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Two transition proteins, TP1 and TP2, participate in the repackaging of the spermatid genome early in mammalian spermiogenesis, coincident with the first detectable changes in chromatin condensation. Using an optical trap and a two-channel flow cell to move single DNA molecules into buffer containing protein, we have measured the rates of DNA condensation and decondensation induced by the binding of Syrian hamster transition proteins TP1 and TP2 and protamines P1 and P2. The results show that both transition proteins condense free DNA, with rates similar to those of protamine 1 and 2. DNA molecules condensed with TP1 were significantly less stable than DNA condensed by protamine or by TP2. Experiments conducted with a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal 25 residues of TP2 showed that this domain is responsible for condensing DNA. Experiments conducted with two fragments of TP1 containing arginine and lysine residues demonstrated that DNA binding by TP1 must involve more than these basic sequences. Zinc facilitated the condensation of DNA by P2 but not by TP2. The dissociation rates of TP2 and P2 from DNA were not affected by the addition of zinc.  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease EcoRII is unable to cleave DNA molecules when recognition sites are very far apart. The enzyme, however can be activated in the presence of DNA molecules with a high frequency of EcoRII sites or by oligonucleotides containing recognition sites: Addition of the activator molecules stimulates cleavage of the refractory substrate. We now show that endonucleolysis of the stimulator molecules is not a necessary prerequisite of enzyme activation. A total EcoRII digest of pBR322 DNA or oligonucleotide duplexes with simulated EcoRII ends (containing the 5' phosphate group), as well as oligonucleotide duplexes containing modified bases within the EcoRII site, making them resistant to cleavage, are all capable of enzyme activation. For activation EcoRII requires the interaction with at least two recognition sites. The two sites may be on the same DNA molecule, on different oligonucleotide duplexes, or on one DNA molecule and one oligonucleotide duplex. The efficiency of functional intramolecular cooperation decreases with increasing distance between the sites. Intermolecular site interaction is inversely related to the size of the stimulator oligonucleotide duplex. The data are in agreement with a model whereby EcoRII simultaneously interacts with two recognition sites in the active complex, but cleavage of the site serving as an allosteric activator is not necessary.  相似文献   

Enzymatic synthesis of ethylene in the vacuole is assumed to require membrane integrity. The possibility that this reflects dependence on the vacuolar membrane potential was investigated. Vacuoles were released from protoplasts isolated from leaves of Vicia faba L. cv. Cyprus. The dependence of the ethylene-forming activity on tonoplast integrity was re-examined by immobilization of the vacuoles in a cross-linked polymeric matrix and subsequent permeabilization of the tonoplast with toluene, a pore-forming reagent. The relationship between the vacuolar ethylene formation and the membrane potential of free vacuoles was investigated by following the uptake of thiocyanate using permeabilized, depolarized and hyperpolarized vacuoles. Toluene and the proton conductor carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) caused loss of ethylene-forming activity and depolarized the vacuolar membrane potential. However, depolarization of the membrane potential with choline chloride and hyperpolarization by ATP did not affect ethylene biosynthesis. These conflicting results lead to the conclusion that vacuolar ethylene biosynthesis is not dependent on the vacuolar membrane potential. The possibility that the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis by toluene and CCCP may result from direct hydrophobic interactions between these compounds and hydrophobic components of the ethylene-forming enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous investigations in our laboratory demonstrated the existence of an intrinsic mechanism, termed membrane modulation, capable of restoring sensitivity to aspirin treated platelets, resulting in irreversible aggregation in response to arachidonic acid (AA). The mechanism underlying correction of aspirin induced inhibition of platelet function, however, was not clear. In the present study we have evaluated the role of lipoxygenase (LO) metabolites of AA in securing irreversible aggregation of drug induced cyclooxygenase (CO) deficient platelets. Platelets treated with aspirin or Ibuprofen did not convert radiolabeled AA to thromboxane, but generated significant quantities of hydroxy acids via the LO pathway. However, drug exposed platelets, when stirred with epinephrine first and then challenged with AA, aggregated irreversibly. Eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA 1, U53119) inhibited AA conversion by the LO pathway, whereas 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA 2) inhibited AA conversion by both CO and LO enzymes. Yet, at the inhibitory concentration these fatty acids failed to prevent AA induced irreversible aggregation of CO deficient, alpha adrenergic receptor stimulated platelets. Results of four studies show that the generation of LO metabolites of AA are not essential for securing irreversible aggregation of platelets.  相似文献   

 The behaviour of plasma membrane was studied in UV-treated cells to investigate its involvement in apoptosis. It was studied in HL60 cells, in which DNA oligonucleosomic cleavage occurs, and in Molt-4 cells, which are characterised by a different fragmentation pattern. During the early stages of apoptosis, a membrane lipid rearrangement occurs, which involves phosphatidylserine translocation from the inner to the outer leaflet. This molecular alteration was investigated by annexin V-FITC binding, analysed by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. It was correlated with transmission electron microscopy, subdiploid peak appearance and DNA fragmentation. Our data indicate that the plasma membrane represents an early apoptotic target, even if its alterations are not detectable by ultrastructural analysis, which indicates its good preservation until late apoptotic stages. In addition, the study of apoptotic cells with absent or inactivated endonuclease demonstrates the independence of this membrane mechanism from nuclear activity. Accepted: 16 April 1998  相似文献   

