entire sample and in a subset of adolescents who are overweight and at‐risk‐for‐overweight (≥85th percentile). Results: The tested method for identifying weight L, M, and G groups has both theoretical and statistical validity and, when applied to the sample, showed the expected direction of changes in weight. Results suggest that more overall physical activity, more vigorous exercise, and less sedentary activity are associated with being in the L group in both the full sample and the overweight and at‐risk‐for‐overweight sample. In addition, fewer teens in the L groups endorsed efforts at trying to lose weight, compared with the M and G groups. Discussion: This study provides a method to determine successful adolescent weight loss for researchers and provides useful concrete information about successful weight loss for clinicians and others who work with adolescents.  相似文献   

Objective: To date, no studies have examined dietary intake, physical activity, and body image in a large sample of Latin‐American and black women recruited using the same methodology. The aim of this study was to examine three potential correlates of obesity (dietary intake, body image, and physical activity) in a large sample of Latin‐American and black women across the weight spectrum. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were black (n = 271) and Latin‐American (n = 234) adult women who completed a 24‐hour dietary recall and physical activity and body image questionnaires. Results: After controlling for BMI, education, marital status, and number of children, black women consumed more kilocalories, dietary fat (grams), and percent calories from fat than Latin‐American women, who consumed more carbohydrates (grams) and dietary fiber (total and soluble). Black women engaged in more sedentary behavior than Latin‐American women. Although Latin‐American women weighed less than black women, they perceived their current body image as heavier and reported greater body image dissatisfaction than black women. Black women also reported a higher ideal body image than Latin‐American women. Discussion: The combined effect of a diet higher in calories and fat, increased sedentary behavior, and more accepting body image could account for higher rates of obesity among black women. Future studies should further explore cultural attitudes and beliefs related to weight that could provide information for the development of culturally competent obesity interventions.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effect of dietary weight loss, postural change, and an oral glucose load on serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity in obese adults. Research Methods and Procedures: Sixteen obese adult men and women with a mean body mass index of 35.7 ± 4.3 kg/m2 were studied after 1 week on a maintenance energy lead-in diet and after 5 weeks on an identical but 40% reduced-energy diet provided by the General Clinical Research Center (GCRC). ACE activity was measured spectrophotometrically. Plasma renin activity and serum aldosterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: All subjects lost weight, with a mean decrease in body weight of 7.0 ± 2.1 kg or 6 ± 3% of initial body weight (p < 0.00001). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, supine plasma renin activity, and serum aldosterone levels decreased with weight loss (p < 0.05). Supine ACE activity decreased 23 ± 12% with weight loss (p < 0.00001). Standing ACE activity, which was significantly higher than supine ACE activity before and after weight loss (p < 0.05), also decreased 18 ± 17% with weight loss (p = 0.0007). A 75-g oral glucose load had no effect on serum ACE activity over a 3-hour period. Discussion: In obese adults, serum ACE activity declines with modest weight loss, increases with postural change, and is unaffected by an oral glucose load.  相似文献   

Objective : According to the Transtheoretical Model (TM), tailoring interventions to patients’ readiness to change can enhance patient progress and help patients use therapeutic resources more effectively. However, tailoring an intervention depends on accurate assessment of patients’ stage of change (SOC). This study describes a multi‐item algorithm of SOC (M‐SOC) for weight loss‐related behaviors that attempts to overcome some of the conceptual and methodological difficulties encountered in previously SOC assessments. Research Methods: Data were collected from participants randomly assigned to the treatment arm of a clinical trial comparing a TM‐based, cognitive‐behavioral intervention with enhanced usual care for weight loss. Results : The stair‐step relationships hypothesized by the TM between assessed SOC and key behavioral measures were found for all algorithms (p < 0.05), indicating that the M‐SOC algorithm performs as well as single item algorithms. However, 50% fewer patients were classified in action or maintenance for dietary fat intake and portion control (p < 0.05) by the multiple‐item algorithms, providing staging more consistent with the clinical presentation of obese individuals. In addition, logistic regression analyses indicated that the single‐item algorithms were not sufficient predictors of these behavioral domains. Discussion : To the extent that treatment is guided by assessed SOC, there is potential for a considerable variability in interventions with different approaches to staging. For weight‐loss interventions that target portion control and decreased fat intake, the multi‐item SOC algorithms seem to be better guides for matching treatments to SOC.  相似文献   

Objective: To elucidate how frequent weight‐loss attempts are made, the methods used to achieve weight loss, and the extent to which the outcome is positive. Research Methods and Procedures: Two independent interviews were conducted in 1992 and in 1998, each with 1200 randomly selected adult subjects. Each survey was designed to ensure an equal distribution of age, gender, and geographical regions in Denmark. Results: The proportion of subjects having attempted weight loss did not change from 1992 to 1998, although the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased from 1992 (overweight, 30%; obesity, 6%) to 1998 (overweight, 35%; obesity, 8%). Almost twice as many women (61%) than men (32%) had attempted weight loss (p < 0.0001). Slimming occurred more often in subjects <50 years (51%) than >50 years (39%) (p < 0.0001), although overweight and obesity were more frequent in the elderly. Over‐the‐counter diet pills or meal replacements were associated with a negative outcome of slimming treatment (p < 0.0001). Discussion: Approximately half of all adult Danes have attempted weight loss, particularly women and individuals <50 years. This finding is inconsistent with the fact that overweight and obesity are more prevalent in men and in individuals >50 years. Changes in habitual diet and increased physical activity are the most prevalent modes of slimming, whereas the use of over‐the‐counter diet pills or meal replacements has decreased from 1992 to 1998. This development may have a positive impact on future body‐ weight‐management strategies.  相似文献   

Obesity and low levels of physical and metabolic fitness are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The purpose of this investigation was to attenuate obesity and improve physical and metabolic fitness in elementary school children. Schools have the opportunity, mechanisms, and personnel in place to deliver nutrition education, fitness activities, and a school food service that is nutritious and healthy. Cohorts from grades 3 to 5 in two school districts in rural Nebraska (Intervention/Control) participated in a 2-year study of physical activity and modified school lunch program. Data collection for aerobic capacity, body composition, blood chemistry, nutrition knowledge, energy intake, and physical activity was at the beginning and end of each year. Int received enhanced physical activity, grade specific nutrition education, and a lower fat and sodium school lunch program. Con continued with a regular school lunch and team sports activity program. At year 2, Int lunches had significantly less energy (9%), fat (25%), sodium (21%), and more fiber (17%). However, measures of 24-hour energy intake for Int and Con showed significant differences for sodium only. Physical activity in the classroom was 6% greater for Int compared to Con (p < 0.05) but physical activity outside of school was ?16 % less for Int compared to Con (p < 0.05). Body weight and body fat were not different between schools for normal weight or obese children. No differences were found for cholesterol, insulin, and glucose; however, HDL cholesterol was significantly greater and cholesterol/HDL was significantly less for Int compared to Con (p < 0.05). It appears that compensation in both energy intake and physical activity outside of school may be responsible for the lack of differences between Int and Con.  相似文献   

Objective: The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) showed that intensive lifestyle intervention reduced the risk of diabetes by 58%. This paper examines demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral factors related to achieving weight loss and physical activity goals in the DPP lifestyle participants. Research Methods and Procedures: Lifestyle participants (n = 1079; mean age = 50.6, BMI = 33.9, 68% female, and 46% from minority groups) had goals of 7% weight loss and 150 min/wk of physical activity. Goal achievement was assessed at the end of the 16‐session core curriculum (approximately week 24) and the final intervention visit (mean = 3.2 years) as a function of demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral variables. Results: Forty‐nine percent met the weight loss goal and 74% met the activity goal initially, while 37% and 67%, respectively, met these goals long‐term. Men and those with lower initial BMI were more likely to meet activity but not weight loss goals. Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans were more likely to meet the long‐term activity goals, and whites were more likely to meet the initial weight loss goal. In multivariate analyses, meeting the long‐term weight loss goal and both activity goals increased with age, while psychosocial and depression measures were unrelated to goal achievement. Dietary self‐monitoring was positively related to meeting both weight loss and activity goals, and meeting the activity goal was positively related to meeting the weight loss goal. Participants who met initial goals were 1.5 to 3.0 times more likely to meet these goals long‐term. Discussion: Success at meeting the weight loss and activity goals increased with age. Initial success predicted long‐term success. Self‐monitoring and meeting activity goals were related to achieving and sustaining weight loss.  相似文献   