To verify whether the sleep-inducing properties of oleamide were related to its ability to perturb membrane homeoviscosity, affecting 5-HT(2A) receptors, we compared the effects of oleamide and oleic acid, the latter lacking both the sleep-inducing effect and the action on 5-HT(2A) receptors. In binding studies the two compounds did not directly interact with rat brain cortex 5-HT(2A) receptors, nor did they increase the affinity of a 5-HT(2A) agonist, either in vitro or ex vivo. They had similar fluidizing effects, in vitro at high concentrations (>/=10 microM), and ex vivo after a dose of 100 mg/kg, and they reduced locomotor activity with similar potency. There thus appears to be no causal relationship between the fluidizing effects of oleamide and its sleep-inducing properties.  相似文献   

Chemoattractant stimulation of Dictyostelium cells leads to the opening of calcium channels in the plasma membrane, causing extracellular calcium to flux into the cell. The genetically uncharacterised mutants stmF and KI8 show strongly altered chemoattractant-stimulated cGMP responses. The aberrant calcium influx in these strains has provided evidence that the chemoattractant-stimulated calcium influx is potentiated by cGMP. We have tested this hypothesis in genetically defined mutants by measuring the calcium influx in a strain that lacks intracellular cGMP due to the disruption of two guanylyl cyclases, and in a strain with increased cGMP levels caused by the disruption of two cGMP-degrading phosphodiesterases. The results reveal that the calcium influx stimulated by cAMP or folic acid is essentially identical in these strains. We conclude that cGMP is not involved in chemoattractant-stimulated calcium influx.  相似文献   

Cellular vacuoles induced by the Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin VacA originate from late endosomal compartments. Their biogenesis requires the activity of both rab7 GTPase and the ATPase proton pump. The toxin has been suggested to cause an increased luminal osmotic pressure via its anion-specific channel activity localized on late endosomal compartments after endocytosis. Here, we show that the extensive membrane fusion that takes place in the transition from the small late endosomal compartments to the large vacuoles does not depend on soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins. The process of vacuolization leads to disappearance of the large array of internal membranes of late endosomes. We suggest that most of the vacuole-limiting membrane derives from internal membranes.  相似文献   

Using T-lymphocyte (T-LC) and granulocyte colony (GC) assays with truly proliferating cells, the inhibitory dose-response relationships of spermine and spermidine in the presence of selected sera have been examined. In contrast to previous studies which used [3H]thymidine uptake as an index of proliferation, in vitro inhibition by polyamines was shown to require neither foetal calf serum (FCS) nor the addition of any exogenous polyamine oxidase. Cells grown in the absence of FCS were between 5-50% as sensitive to polyamines as in its presence. By using specific inhibitors of polyamine oxidase, it was shown that polyamine-elicited mitotic inhibition in the absence of FCS was still dependent on a polyamine oxidase, and evidence is presented to show that the source of the enzyme is the cells themselves.  相似文献   

Quiescent cells seemingly have a constant number of surface epidermal growth factor receptors. However, exposure of cells to agents which interfere with normal protein turnover suggests that these receptors are internalized and degraded with an apparent half-life of ~6 hours. We show that the time course of maximal accumulation of ligand-receptor complexes is not altered under conditions where degradation of the ligand is inhibited, indicating that no degradation occurs during its first hour of exposure to cells. We also conclusively demonstrate that epidermal growth factor receptors are not recycled during the initial uptake of the ligand, and that a component of pinocytosis of this growth factor is dependent on denovo protein synthesis.  相似文献   



Creatine kinase (CK) links phosphocreatine, an energy storage system, to cellular ATPases. CK activity serves as a temporal and spatial buffer for ATP content, particularly in fast-twitch skeletal muscles. The extraocular muscles are notoriously fast and active, suggesting the need for efficient ATP buffering. This study tested the hypotheses that (1) CK isoform expression and activity in rat extraocular muscles would be higher, and (2) the resistance of these muscles to fatigue would depend on CK activity.  相似文献   

When quiescent cells in monolayer culture are stimulated to proliferate with growth factor, the entry into S-phase or mitosis appears to follow first-order kinetics, with a probability to enter the cell cycle that depends on growth factor concentration (Smith and Martin, 1973). Suboptimal growth factor concentrations also lead to a decreased fraction of the cell population that responds to the stimulation (Brooks et al., 1984). Using flow cytometry, we have re-investigated this dual effect of growth factor concentration on cultures of quiescent normal human skin fibroblasts, stimulated with submaximal concentrations of fetal calf serum, epidermal growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor. The size of the responding population decreased with decreasing concentration of growth factor, but the time course of cell division within this responding population was identical for all growth factor concentrations. This is in conflict with previous concepts and indicates that the entry into the proliferative state is based on a decision mechanism that cannot be adequately described using transition probabilities determined by mitogen concentration.  相似文献   

The role of osmotic forces and cell swelling in the influenza virus-induced fusion of unsealed or resealed ghosts of human erythrocytes was investigated under isotonic and hypotonic conditions using a recently developed fluorescence assay (Hoekstra, D., De Boer, T., Klappe, K., Wilschut, J. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 5675-5681). The method is based on the relief of fluorescence selfquenching of the fluorescent amphiphile octadecyl rhodamine B chloride (R18) incorporated into the ghost membrane as occurs when labeled membranes fuse with unlabeled membranes. No effect neither of the external osmotic pressure nor of cell swelling on virally mediated ghost fusion was established. Influenza virus fused unsealed ghosts as effectively as resealed ghosts. It is concluded that neither osmotic forces nor osmotic swelling of cells is necessary for virus-induced cell fusion. This is supported by microscopic observations of virus-induced fusion of intact erythrocytes in hypotonic and hypertonic media. A disruption of the spectrin-actin network did not cause an enhanced cell fusion at acidic pH of about 5 or any fusion at pH 7.4.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated significant synergistic physiological and biochemical effects between low-dose endotoxin (Etx) administration and oleic acid (OA)-induced canine lung injury. To evaluate whether this interaction depends on Etx priming of some key cell population, we compared the effects of giving low-dose Etx both after as well as before inducing lung injury with OA. In addition to hemodynamic and blood-gas measurements, positron emission tomographic imaging was used to measure edema accumulation and intrapulmonary blood flow distribution. Biochemical measurements of the stable metabolites of prostacyclin and thromboxane were obtained as well as measurements of isoprostanes and reactive sulfhydryls as evidence for possible concomitant oxidant production. We found that the physiological and biochemical effects of low-dose Etx developed 30-45 min after its administration, regardless of whether Etx was administered before or after OA. No increase in either isoprostane or reactive sulfhydryl production after Etx and/or OA was detected. These data suggest that the synergistic effect of low-dose Etx and OA-induced lung injury is not due to a priming effect of Etx.  相似文献   

Sperm-mediated gene transfer (SMGT) is a fast and low-cost method used to produce transgenic animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the concentration of exogenous DNA and the duration of incubation on DNA uptake by bovine spermatozoa and subsequently the integrity of sperm DNA and sperm apoptosis. Spermatozoa (5 × 106 cells/mL) were incubated with 100, 300, or 500 ng of exogenous DNA (pEYFP-Nuc plasmid) for 60 or 120 min at 39 °C. The amount of exogenous DNA associated with spermatozoa was quantified by real-time PCR, and the percentages of DNA fragmentation in spermatozoa were evaluated using SCSA and a TUNEL assay, coupled with flow cytometry. Uptake of exogenous DNA increased significantly as incubation increased from 60 to 120 min (0.0091 and 0.028 ng, respectively), but only when the highest exogenous DNA concentration (500 ng) was used (P < 0.05). Based on SCSA and TUNEL assays, there was no effect of exogenous DNA uptake or incubation period on sperm DNA integrity. In conclusion, exogenous DNA uptake by bovine spermatozoa was increased with the highest exogenous DNA concentration and longest incubation period, but fragmentation of endogenous DNA was apparently not induced.  相似文献   

Recently we described a novel phenomenon observed during eukaryotic translation in a cell-free system: the coupling of initiation and termination on different mRNA molecules. Here we show that the phenomenon does not depend on a special mode of initiation. The mRNAs with certain leader sequences known to require different determinants for successful initiation were examined. Even in a case of using the intergenic internal ribosome entry site (IRES) of cricket paralysis virus RNA as the leader sequence, while no initiation factors are required, the effect of coupling is well expressed, including trials in the presence of hippuristanol as an inhibitor of eIF4A. Thus, the effect persists in the absence of scanning and does not depend on initiator tRNA and eIF2. The results suggest that the initiation factors are not involved in the coupling mechanism.  相似文献   

Division abnormally delayed (Dally) is one of two glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked heparan sulfate proteoglycans in Drosophila. Numerous studies have shown that it influences Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Wingless signaling. It has been generally assumed that Dally affects signaling by directly interacting with these growth factors, primarily through its heparan sulfate (HS) chains. To understand the functional contributions of HS chains and protein core we have (1) assessed the growth factor binding properties of purified Dally using surface plasmon resonance, (2) generated a form of Dally that is not HS modified and evaluated its signaling capacity in vivo. Purified Dally binds directly to FGF2, FGF10, and the functional Dpp homolog BMP4. FGF binding is abolished by preincubation with HS, but BMP4 association is partially HS-resistant, suggesting the Dally protein core contributes to binding. Cell binding and co-immunoprecipitation studies suggest that non-HS-modified Dally retains some ability to bind Dpp or BMP4. Expression of HS-deficient Dally in vivo showed it does not promote signaling as well as wild-type Dally, yet it can rescue several dally mutant phenotypes. These data reveal that heparan sulfate modification of Dally is not required for all in vivo activities and that significant functional capacity resides in the protein core.  相似文献   

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