Objective: We studied the effect of weight reduction on cardiac parasympathetic activity (PSA) in obese women. We also studied the relationship between the changes of PSA, resting energy expenditure (REE), and major cardiovascular risk factors. Research Methods and Procedures: Changes of cardiac vagal tone, an index of PSA, REE, and major cardiovascular risk factors, were measured in 52 healthy obese women after a 6‐month weight reduction. Ten of the women were remeasured at 12 and 24 months. Cardiac vagal tone was assessed by a vagal tone monitor and REE by indirect calorimeter. Results: Cardiac vagal tone increased significantly (p = 0.046), averaging a 9.5% weight loss in 6 months. The vagal tone increased further with weight loss during the following 6 months, and thereafter, it declined with weight regain. The increase of cardiac vagal tone correlated significantly with decreases of body weight, fat mass, waist circumference, serum insulin, and heart rate. REE adjusted for fat‐free mass and age did not change with weight loss and was not related to cardiac vagal tone at any time‐point. Discussion: Cardiac PSA activity increases with weight loss in obese women. This increase may not be maintained long‐term if body weight is regained. The rise of cardiac PSA is correlated with decreases of body fat mass, abdominal fat, serum insulin, and heart rate. Cardiac PSA is not related to REE.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine breakfast consumption in subjects maintaining a weight loss in the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR). Research Methods and Procedures: A cross-sectional study in which 2959 subjects in the NWCR completed demographic and weight history questionnaires as well as questions about their current breakfast consumption. All subjects had maintained a weight loss of at least 13.6 kg (30 lb) for at least 1 year; on average these subjects had lost 32 kg and kept it off for 6 years. Results: A large proportion of NWCR subjects (2313 or 78%) reported regularly eating breakfast every day of the week. Only 114 subjects (4%) reported never eating breakfast. There was no difference in reported energy intake between breakfast eaters and non-eaters, but breakfast eaters reported slightly more physical activity than non-breakfast eaters (p = 0.05). Discussion: Eating breakfast is a characteristic common to successful weight loss maintainers and may be a factor in their success.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that overweight patients with diabetes lose less weight than non diabetics. We compared the response of obese women with NIDDM to non diabetic controls, matched for age and weight, to a behavior weight loss program. Forty-three overweight women (20 NIDDM, 23 non diabetic) participated in the study. NIDDM and non diabetic subjects were treated together and received the same 16-week behavioral weight loss program. Dependent measures included weight, 3-day food records, physical activity, fasting plasma glucose, and questionnaires assessing eating behavior and depressive symptomatology. Weight loss of NIDDM and non diabetic subjects at posttreatment was comparable (-7.4 ± 5.3 kg vs. ?6.4 ± 3.8 kg, respectively). Changes in caloric intake, eating behavior, exercise and depressive symptomatology were also similar between the two groups. However, during the 1-year follow-up period, NIDDM subjects regained 5.4 ± 6.1 kg compared to 1.0 ± 6.7 kg for nondiabetics (p=.058). These data indicate that NIDDM subjects can lose as much weight as their nondiabetic peers during active treatment Once treatment terminated, however, NIDDM subjects demonstrated poor weight loss maintenance. Thus the added motivation that comes from having diabetes and seeing improvements in glycemic control with weight loss were not sufficient to improve long term weight loss in diabetic subjects. A continuous care model of weight control may be particularly necessary for overweight patients with type II diabetes.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the contribution of meal and snack replacements for long‐term weight maintenance and risk factor reduction in obese patients. Research Methods and Procedures: Prospective, randomized, two‐arm, parallel intervention for 12 weeks followed by a prospective single‐arm 4‐year trial in a University Hospital clinic. One hundred patients, >18 years old and with a body mass index > 25 and ≤ 40 kg/m2, were prescribed a 1200 to 1500 kcal/d control diet (Group A) or an isoenergetic diet, including two meal and snack replacements (vitamin‐ and mineral‐fortified shakes, soups, and bars) and one meal high in fruits and vegetables (Group B). Following a 3 months of weight loss, all patients were prescribed the same energy‐restricted diet (1200 to 1500 kcal) with one meal and one snack replacement for an additional 4 years. Results: All 100 patients were evaluated at 12 weeks. Mean percentage weight loss was 1.5 ± 0.4% and 7.8 ± 0.5% (mean ± SEM) for Groups A and B, respectively. At 12 weeks systolic blood pressure, plasma triacylglycerol, glucose, and insulin concentrations were significantly reduced in Group B, whereas no changes occurred in Group A. After 4 years, 75% of the patients were evaluated. Total mean weight loss was 3.2 ± 0.8% for Group A and 8.4 ± 0.8% (mean ± SEM) for Group B. Both groups showed significant improvement in blood glucose and insulin (p < 0.001), but only Group B showed significant improvement in triacylglycerol and systolic blood pressure compared to baseline values (p < 0.001). Discussion: Providing a structured meal plan via vitamin‐ and mineral‐fortified liquid meal replacements is a safe and effective dietary strategy for obese patients. Long‐term maintenance of weight loss with meal replacements can improve certain biomarkers of disease risk.  相似文献   

The relationships between dietary and environmental factors and obesity are reviewed. Findings from selected population studies of diet and body weight are presented. In general, the results from population studies of diet and obesity have been inconsistent and marked with methodological weaknesses, especially the use of cross-sectional study design. Apart from the diet, several social and economic factors appear to be important correlates of obesity in the population. However, most studies have focused on the socioeconomic status as abroad, composite measure. The relationships between income, education, occupation, place of residence, and obesity are reviewed here, with emphasis on the developing countries. In many developing countries, the changing dietary pattern, along with rising life expectancy and changing socioeconomic environment, has contributed to the increasing problems of obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases that will have an enormous impact on the health and health care resource of these countries in the near future.  相似文献   

The patterns and correlates of obesity in China were studied in two panels of a nationwide longitudinal survey conducted in 1989 and 1991 (the China Health and Nutrition Survey). Among the Chinese adults, dietary energy and fat intakes were positively and significantly associated with the Body Mass Index (BMI). Household income and physical activity level were also significantly associated with BMI. Urban residence and higher in come were associated with lower energy intake, higher fat intake, and lower physical activity level compared to rural residence and other income categories. This paper documents an important emerging health problem: the increasing problem of obesity that has been observed in many lower-income countries during the last several decades.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess different aspects of physical fitness and physical activity in obese and nonobese Flemish youth. Research Methods and Procedures: A random sample of 3214 Flemish schoolchildren was selected and divided into an “obese” and “nonobese” group based on body mass index and sum of skinfolds. Physical fitness was assessed by the European physical fitness test battery. Physical activity was estimated by a modified version of the Baecke Questionnaire. Results: Obese subjects had inferior performances on all tests requiring propulsion or lifting of the body mass (standing‐broad jump, sit‐ups, bent‐arm hang, speed shuttle run, and endurance shuttle run) compared with their nonobese counterparts (p < 0.001). In contrast, the obese subjects showed greater strength on handgrip (p < 0.001). Both groups had similar levels of leisure‐time physical activity; however, nonobese boys had a higher sport index than their obese counterparts (p < 0.05). Discussion: Results of this study show that obese subjects had poorer performances on weight‐bearing tasks, but did not have lower scores on all fitness components. To encourage adherence to physical activity in obese youth, it is important that activities are tailored to their capabilities. Results suggest that weight‐bearing activities should be limited at the start of an intervention with obese participants and alternative activities that rely more on static strength used.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe prevalence of active, public, and car transit by overweight status and amount of leisure‐time physical activity in a nationally representative cohort of ethnically diverse young adults. Research Methods and Procedures: Questionnaire data on patterns of transportation were collected from U.S. adolescents enrolled in Wave III (2001) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (N = 10, 771). Measured height and weight data were used to calculate BMI and classify adults by overweight status (BMI ≥ 25). Self‐reported physical activity data were used to classify adults into those who achieved ≥ 5 bouts of weekly moderate‐vigorous physical activity and those who did not. Results were stratified by overweight and physical activity status. Results: The vast majority of young adults used car transit (work, 90.4%; school, 74.7%). A small proportion of young adults used active means of transportation to work (8.1%) and school (26.7%), and fewer used public transportation to work or school (<10%). The proportion of individuals using active transportation was higher among the nonoverweight traveling to work (9.2%) and school (29.7%) and among the more active traveling to work (15.2%) and school (37.0%) relative to the overweight and less active young adults. Discussion: The vast majority of young adults of all racial/ethnic backgrounds, particularly blacks and Hispanics, did not use active transportation to school and/or work. Active transportation was more common among nonoverweight and more active young adults, of high socioeconomic status, particularly full‐time students. Population‐level efforts (and environmental supports) to increase non‐leisure physical activity, particularly active transportation, are sorely needed as a means of supporting and promoting overall physical activity.  相似文献   

Metformin often promotes weight loss in patients with obesity with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The mechanism may be attributed to decreased food intake. This study has tested the effect of metformin on satiety and its efficacy in inducing weight loss. Twelve diet-treated NIDDM women with obesity were randomly given two dose levels (850 mg or 1700 mg) of metformin or placebo at 0800 for three consecutive days followed by a meal test on the third day on three occasions using a 3times3 Latin square design. The number of sandwich canapes eaten in three consecutive 10-minute periods beginning at 1400 hours was used to quantitate food intake, and the level of subjective hunger was rated just before the sandwich meal with a linear analogue hunger rating scale at 1400 after a 6-hour fast. The prior administration of metformin produced a reduction in calorie intake after each of the two doses of metformin treatment. The 1700-mg metformin dose had the most marked appetite suppressant action. Similarly, hunger ratings were significantly lowered after metformin, and the effect was most pronounced after the administration of 1700 mg of metformin. To assess the efficacy of metformin in reducing bodyweight, 48 diet-treated NIDDM women with obesity who had failed to lose weight by diet therapy were first placed on a 1200-kcal ADA (American Diabetes Association) diet before being randomized to receive either metformin (850 mg) or placebo twice daily in a double-blind fashion for 24 weeks. A 4-week single-blind placebo lead-in period preceded and a 6-week single-blind placebo period followed the 24-week double-blind treatment period. Subjects treated with metformin continued to lose weight throughout 24 weeks of treatment; their mean maximum weight loss was 8 kg greater than that of the placebo group, with corresponding lower HbA1C and fasting blood glucose levels at the end of the active treatment period. These results indicate that metformin decreases calorie intake in a dose-dependent manner and leads to a reduction in bodyweight in NIDDM patients with obesity.  相似文献   

Objective : To study the effects of a 12-week weight loss strategy involving increased physical activity, self-selected hypocaloric diet, and group support on psychological well-being, quality of life, and health practices in moderately obese women. Methods; Eighty women aged 20–49 years weighing between 20–50% above 1983 Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables were randomly assigned to a weight loss intervention (6279 kJ/week of physical activity, 33,258-41,462 kJ/week diet and weekly meetings) or served as controls. Subjects were tested pre and post 12-weeks. Results : The intervention group lost significant (p<0.001) body weight (kg) and body fat (%) compared to controls (-6.07 ± 4.01 kg vs. 1.31 ± 1.28 kg; 36.8%-32.5% vs. 36.2%-36.0%). Intervention subjects vs. controls achieved significant improvements (p<0.001) in body cathexis (X Change 18.6 ± 16.7 vs. 0.7 ± 8.6) and estimation of ability to achieve physical fitness (X Change 8.1 ± 7.1 vs. 0.9 ± 5.9). Various quality of life indices also improved (p<0.01) in the intervention group compared to controls (physical function: X Change 13.5.2 ± 16.7 vs. 1.4 ± 9.5; vitality: X change 21.7 ± 17.9 vs. 2.9 20.8; mental health: X change 10.4 ± 16.0 vs. 2.3 ± 10.1). Similarly, physical activity levels also improved significantly (p<0.0001) in the intervention group (4.4 ± 2.3 vs. 0.6 ± 1.3; on NASA 0–7 scale). Conclusions : Practical weight loss practices such as increased activity, self-selected hypocaloric diet, and group support are effective for weight loss and yield significant health and psychological benefits in moderately obese females.  相似文献   

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